Simply Soulmates, a Daminette...

By Thesmollestbear

207K 6.7K 2.4K

There are many different soulmate connections. Some are more rare than others. Most people only have 1 form o... More

Chapter 1: A New Guardian Rises
Chapter 2: Airport Mishaps
Chapter 3: an opportunity comes a knocking
Chapter 4: Welcome to Wayne Manor
Chapter 5: Arguments and sketches
Drunken nights, Part:1
Drunken Nights, Part:2
Chapter 9: A Rude Awakening
Chapter 10: Meeting gone wrong. Or right?
Chapter 11: You're Stuck in my mind
Chapter 12: Concussions and cats
Chapter 13: When one door breaks, scream at Damian
Chapter 14: Marinette kicks ass in UMS
Chapter 15: Arguments and exhaustion
Chapter 16: The Asshole resurfaces
Chapter 17: Damian kinda being a brat, but rightfully justified
Chapter 18: Damian doesn't think before he speaks
Marinette meets Jon
The photo, Part:1
The Photo, Part:2
Chapter 22: Feelings, the curse, and Dick showing off his-
Chapter 23: We got Chemistry Baby ;D
Chapter 24: Tree Head
Chapter 25: The Thing in the kitchen
Chapter 26: Long Drive
Chapter 27: Clearing the air, part 1:
Chapter 28: Clearing the air, Part: 2/3
Clearing the air part 3/3
Life dangling by the fingertips, part 1
Life dangling by the fingertips, Part 2
Chapter 32: Lost
Chapter 33: Time Flip
What did I do to deserve you?

Chapter 6: Crime Alley

10.1K 307 45
By Thesmollestbear

As she snuck past the gates of the Manor, she felt her arm tingle. She ignored it and kept walking, putting on Jagged's new song. She wandered out of the neighborhood and walked down a narrow alleyway. She felt a shadow creeping up behind her and she whirled around, punching the being in the face.

"Ouch princess, that kind of hurt." the blonde boy rubbed the side of his jaw. She fumed.

"What the actual FUCK are you doing here Adrien? I told you to leave me alone." his lips pulled back to a snarl, and he backed her up to the wall of a nearby building. She pushed him forward trying to shove him off to the side, but he didn't move. She lashed out and left a swift uppercut underneath his chin. He spat blood out on the ground.

"Ok, I wanted to do this nicely, but, you're coming with me."

"What the hell makes you think I would want to do that?" He smirked.

"Because, if you don't, you can see some of our old friends tonight." A few of her old classmates walked out of the shadows as she gripped her phone tighter. Adrien ran the back of his hand across her cheek. "I'd really hate to mess up such a beautiful face my little ladybug." She whipped her face torwards your hand and tried to bite him. He ripped his hand away from her and struck her cheek. She felt tears well up in her eyes. "Mari, if you come with me now, then things will be different this time, I swear." when she didn't respond, he held her against the wall by her throat. She gagged as he lifted her up. "It's us against the world Mari, why can't you realize that?" She kicked him in the gut and he dropped her. She jumped to a fighting stance.

"There is no us and there never was. Just you and your twisted thoughts. You meant nothing to me except pain and misery! Do you hear me? YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME." With that she swept under his feet and began to run. The shadowed students followed and Adrien got up and spat out a bbit more blood and ran another way, cutting her off. She froze in front of him in the narrow alley and jumped side to side, between the two buildings, reaching the roof where she ran on the rooftops. Adrien was on her tail, leaving the others behind since they didn't know how to scale a building (obviously). She tripped and twisted her ankle, falling off the side of the roof. Adrien caught her and held her in his arms.

"Struggle all you want, but I'm never going to stop chasing and hunting you down. You'll never be truly alone, and even then, I'll find you. You could lock me up in any asylum, but you'll never get rid of me." A green boot flew into Adrien's face, kicking him off to the side. Robin picked Marinette up.

"Are you ok, miss?" her vision was tinted with red and she was seeing spots. "Miss, are you ok?" the boy's voice rang through her head. She was dizzy. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Robin shouted across the building. Adrien laughed coldly, and tossed a needle out in front of Robin. The vigilante grabbed it and put it in his pocket. "What the hell is wrong with you you sick twisted freak?" Adrien pouned, but Robin stepped aside. He threw a smoke bomb at the ground and ran back to the Manor with Marinette in his arms.

"Wait. You have to get him before he-" she couldn't finish. She passed out. As he was jumping, he noticed a sharp pain in his right ankle. Broken, he thought, her ankle as well as mine is broken. Robin kicked open the front door to the manor and placed her on the nearest couch.

"GRAYSON, DRAKE, TODD, PENNYWORTH, FATHER. WILL ONE OF YOU HELP ME?" he took off her shoe where her ankle was swollen. Black purple and blue bruises littered her leg. Damian felt his face loose all color.

"Damian, It's 2 in the morning. This better be good." Damian rolled his eyes and held her ankle. "What the hell happened?" Dick pushed him aside and picked up her leg. A large bruise, in the shape of a hand was over her throat. "Did you two get into a fight? Why did you do this?" Damian was outraged.


"Damian, relax. Tell us what happened." Damian looked over at her, and she was waking up. Tim grabbed his arm, and dragged him out of the room.

"WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL DRAKE?" Tim sternley glared at him with a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you are upset, but your identity is at stake here, along with ours. You are not helping her with your anger. Man up, and calm down and meet us back here after you get dressed." and with that, Tim walked back into the living room to help Marinette.
Damian stomped upstairs and jumped in the shower, feeling the cold water plaster his hair on his forehead. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and stepped out, staring at himself in the mirror. The same bruises he saw on her, were on his own skin. He felt the pain in his ankle and winced, wrapping it and hoping it would heal soon. There was a small incision, on his upper arm, where blood dried. So that's where he stuck the needle. Damian threw on an old T shirt and a pair of pajama pants and jogged downstairs. Marinette was sitting up, with a cup of tea next to his brothers.

"Who was the blonde boy you mentioned?" She took a deep breath and continued.

"His name is Adrien Agreste. He used to be my ex-boyfriend, but in reality, he is a controlling, egotistical bastartard. He believes that we are meant to be, and he thinks that he owns me. His father gave him anything he ever wanted growing up, and since I refuse to associate with him, he wants me. He stuck me with, what looked like propofol." Bruce raised a brow.

"And you know this, why?" Marinette sighed.

"He doesn't change. He injected me with it last time he tried to pull a stunt like this." she turned to Damian. "Did Robin catch him?" he gave her a look.

"He did not, he dropped you off here, and he had a personal matter to take care of." Marinette rolled her eyes. Damian glared. "Would you rather he had left you, alone, passed out on a roof in Crime Alley?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, because now that he has his mind set on finding me, he will stop at nothing to get me. He's repeating history and he can be predictable. You can not trust him." Bruce scooted forward.

"Do you have any idea what his next move would be?" she slouched forward.

"He will most likely try this again and somehow kidnap me again. It might sound crazy, but he has the money to do it and-" Damian sat down in between she and Dick.

"And what?" she moved over to give him room.

"And he has a miraculous." There was a shatter of glass behind them and Alfred with a pale face.

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