Fuck My Life Up /Choen

By whoreforgays

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Noen falls for another straight guy. More

Read my new story please


588 24 17
By whoreforgays

Chase's POV

The day started fairly boring, I told the guys that I came out to my mom. Bryce made the joke that I got my sexuality wrong and that I was, and I quote "Noensexual". Which earned him an elbow from me.

Addy separated from the group after lunch because she had to go get her camera equipment ready for the game. Speaking of the game I have been getting more nervous by the second and it's not helping that Noen hasn't made it to school yet.

He said he was going to be late but I didn't think half of the day late. He was the only one that could take my nerves away and with out him there I will be a literal mess.

My bad luck must also be kicking in because it's starting to get cloudy and pretty chilly which will make us playing in the rain, miserable.

Just as I was passing the gym to go meet the boys in the locker room, I caught a glimpse of a familiar head of blue hair. And just like that my nerves are gone. I stared at him for awhile until I noticed something off about his out fit. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Instead of his normal cheer pant he had in a skirt with his snap pants under it. I felt my stomach cut a flip and the goosebumps rise on my arms. I tired wanted to go in there and complement him but if I was late to meet up with the team, Walker would have my head. So I admire him one more time and go on about my business.


Either the opposite team is having a worst day then me or they are just horrible because we had 2 minutes left of the 3 quarter and the score is 24-6

I still haven't gotten the chance to compliment Noen because during half time I couldn't find him. But I have a 5hr+ flight with him in 43 minutes, yes I'm counting.

26 minutes later.

"And your 2020 State champions, The Valencia Vikings!" Is the last thing I hear after I score the last touchdown. After that, all I hear is inaudible screams and the feeling of a cold liquid covering me... they pour the water bucket on me. Thanks boys, as if I wasn't cold enough. Hunter collects the trophy and we hoist him up on our shoulders.

Addy took our pictures and then we had to do an interview with the local news and take more pictures. After we were all done, we head to the locker rooms.

"New York, here we come baby!" Bryce shouts as we enter the locker rooms, while  everyone else is celebrating our win. I'm just happy we won and we get a break from football until baseball season.

"You guys coming to the after party Kassie is throwing?" Hunter asked the three of us.

"No, we're taking a trip" Bryce answers for all of us with a huge smile. Me and Anthony just look at him and laugh.

We took our showers so fast it made my head spin. I slipped on my joggers and hoodie along with a headband to keep my wet hair out my face. We exited together meeting up with Noen, Abby and all our parents in the parking lot, even Anthony parents came.

They congratulated us, showering us in hugs and kisses. Once I pulled away from Noen's mom embrace, I walked over to him.

"Congratulations, you guys were great." He said shuffling his feet.

"Thanks."  I do t know if I expected more but I was disappointed that was all he said.

Addy's mom was the one dropping us off to the airport so once we were done saying our goodbyes, we got into the SUV and headed there. The ride was short and mostly quiet beside the mentions of how the game was.

Once we made it and got our bags from the trunk, I thought we were going to part from her but no, she made sure we got threw security safe, got our tickets and that we were at our gate on time. I appreciated because knowing us, something probably would have went wrong if we were alone.

We wait in the little lobby thing and all I could notice was Noen face stuck in his phone. He has looked up since we got out the car. I can think about was: who was he texting so much.

I looked over my ticket and noticed we had first class tickets, holy shit. I look over and see Addy setting next to me.

"Yo me and Noen have first class tickets." I say still not believing it.

"Yea I know, he told me last night so I upgraded the rest of ours, even Bryce's. She said like it was just a simple task. Addy is the most kind human, like her family has money but she's not a douche about it. She help her friends in need without thinking twice about it.

I give her a simple smile before I hear our flight  and class being called over the PA. We run to gate in excitement, getting weird looks from 4 businessmen that are in front of us.

"You guys in first class?" The clerk ask giving us an incredulous look. 

We all look at each other offended and hand him our tickets at the same time.

"Ok, sorry. Go on ahead." He says and Addy shouts him a dirty glare.

We find our seats, of course me and Noen or right on side of each other but the rest of the guys are scattered about. (i referred to Addy as one of the guys cause she's a homie,get over it.)
I take off my backpack, putting it on the floor of my little cabin.

I looks around at my friends and the are all happy as can be, especially Bryce, he's like a kid in a candy store. Anthony hasn't said a word but I can tell by the smile he's fine, he's normally quiet anyway. Noen, still has his head in his phone but the tapping of his feet lets me know he's excited and Addy is just taking pictures of Anthony probably worrying the hell out of him.

30 mins past and the flight attendant tells us to take a seat, buckle up and turn our  electronics off. I switch my air plane mode on as Addy walks to her seat. 

I stay in my seat while even after told it's safe to move around. Then, I get bored so I decided to go talk to Noen. "Hi." I say walking up to him.

He looks up from the phone and gives me a soft smile. "Hi, wanna sit?" He asked. The cabin seat was big enough to fit us both on so, I take him up on the offer and sit next to him.

"What's so intriguing about that phone, you haven't looked up from it since the game."

"Shit, sorry. Iv just been handling some last minute things with Jordan." He replies, the way he won't look me in the eyes tells he's not telling the truth but I push.

"Oh, is that why you were three hours late to school?"

"No, I was doing some shopping with my mom." He tells the truth this time.

"That sounds fun, uhh... I told my mom. "

"Told her wh- ohhh, Yea. What did she say?"

"She was surprisingly cool about it, saying she knew. Doubt that."

"Same thing mine said, I think it's some kind of super mom power they have ."

I chucked at his joke.

It stayed quiet for a second until I thought about the initial reason I wanted to talk to him. "Uhm, you really do know how to rock a skirt by the way." I told him. He gives me a shy look before looking back down at our feet.

"Thanks, I was just joking around, there was an extra uniform and Sofia and Bella decided to put me in it so I would match them." He replies with a soft giggle after it. "Though I had my pants under it, it was only because it was cold."

"Still, you looked great in it." I admit. He just returns the compliment with a smile.

I sat with Noen a little while longer before my stomach let out the most embarrassing grumbling noise. "Shit, just realized I haven't ate anything since lunch." Noen gave me a worried look and starts digging threw his bag.

"All I have is gold fish, eat them." He said practically shoving them in my mouth. I open the bag of fish shaped crackers and ate them as I was told. "We can get some food at the hotel." He reassured me.

"Ok, I'm gonna go try and nap, thanks for the goldfish." I left and went back to my seat to sleep.


Noen's POV

Ugh. Honestly, the last place I wanna be right now is on this plane. Yes Im happy to take a break with my friends but suddenly I'm feeling very nervous especially when we're only 30 mins from landing.

I just work up after finally talking to Chase, I lowkey had been avoiding him because I was scared he broke the news and it end bad, but I was also busy with my mom for real. We went shopping but not for me, there's a big surprise coming and I had to lie so it doesn't get ruined.

Jordan just sent me my schedule and I am terrified. This is going to be such a hectic trip for ME. I'm going to go over it with them at the room. For now, i just want to get off this plane, get some food and go to bed. I'm so exhausted and my nerves are wreaking my brain.

I snap out of my thoughts at the sight of Addy in ront of me. "Hey, you ok?" she asked. I didnt know exactly what to say, so i said the first thing that came to me.

"Yep, I'm fine. Just ready to get this over with, my confidence is plummeting."

"Well go thing we landed. Also you're gonna do great, you just wore a skirt in front of the whole school."  Her words confused me, not knowing we landed.

We met up with the guys at the baggage claim. We noticed the grabbed our bags along with theirs, so we thanked them and made our way out the airport. As we ordered the uber and waited, I could see that everyone was totally exhausted.

10 minutes later, the uber pulls up and we get in. Addy sits in the back with the boys while I sit in the front and give the driver the address. The ride was short and quiet which I found weird because it's a Friday night in New York.
I realized that soon as we get to the room, I have to eat and go to bed because I have to be up by 5am.

We get out the uber and grab our bags from the truck and walk in got the very pretty hotel. We made our way to the front desk, and gave the receptionist our information and she handed us 2 key cards after telling us the room number.

A short elevator ride later and we are finally at the door of our room, Addy takes the one of the keys and open the door. Walking into the room I forgot Jordan had booked a suite so we wouldn't be crammed in a small space for a week.

"Holy shit, this is better then I expected ." Bryce  commented.

"Wait, we this is our room?" Anthony asked with an confused face.

"Get your jaws off the floor it's not like it's a pent house." Addy said walking past the boys.

"So there's 2 rooms, me and Addy will take the one and then you 3 can share the other." My explanation was admittedly followed by groans from the 3 boys. "Stop complaining and let's order some food.

I find the room phone and dial the room service number. It was late, so to give the cooks not such a hard time, I just ordered us all burgers and fries.

While we wait for our food we headed to our rooms to unpack. I didn't have the energy to fully unpack so I just got out my stuff for tomorrow.

"I 100% thought you were gonna ask Chase to room with you since this is supposed to be you guys hang out time." Addy said as she dug through her suitcase. "I mean you did promise him."

"Yeah I did. And I will keep that promise, but we don't have to sleep in the same bed to hang out. I have so stuff planned for us....speaking of plans, we need to go over the agenda for tomorrow." I replied.

"Well, let's go meet the boys."

Addy walked out the room and I followed behind her after grabbing my phone with the schedule on it. We walked into the other room, across from us and as soon as the door opens it gets really quiet.

"What were you guys talking about?" Addy asked being messy.

Discarding her question, Anthony asked. "What do you want?"

"We need to go over the schedule for tomorrow and figure out who's going where." I said.

We all exit the room and sit on the couch in the  common area. "Ok, so tomorrow I have to be at IMG for 7 am so be ready for 6 because we are leaving here at 6:10 and not a minute later.  After I meet with Bethany and she will send a me to Calvin Klein HQ , I don't know exactly what I'm going to do there but there's 6 hours scheduled for me to be there. After that I'm go back to IMG and I have to meet some more people and then I'm done for the day."

"Wait, we're going to Calvin Klein?" Bryce jump up from the couch becoming way too excited.

"Yes Bryce, isn't that what I just said?" I ask sarcastically, Bryce just rolls he's eyes. We talk about the schedule a little bit more before the food gets to the room and we ate. I stayed up 30 more minutes to make sure my food was digested before going to bed but once it was I slept like a baby.


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