By Moroti_Writes

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[𝙾𝙽 𝙶𝙾𝙸𝙽𝙶] From grass to grace and back again ... That has always been her story, well Tomiwa Adeshi... More

Meeting The Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21. ♠️
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

44 17 0
By Moroti_Writes

This chapter is dedicated to the birthday boy himself, the one, the only, Fawaz the voice lord!!!!! Today is his birthday guys and I would appreciate if you say a word of prayer for him. Don't let his simple looks fool you oo there is a lot of vocal power under that smile and under that hodddieeee!!🥵🥺🥵 if you dont believe me then check him on IG @fahzille.

Tomiwa pov

God if I said I wasn't loving this school then I am lying because come on. This school was seriously off the chart! It was the dawn of another  Monday morning and a lot of us were excited, and no it's not because we were eager to learn, but because we were all excited about the DGT! Yes I finally learnt the acronyms for it.  Ahhhh!!! I squealed happily in my head, I can't believe I got the lead role thanks to my voice. I went for the audition to show my interest in the musical part of DGT and they didn't hesitate to give me the lead. Emmanuella and Kevin got the lead role for the Academic aspect.

"Ahhhhh I can't believe I am going to be singing with you on stage."

"I know right it's going to be epic!!!"

I said responding to Ebuka almost screaming into his face. It was break  time and we were all in the cafeteria talking excitedly as we were all on the line talking about how this thing is going to turn out. The rehearsals were going to start by 2:00 pm an hour before closing time since we always have free period towards that time.

I was soo in the moment laughing and gisting with Ebuka, and Kevin who I just learn has an older brother. While we were well on our way to our sit which was the center table located to the left. I noticed someone stare At me and this time I felt shiver down my spine and not the good kind. Who the heck is this guys for pit sake, I turned and it was the same guys I noticed staring at me earlier. He winked at me when our eye meet and I glare at him, in the process of this short exchange I didn't look at where I was going and I ended up bumping into someone making her trip, spilling the content in her hands.

"Gawd you dimwit! You spilled my yogurt! Do you know how much it cost ? Do you! This entity things can buy you the millionaire lifestyle you are not qualified to have."

"Wow, Dude will your Calm your Titties. Stop screaming my ears off over a spilled yogurt that isn't even worth 200 naira."

The whole  cafeteria oohed at this , some even screams  burn and I shrugged. Who is this girl and what's her problem, is it untop yogurt she wants to beat me. Okay nah we shall see, when she didn't say anything, I left her there and went to our table to drop my food. Just when I was I was about taking my seat so I could eat, the sound of her voice stoped me as she said.

"Whao! Just Whao, first you waltz into this school through the back Door, and now you think you can steal my thunder?? Oh no, no no no no no no, no!! You might have won the heart of many, including that of Chukuekene but you are going to try harder if you think I will let you walk over me like that."

"Oh wow wow wow! Who exactly are you?"

"Who am I? Whoa look at that, she is soo far up her ass, she doesn't even know the real queen of this school. I am the V.K okay, the real queen of this school."

Whoa would you look at that, another queen bee this one looks even tougher than Tiana from my old school. Hmph if she thinks her loud high pitched voice is going to scared me then she has got another thing coming. After she was done backing I walked back to where she stood, keeping 2 inches between us. A huge smirk on my face when I tiller my head to the side pretending to thinking for a while. My hands stroked my invisible beards and seconds later I snapped my finger as if an idea came to my head before saying

"Wait a minute, V.K ? As in the Villain. Kid? Oh! no wait, it's definitely the Village Kid right? Pssh of cause I am right."

"Urgh you twat it's Victoria komass! and if you want to survive in this school, I'd suggest your fear that name."

" or what? Victoria. last I checked you aren't maleficent daughter , and even if you are I am sure you have a weak spot which I wouldn't hesitate to use again you."

She was shocked. All forms of Anger and hate vanishing from her face. My smirk only grew wider as I cocked my left eye brow at her. Hmph exactly what I thought, she is all back and no bite, who know maybe Tiana from My formal school Is better than her.

" hmmhmm just what I thought, village kid—"

"The name is Victoria!"

"And the Name is Tomiwa, Tomiwa Adeshika. Don't you ever forget that."

She choked on her words and I just giggled pouting at her sarcastically making her glare at me . It all started with a spilled yogurt and that was how  I and Victoria have a clash. She glared at me again and when I kept infuriating her with my facial expression she raised her hand in attempt to hit me but before she could someone stoped her. Turns out it was the same guy who had been staring at me intensely, the same fair guy. I glared at him and he just completely ignored me focusing on Victoria in other to calm her down but she said.

"Let go of me, let go of me Chukuekene, let go! I need to teach this girl a Lesson"

" that's enough Vikky . That's enough already."

Whoa so the guy who has been staring at me intensely the whole time was Chukuekene. And now that I think about it he was the one I met on my first day in this school. This guys is just giving me weird vibe and I wouldn't lie he is kinda intimidating. Well it's settled I am staying away from him I am glad that I was able to put Victoria in her place and the whole school got it all recorded on there phone. Who knew this school allowed there student to bring phone to school.

"You haven't seen the last of me new girl! And if you really want to survive in this school I suggest you stay Away from Chuckenkene And Chiebuka as well."

" looks like I already have village girl."

And with that I walked out on her while Chukuekene dragging her out of the hall while she was yelling cause at me. Is this babe for real she wants me to stay away from Ebuka because she has a crush on him. Yes I got to find out after getting two hate messages from her. If she is saying I should also stay away from Chukuekene, then she doesn't even have to tell me twice That guy look twisted especially because of the way we meet. I took my seat and the whole cafeteria roar to live, I had forgotten the whole place was completely quiet as they watched the drama unfold before their eyes.

" Gawd!!! That was amazing who knew you had that in you all alone."

Kevin said rubbing shoulders with me and I laughed. After taking a sip from my drink I began to dig into my food while chigozie the tallest in the crew said.

" whoa i must say, I am impressed, i didn't see that coming from someone so short. Well I have always know short girls to be feisty."

" hey!! But you are not wrong."

I said giggling before taking another gulp of My drink. We were all eating quietly at our table while everyone was talking and gisting loudly. If my calculations are correct, I am sure they are still talking about the drama that just unfolded. Even I am still thinking about and when some screamed, it immediately got out attention. We all turned to the source and it turned out to be A girl who's name I late found out to be Joan, the health prefect.

" O.m.g! The vide has gone viral!"

She said and someone pulled her done and yanked her phone away from her saying.

" No way let me see!"

The whole cafeteria was dead silent again. What were that talking about what video could They possibly be talking about. I groaned stretching my neck like that will help me see the video they were talking about. Another person that was 4 tables away from our table I recognized her as the assembly prefect. She yelled her eyes as wide as a saucer as she said

"Holy shit! 20k view on Instagram! Chocolate sister is famous!!"

" she has a name Yewande and it's Tomiwa!"

Lydia said yelling from our table startling us in the process. So now I know the name of the assembly prefect, ha so her name is Yewande, it soothes her all the Yewande I know are fair skinned and turns out she is not an exception. Hmm Victoria had really enter one change, She promise to get back at me In this place  good luck to her oo because she is really really going to need it. I finished eating my food and finished what was left of my water.

"Omo 30k  view all on Instagram. By the way Tomiwa, do you have a Instagram account.?"

Lydia asked. The brake was over now and we were all heading for our class I just shook my head at her to signal no. I entered the class and took my sit at the regular Spot. My mind had already wonder to the talent show, could it be that Victoria was feeling threatened by me all in the name of this  talented show known as DGT. well there was only one way to find out.


The end of another amazing  chapter guys
.   I hope you found it just  as interesting as I found it when I was writing it. Any who with no further ado

Pls don't forget to spoil this chapter with
And of cause i'd really appreciate it if you
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💫Thank you. 💫

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