Like Dandelions In The Wind

By Scribble_Maniacs

38.6K 2.1K 2.2K

For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 43

473 37 49
By Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

It got hectic as the ceremony days started nearing. Everyone was crazily panicking with preparations. Dadu and Dadi seemed to be the happiest as their eldest granddaughter was getting married. They were looking into every little thing with all the interest.

Ali was just too much focused on her makeup, dresses, and themes. The rest of the things were left to be handled by others. I gladly escaped myself from meeting the people for finalizing the ceremonies. I don't want to take that big responsibility considering I already have too much going on with myself.

I kept running between my family and Ved's family. How cute it sounds! But anyway yes, and then my work and project. I can't exactly go on deciding and finalizing ceremonies. That's a huge responsibility.

Update on Parth and Laksh is that they are talking out things but I don't know if they have come on the terms or not. Ved is still stubborn as when I tried to talk to him about Rupath yesterday he just hung up on me. Can you believe it? That Mr. Rude hung up on me. But he called late at night and I let it ring.

I didn't pick up until he called for about 2-3 times and sent 4-5 messages. Then I gave in and picked up the call and we again ended up fighting over the same issue. I guess it's gonna be the same for some time now.

Rupath, Parth, Laksh, and Kunal came along with Renee to help out with wedding preparations yesterday. Ved was already present. I was hella embarrassed when Vandy started talking rubbish and clicking pics with the boys but they were cool, well at least looked like that.

Alizeh ran into her room to shut herself from embarrassment but I couldn't as I had to give instructions to some people who came to set the decorations for Mehendi.

Anyway, I ignored as much as I can showing myself as super busy but then I heard loud shouting coming. I don't have to tell the egoistic kids were into some argument over...

Well, I don't care as they just try to get into a fight over any stupidest thing. The other day they were fighting over if there is extra salt in dal fry or not and that moved to how ignorant Ved is and how arrogant Rupath is. The fight ended up with them sitting separately.

I, Renee, Parth, and Laksh decided to sit separately away from their drama to spare us from that torture. Parth and Laksh seemed to be distant showing everything has again gone down with them just like how Renee predicted. I asked Parth to which he didn't say much and just ended the topic by saying Laksh needs some more time to decide things with his life.

I thought of leaving it there as he was not comfortable talking about it. Neither did I ask Ved or anyone else.

Today was some busy day yet again. The boys took off stating they had some left-over work for the band. I don't know what exactly but low-key I still hope to see them together again performing on that big stage but it's real-life which won't work like that.

Renee has anyway taken off from her work until the wedding is over so she was here along with Ved. Who is showing up just now after lunch? I gave him a glare as soon as he entered but he gave me a smile as Dadi and Dadu asked him to check the wedding invitations.

No one even showed it to me to and look here. I guess someone is getting too close to my Delhi family. But that didn't make me feel bad. In fact, what's the best thing than this.

I got seated beside Ved on the couch. I saw Vandy rolling her eyes as she made her way upstairs. Gladly enough every other person sitting here ignored her.

Ali was talking loudly sitting beside Dadi and Renee. Dadu was smiling slightly looking at her as Vihaan and Tara were looking into invitations and discussing something with wide grins.

"What did you think, Ved?" Ali asked with excitement.

"Hmm... It has come out well." Ved said with a thoughtful face. He was a little reluctant. I looked at the card in his hand too and it was not that attractive.

"But?" Ali asked again.

"But I feel I don't know... I might be wrong but something is off with fonts." Ved said again as I saw Dadi, Dadu, and Renee smiled and look at Ali who frowned.

"Exactly!" Dadi said.

"Do you think so too?" Ved asked raising his eyebrows.

"Of course, we all told her the same but she didn't listen to us," Dadu said.

"What is off?" Ali asked looking at the card in her hand.

"I don't know. I'm not good with that but well, when I see it then it didn't look attractive." Ved said giving the card one more look.

"That's the thing," Dadi said again with a nod.

"Fine. Renee just comes with me tomorrow. We will change this." Ali said crooking her eyebrows.

"Okay," Renee said letting out a laugh.

"What else?" Dadi asked looking around.

"Mehendi girls?" She asked like a strict teacher asking about homework.

"Done. They will come some 2 hours before the ceremony." Ali said with a nod.

"Okay, then Chooda and Puja?" She asked again looking into her notebook.

"That's done as well," Renee said.

"Haldi?" She asked, further checking.

"I don't know. Mom is looking into it." Ali said.

"Then ask her. We don't want anything at the last minute." Dadi said making me chuckle. I and Ved exchanged one look with smiles.

"I have talked to Guruji. So that's done too." Dadi said again.

"Rest decoration people. They need to switch the decorations on time. You have detailed them, right?" Dadi asked. Dadu was looking at her with amusement.

"Yes, Dadi. You just think too much." I said with a smile.

"Afterall her eldest granddaughter's wedding is there." Dadu said putting a sly smile. We all chuckled.

"Of course, I wasn't even this excited for my own daughter's wedding." Dadi said genuinely. Oh! I can totally understand why.

"Shit!!!" We all looked at Ali who has terrifying expressions.

"I still don't have the people to capture all those beautiful moments." She said getting panic.

"Ved?" I asked giving a questioning look. He looked at Ali.

"Yes, I talked to people about it. They will be here and shoot as you want them too." He said making me smile. I was impressed.

Ali has priceless expressions as she grinned widely looking genuinely happy.

"Are you serious?" She said getting up from her seat with all excitement. Ved gave her a nod.

"You are amazing!" She said containing her emotions. We all were just smiling looking at her.

"Are those wedding photographers?" I asked him.

"Umm..." He said looking at me, "No."

I threw a questioning look at him. I saw Ali with the same expressions.

"What are you saying?" I asked again. Ved let out a sigh.

"That is my team, okay?" He said looking at the ground being shy and all, huh?

I widened my eyes and looked at Ali. She always wanted this. My happiness has no boundaries. I was grinning from ear to ear hearing him. Ali had even the widest grin as she looked at Ved being grateful.

"The people I know are out at the moment and I was anyway getting bored sitting at home so I thought why not," Ved said with a shrug acting cool. I adore this man so much.

"But wedding photography?" I asked as I don't want him to do this just for me if he not that interested.

"Well, let's give it a try. What's the use of my skills if they aren't used for my people." He said looking at me. I smiled back.

Dadu and Dadi along with Ali and Renee were grinning too.

"I just want to hug you tight. Come here." Ali said coming towards Ved who looked not so ready when Ali engulfed him in a tight hug.

We let out a laugh looking at them.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't have to waste my time looking at photos as I got the best one out there who I can trust blindly." She said getting excited all over again as she made her way back to her seat.

"Your team?" I asked.

"Yes, I had to arrange all people I know together." He said.

"Yours is fine but how did they get ready?" I asked again filling him up with my never-ending questions.

"It's me. No one can say no to me. Now you know how famous I am." Ved said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't waste an opportunity, no?" I asked giving him a look to which he let out a laugh.

I looked ahead to see Dadi and Dadu looking at us with adoration. I gave them a questioning look to which they just shrugged it off.

"But we won't let you work for free. You have an expensive camera and stuff. Besides those people. They might be doing for you but we don't know them." Dadi said making her clear.

"We will talk about it later," Ved said with a nod. I rolled my eyes. Of course just like my past experiences.

"Dadi he always does that and then doesn't take anything," I said.

"That won't work, Ved," Dadu said as Dadi frowned looking at Ved.

"I will charge my fees. Happy?" Ved said looking at them.

"You have to and before starting the work, you have to tell us that," Ali said this time glaring at him.

"Okay," Ved said nodding. Ali gave him a smile as she got a call.

"Okay, I'm excited. Let's go, Renee." She said and vanished upstairs with Renee following her.

"Thank you, Ved for doing this," Dadi said when Ali was out of the sight. Ved shook his head.

"You don't have to. You called me your family." He said with a smile. I smiled along.

Dadi and Dadu exchanged look as they let out a laugh.

"That's right," Dadu said with a nod.

"So get back to preparations now," Dadi said eyeing Ved as he chuckled.

"Yes, boss!" He said saluting her and making us laugh.


Everyone got busy with the preparations. Ved showed some of his work over the years to Dadu, Dadi, and Chachu, Chachi making them super impressed with him. Yes, he brought his laptop along with him for the same purpose as he intended to show them some of his videography skills just to make sure of things.

I don't even know why did he even think that they won't like his work. He is pretty famous in his circle. I have seen his shows many times and smiled proudly when his name came in credits.

After the praising session, Ved got busy with his calls. I made my way inside when jewelers came to meet. I stopped at the backyard garden when I saw Vihaan and Tara laughing. Let's get some entertainment for me. I smirked a little and made my way towards them.

"What's up, people?" I said cheerfully making Vihaan frown and Tara smile.

"You look happy?" Tara said through a smile.

"Am I always sad?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Not exactly but today it's super happy," Tara said again.

"Just..." I said with a shrug and looked at grumpy Vihaan.

"No reason," I said giving him a smirk. He threw an irritated look at me.

"So what's going on? You didn't go with Ali and Renee?" I asked looking at Tara.

"No. Actually, thought of looking into inside preparations." She said.

"More like you are liking someone's company," I said giving a smile to Vihaan.

"What?" Tara asked but I knew she got me by just looking at her expressions.

"Ignore her." Vihaan said getting frustrated, "Don't you have to mingle with Ved?"

"Shut up!" I said. I saw Tara smiling at us.

"I saw his work. He is damn good." Tara said making me smile. I don't know why but it made me happy and proud.

"Now?" I asked with confusion as I didn't see her anywhere. So it's not possible unless she has some invisibility cloak.

"No. Alizeh told me about him so I searched for a bit and got to know that my favorite program is shot and directed by him." She said with a shrug. I gave her an 'o' expression.

"Ali is lucky that he agreed and I guess I need to ask for an autograph." She said with a smile. I chuckled listening to her.

"Go ahead," I said with a nod.

"I must say you have got a taste babe and sadly it closed an opportunity for me." She said making a sad face and she winked at me. I let out a laugh.

"Okay, leave me. What is happening with you two?" I asked eyeing them. They exchanged a brief look before looking back at me.

"Nothing. Getting to know." Tara said with a small nod.

"See, we girls are so straightforward, no?" I said to which she laughed wholeheartedly.

"Are you done?" Vihaan asked with irritation.

"No," I said rolling my eyes. Vihaan face lit up as he looked past me. I gave him a confused look and followed his gaze.

"Finally you are here. I am so glad." Vihaan almost pushed me and ran towards Ved as he hugged him briefly.

"Why?" Ved asked giving him a questioning look.

"Because she thinks girls are pretty straightforward unlike us," Vihaan said with a mocking smile. Ved chuckled looking back at us. Tara and I glared at them.

"Isn't it the joke of the century?" Vihaan asked again through his weird laugh.

"Excuse me?" Tara asked raising her eyebrows.

"Dude, just leave it. I don't think we will win anyway." Ved said. "But that doesn't mean I don't agree with you." He said further making Vihaan chuckle.

"You got wings, Kashyap," I asked through the glare. Ved shrugged at me.

"But I would like to tell you the same thing which I told her back," Tara said coming forward and looking at Ved making him confused.

"You are amazing with your work and your show is my utmost favorite." She said putting her best smile. Ved gave her a smile and nod. Vihaan looked at Ved with a smile.

"Thanks." He said getting a little awkward clearly not used to this. I smiled looking at him.

"I don't have anything with me now but I will be taking your autograph soon," Tara said further.

"Seriously?" Ved asked raising his eyebrows not believing her.

"You till now take autographs? It's replaced by photographs long back." Vihaan said to which Tara shrugged.

"Yes, I like it the old way. Photos don't have the feels those autographs have. I don't have my diary where I keep the autographs of all the people I respect and adore. In all of the fields," She said.

"I am honored to be with them," Ved said making her giggle.

"Umm..." Ved further gave her a questioning look and confusing her.

"Oh sorry." She said giving apologetic expressions, "Tara Maheshwari."

Tara forwarded her hand towards Ved who shook it gladly with a smile.

"Oh, so you are Tara." He said suddenly looking at me. I nodded at him as Vihaan hit him gently when Tara was looking back at me with confusion. Vihaan gestured Ved to stay quiet to which he nodded.

"Yes?" Tara asked being not sure what Ved was pointing at.

"Nothing. I have just heard about you." Ved said with a small smile.

"Good?" Tara asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah! You can say that." Ved said through a chuckle.

"You are into business as well?" Ved asked further.

"Yup. I am going to start my own business soon." Tara said smiling widely.

"Pretty cool," Ved said.

"I am going to be straightforward too," Ved said making us confused.

"Are you two dating or something? Because I have seen you both together all the time." Ved asked. I was impressed with Kashyap. I looked at the new couple in town with curiosity.

"Dude, I am with you most of the time," Vihaan said putting his hand around Ved. Tara chuckled shyly.

"That's not true, Vihaan," Ved said.

"It is!" Vihaan nodded.

"No, we aren't exactly dating," Tara said.

"Exactly?" I asked with raised brows.

"I mean I like his company but it's a pretty long way to go. Like what after the wedding is over? I live in Canada and him in New York." She said.

"The real thing will start then. We need to be a little practical about all the things." She said further as Ved and I looked at each other at the same time.

"Hey, Ved. That reminds me of something." I said with a sarcastic smile. Ved looked at Vihaan who shook his head a bit.

"Dadi has asked me to get those boxes off your room," Ved said changing the topic.

"Finally? I am so touched. I could get the whole room by myself." I said dramatically as Tara laughed looking at me.

"Yeah, please take her away," Vihaan said moving to Tara's side.

"Don't make it way too obvious people," I said as Ved finally pulled me out of the place.


I entered my room with Ved following me. I stopped and looked around the messy place. For the first time in my life, my room wasn't messy because of my stuff but because of these boxes. I have no idea what's inside them neither I was curious. But they just were spread inside my room.

I just noticed Cody was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I shook my head looking him. He looked at us as he smelled us getting into the room. His tail started moving rapidly as he got up and ran towards Ved. Ved bent onto his knees and started talking to him. He caressed Cody and Cody was busy jumping around him.

"Are you going to shift all of these?" I asked after a few moments when Cody tail got to halt and he just sat beside Ved sticking to him close.

"I am not sure. She just said bring those boxes. I had no idea there are these many." Ved said getting up and looking around the room.

"Oh yeah, they have shifted the storeroom here," I said moving my gaze around on those boxes.

"Or maybe they already converted this to the storeroom. You just happen to stay here." Ved said with a shrug. I gave him a deathly glare as he started laughing.

"You can give me that look later. Just go and ask which of these boxes because I got no idea." He said again. I shook my head in disappointment as I moved to go downstairs again.

"Fine," I said as I got out of the room.

It took me around 10 minutes to search where Dadi was as I basically forgot to ask Ved and neither I had my mobile with me. I roamed around asking people and finally found her.

She told me about the specific boxes she wants which has even more of Puja stuff for the upcoming Puja ceremony making me frown. So, I not going to get rid of all of them.

I made my way upstairs yet again and pushed the door further not seeing Ved where I left him. I moved inside the room looking around to see him standing near my bed with his head hung low. I gave a confused look as I walked up to him.

Shit, he read the piece I wrote sometime back. I was arranging all of the papers so I forgot I left it just like that in the morning.

"Ved..." I said getting his attention. He looked at me with his chocolate orbs holding some deep emotions.

I took the paper from him and went through it. It was a poem I wrote thinking of him, expressing my pain and asking him to be there for me as I do the same. It was not meant to be read by him by any chance. It's just... He's my muse. The pain he left me with has actually been inspiring for me to write such short poems and letters and then an entire book. I would have shared it with him somewhere in the future when we will be in a better time. I never wanted him to find them like this.

"You looked into it already?" I asked and kept it down with the rest again, "You are not supposed to read that." I said looking at him with a frown.

He still was staring at me.

"You write..." He said and paused taking a deep breath, "Beautifully."

"Thanks," I said with a small smile.

"You like it?" I asked looking curiously at him. He didn't say anything for a moment.

"It held some deep pain. You went through..." He was saying but stopped closing his eyes.

"I am sorry," Ved said in a low voice looking at me again. I felt some deep pain inside me.

He has a few tears which he rushed to wipe as he moved away from me but I saw them anyway. It broke my heart seeing him like this. I wish he wouldn't have read that piece.

"For every other pain, I gave to you," Ved said in some time with his voice broken a little. I moved to hold him.

"I never meant to hurt you, Zivah." He said shaking his head a little.

"I know I am a jerk." He said looking back at me. I shook my head.

"You are not, Ved. You were just being considerate for me. You were just being careful enough so I won't make any mistakes in a rush." I said standing in front of him and making him look at me.

"I should have reached you before." He said.

"Now is not late either," I said putting a smile to cheer him up.

"But I didn't exactly make any efforts." He said further with a sad smile.

"It has always been you who said those words." He said. I just looked at him not knowing what to do. I can't see him vulnerable like this.

"How can you love me this much?" He asked again. I let out a sigh.

"I don't know. I just do." I said shaking my head. I smiled a little at him.

"Why someone like me? When you go so many better options." He said again making me frown.

"You were never an option for me," I said putting my hand over his cheek.

"I have done enough mistakes. I want to make up for them." He said as I nodded a little. A tear escaped my eye which he wiped right away and left his hand there on my cheek.

"Not anymore. Not for me." He said with his voice so low. His breaths were fanning my face.

"Why didn't you move on when you had a choice? Why you kept stuck at someone like me?" He asked with frustration moving his hand away from my face.

"What do you think of me?" I asked crooking my eyebrows. Ved wasn't looking at me. His gaze was fixed on the ground between us.

"Why didn't you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you are fine." He said looking up at me again.

"And then?" I asked with a frown.

"Well, we could have had an extra-marital affair." He said with a small smile. I let out a laugh.

"Disgusting man. I wouldn't have cheated on that poor man." I said looking back at him with a small smile. He has the same deep expressions which spoke a lot to me. I wiped his cheeks and eyes for remaining tears and let my hands rest on his shoulders.

"Promise me that you will never leave me alone now. That you will stand with me through everything." I asked looking directly into his eyes and hoping he won't take his gaze away. And he didn't. Instead, he held me by my waist and pulled me closer.

"I promise." He said in a low whispering voice looking down at me. This time I was the one moving my gaze from his. I looked down sadly with tears holding my eyes.

"What?" Ved asked.

"I don't know. I don't trust you." I said shaking my head. His eyes held sadness as they looked into mine.

"You will run away again once this wedding is over," I said breaking a little.

"I won't." He said shaking his head calmly with his voice soft but firm.
"I promise." He whispered.

If I showed you my teardrops,
Would you collect them like rain,
Store them in jars,
That is labeled with "Pain",
Would you follow their tracks,
From my eyes down my cheeks,
As they write all the stories,
I'm too scared to speak,
Would you stop them with kisses,
Bring their flow to halt,
As you teach me that pain,
Isn't always my fault,
Would you hold my face gently,
As you dry both my eyes,
And whisper the words,
"You are too precious to cry",
If I showed you my teardrops,
Would you show me your own,
And learn through we're lonely,
We're never alone.

I finished the same poem Ved read as my eyes were wet with tears flowing through my eyes.

A small smile formed on Ved's face as his eyes told me that whatever he was saying is true. They were asking me to believe in that promise and I did. His eyes scanned my face and settled on my lips. I felt some known emotions rushing through me. He put his hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears away.

"You truly are too precious to cry." He whispered with so many emotions speaking his truth making me smile.

He bent towards me and I closed my eyes anticipating that touch I missed all these years. The next moment, I felt his lips against mine as his beard tickled my face. I pulled him closer by putting my hands around his neck. The kiss was gentle and soft. Ved was never good with his words. He always expressed how he felt towards me and this kiss wasn't anything else. It was his way of showing me that I can trust him and that he won't break his promise this time.

I already did believe what his eyes told me but through this kiss, I know he won't break me ever. I knew he would be there with me through everything, that I won't be alone again. A tear escaped my eyes as he deepened the kiss pulling my face closer to him. He kissed me with urgency and I returned his affection showering him with all the love I kept inside me for these two years. I felt overwhelmed with all feelings I felt towards him. There was a rush of emotions through my whole body. I felt the same excitement and thrill I felt when my lips first met his on that camp night. I was so lost in our moment that I forgot my need to breathe. I just didn't want this to end. But Ved broke the kiss when we were out of breath.

"I love you." I breathed looking at him with so much love. Ved smiled looking down at me as he cupped my face wiping the tears away.

"I know, princess." He said in a low voice making me chuckle. I stared at his lips again as he connected them again without wasting any time. The rush was too much as we moved our lips quickly trying to feel each other as much as we could in this short time we got.

I happily pulled him closer as we stumbled on the bed and fell right away breaking the kiss. I started laughing hysterically along with Ved. He kept his head in the crook of my neck as we stayed like that until Cody came running inside the room making us widened our eyes as we left the door open.

Ved started caressing Cody as soon as Cody jumped on the bed. I looked at them with all the affection. My family is complete yet again and I'm hoping for it to stay the same. And it was the moment I made a promise to myself that I'll never let it break. No matter how much times get difficult for us, I'll fight for us and I know Ved is also ready for that battle. That's all I ever needed.


✨Author's Note✨

So that was all for now. Let us know what you feel about this one.

VOTE by pressing ⭐

Zivah will be back with another update soon.

Till then, Bye.

Loads of love.❤️

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