Falling in love with//Jabezvi...

By Vallykforlife

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I don't want to spill tea so just read it More

chapter 1 the day we move
chapter 2 The fight
chapter 3
chapter 4 the accident
chapter 5//The hangout
give me Ideas
chapter 6 The sleep over
chapter 7 The break up
chapter 8 The day he moved in
chapter 9// random
Chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13/I don't know
chapter 14/I don't know
chapter 15//uhh the new boy
chapter 16 The date
chapter 17 the kiss
chapter 18/the new girl
chapter 19/random random
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24 the double date
what should I do

chapter 11

79 6 0
By Vallykforlife

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
My head was hurting a little from yesterday but not a lot.

I started to think about if I wanted to go to school because I really didn't want to see Jabez. After that night.
But I wanted to have good grades . So I took a shower and did my routine.

Then, I looked in the closet and found this

My hair was in two braids with a black beanie

Then, I went to my mom room and saw that Terry and her was sleep so I gave her a kiss and walked out the room door and went downstairs. And made me a quick meal when, I was done eating I grab my bag my phone and my keys and walked out the door. And got into my car and drove off.

When, I made it to school I got out the car and lock my door and went to class and sat by saniya and Mya

Mya:were you was at the party we couldn't fine you

Chaz:don't want to talk about it right now

Saniya:you always say that

Chaz:cuz I don't want to talk about it

Mya:ok you don't have to but you was lit at that party

Saniya:I know right

Chaz:I know I was but I know I was getting to lit

I said laughing

Mya:yea you was

She said as she smiled

Saniya:so y'all want to do something after school

Chaz:naw I think I'm going to stay home and chill

Saniya:ok Mya what about you

Mya:yea I'm down

Saniya:ok Chaz text us if you change your mind


Chaz:ok I will

Saniya:well I'll be back I got to go to the restroom


Then, she walked out the class room.

Mya:So what happened between you and Jabez

Chaz: Nothing

Mya: something had to happen for you thinking I was Jabez so what happen

Chaz:he's back with Jass

Mya:wait what

Chaz:I told you he didn't like me

Mya:how did you fine out

Chaz:Jass dm me  on Instagram threading me me to stay away from Jabez

Mya:that bitch thirsty for a man

Chaz:y they just in a toxic relationship anyways

Mya:I know before you know there going to break up again

Chaz:yea I know right

Then, saniya walked back in and sat down.

Saniya:So what y'all talking about

Mya:not really anything but anyways what we doing after school

Saniya: going to the mall

Mya:ok Chaz you sure you don't won't to come

Chaz:100% sure


When, first class was over I went to my Locker into Jabez walked up to me.

Jabez:can we talk

Chaz:there is nothing to talk about Jabez I get it ok

Then, I walked off to go to next class.

When, school was over I walked out if the school to see Jabez standing by my car

Chaz:Jabez plz just leave me alone

Jabez:ma can we just talk

Chaz:how many time I'm going to keep telling you there is nothing to talk about.

I said with one tear coming down my eyes

Jabez:ma plz

Chaz:stop calling me that

Then, I got in my car and drive off

Chaz pov

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I really hate this so much.
It's just so hard for me I don't want to live like this no more

Then, I started to cry a Little
End of pov

When, I made it home I wipe my face then, I walked into the house. To see Terry sitting in the couch

Chaz:were is my mom

Terry:at work

Chaz:O ok

Then, I went upstairs to my room. And put my things down and layed in my bed face forward.

Then, I got up and got on to my phone . Then, I turn On some music. It was this song

Then, I started to sing it crying

Chaz: I fell by the wayside like everyone else I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself our every moment, I started to replace 'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say
When you hurt under the surface like trouble water running cold well, time can heal but this won't
So before you go was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better? If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather so before you go was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting it kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless so before you go
Was never the right time, whenever you called
Went little, by little untill there was nothing at all our every moment I started to replay But all I could think about is seeing that look on your face

When, the song was over I fell asleep

*5 hours later*

Then, I woke up from hearing a nock On the door.
So I got up and went downstairs and looked out the window and saw Mya.
So I open the door and let her in.

Mya:hey Chaz

Chaz:hey Mya what are you doing here

Mya:I came by to check on you

Chaz: ok want to come in


Then, she walked in and I closed the door and we both sat in the couch.

Mya:So have you and Jabez talk

Chaz:No and can we not talk about him it's really not the time


Chaz:well want to watch a movie

Mya:yea let's watch Riverdale


I turn on the series and got some snacks we started to eat the snacks and watch the movie.

*3 hours later*

When, the series was over Mya went home. Then, I went upstairs and went in my room and started to smoke. Because I felt really pissed. Then, I heard a nock on the door so I went downstairs and open the door

Chaz:hEy jAbEZ

Jabez:are you high

Chaz:No maybe

I said giggling

Then, he look down and saw it in my hand so he took it and threw it

Chaz:hey what the fuck

Then, he picked me up and took me to my room and put me in my bed

Jabez:why did you do that ma

Chaz:what's the point of life Jabez All I do is get hurt so really what is the point.

Jabez:so I hurt you that bad

Chaz:yea I have feeling you know

Then, I turn around to other side of the bed so I didn't see Jabez

Jabez:well I'm going to go and me and Jass broke up

After he said that I didn't know what to say so I was just in silence

Then, he walked out the room.

Chaz pov


Then, I started to cry

End of pov

Then, some minutes later I stop crying and went to the bathroom and took a bath to get my mind off things . Then, I put this on

Then, I put my hair in a bun

I layed in my bed and went to sleep really upset.

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42.4K 479 35
just read it, if you don't like it idc :) btw, i dont re-read my chapters so if there are any faults please don't mind em
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I'm not good at descriptions so just read the book I promise it's good😌
3.3K 171 39
I can't really explain it so Read it
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Man just read it😫😂 My first story im trying sum new If you dont like it then dont read it OFFICIALLY COMPLETED✅