"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...

By RaveHaynes

221K 6.7K 5.3K

A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... More

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Dinner With Mom, Again?"
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Good News."
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"Tong Tian."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Let Me Go!"
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."
"Saved By Our Friend."

"Gu Yang Visits."

1.3K 57 61
By RaveHaynes

  Bai LuoYin listened as Yan Ya Jing warned him about Gu Hai with wide eyes. "He is going to get you," she said, sniffling. "My hands look horrible!"
  Gao was in the background laughing. His sense of humor was tickled by what Gu Hai had done. He felt sorry for his wife, but after she had explained what she and Bai LuoYin had done to him, he laughed. No wonder Gu Hai had vanished from his birthday party, he had been held captive! Even though he knew he should side with his beautiful wife, he couldn't help but give credit to Gu Hai, what a master planner!
  Yan Ya Jing turned to hit him a few times in his upper arm as he continued to laugh at her. "It's not funny!" she said and turned her attention back towards her call with Bai LuoYin. "Bai LuoYin, be careful, he is going to do something far worse to you!"
  Bai LuoYin swallowed hard. She was right, knowing Gu Hai, he was plotting something in his mind as he drove home. He heard the front door close downstairs and rushed to hang up the phone.
  "Be careful," Yan Ya Jing whispered quickly before she hung up.
  Bai LuoYin jumped into the bed and pulled the covers up over his head. He knew the covers wouldn't save him. Pretending to be asleep wouldn't either. He heard Gu Hai walk up the stairs and into their bedroom. He listened as he undressed, showered and sink into the bed next to him with ease.
  Gu Hai reached over and pulled Bai LuoYin into his arms. He pulled him close so that Bai LuoYin's back rested on his chest and he snuggled his chin into his neck, taking in the scent of him.
  Bai LuoYin's mind reacted frantically. Oh no! He's going to fuck me until I'm sore all over, he thought. His mind painted a vivid picture of Gu Hai showing no mercy and he began to sweat profusely. Visions of Gu Hai sucking and leaving love marks on his entire body flooded his mind. Under his arms became sweaty and he wanted to take another shower. He knew that if he got up to take one though, Gu Hai would join him and probably ruin him on the floor of the bathroom. He shuttered at the thought.
  Gu Hai felt Bai LuoYin tense and he grinned. Oh, he thought to himself, Yan Ya Jing must have warned him. He would leave Bai LuoYin alone for a few days. He was tired tonight. It gave him pleasure that Bai LuoYin didn't know when he was going to strike. Let him worry for a few days, he thought, as he drifted into dreamland.

  The next morning, at breakfast, Bai LuoYin watched Gu Hai like an eagle. He was worried that his husband would do something to the food, but to his surprise, nothing happened. They ate together and took the women to their doctor's appointment. In the evening, Bai LuoYin invited the women to stay over at the house with them, surely Gu Hai wouldn't try anything slick with them around, would he?
  "Your home is so beautiful," Ying Yue said, admiring the living room and its decor.
  The guys thanked her and decided to cook lunch together. The doorbell rang and Bai LuoYin went to answer it.
  "Gu Yang!" Bai LuoYin said as he opened the door. Seeing this guy standing before him upset his belly and his mood.
  "You always sound surprised to see me," Gu Yang said flatly. He leaned in closer and added with a flirty tone, "Does it excite you in certain places when your eyes catch mine?"
  Bai LuoYin watched as Gu Yang's eyes moved down from his face, past his chest, to the front of his pants, and stop where his private part was located. He made a face of disgust and grunted his irritation at him.
  "Don't worry. I didn't come to see you," he said, unbothered, "where is my cousin?" 
  Bai LuoYin stepped out of the way and let him inside. They went into the kitchen and everyone tried to be nice to the guy who always seemed to be miserable.
  Gu Yang did his usual. He linked his hands behind his back and walked around, judging everything. "This doesn't look well in the kitchen," he said, then looked over at Gu Hai, who laughed nervously.
  Bai LuoYin cleared his throat as if something had gotten stuck in it and Gu Hai straightened his posture.
  "Cousin," Gu Hai said, "why must you always pick at everything?"
  Gu Yang moved towards something else and said, "If I don't give you my honest opinion, how will you learn? If you are going to decorate your home, do it right. You don't want people to laugh at you because you don't know how to do it right, do you?" he asked and looked over at him as if he were waiting for an answer. 
  Gu Hai shook his head, "When we decorate, it's for our own liking and taste," he said. "You may not like it, but we do."
  "I like it!" Jiang Yifei said out loud and held her hand high in the air as if she were in school and the teacher had asked an easy question. Ying Yue shook her head at her as if to say, stay out of it. She popped a carrot into her mouth so that she didn't speak again.
  "Is everything alright?" Gu Hai asked, changing the subject.
  Gu Yang turned to face the room. His eyes settled on the surrogate mothers and deep inside his soul, he felt uneasy. He looked at his cousin and then at Bai LuoYin. This was all Bai LuoYin's fault, his doing. This fantasy that his cousin was living in was too much. How could Gu Hai think that this was normal? To be married to a man and have a woman just carry his child, it didn't look right. Now they all sat around the kitchen cooking together as if they were a family. This was insane behavior. Did crazy people flock together like birds, he thought to himself. "Everything is fine with me," he said and took a seat close to them.
  Ying Yue shifted in her seat and he frowned at her. "I'm so hungry," she nervously chuckled. She had hoped that he didn't see how uncomfortable he made her, but failed.
  "I wanted to spend some time with you," Gu Yang said directly to Gu Hai. "Is there anything you need? I have some free time for a while."
  Bai LuoYin wanted to throw up. If Gu Hai's cousin was going to be around for a while, he didn't think he would be able to keep his cool for that long. "It's okay, we have everything covered," he said.
  Gu Yang ignored Bai LuoYin and said to Gu Hai, "Family should help each other. In times like this, it means more when family did things for one another. Having a stranger do them takes away the value of things when a family member can do the same thing and have it mean more."
  Gu Hai nodded.
  Bai LuoYin had to admit, he had a point. Fine, he thought to himself, Gu Yang could help out a bit, but not too much. If he was rude to anyone, he would just pull him aside and put him in his place. He was tired of Gu Yang getting away with all his slick remarks.
  "Then, have dinner with us," Gu Hai offered. "But, you have to help." He handed his cousin a knife so that he could cut some vegetables into a bowl.
  Gu Yang did as he was told without objecting to manual labor. He wanted to observe this so-called-family. He wanted to see if they were all delusional, or if they were just plain crazy. If they were, he would have his father talk to Gu Wei Ting. He should know that his son is being influenced to do ridiculous things by Bai LuoYin. How can these people think that they are a family?!
  Even with Gu Yang being in the same room as them, they laughed and had a good time. Jiang Yifei picked up a carrot and was about to put it in her mouth when Gu Hai nudged Bai LuoYin, who laughed.
  Ying Yue also looked over at what they were seeing and broke out laughing. She hid her face from embarrassment and the fact that she saw what they had seen in the carrot. 
  Having the dirty mind that he did, Gu Hai noticed that the carrot was oddly shaped. It looked like a penis! They laughed, and only Jiang Yiefi and Gu Yang were left out of the joke. They sat there with lost expressions on their faces.
  "What's so funny?" Jiang Yifei asked, looking at all three of them confused. She wanted to know so that she could laugh also.
  "Are you laughing at me?!" Gu Yang asked feeling offended.
  "No," Gu Hai said and calmed himself for the sake of getting into an argument with his cousin. "I'm laughing because Bai LuoYin bumped into me and I almost fell. Ying Yue saw this and laughed as well," he answered.
  This made Ying Yue laugh even harder. She laughed so much that her stomach jumped with each giggle. It was too hilarious and poor Jiang Yifei was clueless.
  Gu Yang eyed them suspiciously. They were all crazy, he thought to himself. He arched his eyebrows and went back to what he was doing.
  When it was time to eat, Gu Yang let them know that he wouldn't eat with them. He had enough of their family time and didn't want to be around them anymore. He informed them that he would stop by tomorrow and left.
  "Your cousin doesn't laugh much, does he?" Ying Yue asked Gu Hai.
  He nodded and said, "Even when we were younger, he didn't laugh much."
  "Did he not have a happy childhood?" Jiang Yifei asked, taking a bite of her food.
  "He did," Gu Hai said, "but he was always busy crafting things that his father gave to him. His father was strict, but still had a gentleness towards him when he was younger. It wasn't until Gu Yang got older that his father expect more from him. He is a well known businessman and he wanted his son to carry on his legacy."
  Ying Yue nodded to let him know that she understood.
  "A lot of men who run and own multi-million dollar companies want to pass it on to their sons," Gu Hai said as if it were a fact.
  Jiang Yifei hesitated for a second, then asked, "Would you force your son or daughter to run your company?"
  From Gu Hai's peripheral vision, he saw Bai LuoYin sit up straighter and give him his full attention.
  "I don't ever want to force my child to do something he or she doesn't want to do," he said. "I'll teach them their options and let them decide for themselves."
  After hearing that, Bai LuoYin wanted to kiss Gu Hai under the sunset. He wanted to except whatever punishment Gu Hai had planned out in that vulgar mind of his. He wanted to submit himself in any way possible to this man he called husband. No matter what, he knew that he chose the right man to spend the rest of his life with.
  Could it be the reason that Gu Yang always seemed unhappy? Ying Yue thought to herself.
  "That is a good choice," Jiang Yifei said. "I feel that we as children are unhappy because of the pressure we get from our own parents sometimes."
  Bai LuoYin nodded. He agreed. Though his father always encouraged him to do better at school and fight for what he wanted in life, he and Gu Hai were very rich. Money would never be an issue for their children. Regardless if their children wanted to take over the company or not, they would inherit a fortune from them both. "I would never force my children to do something they didn't want to do either," he said.
  Gu Hai glanced at him and their eyes locked. There was a mutual understanding that passed across their faces that let the other know that they were in agreement.
  "No offense, Gu Hai, but your cousin can be very rude at times," Ying Yue said.
  Everyone looked at her at the same time. It were as if she had said something vile. Gu Hai broke out laughing. Bai LuoYin felt as if he could plant the biggest kiss on her cheek. Jiang Yifei's eyes went wide.
  "He can, and he is!" Gu Hai said. "But, family is family. No matter where you hide in the world, it doesn't change that fact."
  "Family is family, but that still doesn't give them the right to say what they want or act however they please," Ying Yue said sternly. "It is our duty to let them know when they are being disrespectful. It doesn't matter how old or how young they are. If they are wrong, family should correct them and they should never get upset that you've done so. Sometimes, the younger ones teach the older ones life lessons also."
  I will kiss both cheeks! Bai LuoYin shouted in his head.
  When she said that last part, Gu Hai agreed wholeheartedly and understood her point. She was right. Gu Yang was family. But that didn't mean that he should go around saying what he wanted all the time just because he was older.
  "It's important that we let people know how we want to be treated from the start. We need to let them know what we will and will not tolerate," Ying Yue added. Saying this much made Xiaoping pop into her mind. He had taught her this lesson. If she had been brave in the beginning, told her husband what she would not tolerate, maybe they could have worked things out. Maybe they could have went to therapy? Unknowingly, a tear fell from her eye.
  "Are you okay?" asked Bai LuoYin, standing up and moving to her side.
  Gu Hai also went to her. He took her delicate hand in his and rubbed her back gently.
  Jiang Yifei sniffled and they looked over at her.
  "Are you crying as well?!" Gu Hai said and rushed to her side.
  "I'm fine!" Ying Yue said, wiping her eyes with a napkin. She tried to brush it off. "It must be my hormones," she said.
  "Mine too," Jiang Yifei said. But, she knew the real reason that she had cried. Her friend had gone through too much in her past. She deserved happiness.
  When they calmed down, and was in a better mood, they finished their food and talked about going on a vacation together. Gu Hai agreed that when he was finished with his latest client, they would all go somewhere before it was too late for the women to travel.
  "I want to go somewhere warm," Bai LuoYin said. He looked over at Ying Yue and asked, "Where would you like to go?"
  Ying Yue was speechless. She shrugged and looked at her friend as if asking the same question with her eyes.
  "Can we go somehere exotic?" Jiang Yifei asked.
  Gu Hai nodded and they made plans for the end of the month.

  As Gu Yang delivered another briefcase full of cash, he mentally deducted the amount he owed in his head. He drove through the busy streets of Beijing and glanced out of his window ever so often. He drove past kids playing on the side of the road, an elderly man cleaning up his property and a teen couple holding hands. When he stopped at a red light, he noticed two men being very close with one another. They sat on a bench in front of what seemed to be a club, holding hands and looked to be flirting.
  Gu Yang rolled his window down, arched his neck upwards, and looked up at the building behind the men. It was lit up with bright colors and he could hear the base from the speakers calling out to people like a siren in the night as they walked by. Not much people knew about Beijing's gay nightlife, unless you were looking for it. He watched as two men on a balcony high above were being playful.
  "It's a whore house," he mumbled under his breath and moved to sit up straight. He felt disgusted. Then, he had a dark thought. He paid for private parking and then headed for the building.
  He passed the gay couple on the bench and made his way through the front door. He noticed that there were masks on a table and that they looked like the one the Phantom of the Opera wore. He put one on and moved deeper into the first floor, which was a full bar and lounge. A few men wearing the same mask as he was were getting lap dances from well built men in tight and revealing clothing and he realized that the purpose of the mask was to keep the identity of certain guests private. The room had very dim lighting and he thought the mask created a secretive ambiance to an already taboo atmosphere.
  He continued to move through the room and the smell of liquor, sweet and bitter, sank into his very skin, begged him to have a cup. He felt his mouth water and swallowed hard. He was only here for one thing. If he found what he was looking for, he would have a drink and do what he came here to do.
  He made his way to the second floor and watched as people littered the dance floor, most of them men. Their bodies moved in sync with the music. Mostly everyone danced in a sexual manner. He searched left and right, up and down and with great carefulness.
  Then, on the fourth floor, in the back of the club, Gu Yang found him. He walked up to the guy, leaned in close to his ear, and whispered, "I found you, Bai LuoYin."

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