DBZ Oneshots x Reader

By AstroAlien37

2.1K 29 18

I'm really bored with literally nothing to occupy my time so might as well spend it creating some stuff to pa... More

How Can I Train? You're Distracting (Tien [MATURE])
Not The Only Distracted One (Vegeta)
Glazed (Goku x Reader[LEMON])

The Caretaker (Tien)

558 5 1
By AstroAlien37

You just clocked in to start your shift at the hospital on Papaya Island, as a nurse. You've been in the profession for a few years now since you're in your early twenties and went to nursing school immediately after graduating high school. Caring for people and making sure they got back to their normal, healthy selves has always been a love of yours, doing so whenever your parents and siblings got ill as you were growing up.

"Y/N! Glad to see you're here! We need you up on the East wing of the third floor to care for some new admitted patients. Not in horrible condition, just somewhat out of it." You turn your head to the source of one of the doctors on duty. Smiling gladly and giving confirmation that you understand your orders, you head up to where you're set to work for the day.

As you go up the floors on the elevator you entered, you wonder what kind of patients you'll be looking after today. Thinking to yourself, you remember that the World Martial Arts Tournament is currently going on. They could be participants from there. If so, they must not be too banged up since they're already located on the third floor instead of the emergency ward.

"Well, that's good!" You say quietly out loud to yourself. Sometimes participants from the tournament that get admitted are in severe condition, and it's always somewhat broke your heart knowing another being did this to the patient, even if it is for an art form.

The room you were designated to check up on when you reached the third floor, to your surprise, had only one patient. Other rooms were pretty filled so you knew you'd have to check on them throughout your shift, but starting it out slow was never something you could complain about.

As you enter the room, you hear some agitated groans followed by a defeated sigh. When you take a look at the patient, it's blatantly obvious that he's a participant in this year's tournament. Even though he was laying in the bed with a blanket covering his torso and down, you could tell that he's tall. The bald man, with a nice jawline that you noticed, was extremely fit with well toned muscles, which is what gave away to you that he's a participant.

"He's handsome," you thought to yourself. Briefly though, you were shocked upon laying eyes on his sharp face to find a third eye on his forehead. For a moment there, you almost let out an immediate reaction. But a third eye isn't the strangest thing you've seen. This world was filled with a huge array of different beings. You had to admit that you'd never seen anyone with a third eye.

The muscled man turned his head slightly to look at who was approaching him. When the two of you made eye contact, you couldn't control the slightly blush that came over your cheeks. Subconsciously you must have thought this man was more handsome then you originally let yourself believe.

Seeing that you seemed caught a bit off guard, he gave you a quick, small smile in an attempt to lighten the air. In a slightly raspy but comforting voice, he asked, "I guess you're going to be looking after me today?"

Smiling back to him, you warmly respond with a, "You bet." and finish closing the distance between you two and are now right beside his bed. "My name is (Y/N). Usually I'd also say that I'll be looking after you today but you already took care of that part for me," continuing with a now resting smile on your face and gleaming eyes. This is something you do with all the people you look after, so despite admiring his looks, you look at all your patients with warmth.

What you said must have been amusing to the man since he let out a brief chuckle, all before letting out a hiss of pain and clutching his side while brokenly replying that his name is Tien, even though you already knew that by glancing at his patient information written on the whiteboard on the wall.

"Hi Tien," you reply soothingly before the smile wiped off your face and turned to one of concern. "I guess that's why you're here," you say as you now proceed to move his hand out of the way to take a closer look at his injury. He was really warm, as somebody who gets cold so easily and so often, your mind briefly wandered off to fantasizing what being held in his arms would be like. You quickly shook that thought off.


I was impatient and frustrated when I got here. My mind kept flashing back to the swift and brutal kick that hit me and knocked me out of the ring. It was a great move, I'll give them that. But I should've saw it coming. My thoughts on the matter disappeared when I felt a new presence in the room. My caretaker, I thought. I didn't expect what my eyes laid on.

The girl was pretty, I thought. Something I never thought about either. I'm dedicated to my training. But my mind couldn't help it on this one. Girls never interested me, not that I didn't care, but again, dedicated to training. The only times I got embarrassed about the matter is when friends would make suggestive comments. I reminisced on a comment Oolong made awhile ago involving Launch, when Goku was still a kid.

Snapping back into reality, I couldn't help but smile a little at her. She looked taken aback so I tried to appear friendly, could be the third eye. It has that effect on some people. Before I knew it she was beside my bed.

We had exchanged some greetings, whoever this girl is, (Y/N) as she identified herself, made me laugh. I don't know what it is about her, but her aura is inviting and warm. No wonder she's in this job field. Something as simple as her presence is soothing, she must be a favorite among patients.

"Ow -shhh- agh," I let out beyond my control. My laughter enflamed the constant pain in my side from my injury. The pain radiated to its near surrounding areas and made everything feel like they were on fire. If only Goku had senzu beans then I'd be fine by now. But I guess I can't complain, since I'm being cared for by someone so fascinating.

I made another sudden exclamation when (Y/N) touched my side in an attempt to get a feel for what kind of state my injury is in. But I flinched away.

"Wow, your hands are freezing." I breathe out. I try to catch my breath since the quick movement made my pain worsen even more. My comment made her face turn red. "Cute," I thought to myself.

"My apologies, I'm always cold. Poor circulation I guess." She let out a faint chuckle and looked down in an attempt to hide her face, clearly embarrassed.

"It's okay, I get that," also letting out a chuckle, "it didn't feel bad since I feel really warm right now anyways, it was just sudden so I was surprised. I'm sorry." Now my cheeks turned red, I could feel them heating up. "Cut it out Tien, why are you letting a random attractive girl affect you like this?" I thought to myself as a means of trying to control his demeanor.

"Oh, if you're warm I can you get a cup of ice water and wet a wash cloth to rest on your head, to cool you off. If you want that, of course." (Y/N)'s voice perked right up, happy to make her patient comfortable. It brought an immediate smile to my face.

"Y-" I started, but got interrupted since she continued speaking, but I didn't mind.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes, considering how your eyes lit up." She smiled at me genuinely and big with her own eyes lighting up now as well, it suited her. I couldn't help the quickened pace as my heart thudded from looking at her. Though I once again embarrassed myself since she noticed that my heart rate picked up. The thing about being in a hospital is that you're hooked up to machines, and my pulse is being monitored. The beeping that tracked my heart rate seemed louder than ever.

"Well, I'll go get the water in a second, along with some more pain reliever to help subside the pain you're in. Let me take care of that wash cloth first." I had noticed the corner of her mouth quirk upwards momentarily when she noticed my heart rate speed up.

I watched her walk into the small bathroom that was in the room, and admitted to myself that I appreciated the view. Her height was average for an adult woman, but since she had scrubs on rather than the old, classic nurses dress, I could see that her legs were long. I admit that I was drawn to that. Her hair color contrasted beautifully with her complexion. In that moment she really had me hooked. But once she entered the bathroom and was no longer in my vision, I snapped out of my fixation.

While she was preparing the wash cloth, I focused my energy to calm myself down. Since I snapped out of my thoughts I noticed that my heart rate picked back up.

"Cool off Tien, cool off. You know better than to let your emotions get to you." I whispered in agitation to myself, closing my eyes tightly.

"Relax your face some before it gets stuck that way," startled, I open my eyes quickly to see her standing beside the bed again, damp wash cloth in hand. "You were really focused on something huh? Your eyes were super closed, eyebrows scrunched together, even your jaw was clenched."

We both let out small laughs simultaneously. "You got me there." I reply, smiling to ease any chances of things getting awkward.

"Here, you might have to uh, close that third eye for this." (Y/N) lifts the wash cloth slightly to show what she was referring to. As I close that eye, she sits on the edge of the bed by my side, so we're in decently close proximity. She leans forward slightly to place the cloth on my forehead. I get a whiff of an inviting feminine smell, and it comforts me. Her hands are delicate as she asks me if the cloth is sitting comfortably.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I nod that it's fine, but I still lift my arm to make sure it's in place. Not realizing where our hands are in relation to each other, my hand lands on top of hers.

Instead of both of us pulling away like what happens a lot with accidental touches, we both just froze in place, eyes locked on each other. Her gentle face was probably only a foot or so away from mine. I know my heart rate accelerated then. I mean, we both knew. The beeping of the monitor confirmed it.

I wasn't even fully aware of my actions, it was a subconscious blur as I got lost in her eye color. But I was somewhat aware that I gently rubbed my thumb against the top of her hand. Yet she still didn't pull away. Finally coming fully to my senses, I apologized. Even though I didn't move my hand away.

"S-sorry. I-I don't know what became of me." I'm honestly astonished at how flustered (Y/N) has been making me.

She chuckled before replying, "It's okay, you're really warm, it feels kind of good." the cute girl smiled coyly, clearly referencing back to when I said her cold hands at felt nice.

Both of us couldn't help how our eyes lit up at each other, big smiles appearing on our faces before heartily laughing.

Our hands still touched.

When our laughter died down, I noticed how she grazed my head with a stroke of her thumb. And just like that, we were serious again. But in a comfortable-with-each-other's-presence way.

"I need to get your medicine if you want that pain from your injury to get any better." (Y/N) said as she started to get up.

I was feeling spontaneous today, a trait that is very unlike me. Goku was the one that was notoriously spontaneous. I gently gripped her wrist from our hands that were still touching to keep her from getting up.

"Could a kiss be my medicine?" I quietly said in a very bold move, something I'd never associate myself with behaving like in a million years. It was clear that this wasn't my normal behavior, because despite having a cool wash cloth on my head, my face felt a sudden spike in getting super hot and my heart was pounding. I could see that (Y/N) could tell I was being brave for myself here.

I'm thankful that she wasn't turned away by my forward comment. I don't know if my high hopes were imagining it, but I could've sworn her eyes twinkled.

Shortly after, she smiled and drooped her head down, shaking it with a smile on her face. She lifted her head back up and said, "I'm on duty. I shouldn't." While my heart sank, I understood. She is at her place of work after all.

"You're right, my bad. I'm sorry I asked. I-I'm not usually like this. I'm a reserved person. Hah, I guess you just uh, captivated me is all..." I drift off, my last words getting quieter.

"I captivated you?" She replied, again with that adorable coy smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile in return.

Before I could respond, she moved her hand to my cheek and neck, stroking my cheek delicately before leaning in towards me and placing a heartfelt kiss on my cheek.

"That medicine make you feel better?" (Y/N) suddenly said while she got up, a smile on her face as she started to walk away facing me.

"Yes," I answered with a cheeky grin and flushed face as I saw her exit the room. My side was in deep pain and I grimaced through it, because I didn't care.


Idk y'all this is just me passing my time at work when we have nothing to do so I hope you all somewhat enjoy it OPE

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