Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... More

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 35 - New House
Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping
Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 46 - Slayer
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 50 - Ill Advent
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 57 - The Battle
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 54 - Proving

164 3 0
By cheesEPIC

I ran out of the room and straight to Jack's office. Genji and Angela were just in the corridor as I left the room.

"Lena, what's going on?" Angela said. I turned to face them as they saw my blood red eyes. They both stepped back and let me get on my way.

I ran as fast as I could to Jack's office, blinking past everyone who got in the way. Even though Jack's office was up several flights of stairs and at the other end of the complex, I got there in a matter of seconds. As I did, I threw open his door and stepped in.

"Woah, Lena what's going on?" Jack said as I stepped in.

"(Y/n) sir, he's dead."

Jack sat still for a second, speechless.

"Oh, oh my god, how, what? There's no way he's dead, right?"

"He, he's gone." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. I immediately regained composure and looked back at him. "What missions do you have?"

"There's no way I-"

"What missions do you have!?" I shouted as I slammed the table making Jack flinch a bit.

"Lena, you've just lost the most important person in your life, there's no way I can let you fight."

I chuckled a little before turning back to him and smashing his table into the floor.

"I'll ask one final time before I get angry, what missions do you have?"

Jack stood up out of shock before picking his laptop up off the floor.

"Um, there's a few. One in Cairo of a large scale bank robbery, another in Detroit about a hostage situation in a hotel and another of a massive argent surge in Busan."

"Upload the one in Busan to Vega. I'm heading there."

"By yourself? You need a team. It'll not take long for a team to be set up. Just a couple of minutes." I walked over to Jack and looked straight into his eyes. "Ok. I'll upload them now."

I turned around and walked away from him and out of the room. A small crowd had gathered together, all of whom had their eyes glued on me as I walked out. Angela stood Infront of me and stopped me.

"Lena, what happened?" She asked. I pushed her aside as Vega opened the portal for me. Vega had tethered all of my suit and weapons onto me by now so I didn't need to go back and prepare. Angela tried to stop me from walking through the portal. She put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me round.

"Lena?" She said. I looked her dead in the eyes with my glowing red eyes. She took her hand off of me and stepped back. My holy symbol lit up on my forearm and it was in a place where she could see it. I pulled my crucible out and extended the blade, getting a small gasp from the crowd. I looked at my blade then back at the portal, before I retracted the blade and ran through the portal.

As soon as I landed, I heard sirens going off in the distance. I looked in their direction to see a red glow coming from somewhere.

"A large gore nest has opened up in the town centre." Vega said to me. "I detect the life forms of several threat level 3s, 2 barons and a tyrant. I pulled out my newest addition to my arsenal, the modified super shotgun which Hayden had made. It was similar to (y/n)'s shotgun other than the fact that it was slightly smaller, but had a 'forcewave' as Hayden called it, which allowed me to grapple in, fire and knock myself away from the target. I could also use it to do like a super jump. If this gun was my old pulse pistols, Mccree's sixshooter would be a peashooter.

I ran and blinked across the rooftops until I got to the gore nest. I could see several police officers fighting off the demons, but they didn't stand a chance. I loaded my super shotgun and jumped down Infront of them. I looked up to see a hell Knight and a revenant. The hell knights jumped at me but I blinked out of the way before grapple shotgun forcewaved it. He stumbled forward a bit. I fired another round into his back as I blinked over and grabbed his neck, before ramming my blade straight through his neck. I jumped off and blinked past the revenant rockets before sprinting full speed at him. He fired some more rockets which I dodged, before I blinked behind him and ripped his rocket launchers off. He went to grab me but my blade cut his arms clean in half. He stumbled and fell onto his front. I forcewaved up into the air and landed directly on his head, putting all my force through it, killing him.

"Freeze!" One of the police officers said. I looked up from the revenant and at them. "Overwatch is illegal in this country. I don't care what country you're from but overwatch is illegal here."

My eyes glowed red as I let the argent flow through me, lighting up not only my eyes, but my holy symbol on my forearm and my chest.

"I don't do it for overwatch anymore." I said.

"Then who do you do it for?"

I loaded my super shotgun back up and readied it up.

"I do it for (y/n)." I said. The police officers looked at eachother and before they could look back at me, I'd already blinked off to the gore nest.

I ran, blinked and grappled past all the demons to get to the gore nest. As I got to it, I ripped its heart out from it. The nest let out a deafening shriek as it exploded, the same sound as when (y/n) destroyed the first one in the overwatch base. As it blew up, a baron of hell ran up behind me. He went to grab me off my feet but I jumped over him and onto his back. He tried to grab me off, but when I brought his hands up to me, I slit his wrists. He stumbled around as I began digging my now full size arm mounted blade into his head. After several stabs, he eventually went down.

I jumped off him and turned towards the smaller demons. The police were taking care of the tiny ones, but they were not doing anything to the Pinky or the mancubi that were there.

I ran over to the pinky and before it'd realised, I'd stuck my blade right through his head, killing him instantly. A Mancubus started firing his flamethrowers at me. I jumped up and blinked out of the fire before leaping at his head. As I got to his head, I grabbed one of the tubes on his body and ripped it clean off. A gas started pouring out everywhere as he started to lose control. Since he was distracted, I grabbed his jaw and thrust my blade straight through the side of his head.

I now turned my attention to the empowered prowler that was teleporting around me. I could tell he was empowered because he had a red glow around him. I stood still and looked around, trying to predict his movements. In an instant, I pulled the trigger of the grapple on my shotgun and dragged myself towards him. I fired the shotgun point blank and blew his head off.

There were only 3 big demons left. A Cacodemon, a baron and the tyrant. The Cacodemon flew closer to me and opened its mouth. As I got close enough, I lobbed my pulse bomb into its mouth. It faltered and just hung in the air, allowing me to jump up to it and rip and tear it's eye out.

As I jumped off, I saw the baron of hell smashing up a building. I blinked over to it and pulled my crucible out. I saw that the tyrant was going after a military tank since they'd shown up and decided that the baron would probably be a better use of ammo since I only had 1 at the moment. I ran up to the baron and cut his legs off. I let his torso hit the floor before I hit his head off as well.

There was a big explosion behind me. I turned around as I saw the tyrant blow up the tank and take several rockets and shells without even flinching. I ran up to it and jumped at it. I fired several shotgun rounds into his head before jumping off. As I landed, I looked up just as his laser hit me. It hurt so much, but not enough if it was meant to stop me. I leapt at him once again, this time though he caught me. He tightened his grip around me, crushing me. I looked into its eyes as he looked into mine.

'Rip and Tear, until it is done.' I heard in my head from what sounded like (y/n). As I did, I felt the argent return to my veins as the rage began to control me. I put all my force through my arms and forced his hands open. As soon as I could, I jumped out of his arms and at his head. I extended my blade before continuously stabbing his head. With every stab, more blood came out and he grunted louder and louder. Eventually though, he went down. He fell to the floor with me still on top of him. As we hit the floor, I stood up and looked at the police and military that I'd just saved.

"You are under arrest!" One shouted. "Overwatch is illegal in this country."

"I didn't do this for overwatch." I replied. I walked away from them as Vega opened a portal. Just as I was about to step through, I pulled out a coin with mine and (y/n)'s holy symbols on it and flicked it at them. They rushed forward to see what it was as I stepped back through the portal.

I stepped through into Jack's office to see Angela, Reinhardt, Genji and Mccree all sat down at a different table.

"Lena." Genji said as he walked over to me. " Relax, please. Take time off, it's what you taught (y/n) to do. You changed the slayer by teaching him how to enjoy himself, now relax yourself."

"I, I can't." I replied as I shook my head.

"Yes you can. All you need t-"

"(Y/n) is dead because of me! It is my fault that he died. If it wasn't for me, (y/n) would have been much stronger, doomfist would still be doomfist not some demonic slayer doomfist and he would have been strong enough to kill Erebus. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been distracted by overwatch and he would have done what he had to do, not what I made him want to do."

Genji sighed and looked at the floor.

"Lena, please. You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do. Nobody else is going to do it, only I can. (Y/n) taught me everything about becoming a slayer, so I must use what he gave me. I can't let his only wish in life be for nothing."

Reinhardt stood up and walked over to me.

"What was his wish?"

"Since he met me, his only wish was to never lose me. He said he'd do anything to keep me alive, and he did. He protected me from demons and humans, and then from time itself. He promised he'd protect me, and by trying to kill Erebus, he was doing just that. He only wanted to spend his life with me, doing what we both want to do, protect the ones we care about. (Y/n) may have been a mad titan on the battlefield, but, at heart he, he was the most caring person I've ever known. Yes he used his powers in battle, but back home he'd do everything just for me. He was the most selfless someone can be, sacrificing anything for me, eventually sacrificing his life." I began to tear up as I said that. I still couldn't believe that (y/n) was dead. I just, it couldn't be possible. It just didn't make sense. "I can't let his selflessness be in vain. He taught me how to be a slayer, and so I'll be a slayer."

"But Lena," Genji started. "You don't have to do it all by yourself, you're allowed to take it easy when you feel you have to."

"(Y/n) went through aeons of torment for a human race which isn't even his own, all by himself, all alone with nothing but pure unbridled rage. If he did that for those who he didn't know, I'll do even more just to keep you guys safe."

"But we can help! You're not alone!"

"No, not always, but sometimes I've just got to let the rage control me. And when I need to let it control me, stay the fuck out of my way."

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