Persona 4: Let's Go Nanako! [...

By velvet-crush

2.7K 44 72

Nanako is now a freshman in Yasogami High, the same high school our old Protagonist, Yu Narukami had attended... More



191 2 5
By velvet-crush

Hello readers!

First off, I'd like to thank you for taking your time to read this fanfiction! You probably wouldn't even be reading this if you didn't see this fanfiction.

I'll go straight to the point then;- this fanfiction will be discontinued

I know a lot of readers have sent me direct messages to continue this fanfiction but I only ever come online to publish this fanfiction. I apologize for being so inconsistant with this fanfiction I'll be honest, I do spend a lot of my time on discord because of the counciling sessions I offer and I recently became a moderator for a far more important server than the ones I previously moderate. That's not what copes me up though. The biggest thing is that world today is chaotic, and we're all caught up in the chaos in someway, you and I. 

I did have a lot of ideas for this fanfiction, and I do love this fanfiction with all my heart. That's why I am discontinuing this fanfiction and doing a RE:write version of it. I had a hell of a lot of ideas but I wanted this to also be a stand alone fanfiction so that others wouldn't have to read Akatsuki Amagi to understand what's going on. That means the whole killing Yukiko in front of Naoto will not happen and the new version of Let's Go Nanako wil result in the Investigation Team being alive and well. Assuming you've already read this fanfiction, sorry these are spoilers for those who haven't read it. I also feel like my writing has improved much more than when I first wrote this fanfiction, which was in ninth grade. So tl;dr, I'm doing a RE:write of this fanfiction, taking a different approach to Let's Go Nanako which means a lot will change, and I mean alot. 

Thank you for taking your time in reading this fanfiction you og readers, I hope you understand. I did have a lot more I wanted to say, but I really can't think at the moment, so this is the end. Of course, I'll keep this version, but it will no longer be available. I'll just have the original document with me. 

Signing off with neck pain,


Fun Fact:- I recently found out that the cover to this fanfiction was a cover for a Doujin. [oof]

Also, just for you readers, below will be the last remaining things I had written for what would've been the next chapter of this fanfiction.


Despite the chipper noises, Nanako hadn't woken up quite nicely. The sun peeked its ray's through the window, hitting her eyes as she woke up.

"Oh yeah, today's a school day."

She washed herself up, putting on her uniform and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning Nana-chan!" Minako greeted happily. "your lunch is on the table, Adachi is waiting for you in the car."

Still a bit gloomy, she poked her head upwards. "Wait, what?"

"Adachi said he'd drop you off nowadays, he wouldn't tell me the real reason why though, as long as I'm productive is what he 'd say." She picked up the remains off the table.

"Then I better get going!"she grabbed her necessities and rushed to the black automobile.

"Mornin' kiddo."Adachi waves his hand once. "I think your old enough to sit in the passenger's seat."

Together, the both of them drove to Yasogami High.

"Thank you for driving me..." she kept her gaze low

For the while, the drive was quiet, not a sound came from anyone. It wasn't that any of them had nothing to say, it was that Adachi had to gather his words in the nicest way that Nanako would accept.

He took in a breath. "Look kid, these things that are going on during the night, you gotta leave 'em for the night. In the morning, your a normal highschool girl alright? So stop bein' depressed and go do normal teenager things or something."

"Y-yeah, I'll try my best." She looked upwards with a much more calmer expression.

Adachi slowed the car, coming to a stop. "Alright then kiddo, you do you I guess. I'll pick you up after school. See ya"

Stepping our of the car, she waved. "Thanks, bye!"


She could feel her palms sweating from the tense grip she held onto, despite the fact she wanted to give up. She scribbled across the page, turning her pencil around occasionally and rubbing the eraser against the graphite.

"I should've studied during lunch! Why did I go to Junes~!" She thought to herself. "No, going to Junes was a great idea, it always is! I should've brought my textbook so that I could study there during lunch! Ugh why am I so dumb!"

Her thoughts were then interrupted by the ringing of the bell, indicating the end of the day. Nanako, among others as well, jerked from her seat, dropping her pencil.

" 'ight you stupid shits, hand in your papers or else I'm gonna fail ya on the spot." The sorry excuse for a teacher spat across the floor.

She placed her test paper on the desk having second thoughts on her test. "I really screwed up!"

Nanako walked across the hall, then passing a tall man with unkempt hair. "Adachi-san~ I really screwed up this time! -wait, Adachi-san?!"

He looked over his shoulder to find the child looking upwards. "Hey kiddo."

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be waiting outside in the car!" she came to a halt.

Adachi ruffled her hair. "Kid, you need to do something productive while you're in school, not be a boring hoe. Your a highschool kid remember? Your supposed to join clubs and shit "

He then pointed a pen at the bulletin board. "I'm signing you up for this tennis team."

"WHA- Adachi-san i don't even know how to play tennis!" Nanako tugged on his shirt in hopes he was just teasing.

But he wasn't. He capped the pen and put it in his pocket. "Well then, good luck kid, meeting's today, you better get going, hm but you're gonna need a note for an excuse why you signed up late....."

He quickly ripped a piece of another flyer and scribbled something down, folding the paper in half. "Alright kiddo, don't read it until they see it. Get going."


She ran down the hall, her bag flying by her side despite the fact she kept hunching it over so that it wouldn't hit anyone.

Entering the gym, she found everyone heading over to the middle, happily having conversations amongst each other, the meeting has just started.

"Alright guys, please gather 'round, I wanna see how many of you are there here today! If your not here and your on the list, the noobs can fill in your spot instead!" announced one of the girls wearing a headband.

Nanako walked over, holding the note tightly in her hands. She then made it to the group of girls wearing headbands. It was at that moment where Nanako had remember her fear of meeting new people. Although she was optimistic, she was always shy when starting off.

"Well hey there kiddo!" The headband girl who stood at the far end greeted her. "Tell us your name, we'll see if your on the list."

"U-umm, actually I-i..." her hands were shaking, she lifted the note, lowering her head.

The team took the paper gently and called over her friends. "Hey guys! C'mere!"

They huddled in one spot all together, reading over the paper. The then gave each other looks, their eyes widened and some of their eyes watering.

But all together, they turned around facing the child.

Nanako looked upwards at the towering teens, she felt the intimidating vibe from her spine. She then noticed, she was the only freshman there.

In unison, the headband girls extended a thumbs up towards her, smiling greatly. "Dont worry kiddo, we'll do our best!"

Nanako was confused at first, what did they mean they'd do their best? Then it hit her, it ment she was now apart of the tennis club without effort.

"A-ah! Thank you very much, please take care of me!" She replied on a standard Japanese manner.

Everyone was given a tennis racket, Nanako felt the weight of her wrist dropping to the floor. Each headbaneded girl were assigned to stand by a new player and analyze the basics of racket swinging and ball striking.

Nanako, who had never played tennis in her life, had only lifted the racket and moved it slowly side to side.

"You ready for me to throw yet?" a third headdbanded girl called out from across the gym.

She wasn't, not at all. But everyone else in the gymnasium answered the opposite.

Tennis balls were being thrown across the gym, other kids were hitting them successfully, but Nanako had as well, except for one thing; once Nanako had hit the ball, she let go of her racket which flew along with the tennis balls. The wing was somewhat incorrect, bu she managed to land a hit.

One of the headbands girls caught it with her foot, giggling a bit.

"Psst kiddo, make sure not to let go of your racket!" She said as she head over to Nanako, whispering.

The child felt her face heating up in embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry!!"

The headbanded girl walked up to her, handing her racket even though others were still throwing thier balls around. "Don't sweat it kiddo, say what's your name?"

"M-me? I'm Dojima Nanako!" she introduced.

"Dojima eh? I've heard of that surname somehwre before but that doesn't really matter, welcome aboard Dojima, my name 's Netsuno Makeru"

She held her hand out towards the child. "Welcome aboard kiddo."

"O-oh! Thank you! Please take care of me!" She shook her hand.

"Come on then, we've got a long way to go!" Makeru gave her the thumbs up. "Something tells me you've never really played before."


"Waaaaaaahh~" Nanako complained, "Adachi-saaaaaaan, why!"

"You cant be a loner kiddo, stop complaining." Adachi ruffled her hair as she laid her head against the table.

"I probably made a fool of myself! And I screwed up the test! This day just gets worse by the minute!" Although she knew she was exaggerating, Nanako continued to whine.

"I dont think today was so bad." Minako sat beside the child,.giving her a glass of water. "There must've been something good you did today."

Nanako lifted her head up. "Well, I did go to Junes, I saw Teddie there too."

Minako smiled. "See, wasn't that a good idea?"

"Going to Junes is always a good idea! I should've brought my notebook and textbook to study!" Her head instantly returned to her arms which laid on the table.

"I guess it can't be helped." Naoto's voice came from behind. "Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days."

She pulled out a chair to sit beside the lost one, weeping. "There there Nana-chan."

"Oh!" Her head raised once again. "Dont tell dad please! If he found out that I didnt study, he's gonna get mad."

Minako put her finger on her lips and giggled. She then nudged Adachi, signaling him to play along.

Nanako suckled in her seat. "All well, if only time travel was a thing."

"If time travel was real kiddo, I'd probably use it to to some more TV shoving." Adachi joked, despite Naoto glaring at him in disapproval.

"Well, we can't cling onto what's already happened can we now?" Naoto tried her very best to comfort the child, trying to recall if she ever had a day like this. "Adachi-san, since you havent made anything better why dont you make use of yourself somewhere else."

Adachi was taken aback, but a smile grew across his face. "Whoa there Detective Prince! When have you become this strict?"

The detective didn't not change her angered expression, instead she stared him down.

"Alright alright, I'll go then, I have things to do too." He walked off, keeping that watery smile of his. 


And that's the end, that's all I wrote and that's all there will be from this fanfiction. Hope you'll tune in for the Re:Write of this Fanfiction!

Stay safe in this chaotic world that is falling apart.

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