
By altlantic

633K 29.1K 5.6K

Text messages between anonymous and Winter. [COMPLETED] #8 - 28/2/16 (short story) #14 - 22/2/16 (short stor... More

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turkish translation!
spanish translation!
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1.4K 27 6
By altlantic

hello everyone, how are y'all holding up?

most of you might already know that what's happening to the world right now and how cruel it is to be a victim of racism.

for those who don't know, i ask you to do your own research regarding the #blacklivesmatter movement. personally, Twitter and Instagram are my main sources of information regarding this matter. this is also a link to a google drive compilation of much more resources for you to go through:

once you've read articles and watched videos about this issue, i'm sure you will feel uncomfortable, angry, scared and frustrated with what you just witnessed. drive that energy into using your voice/platform to speak up and educate your friends and family about this. the world is changing and it is not enough for us to NOT be racist, but anti-racist. this is a link for many petitions you can sign and sites to donate to:

to all my dear readers, i thank all of you for giving me this platform to spread awareness about the social injustice the Black community is facing right now. please comment if i have missed out on anything or if you have anything else to add on to my statement. if you know any Black authors on Wattpad, please mention their books/users in the comments so that you and i both can show our support to them.

to all my Malaysian readers, racism is still a very large and common issue in our country and by advocating and speaking up for #blacklivesmatter, i hope you use this chance to open your eyes about how Malaysia isn't much better than America.

i'm sure as a Malaysian you have faced or heard of the ill treatment of dark-skinned foreigners, maids, migrant workers, cleaners etc. it gets overlooked so much because it has become a NORM and NATURAL to give racist remarks to this community.

Thomas is a student from Nigeria who was detained by the Malaysian immigration authorities and DIED in custody.

a post on Instagram (thanks to @/wydanya) that further explains the death of Thomas:

the article:

if you say you don't understand because you're not American, police brutality is happening RIGHT HERE in Malaysia, these names are not acknowledged.

the link to read up more on their deaths due to police brutality:

Malaysia has also been mistreating the migrant workers and refugees. a recent issue would be the hate speech, and violent threats the Rohingya refugees have received.

a post on Instagram (thanks to @/nicolefws) that explains more:

compilation of links for you to help out #migranjugamanusia :

i hope we as Malaysians do our part to make a change in the system, to make our country better for the future. be aware of the comments you make about people within and of different race. i urge you to do your own research to occupy yourself during the MCO.

if you've read this far, thank you for doing so. my heart hurts and rages for everyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one due to racism. i am not Black, and i can never understand the pain they go through but i will always stand by their side and fight to make a change.

please go through the links i've attached and do what you can. if you're unable to make a donation or go to protests, stream this video on YouTube that will donate their profits to charities that stand with the #blacklivesmatter movement:

stay healthy and stay safe. sending love to all of you <3

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