From Princess Marinette to Em...

By rosylove1172000

158K 2.1K 1.5K

Marinette is the Princess of China but moves to Paris because of a threat. She is known as a bakers daughter... More

The Announcement
School Classes
Adrinette Make Out
Shopping & Double Date
Finding out & Dance Squad
The Take Down
Day before Field Trip Day
EX and Mansion
Pool Party
Day with Miraculous Squad
Grand Ball & Attack
Taking Care of Mari
Baking Competition
"Meeting" Future Mates.
Shop till' you drop
Royal Classes
Pool Fun
Birthday Part 2
Meeting the Princess & Surprise
Rehearsal & Dates
Vote 1/2
Vote 2/2
Group Day
Coronation Preparations
Girl's Day
Coronation Part 1
Coronation Part 2
The Question

Birthday Part 1

3.3K 49 36
By rosylove1172000

Marinette's POV

I woke up at 4 AM. It was now 5 AM and no one was awake. They are waking up late. I ran to Adrien's room and jumped on the bed. 


A: *groan* Happy Birthday but, It is too early. 

M: I waited an extra hour for you. I was being generous. Get dressed. I want something big for my birthday. Niw, excuse me, I have to wake up DJWIFI. 

I sprinted to Alya's room. I saw her and Nino cuddling. 

I yanked the covers off and grabbed a pillow and hit their heads. 


AL: Happy Birthday. But seriously, it is way to early. Let us sleep. 

N: What she said, dudette. 

M: I waited an extra hour. I was being generous. Get dressed or I will use my powers.

AL: *groan* fine. Come on Nino. 

Nino shuffled to his room and Alya shuffled to her closet. 

I woke up the rest on the class and went back to my room to change. 

Alya came in to do my hair and make up. She was already dressed. 

She got my stuff and she did real good. 



I switched places with Alya and did her hair and makeup. I think I did good. 



AL: You did an amazing job! What is on the agenda?

M: No clue. I am just winging it. But, the celebration is tonight for sure. Remember our graduation is like 3 days away. 

AL: Yep. I got my dress. OH! We should go to a salon get our nails done? Maybe, go out , get food, watch a know daily stuff. 

M: I don't hate it but, it is missing something. 

30 minutes of extreme thinking......

AL: I know! A trip to the ice cream parlor! And maybe a walk in the park. 

M: Perfect! We leave and then Adrien said he had something special to show me. 

We went outside and went to my Limo. 

We talked about what we are going to do and stuff. Before, we knew it we were there. 

We went inside ad Alya was awe struck

Front desk lady: Hel-Princess! What are you doing here? I do not think it is time for our annual check, is it?

M: *giggles* No. I am here with my friend. We want to get our nails done. 

Lady: Of course. Go choose your colors and sit down. I will call someone for you. 

I got my colors and Alya got hers. She sat down in the chair next to mine. 

AL: I got black and white. You?

M: Pink and Gray. 

AL: Nice pick. Can't wait to see your nails. 

M: Me too. 

The lady came and handed me the remote. 

Lady: You can put on something for you and your friend. 

AL: Pretty little liars. We  never finished watching. 

M: True. Let's watch. 

We put it on a time flew. In 25 minutes we were done with the toes. I loved what they did. I loved Alya's too.



They did our fingers and we still watched our show. They did our toenails the same colors and they came out amazing. It only took 25 minutes. Like the toenails. 



We both liked it. I paid and we went outside and waited for the limo. 

M: Random question: How are you and Nino doing?

AL: Great! Nino told me Adrien said, that me and Nino act like an old married couple. I found that hilarious. 

M:*giggles* That does sound funny. So, food or movie?

AL: Movie, food, ice cream, then we head back. 

M: Good idea. What movie?

AL: Your birthday. You choose. 

M: I am thi-

There was a honk. We looked and saw the limo. We walked over and got in. 

M: Cheng Lee, could you take us to the movies please?

Cheng: Of course. We will be there in 10 minutes. 

M: Thank you Cheng Lee.

 I went back to Alya and I chose what movie to watch. 

M: I know what movie to watch. 

AL: What?

M: We are going to watch.....Banana Split, Shazam! and The Kissing Booth. 

AL: Can't wait. 

M: Great cause' we are here at the theatre. 

We went inside. We got the tickets and then the food. We got candy, butter popcorn, carmel popcorn and 2 slushies. We were stuffing ourselves with junk food. It a real mystery how we are thin and muscular and not fat and weak. Oh wait, we have millions of adoring fans that is why. 

We watched all of them and we were able to make the food last through out all of the movies. 

It was 4:08 when we finished all the movies. To be honest, I was still hungry. Again, it is a real mystery how we are not fat. 

AL: You still hungry? Cause' this vixen is. 

M: This lucky bug is. Cafe that Plagg and Tikki own?

AL: I am in

M: Great. It is a 2 minute walk from here. 

We walked and got there in no time at all. Mostly, because we ran instead. 

We walked inside and went to the private room, Plagg and Tikki keeps for us. 

Tikki: Hey guys. What would you like?

M: Medium steak with the mushroom gravy with a small salad on the side. Lemonade to drink. 

AL: Special lobster with white rice and black beans on the side. Ranch dressing, please and a sweet tea with lemon to drink. 

Tikki: It will be out shortly.

AL: The movies were fun, but I liked The Kissing Booth best.

M: I liked Shazam! best because he got powers. I adore having powers. But, I have some of my own powers. Oh Guess what!

AL: What?

M: My friend Kagami, she is the Princess of Japan and Rey's brother. I told her what he did to me and guess what he did to him.  

AL: What did she do to him?

M: So, she talked to him about it and he tried to make excuse after excuse and she got tired of it and so she socked him in the stomach, decked him, and flew him out the house. He came back and tried to make more excuses so, she threatened to castrate him. I told her she should do it. I wholeheartedly supported her on that. 

AL: I have to meet her!

M: You will. Don't worry.

Tikki came over with our food.  

Tikki: Here is your food. 

M: Thank you, Tikki. 

Tikki: No problem. Happy Birthday by the way. The food is on the house. 

M: Really! You are awesome. 

Tikki: I do what I can. 

She left and we dug in. 

AL: This lady can cook. 

M: I know right. 

We ate the rest in comfortable silence. After, we ate we left and went to the ice cream parlor. 

Ice cream man: Hello. What can I get you?

M: I will have the Happy Birthday ice cream with gummy worms on top. 

AL: Orange cream with chocolate shards. 

Ice cream man: $4.65 is your total. 

I got out my wallet but, Alya took it. She got out cash from hers and paid. 

AL: It is your Birthday. You are not paying. 

M: Fine. 

We sat on a bench and we ate ice cream and talked. We finished our ice cream and we walked to where our limo was waiting and we went back to the castle. I needed to get ready for Adrien. I had Alya choose my dress while I was in the shower. 

I got out and put on the dress. I sat down and she did my hair and makeup.  



Make up

She did a wondeful job. Adrien was by the door, waiting for me. I saw him check his watch. He was in a nice suit. I had on 4 inch heels so, it was hard for me not to make noise while walking down stairs. 

M: I am ready. 

He looked at me and then looked at the ceiling and muttered a word that started in f and ended in uck. I giggled. 

M: I am ready. 

A: Good. Put this on. 

He handed me a blindfold. I put it on reluctantly. He led me to the limo and I felt the limo start to drive. After, who knows long we reached the destination.  

I walked out and he untied the blindfold. I gasped at what I saw. There was a table of presents, food, a big table with the cake on it and everything. 

Then, the power suddenly went off. 

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