Dark Nights

By Phantomheart8

250K 12.6K 7K

(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... More

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Twin Wolves Riddles
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Home at Last
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Total Stanger
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Joshua's memories Part 2
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Clothes " Shopping"
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

Together, Always

4.2K 247 242
By Phantomheart8

" You motherfuckers!! don't you dare hurt them!" You screamed at the guards as they beat your friends mercilessly. Elliot and Joshua had been tasered and paralyzed before being beaten and kicked into the ground by the guards. Their blood mixing in with the guards who they just tore apart.

And Willy, poor Willy who had not been apart of the actual slaughter, was getting it no better. Three men had pushed him to the ground, punching him and beating him with their batons. You saw a little blood spurt out from behind the muzzle.

One of the guards grabbed you and started to drag you off. You struggled in his hold, clawing at his eyes. The skin tore under your nails but the man was as tough as iron and only grunted in irritation at your efforts.

You never saw the Doctor come up behind you with the syringe. She stuck it in your neck and you cried out in shock, your limbs immediately failed you and your went limp in the guard's hands. He wrapped the towel around you tighter and picked you up bridal style.

" Please... stop hurting... them." You sobbed, a tear slipping out of your eye and running warmly down your cheek. The man looked down at you. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his face before getting soaked up by his mustache.

" I'm sorry little bird, but it's just the way the things are." He said surprisingly softly to you. Your head fell to the side, trying to get one last look at your friends. Joshua was knocked out on the floor, blood leaking profusely from his mouth and split lip. Elliot was blocked by a whole group of guards, you could only see the movements they made as they continued to hurt him.

All of the sounds were far away as if they were blurry if that made sense. One of the guards shoved willy onto his stomach, twisting his arm back behind him, too far back. You heard the crack as it snapped even from here. He jerked and let out a tormented howl. It was the last thing you witnessed before you were gone.

- -

" I once thought you were a good man Doctor, but now I realize that what the twins tried telling me a long time ago was right! you care nothing for us! when you see us you don't see tormented souls and want to help. You only see a good paycheck!" You snarled at Doctor Valeski, who had the bridge of his nose pinched between his index finger and thumb.

His eyes were screwed shut as he listened to you growl, yell, and shout you're angry thoughts at him. He looked up a little bit angrily as you got to the last part. he walked a little forward, leaning his hands on the table that separated you from him.

" You don't think that this hurts me too? I may have to give away my own patients! I have been working with these patients longer than you know! I was there when they brought Willy in nineteen years ago! I was here when Elliot was brought in when he was your age! Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He hissed at you, and you replied with a glare before spitting him in the face.

He lurched back and wiped the slime off of his face, a look of rage crossing his features. If it was not for the chains and straight jacket holding you down you would have tackled him the moment he told you that you might lose your friends.

" Y/N... I know you love them, but you cannot forget that they are the most dangerous men in this part of the country! they could snap and that poor man could have been you." he tried to reason. You only chuckled at him. How. Pathetic.

" That... Poor man? Do you have any idea that this, Poor man, tried to rape me in the shower room two days ago, and when I escaped he threatened to kill me after he caught me? After he was finished raping me of course." You seethed through gritted teeth at him.

He stared at you in shock, his mouth hanging open. He could only try and gag out a few words but nothing fully came out as he tried digesting the information you just told him. He finally found his voice again but you quickly interrupted him.

" AND the very same guard that enacted such atrocities was also the guard who was dragging me away. Do you think he was going to take me to where I was supposed to be taken? No, He was going to take me somewhere dark to finish what he started. My friends saved my life, and you are punishing them severely for it" You talked down on him as if he was the lowest life form you had ever seen. He was not, but at the moment he was pretty damn close.

He took in a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes and just standing there in silence for a minute. You glared at him the entire time, hoping the feeling of your burning stare was making him as uncomfortable as possible.

" Y/N... I love these people like family, but they have just killed a man in this facility, I don't want it but they could be taken away to prison where they will have no help... or even get the death sentence for the crimes they have already committed.

"You're not even trying! You claim to love them but your not even putting any effort, your talking to me, trying to convince me that you're the good guy, when you should be out there! fighting for them, trying to help them! and punishing the guards who continued to beat and hurt them long after they were disabled."

" I AM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN!!" He shouted, finally losing his cool and slamming his hands down on the table so hard that the glasses on his face almost fell off. " Please Y/N stick with me here, I'm trying everything I can but I also have to worry about you too!"

" Than help them! if you want to help me you need to help them!" You cried pleadingly at him, tears running down your face as you started sobbing uncontrollably. Your shoulders shaking as your Body shook. " They're all I have here, I can't have them be taken away!" He only looked down at you in sadness as you cried in front of him.

" I'll do what I can Y/N... Its time for you to go have dinner," he said in finality turning away from you as some Guards entered the room. You refused to meet his form as you were walked out and down the hall. Passing the room you hid in, then the group room, before making it to the main room and then into the cafeteria.

You were unchained other than the ones around your ankles and wrists. However you did not move, you stood there in the same spot staring sadly at the empty table where the others would usually be sitting right now.

After a minute you moved to the table, ignoring the food line and sitting down, placing your forehead down on your arms that were crossed on the cold tabletop.

You were not in the mood to eat, the image of your friends being so hurt was still so sickeningly fresh in your mind. You could only wait until it was time to leave.

You wanted to avoid the showers, not wanting to relive the memories, but you did not have a say in the matter. Your thoughts were shattered as you were suddenly shoved from your seat. You looked up slowly to see a seething Olivia, breathing heavily through gritted teeth.

"It's your fault that Willy was so hurt! I'll make you pay you, bitch!" She screamed at you before throwing herself on you. scratching on you and beating you down. You held your hands up and tried to ward off her attacks. You tried to look around for help but all the other patients were just staring, the only guard in the room quickly ran out along with all the chefs into the kitchen.

You did not have your friends to back you up this time, you were on your own. You placed your feet into her stomach and kicked her off, quickly getting to your feet.

" What is the matter with you!? Why are you so obsessed with Willy!?" You shouted at her as she quickly got to her feet too. her black hair flying around wildly as she stared at you with wide, insane eyes.

" I was there when the Doctors were talking to him about what happened to his little girl! About the man that brutally killed her at three years old and only got away with a slap on the wrist because of the money his family-owned. Because I was there He smiles at me more than anyone else, anyone else except you!" She finished and lunged at you with a battle cry. You met her head-on, this whore wanted a fight, she was going to get one.

You tackled her to the ground as she used her long nails to claw at your neck and face. You used the manacles on your wrist to hit her in the head while you snapped her fingers in between your teeth.

The taste of copper filled your mouth as the sensation of a carrot snapping pulsed through your teeth. She screamed underneath you and the adrenalin from the pain caused her to throw you off of her. You landed heavily on your side as you slid into one of the tables. Knocking your heads painfully against the bench.

The two of you got up at the same time. Blood dripped from her fingers and you spit out what was hers out onto the floor. The patients all around you were starting to get rowdy. Jumping up and down and screaming in excitement.

She screamed as she charged again, and as she slammed into you you used the momentum to twist your body around and throw her aside. Her shriek of rage was cut short as her head slammed into the corner of the table with a sickening crack.

She landed on the tiled floor with a thud, and stayed still, Her black hair covering her face. You slowly took a step toward her and gasped when you saw the puddle of blood that was growing out from her head.

You quickly knelt down and turned her over. Her blank eyes were wide as she stared off into the void. You placed your index and middle finger against her neck, feeling for any signs of life.

There was none.

You stumbled back until your back hit the wall. You brought your bloodied hands up to your face and covered your gaping mouth. Tears started to fall down your cheeks as the horror set in.

You killed her. She was dead. You were a murder now.

You really did belong here now.

- -

A week had gone by since you killed Olivia in self-defense. Because it was self-defense and there were many witnesses, including the kitchen staff, you were not taken away or anything else. Her body was taken back to her family, where you were told she was cremated and her ashes were spread in the pond she used to play in when she was a child.

You hardly left your room since. You ate very little, and have not spoken a single word since then. Yeah, she was trying to hurt you, but you did not mean to kill her!!!

Oh God, you were a murderer, and you were alone to carry the guilt. No one you loved was here with you, not your family or your friends, it was only you and your thoughts.

You were ridden with guilt, you took someone's life! Not only that, but you also took the life of someone who was not fully able to enjoy it! but was stuck here in a place that did not care for her.

You curled into yourself tighter on your mattress, the blanket had fallen off and onto the floor days ago. You did not bother to pick it up, you knew you would be cold either way.

There was a knock on the door, a light tapping sound as someone rattled their knuckles against it. The sudden noise made you jump, but you made no other movement or anything else to acknowledge the person that you heard them. You did not even lift your head.

" Y/N? Are you awake? I would like you to come out and eat please, maybe we can talk." The worried voice of your Doctor sounded through the door. You still did not move, you stayed hunched into yourself right where you were.

There was a moment of silence before the door was opened, and the sound of footsteps entered the room. You still did not look up, not wanting to see the Doctor right now. A Hand placed itself caringly on your shoulders, but you still did not move.

Another sound of footsteps got closer, and suddenly there was someone placing their head on top of yours. A large huff of breath wafting all over your head. You jumped, you knew that sound anywhere.

You slowly shifted your head to the side. Elliot was kneeled down next to you resting his forehead on you. The hand that was placed on you was not from the Doctor at all, but from Joshua, who looked down at you with eyes full of worry and understanding.

Willy sat down at the edge of your bed by your feet. His arm in a sling around his chest as he gazed at you with sad and loving eyes. They were all looking pretty beat up, but it was the most beautiful site you had ever seen.

You teared up, jumping into them and they all huddled around you, holding you close. No words were said, none needed to be said. You could all listen without talking.

You opened your eyes, your head resting in the crook of Joshua's shoulder to see the doctor standing at the door. He smiled warmly at you, and you saw the papers in his hands, the ones that declared that your friends would be staying right here with you.

" Thank you." You mouthed to him. He nodded at you, before turning and walking down the hall. Leaving you with your friends where you all stayed embraced for a long time after that.

You all needed to stick together, the group would not survive without a single member. You would be together always, and that's how it was since then from that point on

Even for the next three years that passed.

A/N: Dont worry guys the story is not over! in fact, its only about halfway over we are about to get to the part you guys have been waiting for!!!! also... don't mind my language but...

HOLY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST YOU GUYS SOMEONE WAS T-BONED BY A SEMI TRUCK ON THE HIGHWAY RIGHT OUTSIDE MY HOUSE!!!!!! I RAN OUTSIDE BUT IT LOOKED LIKE EVERYONE WAS OK!! I had no idea what to do! it looked like they were ok and no one was panicking, the car looked absolutely totaled but they were calling the cops. I hope to God everyone is ok. It literally happening right in the middle of writing this chapter!!!

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