The Pack (Assassins creed x R...

By Juniperlives43

69.9K 1.8K 766

A young girl has experienced almost everything the world has to offer from good to evil. The one thing keepin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
What do you think?
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New Book

Chapter 15

2.4K 63 55
By Juniperlives43

I wonder the school halls looking for my best friend, a bright smile on my face as I ignore the whispers going on around me. I noticed my curly haired friends by his locker, I walk up to him, seeing him looking through his phone. 

I reached over and yanked it out of his grip, "Hey!" He protested, turning around to make eye contact with me, his muscles relaxing instantly. "Oh, it's just you." He sighed, looking down at me with a smile on his face. "You know, a simply tap on the shoulder would do if you wanted to get my attention." He teased as I handed back his phone. 

"Where's the fun in that?" I question with a raised brow, a smile forming across my lips. Jasper chuckled lightly, shaking his head.  

I feel someone shove me from behind, causing me to crash into Jasper. "Get lost freak." I hear a voice sneer, before laughter erupted form the group. 

Jasper steadied me by placing his hands on my shoulders, before glaring at the small group. "Why do you keep letting them do this to you?" He questioned, not taking his eyes off the group. 

"Because I don't want to waist my time on them." I answer, pulling away from him. "Besides it's not that bad, middle school was worse." 

I notice Jasper kept his attention on them, something unfamiliar flashing across his green eyes. I place my hand on his shoulder, catching his attention, "C'mon, let's get to class before we're late." 


I let out a groan, turning in my covers, shivering. I did not want to get out of bed, pulling the covers up to my shoulders as I let out a dry cough. I hear a small whine coming form the end of my bed, I open my eyes, looking over to see Jax with his head on the foot of the bed. 

I let out a sigh, before checking my watch to see it was around nine in the morning. "Alright I'll feed you." I say, my voice soft. I push back the covers, Jax backing away with his tail wagging. I step out of bed, rubbing my eyes, feeling slightly dizzy. 

I really didn't want to get up out of bed, but someone has to feed the dogs and the horses. I didn't bother putting on any clothes but instead just kept on my comfortable pjs. I climbed down the stairs with Jax leading the way, doing a small twirl once he was as the bottom of the stairs. 

I reached the bottom, walking over to the dog bowls. "Morning belle." Ezio spoke from where he stood in front of the stove. 

"Morning." I reply softly, filling up the dog's food bowls before placing them back down. Jax immediately starting gobbling up the food while Willow trotted over and ate out of the bowl calmly. 

"You don't look so good." Ezio stated, walking over to me, leaving his place by the stove. 

"I'm fine, I think I'm just a bit sleep deprived, not to mention having to get used to the time change." I tell him, giving him a small smile. 

Ezio didn't look convinced but he returned the smile asking, "Would you like any waffles and bacon?"

I wrinkle my nose slightly, before shaking my head, "No thanks I'm good." I then walk away, heading towards the back door. I'm not really feeling up to eating anything at the moment. I walk out towards the barn, gathering the horses food which contains a variety of pellets and grains to help with their diet and health. 

I filled up their bucket with the food along with replacing their water, before deciding to let them out after my shower. I walk back inside the house, ignoring everyone's worried glances as I gather my things for the shower. 'I should feel better after a nice, hot, shower.' I think, turning on the water, adjusting the temperature. 

I slip off my clothes before stepping into the show, feeling the water run over my skin. I noticed I forgot to take off my pendant, hesitantly, I slip off the necklace before placing it on the counter, then continued on with my shower. 

Edward's POV

"Does she seem a bit ... odd to you?" I question, looking in the direction of the bathroom, hearing the water running. 

"A bit yeah." Altair answered, his arms crossed. 

"She even denied waffles and bacon." Ezio put in, flipping over the bacon. "She has never done that before." 

"She looks a bit pale too." Connor added with a small nod. 

"You don't think the lass is sick, do you?" Shay questioned with a worried look. Everyone went quiet, casting each other worried looks. 

I look down towards the ground, that would be bad news if she is sick. I don't know how the medicine system works now, but I know for a fact that depending on the sickness ... the person would die.

(Y/N)'s POV

I slipped on some clothes, along with the necklace, the want to just lay down returning. I felt awful, my stomach churning and my head starting to pound. I open up my medicine cabinet, pulling out my thermometer. I place it inside my ear before pressing the button, hearing a loud beep saying that my temperature was taken. 

I pull the thermometer out of my ear before looking down at it to see my temperature was well over normal. I let out a groan, I've caught a fever. "Great." I grumble, taking off the plastic tip from the thermometer before searching through my medicine cabinet, looking for medicine. Specifically fever reducing medicine. 

When I didn't find any, I let out a groan in frustration. My brother must've took it for his own gain. 

I walk out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and hair, closing the door behind me as I rub my head. I pull out my new phone, which I got yesterday after dropping off the staff to my sister, texting my sister to pick up some medicine for me. 

"Lass ... are you sure you're ok?" Edward questioned as he stood up and walking over towards me. 

"If I'm being honest." I started, my shoulders slumping. "I really don't feel so good." 

Fear flashed across everyone's faces, but it disappeared just as quickly, making me think I only imagined it. Edward all of a sudden scooped me up into his arms, causing my eyes to widen in surprise. He carried me over to the couch, Connor and Altair moving away from the couch, allowing Edward to place me gently onto the couch. 

Malik placed his hand on my head before saying, "She's burning up." 

"Yeah I already know, I took my temperature. I texted my sister to get me some medicine since I've run out." I say softly, covering my mouth with my elbow as I erupted into a bound of coughs, sniffling lightly. 

"Just rest up for now." Malik spoke as Jacob draped a blanket over my body. 

"But I have to let the horses out of their stalls and do the laundry and-" 

"We will take care of all that belle." Ezio butt in. "For now rest." 

I let out a small sigh, leaning my head back and closing my eyes as I fell into an uneasy sleep. Unaware of the fear filling the assassin's hearts. 

Connor's POV

"How long will her sister take?" I ask with my arms crossed once (Y/N) fell asleep. 

"Who knows." My father answered with a shake of his head. "We can only hope she comes in time." 

"Then I will go see if I can find any herbs to help with her fever." I stated, before slipping on my shoes and walking out of the back door. 

"Let the horses out of their stalls while you're out there Connor." Haytham called out, just before I shut the door. 

I roll my eyes, "I was going to do that anyway." I grumble lowly, before walking over to the barn, hearing the horses neigh as I approach. I unlatched Apollo's stall, he trotted out before going over towards the pasture. Then I opened up Bruno's stall, the old stallion walked out, making his way towards the exit of the barn. 

I hear a small mew, looking over to see a calico she-cat, looking at me with interest. I walk up to her, gently stroking her fur. She purred in response, nuzzling her head against my hand. I then walk out of the barn, leaving the cat behind as I walked towards the end of the pasture, jumping over the fence and walking into the forest. Maybe I'll be able to find some ginger or basil, that should be able to help. I just hope they grow in these woods. 

Jacob's POV

I drag the hamper over towards the washing machine and dryer, deciding to wash clothes first than move onto towels, and then possibly clean (Y/N)'s bed clothes. I begin taking out the clothes, making sure they weren't inside out, before throwing them in the washing machine. 

"What's this? My arrogant brother is actually doing laundry?" I look over seeing none other than my twin sister, Evie. "What a sight to see."

"Shut it Evie." I growl silently, as I continued to load the washing machine, not really in the mood for my sister's teases. 

It was silent for awhile till Evie spoke once more, "You care for her don't you?" I nearly dropped the pants I was holding, catching it just before it touched the ground. "I'll take that as a yes." Evie spoke with a sly grin. I then feel a hand on my shoulder, "She will be fine brother." 

"How do you know?" I snapped, throwing the pants ruffly into the washing machine. "We seen what sickness has done to people, poor and rich, young and old. News flash, it isn't pretty." I say, pulling a shirt out of the hamper. 

"Because she's strong Jacob." Evie answered calmly. 

I let out a sigh, relaxing my shoulders, "You're right about that." 

Arno's POV

I stir the soup in the pot before adding just a little bit of garlic. I couldn't help but glance over towards the couch, (Y/N) snuggled closer to her blanket as she turned on her side. 

I couldn't help but fear for her, I lost Elise, I can't loose her either. I turn back, focusing on the soup, hoping this would help her feel better. Maybe, just maybe, help her fight off this sickness. 

Malik's POV

I walk into the kitchen, finding Arno stirring a pot of soup. I walk over to one of the cabinets, opening to before grabbing a metal bowl before carrying it over to the sink turning on the cold water. I walk back over, shutting the cabinet before moving over towards a drawer, pulling it open to find some rags inside. 

"What are you doing?" I hear Arno question, looking over at me with a raised brow. 

I pull out a white rag before closing the drawer, "Putting something cold on her forehead." 

"You know ... you could just use an ice pack right?" Arno questioned, gesturing to the freezer with his head. 

I froze in place, his words sinking into my mind. 'Well that would definitely be easier.' 

I place the rag on the counter, before going to the freezer, taking out a blue, flexible ice pack. I close the freezer before walking over to (Y/N)'s side, gently pushing her on her back, placing the ice pack on her forehead. 

I noticed her face was much paler, sweat now running down her face, however she still seemed to be sleeping peacefully. "Please get better." I whisper lowly, before standing up and going outside to check on the horses. 

Altair's POV

I shuffled through the books along the shelves, before taking a few out. "These look promising." I say, handing on to each; Haytham, Ezio, and Shay. 

"Do you really think we can find something in these?" Ezio questioned, opening the book in his hands, flipping through some pages. 

"Possibly. That pendant has to be somewhere in history." I answer, sitting down with the book in my hands. 

"Are you sure that her sickness came from the pendant? She could have gotten it from being in the rain." Haytham questioned with a small shrug, opening his own book. 

"It could be a possibility, the apple can cause serious injury if used for too long by a person." I answer, opening the book. "The pendant glowed many times when it was around her neck, plus you saw the way her eyes changed color." I point out. 

"True, but it could also be the staff." Shay pointed out. "She looked exhausted after using it." 

"I still think it was just because she was in the rain." Haytham said. 

Edward's POV

I sat down in front of the couch, pulling my knees up, placing my elbows onto them. "Edward." I jumped lightly, turning my head to see (Y/N), looking at me, slipping the ice pack off her forehead with her hand. 

"Can you get me some water please?" She asked in a dry voice, turning on her side. 

"Of course lass." I answer with a small smile, standing up onto my feet, grabbing a cup from the cabinet before filling it up with water from the fridge. I walk back over, (Y/N) sitting up once I came close. I handed the cup to her, she took a small sip of water before gulping it down. 

I take it from her hand before placing it on the counter, I then sit down on the couch, I lay her head down onto my thigh. "How are you feelin?" I ask, dragging my finger through her soft (h/c) locks. 

"Oh, you know ... the usual." She spoke with a slight cheerful tone, before she coughed into her arm. 

I chuckle lightly, placing my elbow on the side of the couch before leaning my head onto the closed fist, looking down at her warmly. I look up when I hear the door open, seeing Connor walk in with a few plants in his hands. 

He glared at me, which I smirked back in return, continuing to drag my fingers through her hair. Connor shook his head, walking past us and into the kitchen. 

(Y/N)'s POV 

I relax into Edward's touch, letting out a small sigh as I close my eyes, hoping to fall back asleep. The next thing I know, I felt someone give me a small shake. I blink open my eyes, seeing Connor and Arno standing side by side, carrying a tray that had a bowl of soup and what looked like a cup of tea on it. 

"Oh, thanks guys. You didn't have to." I say with a small smile, sitting up and taking the tray form their hands. I picked up the spoon that was next to the soup, taking a small sip. I let out a hum of satisfaction as the warm soup ran down my sore throat, "This is delicious." I then took the sip of the tea, tasting ginger and basil, a strange combination but was good none the less. I licked my lips after taking a small sip. 

"I made the soup." Arno spoke with a triumphant smile. "It contains some things to help you feel better." 

"Thank you Arno the soup is wonderful." I say with the best smile I could muster, despite me still feeling awful. 

"I created the tea." Connor said stepping forward, clasping his hands in front of him. "I gathered some herbs outside to help with your fever." 

I smile warmly, "Thank you Connor. I can feel it working already." I then continue eating the soup, unaware of Connor and Arno glaring at one another. 

"Love! What do I put the bedding on!?" I hear Jacob call out from somewhere inside the house. 

I stop eating my soup, turning my head, 'Did I hear him right?' I question to myself, my brows contorting into confusion. "Um ... sanitize!" I call back before adding, "But you don't have to worry about that! I can do it!" I immediately erupted into a bound of coughs, struggling to get a breath. 

Edward rubbed my back as he handed the tea to me, which I took from his hand, taking a small sip, silencing myself. "Don't worry about it love, I got it covered. You just rest your pretty little head." I hear Jacob say. 

I feel a hand on my head, causing me to look up to see Malik. "You still have a bit of a temperature but it is down a bit." He spoke, taking his hand away. 

"I'm telling you it's something else!" I hear Altair's voice growled. 

"I'm kind of on Haytham with this one. Pretty sure it was the rain." I hear Ezio say. 

"Finally, someone who has come to their senses." I hear Haytham speak, sounding a bit agitated. 

Before anyone could answer, there was a knock on the door, causing the dogs to bark wildly. "Guess Stella is here." I mumble. 

"I'll get it!" I hear Henry call out, as I hear the door open. 

"Where is my idiot sister?" I hear my little sister question as she walked into the house. 

"I'm not an idiot!" I protest, before coughing once more. 

Stella walked into the living room with a plastic bag in her hand, she looked down at me with a crossed look. "That's what you get for not bringing your rain gear." She lectured. 

"Yeah, yeah, ok mom. I learned my lesson." I say, taking another sip of soup. 

I sister simply sighed, pulling out a liquid bottle, pouring it into the small measuring cup that was connected to it. She then handed it to me, I gulped it down, before handing it back to her, winkling my nose in disgust. "I forgot how awful that stuff tastes. Thank sis."

"You better get better before Saturday." She spoke. 

"Don't worry, it's just a cold. I should be better by tomorrow." I tell her with a small smile. That's when I noticed the others let out a sigh of relief. That's when it hit me, back then a common cold was known to kill people, of course it wasn't called a cold back then. No wonder why they were so worried. I smiled warmly, awe they really do care about me. 

But note to self, inform them on medicine. 

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