The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

4 Fire that Burns You

6.6K 283 165
By melantha123

POV Punzie

Last evening I was on a date, first time after the funeral which was two weeks ago. However I couldn't be out that late since it was our stations turn to be ready this weekend in case there's a fire or an accident.

After I was dressed into my jogging pants and t-shirt I went to breakfast downstairs. Everything was as usual, dad was drinking his coffee like every morning and reading the paper. He refuses to eat anything before he has his first cup of coffee. I grinned when I saw mom doing blueberry pancakes which is tradition, every Saturday morning she does those.

"Morning!" I said cheerfully and I sat to my place. Dad lowered his paper and nodded his head, "Morning sweetie. How was your date?" He asked.

"Well you know," I said while I buttered a piece of toast, "Really nice but too short since we're again on duty this weekend." I lifted my eyebrow, "You're keeping us busy dad."

Dad sighed and smiles sadly to me, while mum wishes us both good morning and hands us our pancakes. "It's not totally my idea, I think that Jack wants to keep himself busy," he sighed.

I exhaled loudly as I started cutting the pancakes into smaller pieces. "Yeah, I know. Well you can't blame him, he's still young like all of us.. It's not like you everyday lose a team member or a friend," I said quietly as I stared at my breakfast.

The crumbling sound of the paper caught my attention and then I feel how dad touches my wrist. "Just try to keep up your lively spirit, I'm sure that you all will learn how to deal with the loss at some point," he smiles to me.

I nodded my head, "Sorry dad. I know that you have lost team members too when you were a firefighter who was working on field." I wiped my hair behind of my ear. He hummed,"Yes but my worst nightmare would be losing you. I mean it has not been so long since we got you back."

"Yeah but I'm here now," I smiled to him. "What are you two talking about?" Mum chuckled as she sat down to the table. She had just returned from the stables. We were living in the countryside since our horse Maximus loved to have some space around him.

I startled when our wall clock started to ring. "No! I'm late!" I shouted and quickly I stuffed rest of the food to my mouth and then I run to grab the car keys.

"Be safe!" My mom yelled after me when I ran outside. "Sure!" I shouted back n the best I could when there's a toast in your mouth and then I jump inside my car. I started it and then I rushed to our fire station.

As I passed the fire station after 30min drive and drove to back where there's a parking lot I saw Jack laying on the hood of the fire truck. He seemed like he was asleep and he used his arms as a pillow as he laid on his back.

I wasn't the only one who was running late, I could see that Hiccup was getting out form his car too in the parking lot. He smiled and waved his hand. "Hey!" I grinned to him and waved but then I saw who was also getting out from the car. It was Hiro.

I hesitated for a moment but then I went to them, "Hi Hiro. How are you?" I spoke to him and for a moment he took his eyes away from looking at the pavement. "Managing," he gave me a faint smile. I could see the black circles around his eyes and his whole presence seemed tired and sad.

"I promised to take care of him since this dude wanted to come back to work," Hiccup laughed nervously and placed his arm over Hiro's shoulder. He messed up his hair.

Hiro pouted and tried to push Hiccup away but instead Hiccup laughed and did a Mohawk of Hiro's hair. Hiro gasped when he touched his head. "Haha! Try and catch me!" Hiccup chuckled and runs away. "I'm so gonna avenge!" Hiro shouted and runs after him. I giggled to their actions as I threw my bag over my shoulder.

When I get inside the fire station I see how Hiro is chasing after Hiccup around the fire station.

"Look who is back!" Merida laughed as she watched the guys. She was doing some maintenance to the fire truck.

Suddenly a cold feeling aura radiated through the room and then we heard a bored laugh. It was coming from the hood of the fire truck. Everyone was looking at where the laughter came and I place my bag to floor.

With a thump Jack jumped down to floor, he was wearing his fireproof pants already. "Enough with this fooling around!" Jack ordered. His eyes were cold and enough to make us all freeze.

Everyone stayed quiet as Jack walks among us. "You - are - on - duty! For Pete's sake! I will not withstand any of stupidity from you! " He shouted and then glared at us. I look down to floor and I can sense the tense feeling. "They were just having fun," Merida said quietly.

"Yeah! Having fun! Geez, that's what's gonna get you killed while you're on duty. Losing one was enough!" Jack yelled and I hear him going upstairs.

"Well he sure is moody today," Merida whispered when Jack had left. I bit my lower lip, dad had told me that Jack failed his mental state exam after Tadashi's death but he assured my dad that he can do his job. However I'm now really doubting if he can really work.

"You should speak with him," Hiccup walks next to me and whispers to my ear. "Why me?" I whispered back. The idea of speaking to Jack was actually quite scary at the moment. If a look could freeze me, well, I would be a popsicle right about that moment.

Hiccup placed his hand on my shoulder, "Because you get him. I may have been his friend longer but your personalities match somehow. So maybe you can get the old Jack back?" Hiccup assured me and I sighed my defeat.

"I'll try," I said quietly and then I handed Hiccup my bag. "Take this to my locker, please?" I chuckled. I noticed that Merida was teaching Hiro of how to maintenance the fire truck. She is sweet when you get to know her, she might have a rough surface but her heart is big.

My heartbeat increased when I headed upstairs. "Jack?" I called him as I headed to our resting area where our beds are. I see Jack laying on his bed, he is laying on his back with his other leg over the other. I see that he is playing some game with his portable gaming system.

"Yeah?" Jack questioned when I was getting closer to him. When I reached his bed I hesitated for a moment but then I sat down.

"I need to speak with you," I said nervously but he just hummed. I see that he is playing some military game. Then I took his game away from him and I rolled my eyes to him.

"I was playing that," Jack said bitterly.

"Yes, I saw that," I told him immediately. Then there was a moment of silence. He crossed his arms and looks away.

"So," Jack said coldly.

"Well, I wanted to speak you about the way you behave. Oh, and I know that you failed your mental test. We need the real you back," I said to him without any sweet talk. He needed to hear it straight.

"And you're saying that this isn't the real me?" He said bitterly and he tries to snitch back the game.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying," I said as I sat on top of his game controller.

"Then what's the real me and what's the fake me?" He said with boredom.

"The real you is funny and sweet, easy to get along. You find fun and Brightside on almost everything, you're a kind person Jack. Now you're just mean and cold to everyone, I mean.. Hiro just came back and is trying to cope with his mourning after his brother. Give us a bit of slack, please," I smiled to him.

While I spoke I noticed the way his expression changed moment by moment. "I'm mean?" he asked and sounded a bit sad.

"Yes you are," I agreed. "Stop being so rude and selfish," I grinned.

Jack ruffles his hair and smiles faintly to me. "Thanks Punz. I'll try to get a grip of me.. now... could I have my game back?" He chuckled.

"Not until you agree to apologize everything!" I chuckled and then I saw the usual mischievous smirk of his.

Jack grabbed my wrist and I feel how his other hand goes under my butt. He is trying to get the game controller which I'm sitting on. "JACK!" I screamed and then yelped when he pulled the controller from under me. Unfortunately the fast movement made me lose my balance and I fell to my back.

The weight of my body pulled Jack after me. He was laying on top of me with his other hand holding my wrists and his other the controller. He laughs a bit and I join him, my cheeks are getting red.

Then I notice how Jack starts to look at my lips. I knew that look. "Jack," I whispered. "I have a boyfriend," I said after there was no change in him but he was leaning closer.

When Jack heard me speaking of a boyfriend he paused. He shook his head, "Yeah I know that." He chuckles and pulls me up. I smile to him, "You know.. You really should get a girlfriend. She might teach you some manners." I teased him and he actually got red.

"Y-yeah, maybe someday but for now.. All family I need is in here, at this fire station," he smiles warmly.

POV Elsa

Anna is posing in front of a big tree. "Is this better?" She giggles and I showed her a thumbs up when she leaned herself against the tree. We had just arrived to Pixie hollow.

"It's a shame that we have only one week left before--," she sighed when I took the picture. "Let me correct that one," I grinned and she pouted. "YOU have one week left, I have free time until January," I laughed and she rolled her eyes before she laughed.

"Yeah so you enjoy your time until then," she hummed. "Does it have a self launch?" She asked and I start to examine the camera. "Umm.. wait a second.. Yeah there is one!" I shouted.

"Okay, so Elsa, put that camera over there on the railing and give yourself one minute to run here and let's take a selfie. Okay?" She giggled and I nodded my head. Quickly I took the camera to that place.

"Say cheese," Anna smiles and placed her arm around my waist. I did the same and just when camera flashed we said cheese. "Let's go check out the pic!" She squealed and runs past me. I smile as I watch her. Coming to USA was her dream come true.

After seeing the sights like Tinker Nook, Winter Woods, Summer Glade, Fall Forest and Spring Region we went to our hotel which was located in the heart of Winter Woods. It was a nice building, cozy.

Late at the evening I was in bed, reading a book, when Anna jumped on her bed. She was still drying up her hair after taking a shower. "So, I'm really excited to start at my school. It's going to be so awesome!" She grinned.

"Yeah, I have figured out that you're excited, for some reason," I raised my eyebrow as I gave her a mischievous smile. She chuckled for a response.

"How about you? Do you wait already to get back to work?" She asks with her normal amount of enthusiasm.

"Well," I started as I placed the book down. "I'm not that much of a people person but I really love my job and it's interesting since the leading chief told me that there has been three boys in that team and two girls so I'm going to even up the numbers," I grinned.

"Oh! Please tell me more! I mean you have to know something of your new working environment," she begged me to tell her more. I shook my head, "Nope. Why would you want to know anyway?" I laughed a bit.

"Elsa, please! I mean I have told you everything about my new school," she groaned.

I smiled slyly, "Okay. So there's couple of guys who are older than me but only by one year if I remember correctly. The other girl is the same age as me and the other one is one year younger. Oh and the youngest person is 17 years old which is quite young for a fireman but the leading chief reassured me that he is well qualified for the job."

Anna nodded her head, "And?" I rolled my eyes, "You want to know even more?" She nodded her head again and I sighed while putting my book away.

"Well, they're known to be the most successful firemen group in whole Burgess but also bit too heroic. I guess that they need some control to them," I hummed.

"Like giving those boys a lesson?" Anna smirked. I nodded my head.

POV Jack

I went to bathroom after Punzie left to downstairs. I decided to wash my face with cold water. What on earth was I thinking? I can't let my feelings fool me, her caring for me almost got me. "Get a grip Jack," I whispered while I leaned to the sink and looked at my reflection from the mirror.

I messed up my hair as I was feeling uneasy. "Okay so she has someone in her life, I don't want anyone in my life. Simple as that, yeah, " I mumbled.

Suddenly the door was slammed. "Everything okay Jack? I can hear you speaking to yourself," it was Hiccup's voice. He was behind the locked door.

"Yup, everything is perfect," I shouted back to him and I hear him leaving. I sighed, no, I'm not okay. Everything has gone wrong ever since Tadashi gave his life.

Suddenly a siren starts to call and I shook my head. It's time to go, quickly I open up the door and run to the fire truck.

"Let's go!"I shouted as I climbed inside the truck. Everyone was already inside and I start to close up my coat. "What's the emergency," I spoke to the radio.

"First-degree-arson," the woman spoke and I flinched. "What?" I gulped.

"Arsonist has set up a fire at school," the woman told us. "WHAT SCHOOL?" I shouted as I gritted my teeth together.

"The address is.. is," Merida mumbled and sounded afraid.

"Burgess Centrum High School," the woman spoke and my heart felt like crushing.

"Emma," I whispered. "DRIVE FASTER!" I shouted to Merida who was rolling the wheel wildly when we did a sharp turn. It was my little sister's school.

Soon I see the cloud of smoke and when we arrived the left wing of the school was bright from the flames.

"Why are you panicking? The school is empty on Saturdays," Merida asked as she runs to get the hose. We were the first unit in the scene.

I shook my head, "They have rehearsal every Saturday. F-for her dancing." My hands are shaking when I'm getting my helmet on my head. "Calm down," I feel Hiccups hand on my shoulder. He is already wearing his helmet and now he is helping me to get mine on.

The aid from Hiccup helped me to calm down. I inhaled and exhaled deeply. Punzie brought me my oxygen bottle, "You sure that you can do this?" She asks from me and I show her my thumbs up. I have to do this.

I placed my hands on Hiccup's shoulders. I see him looking seriously at me through his helmet. He gives me a thumbs up and I nodded. We both start to run towards the burning building and the girls are getting the hose closer with Hiro.

Me and Hiccup are doing the smoke diving now, the girls are calming down the flames with water while Hiro helps them.

Through the smoke I see some figures closing up on us. I see a girl with brown hair hanging to half of her back. She is holding a clothe over her mouth as she runs with another girl and guy.

Then I recognized the brown haired girl and I quickly took the mask from my face, "EMS!!" I shouted and the girl lifts her head. "J-Jack?" She coughs because of the smoke and runs towards me. She hugs me quickly.

"T-the place is burning up, we don't know what happened," Emma whispered and I rubbed her back. "It's alright. Were you the only ones inside?" I asked and she shakes her head.

"Wendy went to bathroom moments before the fire started," she tells me. "What bathrooms?" I ask from her.

"The girls bathrooms in second floor in the left wing," Emma tells me with tears in her eyes. "Okay, I know the place. Don't be scared Ems," I smile to her as I wipe away her tear. Then I put my mask back on and I rush forward where Hiccup had been waiting.

"There's still a girl inside," I spoke to Hiccup through our helmet radio. "Where?" Hiccup asks. "The girls bathroom where Ms. Yzma took young guys to do nasty stuff," I told to Hiccup. Ms. Yzma was our chemistry teacher at High School. There were rumors that some young guys did some stuff with her in hopes for good grades. She looked like a relic with her grayish skin, red lips and lots of mascara. She is bony and extremely old looking with a bald head. She even once said that she wanted to discuss about my test after school. I declined.

The entry hall of the school felt warm already, the flames were going wild. We run to left and then I see the fire hose hanging on the wall. I break up the glass and we take it out.

The flames were already spreading. I touch the second floor door and it feels hot. "It's probably a flash fire. Stand aside," I told to Hiccup and he presses himself against the wall next to the door while holding the hose. I inhale deeply before I kick the door in. Then I jumped aside and the flames almost like exploded from the doorway. This happens when the flame gets air into it, it gives more energy to the fire.

My heart rate is increasing and I look inside from the door. The whole corridor is charred from the licking flames that are climbing up on the walls. The sound of humming and cracking is taking over all other sounds.

"Let's go and get her out," I said to Hiccup. He gives me the hose and I open up the water. I'm spraying the water on the bottom of the flame. It cools it down just enough so we can go forward. However it's not enough to get the fire to stop, we need much more to that.

I wipe my helmet's lid which has water running on it. The fire extinguishment system of the school is on and spraying water around us.

Suddenly I feel how the hose gets jammed and I look back. It's not jammed but it's not enough. "Hiccup, the hose won't be enough," I said and I look at him.

"Well, let's ditch the hose and run forward?" He smiles and I nodded my head. "Okay so let's just put some water over that doorway and then we spring. It's just 50 feet away, the toiler," I told him.

"Yeah," he says quietly and I raise the hose. I'm spraying the water all over the doorway and for a moment the flames died up. It's just a matter of time until the walls dry up and start to burn again. The heat around us is intense and it will evaporate the water from the soaked wall soon.

"On the count to three. One, two--," I counted. "THREE!" I shouted and I dropped the hose.

Both me and Hiccup run forward, through the doorway. Slowly I see how the flames are getting hungry around us again. They're slowly sneaking back up on the wall. "Run, RUN!" I shouted as we did a sharp turn to our left. Just a small distance left.

"It's getting HOT IN HERE!" Hiccup shouted. "I KNOW!" I shouted and we run past a fire extinguisher. I stopped. "Why are you stopping!" Hiccup shouted.

"Keep going! I'll come after you," I told him and I broke the glass with my elbow. Then I took the extinguisher to carry and we run the rest of the 50 feet.

Then we saw the girls bathroom sign. "Jack, the whole place is surrounded by flames," Hiccup gasped as he was the first one to reach the door.

"Leave it to me," I told him and he took a step to his side. The sound of the flames was roaring around us. I placed the extinguisher on floor and I pulled out the safety pin that flew behind of me.

Then I took the extinguisher to my left hand and the hose to my right, I guided the hose as I pressed the handle down. Some white foam was now going on the flames and cooling it down. "Open the door, now," I told to Hiccup.

The door was locked so Hiccup broke the lock with his axe. Whole bathroom was filled up with black smoke. "Close the door," I told to Hiccup when I went to break the window. Just when he closed the door I shattered the window, this way the flames weren't getting any air as their fuel since the doors were closed.

Smoke escaped from the window and then we see a lifeless body laying on the floor. Her light brown hair was short and on slight curls. "Is she alive?" Hiccup asks as I kneel next to the girl. I see that her chest rises after short amount of time.

"Yeah, barely," I told to Hiccup and then I took out my own mask. "No Jack!" Hiccup shouted as I gave my oxygen to Emma's friend, Wendy. "She needs it," I coughed and lifted the girl up in my arms.

"Is the ladder up already?" I asked from Hiccup who had asked it from Merida a while ago. Hiccup runs to the window and shows his thumb up.

I carry her to the window and Hiccup climbs outside. I help him to get her in good position to carry down. The smoke is burning up my lungs, it makes my head feel dizzy and I know that I need to get out soon. "Go," I order Hiccup who starts climbing down.

I took my mask back when they were too far down. The rosy cheeks of the girl were stained from ash. I took a long breath from my mask. The amount of oxygen was running low. Then it ended.

I took off my oxygen bottle which I left on the floor. The black smoke was making it's way inside the bathroom from under the door. I coughed a lot when I climbed down the ladders.

Finally I was down and my coughing got worse, dizziness was making my feet shake. "Frost!" Punzie yelled and runs to me with small oxygen bottle which paramedics use for patients. I took it with my hands shaking and I took a deep breath. My breathing got easier soon.

"Thanks," I said with dry voice to Punzie as we were going away from the worst flames. "Our truck is empty from water," Merida told me when we got back to the truck. Hiccup was taking out his equipment.

A guy from other unit came to tell us that we have done our share and others will deal with the rest. "You're an idiot Jack," I heard my sisters voice and I look over my shoulder. "I love you too Ems," I chuckled. She rolled her eyes but hugged me immediately. "They say that you two saved Wendy, thank you," she whispers and I rubbed her back.

"You're getting ashes all over you," I whispered while Emma hugged me. "Well, you can do my laundry tomorrow,"she giggled and caused me to laugh. "Sure," I said warmly.

When Emma left we started packing up our stuff. "That was some cool action," Hiro told me when he slammed close the doors on the trucks side. "Uh, thanks," I laughed nervously and ruffled my hair. The ashes that flew from my hair caused me to sneeze and it made Hiro laugh. I smile to him.

"Time for celebration! Huh?" Hiccup shouts and jumps to my back, messing up my hair. "Sure! Just don't try to strangle me," I chuckled and threw him from my back with karate movement.

"Boys will be boys," Punzie giggled and I gave her a wink. "They sure are," Merida groaned. Merida's comment made me laugh.

I went to roll up the hose and suddenly Punzie appeared to help me out. "Hey Frost," she whispered shyly. "Yup?" I smile to her.

"Thanks for coming back to us," she said quietly and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Glad to be," I smiled slyly.


Soooo... how was it? I hope that I managed with the fire thing xD.

Hehe.. Let's see what happens next *mischievous smirk*

Have a warm Christmas everyone! Remember to turn off your candles when you're not watching after them O_O.

The song is done by a Finnish band and it's actually quite good. They performed in Eurovision song contest this year and are actually from the city where I live. hehe

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