The Golden King (Adopted!Gilg...

By Elyion22

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The title says it all. (Disclaimer:I don't own Fate or RWBY!) More

(Y/N) Bio
The Shining Beacon
The Emerald Forest
The Badge and The Burden
The Past is Past
The Stray
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
An Old Friend
Burning The Candle
Search And Destroy
No Brakes
The Vytal Festival
The Fall Of Beacon (Part 1)
The Fall Of Beacon (Part 2)
End of The Beginning
The Prophecy
Costume Changes(not a chapter)
The Knight
Of Monsters and Stowaways
Two Steps Forward,Two Steps Back
The Caster
No Safe Haven
Dread in The Air
Lighting The Fire
Known by its Song
Alone Together
True Colors
Attack On Haven
Break In To Break Out
The Strength in Forgiveness
Preparing for War
Simply Meant To Be

The Final Battle

2.8K 36 29
By Elyion22

Adopted!Gilgamesh Reader x Yang Xiao Long

Part 39

No One's POV

Soon after,Ozpin,Glynda,(Y/N),Team RWBY,Team JNPR,Team SSAG,Cu,Adam,Sun,Illia,Scathach,Qrow,Shirou,Diarmuid,Robin,Waver,Taiga and Kiritsugu arrive at the Land of Darkness.

Ruby:"So this is it.The Land of Darkness."

Qrow:"Look out for Grimm.After all,this is where Salem lives."

Everyone nods as (Y/N) shifts to his armor.

They walked through the Land of Darkness.There,they saw scattered human bones,and decaying bodies.


Nora:"It smells kinda gross here."

Gray:"And it's gloomy too."

Waver:"So,what's the plan again,Ozpin?"

Ozpin:"We ambush Salem in that building over there.Then we take out her men and that's where we fight Salem."

Qrow:"Yeah.That sounds like a good plan."

Kiritsugu:"I don't see any Grimm around here.I don't like it."

Qrow:"What do you mean from that?"

Kiritsugu:"Nothing.It's just that I have a bad feeling about this that's all."

Glynda:"Kiritsugu's right.Something's not right here."

Jaune:"Hey guys?"

They all turned around.

Jaune:"Is it just me,or is something watching us?"

Then,they hear screaming from above and they see Hazel about land on the ground.

They jump off as Hazel smashes the ground.


Then,Jaune and Pyrrha's legs are wrapped in chains and they were pulled back by Medusa.

Then,Assassin teleports behind Cu and kicks him off.


Adam the unsheathes his weapon and strikes at Assassin but he dodges his attacks.

Blake then assists Adam by shooting at Assassin with her gun but Assassin easily deflects them with his knife.

Then,Carmilla drops in and attacks one of the members of Team SSAG and Waver.


Add:"On it!"

Add then transforms into a scythe and joins her teammates and Waver in fighting Carmilla.

Then,Arthuria charges at Weiss but Diarmuid intervenes and blocks her attack with his swords.The 3 then start to fight.

Then,Bedivere,Mordred,Gawain,and Tristan arrive and fights the others.

Hazel then approaches Ozpin.

Hazel:"You will pay for what you did to my sister!"

Then,Glynda then uses her Semblance to move huge pieces of boulders at Hazel which sends him back.


Shirou then summons Kanshou and Bakuya.

Shirou:"We'll handle the rest!Get to Salem now!"

Then,someone shoots Kiritsugu in shoulder and turns around to see Watts.


Kiritsugu:"I'm ok.Ozpin,go!"

Taiga:"We'll take care of these guys!*grins*"

Ozpin nods and he,(Y/N),Ruby,Yang,Qrow,and Scathach ran off to Salem until Tyrian jumps in there way.


Tyrian laughs as Qrow takes out his weapon.

Scathach:"Go.We'll take care of this."

She then takes out her weapon as Ozpin,(Y/N),Ruby,and Yang run off.

Tyrian charges at Qrow and Scathach who later they swing their weapons at him but Tyrian blocks them with his weapons and his new tail.

Ozpin,(Y/N),Ruby,and Yang ran until a huge blast was sent at them knocking them back.

They get up to see Salem.

Salem:"'s about time."

Ozpin glares at her.


Salem:"I have been waiting for this moment.For all of you to show up only to die and fail."

(Y/N) then summons a sword from the portals,Ruby brings out Crescent Rose,Ozpin takes out his cane and Yang readies Ember Celica.

Salem:"You'll never defeat me.I don't care what that prophecy says.But you must know that I cannot be stopped!"

(Y/N):"We'll see about that."

He then fires the Gate of Babylon at Salem but she dodges it at a light speed and sends a large glowing ball of green light at him sending him flying to the air.


Salem then sends powerful blasts at them and they doge the blasts.

Rubu fires at her using Crescent Rose but it had no effect.Salem sends a powerful blast at her which sends her sprawling to the ground.

Yang fires Ember Celica at her and charges.She jumps in the air to give Salem a punch but Salem teleports behind her and kicks her to the ground.

Ozpin then parried his cane at Salem but she managed to block the attacks and blasts a beam at him,knocking him back.

Swords then were fired at Salem but she deflected the swords with ease as (Y/N) steps forward and fires more swords at her.

Salem then stops the swords and fires them back at (Y/N) who deflects the swords using a sword he summoned from the portals.

Salem:"I remember you.You were the boy that Goodwitch saved.I should have killed you years ago when I had the chance.But now that I look at you,perhaps I find it hard to believe you're the Golden King from the prophecy,judging from your skills and your abilities."

(Y/N) then summons another sword from his portals and charges at Salem.

He opens the portals again and fires more swords but Salem easily stops them and fires them back but (Y/N) manages to dodge the incoming weapons and manages to get close to Salem.

Salem:"So that's how it is."

She then summons two swords and began fighting (Y/N).

The two fought for a few minutes until Salem sends another blast at (Y/N) knocking him to the ground.

(Y/N) gets up but Salem grabs his hair and knocks him with her knee.

Meanwhile,Shirou is firing his guns at Hazel but he shrugs it off and charges at Shirou who then dodges his attacks.

Hazel slams his fist into the ground but Shirou manages to dodge out of the way.

Shirou:"Hazel,there's no need for this!"

Hazel then attacks again but Shirou dodges and fires his guns but Hazel was still unaffected.

Shirou:"I know what happened to your sister."

Hazel paused.

Hazen:"Then you know why I want to kill Ozpin."

Shirou:"Your sister made a choice,Hazel."

Hazel:"She was a child! She wasn't ready!!"

Shirou:"She made a choice to put others before herself!"

He then puts back the guns and summons Kenshou and Bakuya.

Shirou:"And so do I."

Hazel just glares at him.

Hazel:"Then you've chosen death!"

He charges at Shirou until Glynda moves a boulder and crushes Hazel with it.

However,Hazel manages to survive and lifts the boulder with all of his might while Glynda controls the rock with her Semblance,trying to slow Hazel down.

Glynda:"Go help,Ozpin!I'll handle him!"

Shirou nods and runs off.

Adam then parries his sword but Assassin jumps off until Blake gets behind him but Assassin notices her and kicks her.


Adam then slices a beam of energy at Assassin but he dodges and attacks Adam again.

Adam manages to kick Assassin until Cu jumps in the air and strikes Assassin with Gae Bolg.

(replace Archer with Assassin)

The two lock weapons until Cu jumps off and kicks Assassin back.

Assassin gets up to see Cu,Adam,and Blake teaming up.He grins as he charges at the the three with his knife and all of them start fighting again.

(Y/N) was crawling to the ground,trying to get up as Salem approaches him.

Then,Salem was shot multiple times from behind.She frowns and turns around to see Ruby and Shirou charging at her while firing both of their guns at her.

As they got closer,Shirou immediately summons his swords while Ruby turns her gun back into a scythe.

Salem then blocks their attacks until Yang joins in.

The 4 traded blows Yang lands a series of punches and kicks on Salem but Salem hits back with a powerful kick in the gut,knocking her out.

(Y/N) then charges at Salem.Shirou,(Y/N),Ruby and Salem exchange blows for a few minutes until Salem unleashes a powerful energy shockwave which knocks everyone back,weakening (Y/N),Shirou and Ruby.

Ozpin gets up and prepared to fight Salem until she smirks.

Ozpin widened his eyes as he sees a massive army of Grimm surrounding them.Nevermores,Ursai,Wyverns,Beowolves,and Creeps surrounded and Ozpin backs away in fear.

Ozpin:" knew."

Salem:"If it wasn't for Assassin,I wouldn't have known your plan on attacking me."

Ozpin looks around and sees (Y/N),Yang,Shirou,and Ruby slowly getting up.He also sees Team JNPR fighting Medusa,Diarmuid and Weiss fighting Arthuria,Siegfried fighting Mordred,Glynda fighting Hazel,Robin and Sun fighting Tristan,Illia,Astolfo and Sieg fighting Gawain,Kiritsugu  fighting Watts,Taiga fighting Bedivere,Carmilla fighting Waver and Gray and Blake,Adam and Cu fighting Assassin.

Salem:"You've made a big mistake,Ozpin.And this weakling is the supposed Golden King?*scoffs*How disappointing.Now,all of you will die."

Ozpin grips on his cane and prepares to fight Salem on his own until..


Ozpin then takes out his scroll.

???:"On your left."

Ozpin looks at his left to see Atlesian airships in the air.

Ozpin:"Just in time."

Salem widened her eyes and everyone stopped fighting to look at the Atlesian airships.


On the Atlesian airship,Ironwood looks down and sends Robotic Knights and Atlesian Soldiers down.

Then,a portal appears revealing Raven.


Raven smiles at her brother as other portals open and the entire Branwen tribe comes out,including Sasaki Koujirou.


Arthuria,The Knights,Hazel,Watts,Carmilla,and Assassin stop fighting as they look up to see the Atlesian airships.

They teleported back to Salem as they watch the Atlesian military and the bandits walking up to them.

(Y/N),Yang,Shirou and Ruby got up as they see the Atlesian military.

Ruby:"They're here too?"

A raven flies by at them and it shapeshifts to Raven.



She then walks up to them.



Salem frowned as she sees them.

(Y/N) walked up and smiled confidently as his teammates,Ozpin,Glynda,Cu,Team JNPR Team SSAG,Diarmuid,Shirou,Sun,Robin,Illia,Kiritsugu,Taiga,Waver,Qrow,Scathach,Raven,Adam,and the Atlesian military join him.

Salem,Arthuria,The Knights,Hazel,Watts,Assassin,Medusa,and Carmilla ready their weapons as one of the Nevermores,Wyverns,Ursai,Beowolves and Creeps roared at them.

(Y/N) summons a sword and everyone raised their fists simultaneously and yelled as they charge at their enemies.

Salem,Arthuria,The Knights,Watts,Hazel,Medusa,Assassin, Carmilla and the army of Grimm charge at them.

The two armies fought as (Y/N),Team RWBY,Team JNPR, Team SSAG,Diarmuid,Shirou,Sun,Robin,Illia,Kiritsugu,Taiga,Waver,Qrow,Raven,the and Atlesian military slew some Grimms.

(Y/N) and Yang fought side by side as they slew Grim one by one.Ruby and Shirou use their guns to shoot at the Grimms.

Everyone fought hard until Ozpin and (Y/N) charged at Salem and the 3 fought.

Diarmuid and Weiss slew a few grims until an Ursai charges at them until it was later slain by Winter.



The two run up and hug each other.

Winter:"I heard you ran and I was worried!Are you ok?"

Weiss:"Yeah.Diarmuid was with me."


Winter smiles at him.

Winter:"It's nice to see to see you again,Diarmuid."


Weiss:"Wait,you two know each other?"

They hear a roar and a Creep is charging towards them until Sasaki jumps in and cuts off its head.

Diarmuid:"Surprised to see you here."

Sasaki:"I can say the same thing to you.

Grimms start surrounding them and they ready their weapons.

Sasaki:"Say.Are you interested in continuing our match after this?"

Diarmuid:"Gladly.This time,no interruptions."

Sasaki:"Very well then."

The Grimms charge at them as Diarmuid,Weiss,Winter and Sasaki slew one of the Grimms one by one.

Meanwhile,Cu was chasing Assassin through the fighting armies.

Assassin runs into a swamp.He turns around to see if Cu is still following him but sees no one.

He sighs but then Cu jumps from the air and attacks him.Assassin blocks his attack and Cu jumps away and manages to hit him in face which slightly reveals Assassin's face causing him to back away.

Assassin:"You saw my face didn't you,Cu Chulainn?"

Cu:"Soon enough."

They continued fighting until Assassin leaps off as Cu approaches him through the swamp.

Cu:"I wonder.What is a sand bug like you going to do in a watering hole,huh?"

He begins to approach him as Assassin smirks.

Cu continues until something grabs him and pulls him in the water.

Cu:"What the hell?"

He jumps out and throws some magical jewels his mother gave him which creates a force field.

Then,the black ooze breaks the force field and Cu frowns in frustration.

Assassin:"If you don't move,it will swallow you."

Cu:"Tch.I knew it.This was a trap.Mind telling me what this thing is?"

Assassin remained silent and takes off the wrap that was covering his arm.

The ooze begins to attack Cu but he manages to dodge it.


He then stretches out his arm which was aiming for Cu until Adam appears.


He pushed him out of the way and the hand touches his chest.


He jumps off.


He then unsheathes his weapon and charges at Assassin.

Assassin smirks as he takes out Adam's heart and Cu and Adam widened their eyes in shock.


Adam:"My heart?"

Assassin:"You're finished!"

He crushes the heart and Adam widened his eyes and paused.

Adam dropped his weapon and Assassin smiles as he sees a hole in Adam's chest.

Assassin surges forward and kills Adam as Cu widens his eyes in horror.


Adam drops to the ground and Assassin laughs hysterically as Cu grits his teeth and frowns.

Cu:" MONSTER!!!"

He then flashes up Gae Bolg and Assassin notices this.

Cu:"I'll take your heart!"

He then charges at Assassin as the black ooze starts to attack him but he manages to slice them off and gets close to Assassin.

Assassin takes out his knife as Cu attacks him.

Cu:"GAE BOLG!!!!"

He thrusts Gae Bolg at Assassin's heart.

Soon,Assassin remained motionless and was killed.

Cu pulls off his weapon as Assassin drops to the ground.

(Y/N) and Ozpin continue fight off Salem until Glynda forms a dark storm-cloud right over Salem and fires large jagged hail shooting at her but Salem stops the hail and fires it back to Glynda but she stops it and makes it into a large arrow.

She fires it at Salem which impales her through the chest.

Salem manages to remove the arrow and heals her wound until Shirou teleports and kicks her off.

He charges at her and slices her arm off.

Shirou then takes out his bow.

Shirou:"I am...the bone of my sword...CALADBOLG!!"

He fires Caladbolg at Salem which sends a huge blast.

Soon,Salem was weakened and is kneeling on one knee.


(play Fate Zero-From This Day and Never Again)

(Y/N) nods as he summons the EA Sword and grins.

Salem looked up and widened her eyes.


Ozpin then contacts Ironwood.

Ozpin:"James!Tell your men to take cover!"



Ironwood nods.

Ironwood:"Everyone take cover!"

Meanwhile,(Y/N) slowly raises the EA Sword in the air.

Salem widens her eyes and tries to send another blast at him.(Y/N) notices this and uses Enkidu to restrain her as he activates the EA Sword.

(Y/N):"I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony of separation!I speak of the beginning. Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart.The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis. Subside with death.....ENUMA ELISH!!!"

He blasts Enuma Elish at Salem as she breaks free from the chains and tries to attack but soon,she got hit.She screamed as her body slowly gets obliterated by the blast and dies.

Everyone takes cover as they see the blast.After it was finished everyone looks up and turns to see that the Grimm are slowly disappearing,turning into dust.

One by one,Grimms fell.Then,one of the Knights slowly disintegrated into dust.Gawain,Bedivere,Mordred,Tristan,Medusa,and Carmilla slowly disintegrated.Arthuria watched her allies die.She looks at her hand as her body begins disintegrating.

Diarmuid then looks at her as she disintegrated.Arthuria looks at him and smiled.

Arthuria:"It's nice to see that you have grown up.Your father must be proud of you,young Diarmuid."

Diarmuid:"King Arthuria..."

Arthuria:"Forgive me..for everything I've done.."

She then fully disintegrated as Diarmuid watches.He looks at the ground as Weiss walks towards him and puts her hand in his shoulder.Diarmuid looks at her and both of them embraced.

(Y/N) was panting as most of his energy ran out after the fight.Yang then runs up to him.


She then hugs (Y/N) and he hugs her back.They pulled away and touched their foreheads together.

(Y/N):"We did it..."

Yang:"Yeah..we did it."

Both of them smile and hugged each other again as their teammates and friends walk up to them.

Blake hears footsteps and then turns around to see Cu carrying Adam's dead body.She widened her eyes and ran up to Cu,who then dropped to his knees.


Blake dropped to her knees as she and Cu both start tearing up.

They looked at each other and hugged as they cried.Everyone gathered and were shocked.

Later,Adam's body was placed in a body bag and Watts,Hazel and Tyrian were arrested.

As (Y/N) watches the soldiers taking them away,his teammates walk up to him and they group hugged as Ozpin,Glynda and Shirou watch them.

Ozpin:"*sighs*It's over...."

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