Living The Dream (A One Direc...

By TrionaLaw

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Lucy Hale is a hardcore Directioner with front row tickets to see the boys. However, her dad ruins her chance... More

After Party
Chatting With The Boys
The Fun Fair
Definitely Messed Up
A Date
Special: Liam's Thoughts
Harry's Point of View
New Things
The Ball
The Day Out
A Night Out On A Surprise Date
The Truth Hurts
Liam's POV
Harry and Zayn's POV
Surprises and A Twist
Drama, Pain And Realization
Saying Goodbye
Surprise Of A Lifetime
Home For Christmas (Liam's POV) *BONUS CHAPTER*


270 8 2
By TrionaLaw

At the hotel, the concierge handed us 5 key cards. My ears are stil ringing from the screaming outside just a minute ago and the fans are scream-singing One Thing which can still be heard clearly in the lobby. Liam smiled at me, kissing me quickly because no cameras are allowed in the lobby (thank God I hate paps, now I know why they hate them too). We're still holding hands from the massive crowd I had to push through to actually get in the door and Liam was pulling me away and they literally parted like the Red Sea to let him through. Seriously if this 'lost in the crowd' thing doesn't stop soon, I am literally going to be left at the airport stranded in maybe South America. 

I stared at the five cards. "Five?" I asked.

I knew all the lads had their own rooms on tour and when Andy (that's Liam's best friend) came to visit them on tour, he shared a room with Liam. I am certainly NOT ready to share rooms with Liam. What if I accidentally walked in on him in the bathroom? Or if he forgot and walked in with a towel? I was NOT ready for an awkward situation like that. What I snored? Or he saw my totally embarassing ripped pajamas?

Liam walked up to the desk and asked the concierge if they had another room like he read my mind. 

"Sorry, we're fully booked," the man said, smiling politely.

"Not even a penthouse? Or a villa?" Liam presses.

"I'm so sorry, we don't have any empty rooms for the time being. Is their a problem with your current room, sir?" he said.

"Err, no, thanks," he said, turning to me with a well I tried look. 

"What's the problem? Lucy can have my room and I'll just share with Liam," Niall piped up, and I'm eternally grateful.

"But it's a double bed," Liam pointed out.

"It's fine. We've shared a bed before." He looked at Liam. "As long as you don't snore. Or kick. I hate kickers." 

"Me?" Liam cried. "You snore!!"

The lift opened and we stepped inside with all our luggage. Surprisingly, popstars handle their own luggage! A screaming girl ran into the lift with us and threw her arms around Harry. The security guy in the lift with us managed to pry her off him and dragged her out while she was crying. I exchanged a look with Liam.

We have the highest floor north hallway all to ourselves with security 24/7. Niall and Liam got the first room with the conjoining doors to the next room, which was supposed to be mine. I have this super huge bed all to myself and a super luxurious bathroom with a row of shiny aromatherapy products I know costs a bomb in the market. Liam came in to tell me to take anything I want or call room service anytime because management took care of everything.

"But everything's so ripped off," I said, crinkling my nose as I examined a room service menu.

"It's nothing. We're going to this fancy dinner around 7.30 and then we have some interviews tonight. Tomorrow we're leaving super early for more interviews and the concert's tonight so we have rehearsals and sound checks... and I probably won't be back at all throughout the day."

"That's okay. I'll go sight-seeing on my own then," I said. "I'm in Paris. I'll find something to do." I opened a cupboard to find a few robes. 

"Sorry, I know it isn't what you expected. Tours are really busy," he said, looking so sad. "It isn't very..."

"Exciting?" I suggested.

"Yeah," he said.

"Are you kidding? Travelling the world, private jets, screaming girls everywhere... this is probably the most exciting job in the world." I bounced up and down. "You get to do this everyday!!"

"It's the best job in the world," he told me. It was almost 6.30, Paris time. "Maybe you should get ready for dinner."

"Why? I don't need an hour to get ready. Do I? Are you meeting the prime minister or something?" I asked, getting panicky. "Oh shit, I don't have anything fancyy. Would it be too much to wear the dress from the ball? It's still stained from that spill by Adam Levine -"

"How long does it take you to get ready?"

"Twenty minutes, about thirty at the most." I shrugged. "Why?"

"I'm stunned. You're the first girl I've met who gets ready in less than half an hour." He laughed. I smiled.

"Really? I'm shocked. It sounds like you've been with fake bimbos all your life," I joked. My phone buzzed with a text and I opened it to check. It was from Harry. I raised an eyebrow. I just met him ten minutes ago. Meet me at my room!! It's an EMERGENCY!! he said. I showed Liam his text. "I'll be back in a minute, sorry."

I kept knocking on every door until Zayn opened up and told me Harry's room was the last door at the end of the hallway, sounding a little pissed off. I apologized and knocked on his door. He opened it in like 10 seconds wearing nothing but a pair of pants. I tried not to stare as he let me in because it's so distracting to have him walk around shirtless.

The room was dim and it smelled like roses. Some guy was sitting at the corner of the room strumming softly on a guitar and I raised an eyebrow at the rose petals scattered everywhere. Okay this is weird.

"Harry what's going on?" I asked him, even though I had a brief clue what he was trying to pull. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

He pulled out a chair by the table for me and gestured for me to sit. I did, feeling awkward. "Is it working?" he asked me. 

"Not really. Do you want to put on a shirt or something?" I suggested. Next thing I know, he started singing 'Nobody Compares' to me and I sit there staring at him while he serenades me topless. That's practically heaven for anyone but other than feeling like crying in a fangirling moment or totally attracted to his sexy voice, killer body, perfect looks and sexy hair... I'm still surprisingly thinking about Liam.

I know. Like what the hell?

He walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Cause no one ever looked so good in a dress and it hurts cause I know you won't be mine tonight. No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile. Baby, tell me how to make it righttt. Now all of my friends say it's not really worth it but even if it's truee... No one in the world could stop me from not moving on. Baby, even if I wanted to... nobody compares to you."

I stared at him with WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? running through my mind. A part of me yelled at me to chill. It's not like Liam's my BOYFRIEND so I don't have to feel guilty about enjoying this. Hello, it's Harry Styles. Besides, this is really romantic. He leaned in, our noses practically touching. This song was so true in so many ways.

Like the dress at the ball, and knowing I won't be his tonight because I'm with Liam. I bet Lou was telling him about the 'not really worth it' part too. Oh gosh, this sex god is serenading me, why am I analysing song lyrics? What is wrong with me?

Suddenly he leaned in and our lips meet. It's literally electric straight into your bloodstream. He's an amazing kisser (obviously) and my heart races, adrealine pumping, it takes your breath away. It's rough and passionate and his lips are incredibly soft. He pulled me closer to him, and alarm bells ring in my head. Why am I not stopping this? Why am I finding myself enjoying this??

I pulled away because it's getting a bit much. "Harry," I said, taking a step back. He pulled me in again and I pushed him gently. He leaned back with a huge grin on his face and I'm actually shocked, stunned speechless. What do you say to that?? And I practically cheated on my sort-of boyfriend!! That's... BAD. 

This is horrible. God what is wrong with me?? I turned and ran out the door like some stupid coward. As I speed-walk down the hallway to my room, I have the angel/devil thing on my shoulders telling me what to do.

Damn that Harry is sexy. STOP IT. You cheated!! You aren't WITH Liam, so what's the problem? You're sort of dating!! How will he trust you again?? CHEATER!! No you didn't cheat, sort-of aren't counted, DUH! You're sort-of together! You followed him on tour! That's BIG. It's still IS cheating!! No it doesn't count. What am I supposed to do?? You're in love with Liam! People can love more than one person. If vampires can love humans, you can love 2 people at the same time. Ask Bella! I don't even love Harry! Even better. SHUT UP. God I'm so wrecked!! What Liam doesn't know won't hurt him. No one needs to know! WHY DID I EVEN ENJOY THAT? I have to tell Liam!! And ruin your sort-of relationship you're having. You want him to love you, telling him isn't helping. And you enjoyed it because you're a cheating skank. I HAVE to tell Liam! What if he finds out? Isn't that worse? He won't know. Harry won't tell him, he won't tell his best friend he kissed her sort-of girlfriend, duh. No one knows but you and Harry. Problem solved. 

I opened the door to my room and saw the whole reason I was here in Paris for. For this one amazing guy. Liam. Not Harry, not for anyone other than the fact that I loved Liam and I came here to be there for him, and maybe he doesn't love me back the RIGHT way, he will in a few months. He's going to HAVE to love me. Duh.

Maybe I'll find the right time to tell him. Hugging him, it didn't feel right to just tell him yet. But I will. I definitely will, but I have to have enough time to get a plane ticket back home first because no doubt I'll be staying wherever he is any longer the moment it comes out.


I woke up the next morning at 9am, Paris time but it felt like 4am to my poor confused jet lagged brain. Jet lag sucks. I barely slept a wink last night, I kept staying up debating the whole pros and cons of Liam versus Harry thing, and I honestly don't even KNOW why I'm considering Harry who's a total flirt but still, part of me is attracted to Harry. Even when I haven't met him in person.

Harry's obviously a funny, cheeky kind of guy who's a full-out total romantic and I love how he surprises me on these amazing romantic dates (and maybe he's really exceptional at the art of seducing), which Liam probably won't do but I wasn't sure if I could handle the jealous-mania that would sure to follow if I WAS with Harry. Hello, he's a total flirt and I'll probably get so insecure that I'm not good enough and paranoid that he's going to leave me for some Italian supermodel or cheat on some other girl that I won't be happy and I don't think I could trust him. I'll be that super clingy jealous girlfriend that keeps screaming at him to stop flirting with everyone and he'll get so sick of my clingy-ness that he dumps me or I dump him.

Liam obviously would NEVER cheat on me or flirt with another girl and he's so sweet and caring and lovely. But sadly, no romantic surprises (poop). He's a really safe kind of guy but he knows how to treat a girl right and be a complete gentleman. He's sensible and gorgeous and totally sweet and he'll bring you out nicely for dinner and all but nothing new or exciting. He's really responsible too and I probably stay out of jail for a long long time with him because I won't be doing anything illegal. I don't need fancy super romantic spontateous dates when he's such a fantastic guy I have fun anyway and he's really funny. 

They're so DIFFERENT. 

Anyway I don't have to choose now because I'm in Paris and I refuse to ruin the day with my crazy paranoid debates. I took a long luxurious bath and picked out a cute outfit and wrapped a scarf around my neck like those movies about Paris always do. I had to use a ton of makeup to avoid looking like a zombie apocalypse happened overnight. Liam even left this long totally sweet note apologizing about having to leave so early. So sweet! 

I swung my bag around my torso and headed out the door into the crisp fresh air that immediately smells like heaven. I had my DLSR camera around my neck with fresh batteries and a few new memory cards. I snapped a few photos of the gorgeous cobblestone street I was walking on and literally took about a bazillion photos in 2 minutes because everything's so gorgeous and deserves to be treasured forever. Hello, PARIS. 

Where are all the little canals running through the city with the singing boat rowers? Is that Venice? Oh. Right it IS Venice.

I walked down the street and spotted this really cute cafe called the Delilah Pastry House and I walked in for a better look. The moment I stepped in, it was warm and inviting and smelt heavenly. There was a row of gorgeous cakes and little cute cupcakes and pastries and cookies by the counter and freshly baked loaves. I'm wishing madly I took French instead of Spanish as I see a guy speaking fluent French to the lady behind the counter. 

I stared at the menu as I tried to think of a drink to order. 

"Bonjour! How may I help you?" the lady behind the counter said, grinning like I was her favorite person in the world. Thank God she speaks English, I don't think I can handle being a bumbling idiot trying to order a drink. 

"A milk latte, please," I said, because it sounded good. "And I like to have one of those cupcakes please." I pointed at the pink frosted cupcake and a strawberry topped pastry. "Yeah, that one. That's it, thanks."

"Alright, thats..." she said, tapping it into the register. "Sixteen euros."

I had a whole roll of notes which Liam insisted on giving me last night. She handed me the cupcake and pastry as I paid. I juggled it on one hand as I took the change and headed to a table by the window to wait for my latte. Are French always so cute? I glanced a couple of hot French boys two tables away. I bit into the pastry, it's got cream cheese and whipped cream with the sweet strawberries and it's just HEAVEN. 

Maybe I'm allowed to dream about running into the sunset with a French guy. It's not like they'll ever fall in love with me and move in with me someday so it's all perfectly harmless. Guys can do it, so can girls!! I'm definitely NOT interested in adding another complication to the horrible mix of Liam/ Harry troubles I already have. 

I started scanning through the pictures on my camera, deleting the ones that didn't turn out so well. A hand leaned on the table and I looked up to find myself face-to-face to that dark-haired guy from the hot guys table. He smiled at me and started speed-talking in fluent French. I stared at him like an idiot before finally interupting him.

"Sorry, I'm not French," I said, as if it wasn't obvious by my accent.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Michael." He stuck out his hand and I shook it awkwardly. He grinned at me. "Call me Mike."

"Hi Mike. Is there something you wanted?" I asked, playing the sassy chick I've always wanted to be but never had to guts to actually do because I'm too shy. I'm in Paris, and this guy doesn't know I'm not sassy.

"Yeah. Can I buy you a drink?"

The lady showed up with a tray of drinks and put my latte on the table. I pointed and smiled at him. "Thanks anyway." He seemed like a pretty nice guy, other than the whole bad-boy, self-assured attitude. Like he could get any girl he wanted. I was determined to be nice to him. 

"Can I sit down?"

"I don't know. CAN you?" I questioned. He cracked a smile.

"Ahh. The little joker." He sat anyway and I frowned, because I didn't even say yes or no yet. "Sorry. Don't mind me. You travelling alone?"

"Not exactly," I told him. "But no, I'm not travelling alone. Was there a reason you asked?" I tried to be polite but alarm bells were ringing in my head, screaming at me that this guy was trouble. I felt like screaming for help or yelling, "YOU CREEP. Get away from me!!" or something. He was plain weird. 

"Yeah innocent girls get scammed all the time. I'm just looking out for them. Can I show you around? I'm a native and I know all the best places. Trust me, I'm not some creep. And no, I don't charge anything. It's summer and I'm bored and you look like a nice girl."

Have a guy show me around some unknown country? What if he raped me? Er, no thank you. "Thanks but I'm going on a tour later. I think I'm fine thanks." I gestured to the beefy guy sitting in the table next to me. "That's Lionel." He was the bodyguard Liam insisted I took with me, just in case. It was weird to be followed but he was pretty low-profile and I sort of got used to him. It's so sweet that Liam wanted to make sure I'm okay. I waved and he grinned, breaking the pokerface for a second. 

"Whoa. Sorry," he said, getting up and walking away quickly. I thought so. He was one of those creepy Romeo's France was infamous for.

I grabbed my bag, camera and finished the last of my latte and pastry and grabbed the cupcake to go. I walked out, snapping photos left and right, bought a few souvenirs (an Eiffel Tower charm for my charm bracelet, a book on the history of France and a postcard to send to Mum). I bought two dresses from one of the street vendors that costs about 20 pounds. Obviously I went up the Eiffel Tower, visiting Notre-Dame and took endless photos (Lionel helped me take them) and ate practically every French food I could find and I reminded myself to stop or I'll never have enough money left over for all the other places I'm going to.

I felt fat and happy as I went back to the hotel around 5.30pm. I was busy uploading pics of Paris on Twitter when Liam walked through the conjoined door, looking tired. "Hey," he said, kissing me. I smiled.

"Hi. How was work?" I asked, sounding like a forty year old lady with a husband asking about work after a long day. It probably HAS been a long day, considering they left the hotel around 8am and it was past 6pm now. "Poor thing, you look exhausted."

"Tired," he said, flopping on my bad. "I'm dead beat and we have the concert at 8.30 tonight, and I just want a quick nap."

I tucked him in properly and kissed his cheek. "Go to sleep then." I ordered room service, despite the rip off prices because I didn't want Liam to wake up and find me gone while I'm eating and I really was too lazy to move. When I finished calling them, I hung up and Liam was already fast asleep and I couldn't resist snapping a photo because he looks so cute sleeping. 

The food arrived in fifteen minutes and I ate while tweeting. I started racking up all these followers because I got all the lads' following me, which Directioner-wise, was merely impossible. I posted a pic of all 6 of us on the plane and put it as my twitcon because they all look so cute. Some fan account tweeted me, asking me if I was the 'mystery girl' Perez Hilton was writing about on his blog. Panicked, I quickly checked out his website and found the page in black and white complete with 4 the colored photos of us at the airport where Liam was holding my hand (when he rescued me) at Paris and London was the headline, "ONE DIRECTION'S LIAM PAYNE SPOTTED WITH MYSTERY GIRL HOLDING HANDS AT AIRPORT!!" and another one was probably the one Kailey sold to Perez about the pictures of us laughing and kissing on that date. 

Shit shit shit.

This is a friggin disaster!! I feel like the people on Titanic, watching the ship slowly sinking to the bottom of the ocean and I know exactly how they feel. SHIT. 

Guys please vote or comment or anything. Hope you guys like the story so far I'm still not sure on what to go on with ( suggestions in the comments? ). I know the chapters are still really really short urghh working on that :p Other than that, hope you like my fanfic :) Love you all! 

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