Starting A New- Danny Phantom...

By LadyNoir303

626 17 0

After Andi and Lani and their friends saved Danny Phantom from the Guys in White's clutches, Danny struggles... More

Author's note


48 1 0
By LadyNoir303

Lani and Bakugo's face were red."I'm so sorry!" Lani said but Bakugo didn't reply. He stood up and helped Lani stand up."Just watch where you're going." He said."Excuse me. Both of us are to blame." Lani said."Whatever." Bakugo said and left.

Lani was shocked. Usually he would argue with her saying it was her fault. Lani watched as he left. Lani deciding to ignore it went to where she wanted to go.

She was the first one outside with All Might and Eraserhead."How are you feeling, Lani?" Aizawa asked."I'm fine. Just tired." Lani said.

The rest of the class showed up and the two pro Heroes wasted no time to get started.

Lani didn't listen all the way though. She snuck a shirt glance at Bakugo and saw he wasn't also really paying attention."Alright, let's get started." All Might said and Lani saw Danny in front of her.

"What should we do?" Lani asked."It's just sparing. Aizawa paired us up." Danny said."Usually we choose our own partners." Lani said confused."Yeah, but since we both have ghost powers, our strength is a little too much for them. Come on, it'll be fun." Danny said.

Lani and Danny got into position."Begin!" Aizawa announced and everyone started to spar. Danny made the first move. Lani blocked it using her front arm. She then went in for a punch with her free hand but Danny moved to the side and grabbed her arm and flippen her to force her down into the ground.

Lani clutched onto Danny's arm and Danny slowly started to lift up his arm making Lani hang from it like sloth. Lani's legs let go of Danny and she brought one up to kick him in the side.

Danny grunted and stumbled a little. Lani wasted no time to come in for a punch but Danny caught it sending them a little back due to the force.

"And stop." Aizawa said.

Danny and Lani looked around and saw almost everyone was staring at the two young halfas."Dang, Lani. You're so strong! That's so cool!" Kirishima said."Uh...thanks." Lani said.

"Alright, you know what to do." Aizawa said and tossed a baseball at Midoryia."Aww man." A handful of the class muttered."We need to evaluate how much stronger you have gotten. Lani, Danny. Use as much strength as possible and your powers."

Danny blinked in confusion."You're supposed to throw it as far as you can. Watch." Lani said. Midoryia stepped up and this time he seemed pretty confident. He started like any other pitcher but aimed for the air. He threw it placing ten percent of One for All in his arm and hand.

Aizawa looked at the tablet screen."Very good, Midoryia. You've improved." Aizawa said showing him the result."Whoa!" The class said. Midoryia had a big smile on his face."Yes!"

"Tsk." Bakugo said and took the ball."Wait, how does the ball return?" Danny asked."I have no idea. Maybe it's remote controlled." Lani said.

After some time it was Lani's turn."May I transform?" Lani asked."Haven't thought about that."All Might said."If your ghost form is stronger, you may." Aizawa said. Lani closed her eyes and focused onto her ghostly side she kept locked up for some time. Black rings appeared and she now wore her fixed and improved purple suit.

Her hair blazed brightly with purple fire."Uh, question. Is your hair hot like fire or is it cold?" Midoryia asked."Not the time, Deku." Lani said. Lani took the ball and she threw it into the air with all her might.

The ball travelled at high speeds and soon it gotten so far that it couldn't be seen. Some of the boys whistled.

"Considering the recent developments I'm going to have you train more then you'll throw it again." Lani nodded as she transformed back into her human self.

Now it was Danny's turn. He to transformed and he smirked. He just gotten an idea. The last moment he let go of the ball he sent an ice blast right after it to give it a boost."How much power do you have!"

"The whole Ghost Zone's power actually and frankly I'm afraid of that." Danny said."Danny, don't see your powers as a burden. If you didn't have them, everyone would've been dead." All Might said.

"All Might, I'm going to tell you something I told the Ghost King when we fought. He told me that such great power is a burden. I told him the burden isn't the power, the burden is in how I use it, but then again that was before I first had the battle with that psychotic version of myself."

The bell rang and Danny transformed back and walked with Lani until they had to split up.

Just one more period. Lani told herself and got dressed in her school uniform. When she walked out, she let out a yawn."Man, I'm tired." She mumbled and went to their last class which was English with Present Mic.

Danny soon caught up with her."Hey, uh. About that sketch you didn't want to talk about." Danny started."You mean the one you're talking about now." Lani retorted."Yes, I think I know where I recognised the two ghosts." Danny said.

"Really?" Lani said uninterested."They're our mother's grandparents. They died before they could see her grow up though. I doubt they would want to see that." Danny said.

Lani stopped."You mean to tell me they were our family?" Lani asked."Yeah, but I could be wrong. I'll ask Tucker to do some hacking...maybe we'll find something." Danny said.

"Danny!" Lani said and Danny looked at his sister."If they really are our great grandparents..." Danny's eyes widen. Vlad yet again destroyed something..."Look, I'm sure they're happy wherever the next life is, but hey. Think of it like this, they loved you and wouldn't want you to be depressed about them, right?" Danny said."Yeah, but...what if they didn't know I was their great grandchild that just got tossed out by their grandchild?"

"I think there's someone who can help but first we need to get to class." Danny said."Hey! Wait up! Who is this someone?"

"Someone who saved my life and countless other's literally from the shadows. Calm down. Just trust me on this." Danny said."He sounds just like Batman." Lani said."I guess he us kinda like Batman." Danny laughed and they arrived at Present Mic's classroom. They sat down at their desks and luckily for Danny he had a desk close to the window and Lani.

Present Mic walked in and greeted everyone. Danny couldn't help but to to think how Mr. Lancer is doing now and what his previous classmates are up to."Ah, Mr. Phantom. Glad you finally joined UA!" Present Mic said and Danny just smiled.

Before Lani knew it the day was over and soon both Andi and Danny walked with her to the dorms. They kept talking like best friends, making jokes and telling stories of their adventures. Danny surely had a lot of those stories.

Few Hours Later...
"Oh! Dammit!" Lani cursed from her room. Everyone turned to look at her."Something wrong?" Andi asked."I forgot an important assignment sheet in my locker. I have to go and get it." Lani said.

"What assignment?" Andi asked."The one we got in mathematics!" Lani said."Mind if I join?" Andi asked.


"I need some fresh air. I'm tagging along." Danny said and ignoring Iida's protests. Lani took Andi's hand and turned intangible. Danny followed them.

"Something bothering you, Danny?" Andi asked."No, I just need fresh air. Don't tell the teachers but I hate homework and studying."

"I guess you gotten used to fighting the ghosts." Andi chuckled."I'm surprised one hasn't attacked yet...minus evil me and the Chesse Head." Danny said. Lani stopped in her tracks.

"Danny...about our conversation before..." Lani started.

"Oh yeah, uh. Tucker managed to get a photo deep in Maddie's files and we found this picture." Danny said and showed the photograph on his phone. Lani took the phone and leaned on the wall."That's definitely them... These smiles," a tear escaped Lani's eye," I won't be able to forget."

"Of course not. Their still alive in here." Andi said and placed a hand on Lani's chest where Andi could feel a very slow and faint heartbeat."Yeah...thank you, Andi." Lani said and hugged Andi tightly. Andi hugged back.

Danny smiled and took a picture."Oh hey! Come on!" Lani said."What? Come on that was a...great...moment." Danny fell forward."Danny!" Andi shouted and went to Danny's side.

She heard another thud and saw Lani was on the floor as well. Andi couldn't focus. Her vision started to get blurry and her balance was off.

"Just sleep little one."

"I" Andi said fighting to stay awake."...Vl-"

Andi collapsed onto Danny's back. Vlad smirked and made two clones. Each Cheese Head picked up one body and flew off to a secret location.

The clones dropped Andi and Danny."My dear daughter... you've proven that you are my daughter. Now I shall reclaim you as mine." Vlad said and he tied up the teens using power cancelling hand cuffs and ghost proof cuffs.

Meanwhile At The Dorms...
Bakugo practically paced a hole on his bedroom floor. Why couldn't he get rid of one simple little thought? She's only a girl. He said so himself. He isn't here to make friends and let alone girlfriends. He is here to become stronger and surpass All Might but I guess that's Endeavour that he has to surpass. No matter, he'll be number one and not even Deku can stop him.

Bakugo stopped and stood in front of his mirror."Tsk, what are you looking at!" He growled. As if a reflection could answer."You like her you idiot." Bakugo rubbed his eyes."Did you just speak!" Bakugo shouted."Pff. It's all in the mind. You like her, you just don't want to admit it." His reflection said.

Bakugo got mad and threw a text book into the mirror, breaking it. He barged out and went to Andi's room and started to knock loudly."Oi! Get out here!"

"Bakugo-bro, she's not here." Bakugo turned his head and saw Kirishima. Bakugo then opened the door to Lani's room which was right across Andi's room."Hey! Knock first!" Kirishima said.

"She's not even here!" Bakugo shouted but then his hair stood up."Something isn't right, here." Bakugo mumbled. He walked in making Kirishima try to pull him back into the hallway."Dude, did you see how scary Lani can get!" Kirishima said.

"I'm not afraid of her." Bakugo said and found something out of place. On the wall there was a note taped.

Bakugo took it off and opened it. He merely scanned it and his eyes widen. He rnan out to the elevator. He needed to get it to Aizawa ASAP.

After what felt forever, he arrived at the room where Aizawa was staying. Aizawa opened the door to reveal he looked more tired and lazier than normally."We have a problem." Bakugo said.

He gave the note that was a little crumpled up to the man in front of him. Aizawa rolled his eyes and opened it.

"Thank you for bringing this to me." Aizawa said and was about to close the door and talk to Principal Nezu but Bakugo barged in.

"Oh no. You're not shutting us out from this! They are our classmates!" Aizawa's eyes widen."Why di you care about them all the sudden?" Aizawa asked

"What hero would I be then?" Bakugo said.

Aizawa knew the class was strong and had gone through a lot and he is proud of them but that doesn't mean they are ready."I understand how you feel but we have to think this through. It's obvious that Plasmius has them again, out for his revenge no doubt."

"Then I suggest that you talk to Phantom's friends. They seem to know more about this."

Bakugo and Aizawa went back to the dorms.

The sudden appearance startled the class and as usual they started to ask questions. Aizawa went to the room where Sam and Tucker were staying. He knocked and a tired looking Tucker opened the door."What's wrong?" He asked.

"Plasmius." Bakugo said. Soon enough Sam pushed Tucker out of the way."What about him? Where's Danny?" Sam asked."Vlad has him along with Lani and Andi." Bakugo said.

"This isn't good. Danny is the only one that can fight Vlad. If Vlad..."

"We'll get him back. I'm just going to need a list of Vlad's weaknesses and what weapons is best to fight him."

"There isn't a lot that can help." Sam said. She went over to Valarie, Jazz and Dani's room."Jazz! Valarie! We have an emergency!"

"Mind explaining what's happening!" Ashido piped up. Tucker stepped up to explain but Aizawa beat him to it.

"What!" Valarie and Jazz shouted when Sam finished."Mr. Aizawa, let us try first. Vlad isn't to be played with." Valarie said."Sending you out would be risky. What would happen if you get hurt or killed?" Aizawa said. Dani came out.

"My father is captured again...?"She asked."Don't worry, we'll get him back along with Andi and Lani." Sam said and Dani ran to her.

"We can't let Vlad get to Dani as well. He'll kill her." Tucker said."Yeah, but she grew stronger since the last time we saw her. We can also use her ghost sense to find Vlad."

"You know, I have a tracker built into my suit." Valarie said."Yeah but how far can it reach. All our other scanners got damaged." Sam said.

"Doesn't the Fenton Suit have a scanner?" Tucker said."Yeah, about that. My dad spilled soda on it last time and it hasn't got fixed." Jazz said."Let me take a look at it." Tucker said and he went into Jazz's room.

The class stood there listening into this conversation. It surely is an interesting one.

"Let's get ready. We leave in half an hour." Sam said. Aizawa sighed. There's no stopping them now.

Once the said time passed, the teens were ready to take on Vlad. Valarie was in her Red Huntress suit, Jazz was in the Fenton Suit, Sam and Tucker wore spare jumpsuits with smaller weapons such as the lipstick laser, the Jack-o-nine tails and of course a Fenton Thermos.

The whole class looked at Dani."Wait, she going with?" Deku asked."Yeah. She's stronger than all of us." Sam said. The class blinked in confusion until Dani transformed into her ghost form.

The class looked pale.

How many are there!

Team Phantom set out to find Danny, Andi and Lani. There are three ghosts in one location. That should give off a ectoplasmic radiation.

Tucker hitched a ride with Valarie while Sam went with Dani. Using the Fenton Phones to stay in contact.

"I got something!" Dani said and she started to fly into the direction where she felt the presence of ghosts.

Soon enough they all regrouped on a rooftop and went over with what they know."We know Vlad has Danny, Lani and Andi and he is in that warehouse all the way there." Tucker said pointing at it."The place will obviously be guarded. We can't get to close or Vlad will know we're there." Valarie said.

She got out her binoculars and looked at the warehouse. From a distance it looked normal but with Vlad there is always more to it."Then how are we going to get Danny, Lani and Andi back?" Tucker asked."We could always use a distraction."

"" Sam asked."Valarie and I can cause a commotion while you and Tucker sneak in and find Danny. Jazz will be on watch. She'll warn us if something is happening." Dani said.

"Okay... let's try it." Jazz said.

Jazz found a a building high enough to see everything that's happening around the warehouse. She was on her stomach using the binoculars to survey the area."Dani and Valarie. You're up." Jazz said. Valarie and Dani started to make a ruckus outside. It started to lure Vlad out but Vlad let a clone check it out.

"Jazz, What's happening?" Sam asked."Don't move in. Vlad's still inside. He sent out a clone to find the ruckus." Jazz said."Now what? It will be suicidal to ambush the building."

"If we manage to weaken Vlad, we can capture him using a thermos." Tucker said."And how are you planning on weakening him?" Sam retorted."Guys focus!" Jazz said.

Suddenly all Jazz could here was static on the phones."Valarie? Tucker? Sam? Anyone? Dani!" Jazz said."Oh dear Jasmine. They won't be answering for now." Jazz turned around and aimed a laser at Vlad who dropped Valarie, Sam, Tucker and Dani in front of him as if they were scrap metal.

"Don't bother trying to save Daniel, Miss. Montoya and my daughter. These pathetic weapons that your father build won't stop me." Vlad said."Let my family go!" Jazz growled.

Before Jazz could comprehend it, Vlad turned her intangible and pulled her out from the suit. She gasped for air. Vlad threw her at her friends.

"If you know what's best for your family...I suggest you stay out of my way or I'll kill them."

"You know Danny and Lani can't die." Jazz said."All but Miss. Montoya." Vlad said smirking seeing the horror on Jazz's face. It made him cackle and he disappeared.

Jazz broke down crying. She slammed her fists into the roof.

"You'll pay Fruitloop. I will save the family I left."

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