Only Yours (Fangs Fogarty)

By southsideroyalty

4K 98 8

Mackenzie Vanessa Jones, the cousin of the infamous Jughead Jones is a complicated girl. She lives on the bor... More

Fact File
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

608 15 0
By southsideroyalty

"Kiddo you're going to be late for your first day!" I hear dad shout from downstairs. Stupid alarm not going off on time...Ok, I forgot to set an alarm when I got back from the Wyrm last night, don't judge me. Back to the present...

Good thing I packed my bag and picked out my outfit before heading out to the Wyrm. I know I said that I do ditch school sometimes but something about ditching the first day back at school doesn't sit quite right you know. Quickly checking I look decent, I grab my bag and rush to down the stairs.

"Daddy, have you seen my Serpent jacket?" I shout down the hallway. I know what you're thinking, don't the Southside Serpents live in the Sunnyside Trailer Park? Technically speaking, yes. Dad does have a trailer in the park under his name which he still pays rent for. Why do we live in a decently sized house on the border of the North and South sides of this ridiculous town? Mother dearest owns this property, though with her not here, I'm not quite sure how dad and I are able to stay here or how he manages to pay rent for this house and the trailer. My only guess is the Snake Charmer and her favours are helping us afford both, though I really hope that I'm wrong...

"Here kid," dad says as he hands me the jacket, "you sure you can wear that at school?"

"Weatherbee did say that as long as I don't cause too much trouble and don't display gang behaviour I can wear it. Though you know full well I don't wear it around the school because I get too hot. Plus like FP says I'll be laying low in tall grass," I explain for what feels like the thousandth time. No, dad and I are in no way ashamed of being Serpents, they are family after all. However, dad doesn't want me to get trouble for being a serpent in a high school filled with the Northsiders and their privilege.

"Now, sorry dad, I love you but Cheryl is outside so I really have to go," I say as I sidestep around him and out the front door towards Cheryl's car.


I really hate school assemblies. Like I hate them with a passion so I normally skip them but today is different. I'm stood up front, facing the whole school. I didn't even have time to put my jacket into my locker so this is making me feel awkward. Well and probably my blue hair isn't very Northside-esque itself but oh well Jones' were born to stand out. Never in my life did I think I would be stood at here in front of the whole school with the school board and Cheryl. The things I do for this girl...

"...and for that reason, I would like to ask the school board to not cancel the back-to-school dance," Cheryl concludes her speech. Good thing I'm only here for moral support.

Cheryl takes a step back to stand beside me again and whispers a quick thank you. I simply nod and smile at her. She may be Riverdale's very own HBIC but she's one of my best friends, I'll always have her back.

After the announcement of the dance not being cancelled, I excuse myself from Cheryl telling her I'll meet her in class while making my way to my locker. I take my Serpent leather jacket and place it in my locker. No, I'm not ashamed, I'm just laying low in tall grass. I pick up my books and place them in my bag.

"Please tell me again how and why you're friends with Cheryl," I hear a voice I know all too well beside me.

"Is that Jughead Jones speaking to a snake willingly?" I question while shutting my locker getting ready to walk off to class.

"You're the only snake I'll talk to," he argues while keeping up with me. I simply roll my eyes at his statement. Why can't you just accept that you're from the Southside Jug?

"Whatever you say, now if you excuse me I have to get to my seat," I say as we enter the classroom. What? I'm not giving the kid a hard time. I'm simply keeping an eye on him like I agreed to. I don't have to be best friends with my cousin if I don't want to.


Let's say classes up until lunch were a drag. Like who really cares about algebra? I know I don't. Somehow I still manage to get the same grades as Cheryl even though I pay even less attention than her in classes.

"Earth to Kenzie," I see a perfectly manicured hand in front of my face.

"Sorry Cherry, you were saying?"

"You sure you're good?" Cheryl asks receiving a nod from me in response. "In that case, are you up for some chaos?"

In reply, I just smirk and toss my jacket back on. What? When Cheryl said we're eating lunch outside I went back for my jacket, it's not like the jacket magically appears when I'm cold. Anyway, we both get up tossing the remains of our lunch in the trash. As we begin to walk again I realize that we're heading towards the new girl's table making me smirk even more.

"Veronica Lodge. I heard whisperings. I'm Cheryl Blossom," Cheryl says. to anyone, it would seem like just a normal introduction but we all know that Cherry is up to something.

"Mackenzie Jones. May we sit? Betty, would you mind?" I ask the blonde girl, letting my smirk be replaced with a smile instead, who lets us sit. I end being sandwiched between the blonde and red-headed girls. Before you ask, I don't have a problem with Betty, just her mother and her legacy.

"So, what are you three hens gossiping about? Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?" Cheryl asks knowing full well they were talking about the red-headed boy as he left just before we walked over.

"Extracurriculars. Weatherbee wants me to sign up for a few," Veronica replies with a shrug causing me to look at her with a raised eyebrow. Hmm, something about the raven-haired girl seems familiar and it's not the fact that she's Hiram Lodges' daughter. Whatever it is, it can wait...

"Cheerleading. You must. I am the senior captain of the River Vixens. Plus, Blue here being my co-captain," Cheryl says while gesturing to me.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?" Kevin butts into the conversation. For a moment I forgot he was here if I'm being honest...

"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" Cheryl is quick with her comeback.

"Personally, I think being the bi best friend is better," I retort while sending Kevin a wink to ensure him we mean no harm. "Plus as Cherry here likes to say, some people say cheer is retro but we think it's eternal and iconic."

"At Spence, I sat at the top of the elites' pyramid. I'm in." Veronica replies with a smile. Here we go, another Northsider with too much privilege, "Betty, you're trying out too."

"Of course, anyone is welcome to try out-" I begin but don't get very far as I know a smart response is about to come out of Cheryl's red-stained lips.

"But Betty's already got so much on her plate right now... Plus being a Vixen is kind of a full-time thing, but open to all," she says as we both get up. "Follow me on Twitter and I'll do the same. My handle's @CherylBombshell."

With that, we both walk off while I shoot another wink at the table of 3 French hens. Cheryl and I then make our way back inside the school building and head towards the office to pick up our new Vixen uniforms.

"So, how was Summer, my Blue haired friend?" Cheryl asks as we strut through the corridors making everyone move out of our way.

"Busy to say the least Cherry. Between working at the bar and being made in charge of the younger Serpents I've barely had much free time," I conclude my summer in one sentence. "Though even if I had much free time I don't think your mother dearest would've liked you hanging around with me."

"Don't mind Mumsy, she doesn't like anyone," she scoffs. "Anyway, how about the snake you said was cute? Frogs was it?"

I snicker until I realize what she said, "You full well know its Fogarty. Fangs Fogarty. And nothing, you're acting like Toni. He's my best friend that's all."

"Please don't compare me to you're snake friends. Though I agree with the said snake. As far as I'm aware you've had no action since before summer," she says with a wink.

So here's the deal with Cheryl and I. We've been best friends since I was little just like I've been friends with Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni. However, they've never crossed paths. Cherry and I became friends due to my mother. Whenever she had business with the Blossom's she would always take me with her saying I needed to make some proper friends that weren't brought up on the Southside which I always was thought was rude but whatever. Over time Cheryl and I became best friends and for a long time, she was the only person I was friends on the Northside and considered as another best friends. Eventually, I told her about my dad being a Serpent and how much mother despised it as well as the fact that I want to become one someday too. Cheryl always being upfront told me she didn't like the Serpents, though that didn't surprise me. What did surprise me is that she said she would never judge me for being a Serpent and always support me. She kept to her word, she supports me being a Serpent despite having a large dislike for the rest of the gang.

"You make it sound like I throw myself at everyone that has 2 legs and breathes," I scoff rolling my eyes which causes Cheryl to laugh.

"You made yourself sound desperate with that statement, leather beauty."

With that statement, our conversation was over as we reached the office to pick up our uniforms.


Here I am sat beside Cheryl as we watch Betty and Veronica try out for the River Vixens. Sat either side of us are Tina and Ginger or as I like to call them Cheryl's minions. As you can probably tell, I'm not their biggest fan. Finally, Betty and Veronica are done with their routine. I must say I'm impressed and Betty has really improved from last year.

However, Cheryl thought otherwise as she states, "Hm. Ladies, where's the heat? Where's the sizzle?"

God, I love the girl but even I'm not that cold-hearted all the time...

"Well, you haven't seen our big finish yet," Veronica quickly says and then turns to Betty. She whispers something and then boom they're kissing. A faux lesbian kiss, the classic way to Queen B's heart. Though I bet Momma Cooper would not have been impressed...

"Check your sell-by date, ladies. Faux-lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994," Cheryl states clearly unimpressed which means we're moving onto the torture part of the tryouts. The ridiculous interviews...

"So in True Cheryl Blossom way," I begin, standing up with Cheryl, "let's see if you do better with the interview portion."

"Thank you M. Anyway, Betty. How's your sister?" Oh no. Talking about Polly around Betty is like talking about Jason around Cheryl. This will not end well.

"Um, Polly's fine. Thanks for asking," Betty says and I can already tell she's uncomfortable. I will repeat this again, this will not end well.

"Veronica, has Betty told you about her sister?" Cheryl then continues to torture the blonde while the raven-haired girl looks conflicted and uncomfortable. The torturing continues until Cheryl simply states, "Veronica. Welcome to the River Vixens. Betty... better luck next time."

"Wait. What? Why? Because you couldn't bully Betty into being a bitch?" I think betty has found herself a best friend who's willing to protect her.

"I need girls with fire on my squad," Cheryl says without a care in the world. Normally, I would agree but Betty actually did good and the interview was unnecessary...

"I know what you need, Cheryl. Because I know who you are. You would rather people fear than like you. So your traffic in terror and intimidation. You're rich, so you've never been held accountable. But I'm living proof... that certainty, that entitlement you wear on your head like a crown... it won't last. Eventually, there will be a reckoning. Or maybe... that reckoning is now. And maybe that reckoning... is me. Betty and I come as a matching set. You want one, you take us both. You wanted fire? Sorry, Cheryl Bombshell, my speciality is ice," Veronica states stepping closer to us as now Cheryl is that one looking conflicted though covers it up quickly with a resting bitch face that I learnt to accept and love.

"As co-captain, I would like to announce that Betty is also on the team," I say taking matters into my own hands and stepping forward, "But if you come as a matching set then hear me out, Cheryl and I come as a matching set in this school too. Disrespect one of us, you disrespect the other. Now don't make me regret my decision. Vixen's dismissed!"

With that all Vixens apart from myself, Veronica and Betty left for the changing rooms. I'm shocked Cheryl went. She normally stays but I guess she was in shock and needs to cool off in her own way. Plus plan my death for allowing Betty on the team...

"Uh, Mackenzie?" I hear the blonde say and turn my attention to her, "You didn't have to do that."

"Nonsense, you've improved loads since last year. I may be a cold-hearted bitch and friends with Cherry but that was unnecessary. Though don't make me regret my decision," I say to her with a slight smile. "oh and Veronica, I meant what I said, Cheryl and I are too a matching set so don't mess this up or it could get ugly."

With that, I go to walk away but yet again I'm stopped by a voice. This time the voice belonging to the raven-haired girl.

"Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for Lodge?"

"Standing up for us against you're best friend and putting me in my place. Back in New York no one ever did that so thank you," Veronica says as Betty walks over to her.

"There's a lot you don't know about me but don't mention it," I say now directly looking at her. "How about a fresh start? Between the three of us?" I ask looking over at Betty now.

"I'd like that. Veronica Lodge," she says and sticks her hand out for me to shake.

"Mackenzie Jones," I reply shaking her hand with a slight smile.

I give the two of them a warm smile before turning back around and heading to the locker room. However, before pushing the door open, I shout over my shoulder, "Cooper. Lodge. Your new uniforms should by now be waiting for you by your new River Vixen lockers."

Author's note:

Hope you guys like the chapter. Attached above should be Mackenzie's outfit for her first day of back at Riverdale High. There's quite a bit of new information about Kenzie's past but that's only the surface of it. Don't worry you will find out about her mother in due time...

Hopefully, you don't think the chapter is too long/short and you somewhat enjoyed it. Let me know what you think 😊

Love, Southside Royalty :*

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