His Willow

By Mari_Kerry

665K 17.8K 3.5K

A young girl brought into the world by two people that should never have been created. They were abusive They... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 11

22.7K 539 45
By Mari_Kerry


I hated that word all my life but hearing it come from Alaric, sent a jolt of warmth straight to my heart and made me want to crumble right there and then, like always. I loved hearing him say it; I could listen to it over and over again, like a lullaby, sending my mind at peace and feeling my heart mending, one piece at a time.

Coming from a broken home, you feel beneath and less of a person to other people around you, feeling so low and empty that it consumes your whole body as you see happy couples and friends giggling as they brush past you, making the dark thoughts intensify.

But when you find that special person to change your life around, you are eternally grateful, and your heart mends just for them, your very own physical lifeline.

I never in my wildest dreams growing up in a tiny cupboard and beaten black and blue, that I would ever find a hero to take me away from my hell and mend me piece by piece and have the patience and care to do so.

But the heavens shined a light on me and gave me a second chance to flourish in this dark forsaken world, and as we walk hand in hand towards his home, I felt like the luckiest girl alive, because girls like me don't get many second chances to be free.

"Angel we are finally home," Alaric said, his arm tightly wound around my waist to keep me stable and upright. I am incredibly grateful for him, as without him holding me to the door I would've crumbled right down to the gravel, causing even more injuries then I already have.

Hobbling to the door, Alaric digs for his keys in his back pocket, sighing in frustration. Just as he goes to unlock the door, thuds and sounds of gravel scraping catches my attention immediately, making me shrink into myself and hide into Alaric's side, needing his protection.

"Alpha and Luna." I heard about three deep voices say, all sounding very intimidating and causing me to shrink into myself.

"For f*cks sake Caleb, could you have given me five minutes to get my mate inside?!" Alaric growled, shielding me from the men behind him and pushing my head into his warm thumping chest.

"I'm sorry Alpha, it won't happen again; I only wish the best for our Luna." I heard Caleb say. He sounded genuinely apologetic, so I calmed down a little, knowing I was in safe hands with Alaric there to protect me.

"What is it, Caleb? I don't have long." Alaric grumbled, rubbing my back.

"Alpha, there has been a disturbance at the west border, rogue activity and several animals dead and gutted along the borderline. It could be hunters, but the signs point to an alternate message," Caleb said curtly. Alaric seemed to be losing patience, and luckily Caleb was straight to the point.

Alaric started doing his growling once again, making my head rattle against his rock hard chest. I am not the best at social ques nor body language, but I believe Alaric was disturbed and irritated. I ran my hands up his arms and rubbed like he was doing to me, hoping to give him the same relaxing effect he has on me.

Luckily I acted correctly, as a second later I felt Alaric bend his head down and kiss the top of my head, sending my limbs into jelly.

"Scout the area and double the men on shift right now, I want to get to the bottom of the activity and the message, I need all men on it, am I clear?" Alaric hissed firmly with his lips still resting on my head. Alaric dishing out strategies and demands was making me giddy at his authoritative tone. What on earth is wrong with me?! We are literally dealing with dead animals here!!

"Yes Alpha. Also, the doctor is locked down in the cells and secured; we will deal with him tomorrow." Caleb stated, still serious and curt as ever.

Doctor? Cell? Trying to rack my brain of little knowledge, I looked up to Alaric in search of answers, wondering why he has a doctor in a cell and why that is necessary? All this new brain activity was giving me a headache, getting thrown into reality like getting dumped in a tub of ice, it was harsh, and I will never get used to it.

The men said a few other words, but I tuned them out, Not wanting my headache to intensify. Instead, I pressed my head against Alaric's chest, listening to the booming sensation of his heartbeat and smiling at the sound, feeling it drum against my ear and tickling my senses.

Since being in Alaric's care, I have grown to love and appreciate the touch of another person. As a child, my mother threw me around and treated me like nothing, so the only time anyone touched me was for nasty intent, never once in a loving way and I've craved love for a very long time, wondering what a loving touch felt like. And now that I've felt that warmth and gentleness, I crave it. It's a deep-rooted need that runs through me and its become addicting, the simple act of a hug to a person means very little, but to me, it feels indescribable, being held so tight and handled so gently, it makes me feel like I'm safe, like I'm wanted.

So in this intimate position, wrapped in each others embrace outside on Alaric's porch, with a crowd of three intimidating men, I felt so good inside. A feeling that none of those men will understand unless they grew up like myself and others like me, it's like we are reborn into a new being, its that powerful and its intoxicating. But it takes a lot of strength to put your trust into a person like that, giving them that level of power over you, because the more trust you put into that person, the easier it is to break you.

My mind was miles away, and I failed to notice my feet were no longer on the ground, and my body was moving, taking me by surprise when I finally snapped out my head and looked around me.

"There's my pretty angel, you okay? I lost you for a few minutes." Alaric said, chuckling at the end. I smiled up at Alaric and nodded my head, trying to reassure him I was okay, very okay might I add.

"You my angel are on bed rest for a week, and I will be caring for you every second of the day, so I hope you don't grow sick of me." Alaric laughed, entering the living room with myself hoisted around his waist.

As if I could get sick of Alaric, he is everything I could ever want. Also, I am dying to get to know him; I want to know every little detail about my saviour, only if he is comfortable with sharing his story with me.

"N-nnever si-k of yoou." I stuttered groggily, feeling my throat burn and my mouth as dry as a desert.

Alaric laid me down onto the couch and sat on the edge, facing over me, tucking a thick grey blanket over my broken body and kissing my head softly, making me gaze up with a twinkle in my eye, never feeling so happy.

"I can't get enough of you, my love," Alaric said, lifting my good hand into his and resting it on his lap, keeping it hostage under his grip.

I smiled up and breathed in shakily, my body wanting to laugh, but it couldn't handle that just yet so I probably looked crazy in Alaric's eyes, seeing me breathe in deeply and shakily instead of vocalising anything, a horror to witness I'm sure.

But Alaric didn't tease me for it or make me feel stupid, he held my hand tight and smiled at me with admiration.

He has no idea how grateful I am of his patience and generosity, one day when I'm better and able; I will pour my heart out to him and thank him for everything he's done for me, I want to do it so badly. Still, my body needs to get better first before I start unloading everything in me that I couldn't say before.

After a moment of silence between us, I watched Alaric release of his hands from mine and pull the blanket down to my waist, confused about what he was doing, I sat completely still with my guard up, ready to run if he tries to strike me.

He lifted my top very slowly, and my mind was going wild, conjuring up horrible memories and scenarios that could possibly happen. But Alaric had no horrible intentions. He lowered his hand over the thick bandages covering my ribs, feeling the gauze and delicately assessing my abdomen with his fingertips. Looking up to his face it was something I hadn't seen before, his expression strained, and he looked like he was the one in pain, feeling the bandages and watching his expression turn darker and torn.

"I wish I were there; I should have been there to save you. Damn, I'm so f*cking stupid!" Alaric shouted at himself, his head dropping to my arm, and his body was shaking from rage, veins popping out his skin and his forehead was burning up by the second.

Alarmed and concerned, I used my other bandaged hand to lift his face and hold his chin, pushing his head to face me so I could see the extent of his inner turmoil.

I tapped his cheek to get his attention and shook my head violently, trying to tell him to stop being so angry at himself and to show him I'm fine.

"You don't get it, angel, I am supposed to protect you with my life, I'm supposed to love and care for you with every fibre in my being. If I can't save you from a flight of stairs, then I have no hope in guarding you." Alaric seethed at himself, gripping his knee with his right fist and holding it with a grip that looked far to aggressive for my liking. Watching his sharp nails pierce the skin with streams of blood running down his leg, it snaped a triggering cord within my brain that sent me into hysterics. It all happened in a split second, one moment I was watching down in horror, the next I was screaming in agony, watching the pain inflicted on his body and seeing the blood run down in streams. It instantly reminded me of the grip my father would have on me, fastening handcuffs to my wrists and ankles way too tight with jagged nails added onto the inside of the cuffs, effortlessly splitting my skin open when he would tug me around the house.

My hysterics seemed to snap Alaric out of whatever was going on in his head, as he immediately let go of his knee and leaned down to hug me, trying everything he can to stop my tears. It's scary to think that this was all it took to set me off, a simple act that can trigger a memory and send me into a fit.

"I'm so sorry angel; I'm fine I promise little one," He repeated against my head, rubbing my sides but keeping his hand resting firmly over my ribs, trying to steady my chest from all the deep breathing I was doing from crying and disrupting my healing ribs.

"Look Willow I'm healing, I'm fine angel." Alaric pleaded, turning my head to face his leg once again and watch his wounds heal before my very eyes. My hallucinations must be becoming more frequent because there was nothing else to explain what I just saw, watching five deep gaping gashes all close up at the same time, little scars left in their place.

While taking deep breaths and thinking over what just transpired since entering this house, I realised I wasn't the only one with faults and troubles. Alaric showed a side of him that I hadn't been exposed to before. I knew he was a proud man and a possessive one at that, protecting the people he loves and his compassionate side he has shown me the whole time I have known him. Although, as I learn more about his personality and new sides to my mystery saviour, I realise he isn't as perfect as I thought.

Alaric has flaws just like the rest of us, although he is a handsome man with a well-built figure and a heart of gold towards me, he has his moments of anger and aggression that occur when he's not in control of a situation.

But even though he has these turns of rage and dominance, I like him just the same, and if not even more now I know his downfalls, because he feels more human now, knowing he isn't perfect and has those sides you wish you could push to the back of your mind. It's impossible to find a person with nothing at fault; it proves that we are all only human.

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