Like Dandelions In The Wind

By Scribble_Maniacs

38.6K 2.1K 2.2K

For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 38

398 34 15
By Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

I shut the car door behind me as I got seated into the driver's seat. I took some time out to see Parth as he was not sounding good when he called Ved last night. He was panicking but didn't reveal the reason for making us worry.

I suggested we should go and meet him as soon as we touched Delhi but Ved said we should meet him today as it was late already. I talked to Renee when I got home as she was already with Ali for selecting the dress designs and makeup stuff. She said she has no idea as Rupath or Parth didn't contact her.

She left late at night and I haven't spoken to anyone since then as I thought I will directly just meet them. Ali sounded concerned. She asked me to stay with them until I feel everything is fine and that I shouldn't hurry to get back home. I gave her a genuine smile.

I saw Vihaan helping Tara along with something as she was laughing at his jokes. Since when Vihaan got funny? Anyway, so I didn't disturb him with the things of my life. He has nothing much to do with any of them, neither he knows them. So it's better to keep him out of this and let him enjoy his own life.

The loud vibration of my phone jerked me off from my thoughts. I turn the Bluetooth on and hit the answer button.

"You called?" Ved asked as soon as I picked up.

"Yes, I going at Parth's house," I said making my way out of the gates.

"Okay, I'm leaving too. I'll reach in some half an hour." Ved said. He seemed to be in a rush moving around.

"Alright," I said. He was doing something as he didn't bother to talk further neither cut the call.

"What happened?" I asked again as my eyes were set in the road and traffic.

"I don't know. He just said that he couldn't reach Laksh." Ved said.

"What?" I asked as a fear passed through me. I almost banged into the front car when it stopped at the signal but somehow managed to pull the breaks in time.

"Yup. I swear I'll punch that guy if he comes in front of me." Ved said again and I could feel the anger in his voice. I let out a sigh.

"Ved, just calm down," I said making an attempt to calm him down.

"I can't. He is just adding unnecessary drama. Shouldn't we all focus on Parth and his health?" He said making his voice louder. There was still so much anger, frustration, and annoyance in his voice.

"I understand but there must be something, right? He won't just go away like that." I said again and started driving when the signal turned green. Ved didn't say something for some time and I heard the sound of the door banging followed with keys.

"You don't know, Zivah. He has always been like that. The point Laksh sees something going against him, he starts playing the victim." He said with annoyance yet again. I didn't say anything and made a turn looking carefully in the mirror.

"Attention seeker. Always trying hard to grab the sympathy of people by acting like this. Always." He said again.

"Ved..." I said in a calming voice. He didn't say anything.

"Listen to me. Parth is already restless, right? You said that he sounded panicking." I said in understanding voice in a hope that he will calm down a bit.

"Yes." He said in a low voice. There was banging sound so I think he is inside his car.

"Then we should be there for him and be understanding. He loves Laksh and he is worried, not knowing where he went." I said making him understand the situation.

"But Zivah." He said again with frustration.

"I have been through this, Ved. I know how it feels." I said finally, reminding him about my situation when he left without saying. Ved didn't say anything and I could tell why. I let out a sigh continuing further.

"Parth and Laksh were there with me cheering me up," I said again. Ved still was quiet.

"I know what Laksh did was wrong. He should have been more considerate towards Parth seeing his condition but something must be up with them which we don't know yet." I said further.

"Please just don't lose your cool. Parth needs us." I said in an almost pleading voice. I heard Ved let out a sigh.

"You can confront Laksh some other time. Not today." I said. He still didn't say anything.

"Ved, please. For me? Please just listen to me this once?" I said again.

"Fine," Ved said finally making me smile.

"But if that dick-head comes in front of me and talks nonsense then I won't take it." He said with irritation. I let out a chuckle shaking my head in disappointment.

"Okay," I said nodding. Like some mom agreeing to her angry child's conditions so he would listen to her point in return.

"I'll see you at some time," Ved said.

"Yes, bye." I said, "And just keep that anger out? I'm not used to it." I said with a small smile.

"I will try." Ved said.

"Thanks. Bye." I said.

"Bye." He said cutting the call.

Laksh, what the fuck are you doing? Just think about Parth and what he is going through. How can you just add to it, instead of being there for him?

My grip on steering tightened making my hands white. I took a deep breath as Parth's Villa finally came in my vision.


I rang the doorbell in anticipation and looked around. There were no cars outside stating no one has arrived yet. I took a sigh of relief when one of the helpers opened the door for me.

I gave him a smile which he returned and I made my way inside.

"Sit. I will call Parth sir." He said to which I nodded and he left.

Just when I saw Rupath and Renee coming inside with concern and worry. I gave them a small smile which they returned and got seated taking their seats on the couch.

"Where is he?" Rupath asked with worry clearly visible on his face.

"That helper said he is upstairs and went to tell him. I just got here." I said. Rupath nodded but didn't say anything.

"I don't understand anything," Renee said shaking her head a little.

"That jerk is just adding to everyone's worry," Rupath said with frustration.

"Can't he just bother to inform people about his whereabouts? Who behaves like this?" He said again. Renee looked at me and then again Rupath.

"When there are already tons of other things," Rupath said holding his head tight. I felt genuinely bad for him.

"I don't know how to handle this shit anymore." He said in a low voice shaking his head.

"Rupath, it's okay. We should hear them out first." Renee said in an understanding tone.

"Right." He said giving her a small smile. He was trying to hold everything inside so hard. Renee looked helpless.

I knew it was breaking her to see him like this.

"Those LA people keep constantly calling and asking about the album. What am I suppose to tell them? That we are having a lover's quarrels? Or that we are falling apart because people don't trust each other with anything?" Rupath said again. Renee shifted to his side and held his hand tight.

"What am I suppose to do? This is just driving me crazy. Let just end everything for once. I could breathe again and start everything all over again." Rupath said looking at her.

"This is not working." He said again looking down in his own thoughts.

"Rupath. It's okay." Renee said trying to hold him together. I sat there witnessing their weak moment. I didn't know what else I could do, there was nothing for me to do but to feel sorry for them and hope that everything goes back to being normal again.

"I am..." He said stopping briefly as he put both hands covering his face.

"I'm just tired now. More than anyone else." He said again. I wiped my eyes fast and gulped a tear behind. Renee was wiping her cheeks looking at Rupath.

"I need a broken man. From everything." He said looking up. Looking helpless.

"Talk to Ved," Renee said. Rupath gave her a glare.

"About what? I have nothing to say anything to anyone." He said gritting his teeth.

"Rupath!" Renee called him.

"No, I won't." He said shaking his head.

We looked at the staircase to see Parth coming down. He looked a mess. His hairs were disheveled. His eyes were red and the dark circles were visible saying he has had sleepless nights.

My heart broke into pieces.

"Sorry. I just slept." He said with great difficulty and got seated in front of me.

"That's fine. It's a good thing to hear." Rupath said and walked towards him as he got seated close beside him.

"Ved?" Parth asked looking at me.

"He is on his way," I said. He nodded.

"Where the fuck did this Laksh go?" Rupath asked with a bit of irritation.

"I don't know," Parth said in a low voice shaking his head.

"I called him over and over again since yesterday morning but he is unreachable." He said further. I saw Rupath let out a sigh.

"I called his house but no one is picking up the call. I even drove to his house but no one was there." Parth said getting reckless and sounding frustrated.

"Did he have any friends?" Renee asked. Parth nodded.

"There are a couple of them but they don't know as well," Parth said sounding tired.

I heard footsteps so I moved my gaze to the door to see Ved entering. He had anger written all over his face. I just hope he doesn't do or say anything stupid.

"Ved." I heard Parth as he got up and went to hug Ved.

"Sorry I just..." He said pulling back and looking at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked the question none of us asked. I felt guilty.

"I'm..." Parth said, "I don't know." He shook his head as a tear slid through his face. Ved helped him to sit on the couch and got seated on his other side.

"What happened?" Ved asked.

"We got into fight," Parth said with a sniff.

"On what?" Rupath asked.

"About us," Parth admitted.

"I was just asking him about..." He said and stopped. He took deep breaths as everyone stayed quiet. Parth started speaking again after some moments.

"If he is ready to be by my side. My family is pressuring me and he just doesn't understand it. I have been telling him the same thing since some time now." He said sounding frustrated.

"And he just keeps ignoring it and asking me to give him some time." Parth closed his eyes briefly shaking his head.

"I don't have time. I can't give him time. And I definitely can't fight alone for both of us. I need him to stand with me." He looked at Ved with those sad expressions.

"I should know what am I fighting for. But he is just not there." Parth said again looking to his other side at Rupath.

"Did you ask him?" Rupath asked in a calm voice.

"Of course I did. That's why he just thought of disappearing." Parth said again with frustration.

"What did he say?" Rupath asked again.

"Nothing." Parth shook his head.

"Everything wasn't fine on the day of the cocktail party too, right?" I asked. Parth looked at me and then at the ground as he wiped his face.

"Yes." He said with a nod.

"Nothing is fine. It's just falling apart with each passing day. I thought it would get better but..." He stopped refusing to speak anything further.

"What did you ask him?" Ved asked again.

"About us," Parth said sounding a little calm.

"My family is asking me to come back to Bangalore as they think Delhi has ruined me. They think going to Bangalore would help me change my sexuality?" Parth said letting out a sad chuckle towards the end.

"I don't understand why they are freaking out so much over this. I asked them for some time to settle things and they didn't have any option but to agree." Parth said again.

"I called Laksh yesterday morning and asked him to come over as I wanted to talk about everything." He said after a brief pause.

"When he came, his mood was already off. I asked him whether he is at all interested in this relationship to which he stayed quiet. I again asked him if he would stand with me and he said he needs time to think." Parth said with fury.

"Time to think?" Ved asked with his voice a little loud. Parth looked at him so did Rupath and Renee.

"Ved..." I said glaring at him. Ved let out a sigh and gestured Parth to continue.

"We got into a fight and he stormed out," Parth said continuing.

"Since then I am dialing his number." He said smiling softly as tears slid through his eyes.

"Why would you do that?" Ved asked again with anger and frustration. I looked at him but he was just looking at Parth.

"If he is not interested then what is the point of sticking to him and forcing him?" Ved asked again. His voice was louder.

"Would you be happy? Will he be happy?" He asked in frustration. Parth was quiet, like always. Rupath was looking down and shaking his head a little in between.

"Just leave him and focus on yourself." Ved finished.

"Like how you did? Gladly enough, Ved, there are people who genuinely care about others. Unlike you." Rupath said. This was my big fear when Ved started losing it.

"I guess I'm talking to Parth," Ved said through gritted teeth.

I looked at Renee who had the same terrifying expressions as me. Parth was holding his head and looking down.

"But I'm talking to you. And what you are saying is wrong. He should try to reach to him." Rupath shouted at Ved.

"Why? To get more headaches? What is the need to force when he is not showing interest?" Ved said. I saw him clenching his fist. This is not going to end well. I have this deep feeling.

"Because he cares for him," Rupath said getting up from his seat.

"Care..." Ved said laughing. He got up as well and so did I and Renee. We looked at those two best friends in pure fear.

"So you think I didn't care? Where were you when I called you day and night?" Ved asked with anger.

"Did you pick up my calls when I called you?" Rupath shouted back.

"Oh, so it was like that? You didn't pick up my call so I won't you?" Ved asked chuckling, a cold one.

"Ved!" Rupath warned and took a step ahead.

"Don't, Rupath." Ved spoke.

"I'm tired of making you understand my views. I thought you will understand me but you don't." Ved yelled at Rupath.

"Why would I? Did you understand me? Ever?" Rupath said again. Renee held Rupath by his arm. I couldn't do anything.

Ved was shaking with anger.

"You just pick your bags and vanish. Did you bother to ask how did I feel about it? Did you ever thought about me?" Rupath shouted at him on the top of his lungs. By now Parth was looking up at those two. With concern.

He asked us to come to share his worries but looking at this, I guess he would have been just fine by himself.

"I did. That's why I told you to stay away from me because that's how I am." Ved said and moved away from Rupath.

"Right so it's my fault that I thought of you as my brother. It was my fault that I cared for you." Rupath followed Ved and held his arm. Ved jerked his hand and looked at him in pure rage.

I was just standing there giving my concerned looks because that's all I can do.

"You anyway don't need anyone. Look at that Zivah. Did you care for her when that girl cried her heart out for you?" Rupath asked pointing at me. Ved gritted his teeth but didn't say anything.

I gave a concerned look to Ved. I honestly don't want this topic to start. I know why he did that and that's enough. He doesn't need to explain anything anymore.

"For a jerk like you." Rupath said stopping briefly, "She was brave enough to love an asshole like you even after her past experience."

Ved still didn't say anything. He just looked at Rupath with anger.

"What did you give in return?" Rupath asked raising his eyebrows.

"That's none of your business," Ved said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, it is. Everything related to you is my fucking business. Do you understand?" Rupath said poking his finger into Ved's chest making him stumble back.

The three of us stood without making even a little sound in a fear that anything could go wrong and make things worst.

"Fine. I'm an asshole, a jerk then why are you people still holding on to me? Just let me live my life." Ved said. "And just be at peace with yours. Problem solved!" Ved said again with a shrug.

"It's easy for you but I can't just do that," Rupath said again.

"Yes of course you have to show the world how great you are right?" Ved said with a smirk. Rupath's posture changed and I had this fear that he could hit Ved any moment now. But he was trying to hold.

"You know what Rupath just handle your pathetic life first. You can't even handle your own band. See what happened." Ved said.

No, Ved, please, don't.

I didn't know what has gotten into Ved. Why is he saying such things? He is so wrong with his words.

I looked at Rupath who was looking like those bulls who are ready to hit.

"And leave Zivah. Look at Renee. She has been with you for years in a hope that you'll marry her someday but you're just stuck with your shitty life..." Ved said again.

I was shaken by his words and so was the rest of us. Renee looked hurt and I felt bad. I can't believe it's actually Ved who's saying such hurtful words to his best friend, his only brother.

"VED...!!!" Rupath shouted.

"What? Did it hurt? Truth always hurts." Ved said letting out a sarcastic laugh. This side of Ved scared me.

Rupath took big steps towards Ved but he was unbothered. I felt fear building inside me as my heart started beating rapidly. Renee almost ran and held Rupath's arm tight.

"Sorry Renee but not today," Rupath said moving her hand from his arm. She had tears in her eyes. Rupath looked at Ved again.

"Yes she has been with me and I agree I couldn't give her what she asked me. I am guilty and I have talked to her. What about you?" Rupath asked. I saw Ved gritting his teeth.

"I don't owe you anything." He said. Ved turned and started walking when Rupath held his shirt.

"Ved, you can't walk away today." He said shaking his head.

"Leave me," Ved said trying to jerk Rupath's hand so he could lose his grip and Ved could free himself but it was tight.

"You want to listen to why I didn't pick your calls, right?" Rupath asked. He sounded a little calm now. I thought he was on the verge of breaking as well.

"Because I was busy seeing my dreams falling apart. The person who I called as my brother didn't bother about me. It broke me even more." He said. His eyes held some emotions but Ved was still cold.

Can't he just let it go and sort out things? He admitted it was his mistake then why he has to act like this?

"Wasn't I even worthy of a single call or message maybe?" Rupath asked again. Ved didn't ease up his gaze.

"Didn't you even once thought about me when you read those articles?" Rupath asked.

"I told you. I didn't know. I genuinely didn't know, Rupath. And you said that one shouldn't expect anything from me. You always knew that then why did it bother you?" Ved said in frustration as he pushed Rupath's hand away. Rupath stumbled a little.

Parth and Renee went to his side to hold him. I walked a little towards them as well.

"Because I still had hoped from you that no matter what, Ved won't turn his back on me. No matter how much things go wrong, he will still there for me." Rupath said being utterly disappointed in Ved.

I can understand him. What Ved did was wrong and how he is behaving now is wrong as well. But he won't accept because of his big fat ego. He has to let that go and see things with clarity. He has such amazing people around him and he still chooses to push them away and suffer alone. He should understand that he may not need them but they do. They need him, they love him. He needs to see that. It's high time. If he still chooses to ignore this reality I'm afraid he might lose them forever. Now only he can help himself, no one can do that for him if he himself isn't willing to understand. I hope he comes to his senses before it's too late.

"Well, then you were wrong. All along." Ved said shamelessly.

Even I felt like punching him at the moment. I don't understand this guy.

"I couldn't be trusted. You know now. Just move on." Ved said throwing his hands in the air.

"Yo..." Ved was saying when finally Rupath lost it as he threw a punch on Ved. It hit him on the face and he stumbled backward losing his balance. But he held the nearby chair and stood for a moment registering what happened.

"RUPATH!!!" Renee shouted holding his hand and preventing him from moving towards Ved again. Parth came and stood in between Rupath and Ved so they won't reach each other.

I was looking at Ved with fear. Even for me, it was all of sudden that it took me some moments to register things. But then I saw Ved giving death glares to Rupath and I knew what he will be doing next so I just rushed to his side.

Ved took a few steps towards Rupath when I held his arm by throwing my hands around. I pulled him back at me with full force.

Ved looked at me with rage.

"Ved, don't. No, please." I said pleading him. Ved looked frustrated as he moved his gaze around. He took deep breaths trying to calm his senses.

"I'm leaving Parth. Call me if you need anything." He said and moved in his tracks without sparing a look at any of us. I let go of his arm immediately as I don't want his wrath.

"That's what you can do." Rupath shouted again, "Always running..."

"Just shut your fucking mouth. Else even Zivah wouldn't be able to stop me again." Ved shouted back, stopping and turning to look at Rupath.

"Really? And since when have you started listening to her? Did you care at least about her now?" Rupath asked, letting out a bitter laugh and making Ved even more irritated.

"I don't think I'm answerable to you." He said through gritted teeth and looked at me. "It's between us." He said and stormed out of the house before Rupath can utter another word.

I heard Renee shouting at Rupath as I made my way out following Ved.

I ran after him trying to match his speed.

"Ved..." I shouted when he reached his car and was about to open the door.

He looked at me with the same anger and waited for me to say further.

"Listen..." I was saying when he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear anything about him." He said gritting his teeth and throwing those glares at me.

"Yes, I know. But Ved you said it was your fault." I said trying to stay calm.

"Are you here for him?" Ved asked with irritation. I gave him an unbelievable look.

"What? No.." I said shaking my head.

"I can understand as he basically took your side making me Villain of the story," Ved said again. I just stared at him not believing he just said that.

"Ved," I said in a whisper.

"See that's the thing happening with Parth. No matter how much he tries still Laksh ends up becoming the victim." Ved said smiling a little, a cold one.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you taking it out on me?" I asked with frustration. He can't talk to me like that when I did nothing wrong.

"I didn't even know anything about you both," I said further.

"Then just stay out of it," Ved said with irritation. And I won't lie, it hurt me too badly.

"I understand you are angry but this is not the way you behave," I said giving him a plain look.

"I hope you understand that I don't want any lectures from you, Zivah," he said glaring back at me.

"Yes I understand and I'm sorry that I cared," I said nodding at him and took a step back from him. "You want to leave right? Then you are free to go." I said. Ved nodded and opened his car door.

"Thanks." He said plainly and got inside shutting the door and he started the engine right away and reversed the car.

He left right away without any second thought leaving me there, alone, again, as always.

I made my way inside after wiping the tears which gathered in my eyes. I need to look okay. But I'm not.

Parth, Renee, and Rupath gave me concerned looks when I was inside the house again. Renee asked me about Ved to which I told them everything genuinely. Rupath apologized for his immature behavior but didn't agree to talk things out with Ved.

I wonder if this is the end of their friendship. But no, people fight only when they have love. And I have seen the care in their eyes for each other. So, I just hope they find their way back to each other soon enough.

Parth blamed it all on himself. I and Renee had a hard time making him understand that it wasn't his fault. Rupath came to the rescue and talked out with Parth. He was considerably calm when I left the house in the evening.

Renee and Rupath decided to stay back with him for some time at least which I think was a good thing. Parth needed that. I couldn't stay for longer as I have to get back to the wedding preparations. Even though Alizeh grand me permission to stay with Parth as long as it's needed, I can't take advantage of it and ignore my only sister's wedding preparations. I need to be there as well.

The rest of the day went into helping in wedding preparations and taking time out for my work as well. I purposefully kept myself busy the whole time to ignore the hurtful behavior of Ved. I just didn't want to think about it at all. Besides, Ali will sense if something is bothering me and I didn't want her to find out and ruin her mood as well. So it was easy to put up a happy facade and get busy with things.

At night time, I did cry my heart out as I deserved that emotional release. Cody was with me, licking my tears away and promising his compassion. I smiled a little at this pure soul in my life. I didn't know what I did to deserve this love. But I was grateful.

I know my worth now and I decided that I won't call him or confront him about what happened. What he did is wrong and he needs to understand that on his own. He needs to put his ego aside and sort things out. I'm not going to run around behind him and make him understand things.

If he wants me in his life and if he sees my worth then he'll surely own up his mistake and apologize. If not then even I won't bother. I'm just too tired of this back and forth thing. Let him show me some efforts, I'm not budging from my position.


Author's Note✨

So that was all for now. Let us know what you feel about this one.

VOTE by pressing ⭐

Zivah will be back with another update soon.

Till then, Bye.

Loads of love.❤️

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