The Galaxies In Between | Han...

By mizumishiiro_

1.3K 62 40

" I will love you no matter the vast galaxies there are in between. " Yashiro loved Amane, a little bit too m... More

The galaxies ―

― in between.

426 29 26
By mizumishiiro_

"So, she did fulfil her promise."

He whispered to the air, to no one in particular. For years, his spiritual body wandered the halls of the old building of Kamome Gakuen. Not as the human Amane Yugi, but as one of the seven mysteries, their leader, also known as―

Toire no Hanako-san.

When everyone died peacefully, and moved on happily to their next lives,. He became a wish granting ghost to repent from his sins of killing his twin brother. His line of work includes granting a single wish, with a price in return.

And it has been like this for the past 50 years.

He had no one by his side, because of his sins, he can't move on to his next life or be reincarnated. He didn't even had any friends to talk to and pass the time. He didn't had enough courage back then to protect the one thing that gave meaning to his unworthy, lonely life.

And by that thought, his mind started to be caught up on to his endless flow of memories when he was still alive in the near shore. The walls that he built around himself always seemed to crumble when she's near. Each kind of love blossomed around them, everything was engraved in his mind and each one he knew by heart. It's kind of funny, really. If you love someone, you've got to protect it right?

But he didn't.

More like, he couldn't.

He didn't even had the chance to explain and tell her how he really felt.

Maybe, that really was her fate. To die at such a young age. To die in his arms. But if he changed his future, why couldn't he change hers? She was bound to die back then, but he wasn't sure if she moved on to her next life.

If she did, then he hoped it wouldn't turn out like her past life.

He hoped too, that she wouldn't be entangled into his mess.

Oh, how naïve he was.

He dreamt of seeing her once more, as his memories replayed over and over, but one thing that he seemed to forgot was her smile. The smile she used to show him only. The smile that he learned to love and yearn for.

Maybe it was because of the time? It has been too long since he last saw her― if ever they'll meet again.

And from there, he started to regret. He regretted not accepting her in his life, he regretted not trusting himself back then, and he regretted not being able to enjoy and move onto the next life with her.

What a shame.
Such a shame it was indeed.

But then, that faithful day, when it only took one chant for his life to take a turn― for him, it was for the better. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, . . Are you there?"

And there, he felt like he had a second life. A second chance to protect her from any kind of danger around her. A second chance to love― her.

He swore to himself that he'll be there when she called for him, in times when supernaturals are harming her, in times when she needed comfort and be the one she would grab her strength to live on another day.

And the smile that he forgot as time passed by, it was became more clearer and brighter in his mind, and it was mesmerizing.

It was because it was Yashiro Nene's.

She was the only one who can make his non beating heart flutter, his breathing faster, his face flushed, his life brighter, no matter what time, consequence or situation,

Only she could do that.

It might just be her reincarnation, but he was already attached to her, literally. Like a tree rooting to the hard ground. Her smile alone can make his heart stop and change his decisions. Her hair, her smell, her eyes, her physique, her personality, it just reminded him of her past self.

And the words struck him;

"My love will outlive my life,
and I will see you again,
in my next life."

Does it ring a bell? It's her last words before she, well, passed away. But Hanako thought to himself, 'She never did go back on her word when she made her promises.' It was something that well known for Yashiro's kind hearted nature.

Now that she's here once again, Hanako was by his side like the past, accompanying her on every she made step on her life. Doing the things he didn't get to do back then. In a different form, yes, but he was still that quirky, short, a tad bit perverted, weak boy that Yashiro's past self had grown to love. He won't make the same mistake twice.

His eyes gazed through the window, seeing the sky shift into a dark color. The clouds looked light and decorated the sky perfectly, with the tree's leaves blowing into the wind and the lights fading. It was a magnificent sight to see.

"But now, it's my turn." He muttered under his breath, being barely audible. Yes, it was his turn to express his love that had remained in his heart for decades, the one he failed to express. His unchanging, never ending love for her.

"Eh. .? It's who's turn?" Such a question started him and he almost jumped from the window. Yashiro stood next to him, close eyed, her plump lips curling into a smile.

Hanako― who was taken aback, he placed his hand on her cream hair and ruffled it into a mess. A small smirk found it's way into his lips as he excused, "It's your turn to clean the toilets." He stated with a grin on his face.

Her small smile turned into a frown, eyebrows knitting together. "Ehh?! But you told me it's Kou-kun's turn!" She asked in disbelief.

"Well, he needed to go home early today, and Teru was on the corner looking at me with a glare, it's not like I had any choice though." His smirk reminded her of a Cheshire cat, raising his arms in defeat.

She pouted and crossed her arms. She turned her head away from him and grabbed the mop and disinfectant, letting out a small 'hmph' under her breath.

He chuckled and floated, wrapping his feet on her waist and his hands on her neck, "Why are you pouting my little radish? Don't you like spending time with me~?" He had no sense of personal space, Yashiro already knew that, but his voice sent a chill down her spine― she didn't had enough courage to speak up.

He held her tightly as if she were going to dissapear, and his breath fanned the back of her neck, a blush spread through her face like wildfire, her lips quivered and her knees weakened. She felt as if her legs are gelatin.

A sly smirk ran through Hanako's lips and he pulled away from her, seeing her flustered face, he felt satisfaction in teasing his poor human assistant. There's no harm in teasing her again right?

"My, my~ did you think I'll do something dirty to you? Ah, you pervy little radish you―!" he got cut off when a smack hit his head, a flustered Yashiro puffing out air in frustration. She held her mop tightly and raised her free hand in triumph.

Well, he was wrong.

"I told you not to call me a radish!" She screamed in fury. She knew quite well that her ankles were fat, but calling her radish two times in a row is too much. A glare was shot at the ghost who held his head with a pained expression. "It was just a joke! And you hit my head too hard!" He said in defense.

But seeing her failed attempts in being intimidating was cute, he let out a small chuckle while she puffed her cheeks in annoyance. It was getting dark, and he wondered why Yashiro would still be here.

"How come you're still here Yashiro?" He tilted his head in curiosity. Well, it is very interesting indeed. She ended her club activities quite quickly earlier today, and toilet duty was actually finished by Kou, he worried that Nene might overwork herself so he full on cleaned the while girl's bathroom by himself before heading off.

And to top it all off, it was getting late. The sun has sunken onto the lands and was replaced by shining stars. Though it was eye-catching, it might be dangerous.

"E-eto.. Anoo...." She placed a finger to her lips and her eyes wandered off to a corner of the room. 'Yup, the ceiling really is more interesting. Spotless, even though I didn't clean it. Oh, look, a spider.' Her thoughts wandered off too. What a poor excuse.

'Just as I thought.'

He bent his back and leaned in, his cheeks almost touching hers. It seems that the words 'personal space' doesn't exist in his vocabulary. 'You dont have any excuses to throw at me, don'tcha Yashiro?' He thought with a cheeky grin.

"Hmm? You really did want to spend more time with me, Yashiro~?" Well, to be honest, he was kinda surprised.

"We-well, I didn't say anything about that though.." her voice became weaker by each words, muttering out small groans and puffing out her flushed cheeks.

A smile.

"Good grief." A smile appeared on his face. Not the cheeky one nor the infamous Cheshire grin, a genuine one at that. He pulled her hand and intertwined it with his own.

"If you want to, you could have said so, you know?"

He covered her eyes with a blind fold, saying he'll take her somewhere, but it's a surprise. Yashiro was really nervous, for all she knew, he was a slimy, perverted ghost who haunts the girl's bathrooms. He could be taking her to somewhere suspicious.

But he wouldn't be that immoral right?

After all, he saved her, several― no, numerous times now, and he even trusted her.

Honestly, Hanako was just so hard to read. Yashiro was confident she can read him thoroughly now, after all, they've been through all kind of trouble.

But then, would be really had been showing his true self back then? It could had just been an act. No― Yashiro knew well enough it was not an act.

Maybe Hanako was just a weird person, after all, he didn't give any hints or clues to be exact.

"Anyways, where are you even taking me? My feet hurt―" Her rant was cut off when she heard the sound of the waves, the cold breeze and the separation of their linked hands.

"We're here." He said in a relieved tone. He removed her blindfold, revealing her big, magenta eyes with flecks of gold.


The calm breeze swept her hair, the scent of the salty ocean filled her lungs, and all of a sudden, her eyes lit up with a surprised look.

"E-Eto Hanako-kun?! How did we get to the beach all of a sudden?―How are you even here?!" She was confused. Of course. That short walk from school took her to the beach? Such agility.

Hanako snickered. Seeing her half-confused, half-overwhelmed state was just too funny to look at. Yashiro kept on asking questions, shooting them one after another.

"You're not at the beach, silly."

"What?" Yashiro blinked, with a dumbfounded face. There was absolutely no way Hanako can go outside the school. Where are they, then? Surely, he could go somewhere spirits can go or own like―

Seeing as her face lit up in understanding, he decided to voice it out for her. "Yup. We're just at another boundary."

"How did you even get your hands in this place in the first place?" asked Yashiro. "Well, No.2 was in charge of handling the boundaries and there was so many boundaries without an owner. I was informed by this and I thought you would like to take a rest here." Hanako explained with a close eyed smile.

"Do you not like it?" He asked after opening his eyes.

"No! I-I mean, I like it, I love it even." She managed to speak out. The beauty captured her, as the stars gave them enough light to see the magnificent waters.

Rocks of different sizes decorated the seashore, seashells scattered all around the sand, the place was divine. She couldn't help it, and removed her shoes, feeling the sand shuffle beneath her feet, the water touching her hands.

Hanako just couldn't help but smile.

Her face when she felt genuine happiness, he wondered if he was able to make her happy in his past life. If he was enough to make her feel special.

And without a warning, as Yashiro stood up, her hands were suddenly pulled by Hanako, pulling her closer to him.

"Ne, Yashiro-san."

He called her with such a low voice, Nene wondered why he became serious so suddenly.

"You said you wanted to enjoy your life to the fullest, right?" He stated. Placing his thumb on her chin, he lifted her flushed pink, face up and said―

"Then why don't you try and fall in love with me instead?"

Yashiro almost started to malfunction at the moment, as his glowing amber eyes captivated her and his smirk that reached his eyes. She can even feel her cheeks burning up.

But she snapped out of it quickly, almost as if she was used to it already. "You want to know why.? Okay then." She stated with a low tone. She pulled away with her arms crossed.

"You're a slimy, perverted, touch-starved, dead ghost who haunts the girl's loo, and has no sense of personal space. " The glare she shot actually sent a chill down his spine.

"But.. you can really be cool sometimes. Always saving me when in times of danger. I couldn't thank you enough." Her face softened with a smile.

Hanako looked down with a blush he doesn't want her to see. Well, he can also feel embarrassed too y'know.

But, it doesn't just end there.

"And I like you for that."

He just stood there, waiting for the phrase 'just a friend'. He heard it so many times from her, he was almost accustomed to it.

It never came.

"In fact, I think I love you already, Hanako-kun." Yashiro declared with a shy smile.

But that smile quickly faded as she pouted with a blush on her cheeks. "That's why I can't start to love you ! I'm going nuts to even say I love you already, you know?!"

'Critical hit!'―

Yashiro Nene's words struck his non-existent heart, his eyes widening, his voice speechless, his heartbeat going faster by second. Seriously, he was a blushing mess.

It was the same people, same feelings, but this time, it surely was different.

"I don't care if you're a mess, I'll fix you up. I don't care if you're broken, I'll build you up. And when you're feeling down, I'll cheer you up." She said with such determination glimmering in her eyes.

"I want to be useful to you too, y'know."

"Even.. if you drift far away, away from me, I swear, I will send my love for you no matter how long the distance may be." She started to feel shy, but she wouldn't back down. She definitely wouldn't let him go without letting her hear what she has to say.

"No matter how much you've changed― or how much you will change.."

Yugi Amane.
Hanako-san of the toilet.

"If fate brought us together, I'm sure, in our next lives, we will be together too." She said with a smile, shining brighter than any star in the sky.

"That's why, I will love you no matter the vast galaxies there are in between."

Hanako remained quiet, his mind reminding him the memories of his past. The bittersweet memories.

― Even if memories are erased, the feelings would remain.

He placed his hand on the tip of his hat and showed her a gentle, genuine smile. "You're such a handful, Yashiro."

And he'd definitely would not make the same mistakes again. ―

He took steps closer to her, one step after another. "You know, God told me back then to love another, someone's who's death is far off. So that I wouldn't be hurt again."

The soft sounds of the waves were the only thing they can hear.

The dancing, shimmering stars and the wide ocean were the only things they can see.

"But I know I can't rest easy until I know its you." He took one step, and he was already in front of her.

And love was the only thing they can feel.

Hanako let his body hug Yashiro's figure―tight, tight enough for him to think she can't go.

"E-eto, Hanako-kun, I can't quite understand.." Yashiro stuttered out with her cheeks burning red, her blush spreading like wildfire.

Hanako just smiled, a smile that reached his bright, amber eyes, reflection, the moon, the stars and the beautiful waters.

"In other words, I love you too."

● ● ●

2/2- finished.

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