I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemo...

By SpudlordMaster

119K 1.6K 2.2K

Y/n wanted too be the best, not some run of the mill ace trainer, not a champion, but a legend. In order to b... More

I choose you?
I'm a what now?!
This... is wild!
Crackin' Ceremony
Breaking news
Panic! At the gym!
Shocking issues
Snap, Crackle, and Pop!
Cave system
Father and son

Aura apprentice!

2K 54 95
By SpudlordMaster

Y/n's eyes didn't snap open like they did when he had a nightmare, nor did they flutter open like when he had a peaceful sleep, instead Y/n's eyes opened up to the floor rapidly flying towards him, his forehead slamming off of the floor a second later. The yellow haired teen laid still on the ground for a minute, his limbs wouldn't respond for him  and nor would any of his muscles, the thoughts of his inner place haunted his mind and Y/n realized that he had been dreaming about that place.

'How long does sleep paralysis last anyway?' Curiously mused Y/n not entirely certain how long he would have to stare at the floor for, but it gave him time to think and that was something that Y/n wanted to do currently. 'The Aura Guardian guy will also be here soon enough, then Hop's going for his Gym battle today, and I'll go after him if my meeting with Riley doesn't go on for long.' Idly thought Y/n, his left leg twitched slightly allowing Y/n to move the rest of his leg a moment later, before movement returned to him a minute later.


Shaking his head free from that word, Y/n arched his back and felt a creak running through his spine before finally cracking, making Y/n gasp in relief before looking over at his roommate. Hop was still asleep, peacefully by the looks of it, and then Y/n glanced down and saw that he was still in the clothes he wore our last night, the woman called Nessa flashed to mind.

Gently walking out of his room, Y/n made sure that he closed the door silently as he left the room, pulling his Rotom Phone out of his pocket that was warm to the touch, and turned it on. It was just gone 7am, meaning that in total he had slept close to 5 hours maybe a little less, the teen's ears twitched slightly as he could Hop's soft snores from the other side of the door, and he could hear both Marnie and Gloria in the room opposite theirs.

"They are sleeping okay." Relievedly noted Y/n, sauntering towards the entrance so he could get back his Pokémon, seeing Nurse Joy who was already standing behind her counter with a cup of coffee in her hands, a Chansey was with her as well. "Good morning." Sleepily yawned Y/n, watching the Nurse Joy blink a few times as she tried to recall his face, taking a sip of coffee as she did so and snapped her fingers together.

"Yep, Y/n... right? My sister told me about you and how you are traveling with 3 others, do you want their Pokémon as well? Just to give them something to eat?" Exhaustedly questioned Nurse Joy, her heartbeat was quickening up from the caffeine that was rushing through her blood, and Y/n just nodded in agreement at carrying 18 Pokéballs at once. "Give me a moment please, Chansey please mind the desk." Nicely asked Nurse Joy, walking away into the back room a moment later, as Chansey squinted at the boy.

"Jeez, Louise. You ain't look to good." Bluntly noted the Chansey, taking a sip of coffee from a second mug that she was nursing, the type of nursing one would give to a small child. "I love coffee, how much you might not ask but I love it a lot. Also, that Shinx is a bitch." Annoyedly grunted Chansey, Y/n cracked a smile at that, Y/n could hear Nurse Joy shuffling around in the room behind them.

"Yeah, had a bad nights sleep, and I'm sorry about Luck.... he's a bit rough lately. How much do you love coffee anyway?" Amusedly answered Y/n, watching as the Chansey blinked a few times and looked down at her coffee before looking back up at Y/n, who was smirking at her. "I can understand Pokémon." Helpfully informed Y/n, watching as Chansey chugged the rest of her coffee as Nurse Joy walked out, 18 Pokéballs were being pushed along inside a tray on top of cart.

"Here you go! Pleas take care, and visit soon." Politely announced Nurse Joy, as Y/n awkwardly fumbled with the 3 trays of Pokéballs, nodding at Nurse Joy once more before heading off. 

Making his way over towards the cafeteria was awkward, but Y/n managed it in the end and had the options of many of the seats, since nobody was up at such a time, meaning that Y/n could sit at any seat he wanted. Taking a table that had four chairs at it, Y/n got to work at throwing the 18 Pokéball into the air two at a time, sorting out who owned what Pokéball from whoever came out.

"You guys can go and grab your food, I'll pay for it." Lazily yawned Y/n, making his way over towards the human selection of food, which currently had cereals or sandwiches for breakfast, making Y/n weigh the two options that he had. "Cereals it is." Idly noted Y/n, grabbing himself a bowl and poured the cornflakes into the bowl, followed by a splash of milk.

Turning around, Y/n saw that all 18 Pokémon had bowls stacked upon one another in their mouth and the bipedal Pokémon were carrying food packets in their hands. Shrugging his shoulders at the sight, Y/n walked up to the register with the small army of Pokémon behind him, he wasn't certain how Deino was navigating but those were questions for a later date.

"1 bowl of cornflakes, and 18 bowls of Poké-feed." Tiredly announced Y/n, awkwardly rooting through his pocket and pulling out his Rotom Phone and held it over the scanner, a small beep echoed through the area that told Y/n that the food was paid for. "I'll help open up the packets." Offhandedly offered Y/n, hearing the small thanks that were coming from the Pokémon behind him, the Pokémon center door opened up but Y/n didn't check who it was.

Sitting down at the table, Y/n put his bowl of cornflakes down onto the table before turning his attention towards the Pokémon, who had surprisingly organized the bowls out and their feed out around the table. Arching his back downwards, Y/n mumbled incoherently as he ripped open each bag of Poké-feed and poured it into a bowl, being forced to quickly abandon his chair in favor of opening food packets, Y/n could see the gleeful looks on the Pokémon as they got their breakfast.

"Thank you."Lowly moaned Aqua, his face hitting his food a moment later and he started to snore, Y/n didn't know if he should be concerned since Aqua had his face covered in food, but since the Pokémon didn't immediately choke it meant he could breath, before moving onto the next Pokémon.

"Human. I ask for your assistance in carefully tilting this bag of nutrients into the plastic that is in a concave shape." Emotionlessly inquired Psych the Espurr, he had one of the weirder way of speaking that Y/n had discovered, some Pokémon were formal like Deino, others were impolite and casual, and then some were odd. "Also, may you please give Pie his dose of nutrients please." Politely required Psych, Y/n nodded in agreement as he ripped open both bags and poured them for the two Pokémon, and moved on.

"Thaanks foor thiis." Loudly baaed Wooloo, it seemed as though either Wooloo or Woollo in general pronounced each vowel twice, and Y/n noted that as he finished pouring the food.

It took 5 minutes in total to pour all of the bags of foor for the Pokémon, and take the opportunity to have a small conversation with each of them, before Y/n could sit back up at his seat and look at his food. Y/n stared blankly at his food, something vital for looking polite was missing, don't get Y/n wrong he didn't care what he looked like but his actions could reflect on his friends.

"Excuse me, but my Master has asked me to give you this spoon." Calmly announced a voice to Y/n's left, it was a Pokémon and it was a Male from the sounds of it, Y/n turned around and blinked once as he nodded and took the spoon from the Pokémon. "I take it you can understand me?" Curiously inquired the Pokémon, Y/n wasn't certain if he had ever seen this Pokémon in real life before, but he recalled seeing the Pokémon in his textbook before, it was a Lucario.

Lucario was a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon, he stood at 3'11, with fur that was predominantly blue and black. He possessed a short, round spike on the back of his forepaws, in addition to a third on his chest. He had ruby red eyes, a long snout and ears. He had his mouth partially open, revealing two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. He possessed cream-colored fur on his torso, and blue fur on his thighs that resembled shorts. He had a medium length tail of the same blue color as well. He stood on his toes rather than on its entire foot. Lastly he had four black appendages that hung down from its head, which supposed helped a Lucario sense aura.

"Would you be surprised if I said yes, since the door has only opened up once and I assume it was you and Riley, or are you called Riley?" Confusedly explained Y/n, accepting hen spoon from the Lucario and began eating his breakfast, staring the canine in the eyes as it did the same with him, Y/n didn't blink nor did the Lucario. "Are you begging for food or are you assessing my existence?" Curiously hummed Y/n, shoving a spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth before Lucario cracked a smile at him, Y/n didn't know if that was good or bad but the sense of pain in his gut told him it was the latter.

"Master, he is conflicted but he has great aura potential. I suggest we teach him the basic exercise and give him her then." Calmly announced Lucario, turning towards the only other person in the cafeteria who had escaped Y/n's notice, along with the 18 Pokémon but they were preoccupied with food.

"Really? It's been a while since we have seen someone with this much aura potential is it not? It was what.... 4 years ago?" Politely mulled the man, Y/n didn't know why but the man had a presence that he couldn't miss, his dark blue eyes gleamed as they stared into Y/n's yellow. "I am Riley, Aura Guardian of Sinnoh and for the next day, your Teacher. You'll be given a Riolu, who will help you learn how to control your aura, so for now follow me and bring your Pokémon." Nonchalantly explained the man, standing up from the chair he was sitting on, and waited for Y/n to finish scarfing down his breakfast.

Riley stood at 6'3 in height, he had pale skin from living in Sinnoh so that meant he came from the north of it Y/n assumed, and he had a noticeably lean/bulky build. He had spiky, dark blue hair that touched his left shoulder but the rest of his visible hair was going all over the place, he also had equally dark blue eyes that seemed to glow with a power. Riley wore a dark blue hat on top of his head, that had a yellow ribbon going around it, along with wearing a black top and a heavy, dark blue coat that had a cape on the back of it, and a pair of dark brown pants along with a pair of black shoes.

"Herba, Deino, Luck, and Yeller, follow me please. The others, can you wait here, I don't think this will take long." Nervously questioned Y/n, looking as the man nodded at him in agreement, the way he smirked at the last part was not reassuring at all for the teenager. "Don't do anything stupid." Bluntly informed Y/n, focusing on Aqua and Chad in particular since one was a pervert and the other liked showing off to others.

Herba and Yeller clambered up his body like a ladder, perching on his left and right shoulder respectively, and Luck and Deino walked beside him with the former's fun slowly standing up and sparking slightly as the Electric type was already storing up electricity for whatever could happen. Both of the humans walked in silence, Y/n knew that they were heading towards the training field beside the Pokémon center, making Y/n nervously rub the top of Deino's head.

"Please don't tell me I'm about to be beaten several ways to Sunday?" Pathetically whined Y/n, watching Riley walk towards the opposite trainer box as he walked over to the left one, knowing that this was going pear shape the moment Lucario walked out onto the field. "I'm not calling you guys weak, but Lucario feels powerful and he... he will most likely crush us." Apprehensively whispered Y/n, looking at the way Riley smirked slightly when he heard what Y/n was saying, nodding at the teen in confirmation.

"What you are doing there is gauging a Pokémon's aura, the stronger the Pokémon the stronger their aura, that's why Dragon types and Legendary Pokémon are so powerful." Calmly informed Riley, a silver bracelet on the man's wrist briefly caught Y/n's attention, especially the weird stone that was planted in the middle of it. "Please send out your first Pokémon, don't worry I'll be holding back considerably." Hauntingly chuckled Riley, a moment later Luck hopped forward with a growl building up in his throat, with sparks of electricity crackling down his body.

"Coat yourself in Spark, then use Double Kick!" Quickly barked Y/n, looking at Luck who was quickly shrouded in an electrical yellow glow and charged forward, his legs were tense as his ability Rivalry kicked in, making Luck slightly more powerful.

Lucario watched as the small Shinx bolted towards him, it was a wise choice using a fighting type move against him, while having the Shinx coat himself in Spark, since if he tried to batter away the Pokémon there would be a chance of paralysis. Riley didn't have to say a word as Lucario clapped both of his hands together, a harsh blue light briefly formed in between his hands before he separated them, something was forming in between his two paws, something that looked akin to a Human thigh bone was being wielded in Lucario's right paw.

Luck was easily battered towards the left with a quick hit to his left shoulder, Lucario had held back considerable but this was the difference between the two of them, even then Lucario could see that Luck had already shakily picked himself back up. Luck lowered himself to the ground with a snarl on his face, his tail was wildly whipping around behind him as sparks were erratically jumping off of his body.

"Run around Lucario as fast as you can, and build up a charge!" Sharply barked Y/n, not liking the fact that Luck was getting this worked up so quickly in a spar, since that meant he could do something stupid in the heat of the moment, which could be bad for Luck or his opponent.

"Are you sure you shouldn't forfeit him? That was a nasty blow, and it's a ground type attack." Concernedly chittered Herba, looking at the pure electric type as he ran around Lucario, an electrical charge was quickly building up around Luck, but he was clearly favoring his front right leg. "He could prematurely evolve, I heard that Pokémon that have Rivalry or Moxie tend to suffer from that a lot." Worriedly chirped Herba, Y/n nodded in agreement since that made sense, since both abilities involved the Pokémon's body releasing chemicals and chemicals also helped Pokémon evolve, and if a Pokémon that had Moxie managed to beat a dozen Pokémon they would go out of control.

"If he receives another blow like that then yeah." Idly hummed Y/n, watching as faint bits of dust flew up to Lucario and stuck onto his fur, meaning that there was a small bit of metal within the dust/sand and that Luck was making it magnetic. "Luck, release a bit of your charge into the ground and tighten the circle around Lucario." Calmly informed Y/n, keeping an eye on Riley who simply smirked at the teen, clearly impressed with what was happening. 

"Aura Sphere, followed by Psychic." Amusedly announced Riley, making Y/n's eyes widen a bit since one was a move that never missed and the other was an annoying move to deal with in general, as a blue sphere formed in Lucario's paws and he threw it, followed by his eyes gaining a pinkish glow.

"Release all of your charge!" Quickly barked Y/n, watching as Luck skidded to a halt and scrunched his face into a frown, all of the electricity that had built up in Luck was released in an instant Discharge, making the Aura Sphere explode only to be thrown into the Pokémon center wall a moment later. "Good job." Proudly sighed Y/n, picking up Luck's Pokéball off of his belt and returned his Pokémon a second later, before looking at Lucario and assessing what damage Luck had inflicted on him.

There was no physical damage done to Lucario, but Y/n could feel the electricity that was running through the Pokémon's body, a second later a spark of electricity jumped off of Lucario's left paw to his left shoulder, winching slightly from the shock, paralysis. Tapping Deino's head, Y/n watched as the Dragon/Dark type lumbered forward, he wasn't the best match up for Lucario, since Steel was resistant to Dragon and Fighting was super effective again Dark, but he had a few ranged moves.

"I await your orders, Savior." Loudly rumbled Deino, his head swirling from side to side a few times, before finally focusing on Lucario who flinched once again, as the dual Dragon/Dark type crouched down and prepared himself for a fight. "Tell me what to do, and I'll do it to my best." Determinedly growled Deino, his nose twitching as he was finalizing Lucario's location, a small flicker of green flames escaped his lips.

"Shockwave." Calmly ordered Y/n, since he knew that Deino was as proficient as electrical type moves as Luck, but that was because Deino wasn't an Electric and it was to be expected. "Just keep away from Lucario, since he will mess up anyone who gets to close!" Worriedly informed Y/n, watching as Deino reeled up on his hind legs and roared, with electricity crackling along his body before he slammed his feet downwards, a circle of electricity washed off of the Dragon/Dark type. 

Lucario quickly clapped both of his hands together, the blue glow quickly gathering up in between his paws as the electricity approached and he pulled his paws away a moment later, with a bone in his hand which he stabbed into the ground. While the electricity washed over him, Lucario didn't flinch at all from the blow, Y/n's upper lip perked up slightly as he realized what Lucario was doing.

"I made Lucario learn this trick because of your old man, who was very fond of electrical attacks back when he started off... I still find it hard to believe that he defeated Bertha." Amusedly explained Riley, watching as Lucario sprung back up to his feet and lurched forward, a spinning blue ball of aura was gathering in his paws. 

"Dragon Breath!" Quickly yelled Y/n, winching slightly as he saw Lucario throw the Aura Sphere as fast as he could, while instead of a breath of green flames flying from Deino's mouth, out came a pulse of draconic energy that made Y/n blink. 'Dragon Pulse? Don't Deinos usually learn this when they are level 40?' Confusedly thought Y/n, while knowing that the Pokédex wasn't completely accurate when it came to learning natural attacks or evolutions, it just gave the average since Herba didn't evolve till level 20.

The Dragon Pulse that roared from Deino's mouth collided with the Aura Sphere, stray strands of the draconic energy were being flung across the area as the two attacks battled for dominance, but Y/n could see that the Aura Sphere was slowly approaching Deino. Deino flinched, nothing happened to him at all that Y/n could see, but the dual Dragon/Dark type closed his mouth and reeled his head to the side, making Y/n gasp as the Aura Sphere collided with him.

"Huh? You better return your Deino. His Aura is starting to split." Calmly informed Riley, Y/n was already returning Deino the moment he went flying from the attack, but he didn't get the aura splitting part at all and Riley seemed to realize that. "When Dragon types evolve, their aura swells exponentially, especially Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon. Dragon types tend to get frequent headaches since their Aura is growing larger than their body's limit, making them violent especially Deino and Doduo, since their mind is being ripped apart." Idly explained Riley, making Y/n make a mental note to talk to Deino if there was anything he could do to help him, having one's mind split apart sounded painful.

"Okay, I'm not using Yeller if that's okay since he's still inexperienced, so Herba you are up." Slowly informed Y/n, rubbing Yeller's head in reassurance while Herba leaped off of his shoulder and faced Lucario, stomping her foot on the ground twice. "Gotcha." Understandingly answered Y/n, who took a step back and decided to stretch, it wasn't like he would be doing much for Herba against Lucario.

Herba lunged forward, violently whipping her head back and forward, causing sharp blades of leaves to fly from her head, each was quickly swatted out of the way by Lucario, who didn't seemed overwhelmed at the blow at all. Doing so once again, Herba screamed, a shockwave or loud noise escaped Herba's mouth making Lucario flinch slightly, as Herba was making the battle beat to her tempo.

This was something that they had been doing for a while now, Herba would fight by herself while Y/n would look out over the field and make sure that there no traps or plans being set, and since it was their first time doing this it seemed quite effective. Lucario's paws flashed silver, three elongated claws grew from his paws, Metal Claw, that was the name of the attack that Lucario was using at the moment.

'What to do, what to do?' Curiously mulled Y/n, since Herba was physical weaker than Lucario momentarily, all she could really do at this moment was try to outlast him, which wasn't very likely at all. 'The best bet would to give up, and I have known my Pokémon for a while now..... and they won't give up.' Amusedly recalled Y/n, a small bit electricity jumped off of his body as the teen placed his right foot out in front, which was mimicked by Herba.

Y/n didn't have a clue how both he and Herba were doing this, he didn't really care as he could feel something happen in his body, his heart rate picked up dramatically for a brief moment, before they both crouched their legs. Meanwhile Riley looked at the two, he knew that those two were connected by the way they were both simultaneously moving the exact same way, Adira had demonstrated that sort of bound with some of his bipedal Electric types.

Herba leapt forward, both of her sticks were in her hair as she cartwheeled through the air, using all of her limbs as a form of movement and with each leap forward a white glow was slowly shrouding her limbs. Acrobatics, a flying type move that did massive damage if the other Pokémon wasn't holding an item, and Flying was super effective against Fighting.

"Bone Rush!" Loudly announced Riley, looking at how a genuine smile was growing on Y/n's face as he seemed to tune out everything else that was going on, ignoring the fact that Lucario now had a bone in his paws.

Lucario swung the bone with enough force to ripple the air, Herba using her small size to her advantage side stepped the attack as Y/n copied her, stepping onto the bone as Lucario pulled it upwards, sending Herba into the sky. The sun was shining down, making it difficult for either Riley or Lucario to look up at her.

"Now!" Excitedly yelled Y/n, reeling back his right fist and pulled his left leg backwards and smirked, as Herba reached the apex of her flight and flipped around till she faced Lucario and began to fall.

She plummeted towards Lucario, Lucario pulled his own right paw back as an Aura Sphere started to grow, neither side were both enthralled by the fight that was happening, all unaware of Y/n's group of friends walking past them and pausing for a second, heading off towards the Gym a moment later. Both sides collided, Herba's fist collided with Lucario's Aura Sphere, and it went as well as one would expect.

Smoke filled the area from Lucario's Aura Sphere exploding, a figure flew from the smoke and skidded to a halt in front of Y/n, Herba was facing down to the ground and they waited for the smoke to clear. It took a minute for the smoke to dissipate enough for Y/n to see Lucario, a small smile was on Y/n's lips as he saw the Fighting/Steel type on one knee and electricity sparking over him.

"Quite an impressive battle. Now, it's time for this and then your training." Proudly announced Riley, plucking a Pokéball off of his waist and flinging it at Y/n, who messily managed to catch it with his left hand since his right was occupied with putting Herba into her Pokéball. "That's your Aura training partner, take good care of her. Let her out and we'll begin your training." Amusedly informed Riley, Y/n did so and snapped open the Pokéball, gasping slightly as he saw the small Pokémon stand up and yawn, a Riolu.

She was a black and blue, dog-like Pokémon nearing 2'6 feet in height. She appeared is similar to Lucario, though there are some differences. Her legs and torso were colored black while her head, lower body and tail were blue. She had large, rounded bumps on the backs of her forepaws, placed in a similar fashion to Lucario's spikes. She also had a black "mask" with two black appendages on either side, and red eyes

"I was expecting someone taller, but I'll guess you'll do." Sleepily yawned Riolu, stretching and covering her mouth before being slapped on the back of the head by Lucario, making the pup roll her eyes in annoyance. "I meant yay... a new trainer." Sarcastically cheered Riolu, making Y/n blink once as he realized that this might be difficult, but they could work something out given the time.

That's a wrap people!!! Y/n has a Riolu, who has an attitude, it is going to be fun since I can give Pokémon any personality now since Y/n can understand him. Next chapter will be Y/n's friends against the gym, and I might write the next chapter mainly about them as Y/n practices.

See ya next time!!!


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