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By invasionofkombat

5.7K 150 14

Kuai Liang and Tabbi Rhodes had to rebuild the Lin Kuei from scratch. Alone. Kuai gave Tabbi his right hand p... More

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307 8 0
By invasionofkombat


"What time did Johnny say they would be here tomorrow?" I asked Kuai, who was trying his hardest to figure out how to work the cell phone Johnny Cage had given him.

"What?" He questioned, looking up.

"What time did Johnny say Cassie and the other kids would be here?"

"Around 6 something," Kuai answered with a shrug. "Not to worry, though. We should be prepared. I want you, Sareena and Smoke to be in the temple with Johnny. It is better that you do. I'd rather you not get hurt,"

"I won't get hurt," I crossed my arms. "What, now you're gonna be all protective of me?"

"Yes," Kuai nodded. "I just want you to be safe. It is all I have ever wanted for you," Kuai put the cell phone down, and patted the empty space next to him on the bed. Our bed. It was still weird to say that.

I made my way over, as I rubbed my eyes.

"Are you alright?" Kuai asked, covering me up with the blanket. "You seem tired,"

"I am tired," I nodded, with a giggle. "and you must be exhausted,"

Kuai scoffed. "Is exhausted the word for it? Or is there a much better word to explain how I feel at the moment?"


  "That, too," He nodded. "I am just glad we are finally getting some alone time,"

And he was right. The time between Kuai and I getting together, and what I'm talking about right now, had been nothing short of hectic. Members of the clan wouldn't stop asking when the marriage would be, and the next time we saw Johnny, he wouldn't let up.

"Is he cold in bed?" He had asked. "Do you guys use cryomancy in bed?" However, bed wasn't exactly the word he used. I'll spare that for you, to keep your minds clean.

Kuai and I had barely gotten a moment's rest since Smoke had finally been restored, and Sareena came to stay with us either. The clan had a huge banquet to celebrate Smoke, and to thank Sareena, and the clan was as lively as ever after Smoke came back.

To put it simply, Kuai and I were finally getting some alone time that was desperately needed.

I sighed as I leaned my head against Kuai's shoulder. "I'm glad we get to rest,"

"As am I. The elder Gods know we need it,"

"For once they're doing some good," I nodded.

  Kuai and I stayed up into the night, talking strategies for the next day, and wondering how Johnny's team would fight.
Early the next morning, we had to prepare. Kuai took some of our best students, training them, while Smoke, Sareena and I stayed inside the temple, eating our breakfast in the dining hall.

"I just wonder how Johnny's team will take their defeat," Sareena said with a laugh.

"It is likely that they will lose," Smoke nodded, while sighing.

"Anyways, that isn't what I came here to talk about,"

"What did you come here to talk about?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"You and Kuai Liang of course," Sareena said, matter-of-factly. "When will the ceremony be?"

"Sareena, we aren't even talking about getting married yet. We just started seeing each other," I pointed out.

"Although that is true, Tabbi, Kuai's end goal will be to marry you. Whether he asks tonight, or 6 months from now it will be the same,"

"He's not gonna ask me tonight," I laughed nervously. "he's not, is he?"

"No," Smoke shook his head. "not to my knowledge anyway,"

"Because he would tell you if he was?" asked Sareena.

"Of course he would. I would be the best man at the wedding,"

Sareena giggled, "we all know that Johnny wouldn't let that happen,"

"Gods, the speech he'd give," I rolled my eyes. "Kuai would never want Johnny as his best man,"

"Hey, why are you guys talking like I'm not here?" Johnny asked, crossing his arms.

"How long have you been standing there?" I questioned, glancing at him.

"I just got here," He said,  as he took the seat next to Smoke. "the team'll be dropping by soon enough. And, by the way, I wanna place a bet on Sub Zero kicking their asses,"

"You would have no one to bet against, Johnny," Smoke rolled his eyes. "The three of us think that Kuai will win, anyway. Why would you bet on your own daughter losing?"

"Because I know I'll win that way. Tabbi, wanna take me up on $50?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "Why would I do that, if I know you'd win? The smart thing for you to do is keep your money to yourself. Or bet with one of the other students here,"

"But...they scare me," Johnny admitted, glancing at one of our older students, who was staring right through Johnny.

I scoffed. "They shouldn't. Our students are harmless,"

"Right, right," Johnny picked up an apple, throwing it up in the air, and catching it, then repeating that motion. "You guys have any other food?"

"There is a buffet table on the other side of the room," Smoke pointed in the general direction.

"Alright. I'll be right back,"

"I did not know that they would be here so early," Smoke crossed his arms. "I was hoping we would at least get to finish eating,"

"Kuai told me they weren't supposed to be here until—" I cut myself off, realizing that Kuai hadn't specified whether it was 6:00 AM, or 6:00 PM. "—he meant 6:00 in the morning...."

"Why so early?" Sareena complained.

"I know right," I sighed, as Johnny made his way back over to us, plopping down in his chair.

"So, Tabbi. I've got some questions," Johnny started, "first of all, are you and Sub Zero getting married soon?"

"No, and why does everyone keep asking me that?" I crossed my arms. "I'm so sorry to disappoint but I just don't see that happening. Not any time soon anyway. Not with the threat of the Netherrealm always luring over our heads,"

"Everyone is asking because everyone wants it to happen," Smoke replied, with a chuckle. "Even I do,"

"And here I thought you'd be hating Sub Zero for stealing Tabbi away from you," Johnny laughed.

"Of course not," Smoke rolled his eyes. "All that matters to me is that Tabbi is happy. Kuai makes her happy, therefore Tabbi, is happy, and I should not be upset about it,"

"Aww," Sareena cooed. "No wonder you two are best friends,"

Smoke nodded. "Yeah,"

"Yeah? Are you crazy?" Johnny asked. "When we were hold up in that church, all you could do was stare at Tabbi with pure love. I mean, I'd be mad if I was you,"

"Well you aren't me,"

I sighed, "c'mon let's talk about something else,"

"Like how much your team is gonna get their asses kicked?" Sareena asked while glancing at Johnny.

Johnny scoffed. "You say that like I don't agree with you,"

We could hear the commotion from outside, meaning that Cassie and her team, Jacqui, Kung Jin, and Takeda had finally come upon the temple.

About 15 or so minutes later, and Kuai had been able to overpower each and every member of the team, and had them tied up, but let them loose a few moments after.

Johnny came out, and whistled, signaling to the team that it was all a training exercise, and he and the team went on their way back to the Special Forces base.

I let out a loud sigh as I crawled into Kuai and I's bed that night.

"Are you okay?" Kuai asked, as he set his book aside.

"I'm alright. It's funny, y'know," I started. "People keep hounding me about when me and you are getting married. But we've only been together a few weeks,"

  Kuai glanced at me. "I have actually been wondering that myself. It is Lin Kuei costum to already be married at our age. And we have waited long enough, don't you think?"

"Kuai, I don't know. Marriage? Already?"

"It has been on my mind recently. With all that has been going on...I just know that...if we do not do it soon, we may never get to,"

"Kuai..." I sighed. "Don't do that..."

"The threat of the Netherrealm looms closer and closer each and every day. I just want...I want to be committed to you before that happens. I know that it may be too early, but, I just want this to happen. Soon,"

I sighed. "so we will, then. We need at least a week, though, Kuai. Me and Sareena can plan it,"

"Okay," Kuai nodded, with a smile. "Thank you for being so understanding. I love you, Tabbi,"

"I love you, too, Kuai," I smiled back at him.

This was actually happening. We were actually getting married.

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