CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxbo...

By BigNeptune

4.7M 189K 40.5K

Cinde, that's his name. A slave to his family and to anyone he might know. When the eclipse comes to town the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Follow Up

Chapter Four

195K 8.1K 1K
By BigNeptune

      I woke up to the sound of footsteps from far away. They where silent, yet my wolf ears picked up on them like a wild scent. They sounded like vibrations in the air, soft explosions.

      I would probably have to leave as soon as I could. Guests where only supposed to be sleeping in the main hall. Goodness knows what they would do had they found out I spent the night here. Still, there was no way I could sleep in there. I was so used to isolation, to be surrounded by such a large amount of people was something I was hardly used to.

      Either way my family would be somewhere there and I had to make sure not to bump into them at any cost.

      I brushed myself off as I sat up, feeling like I had slept a full on year. From the way the light looked out side it was early morning. Maybe six. The foreseen Eclipse was due at ten till mid night. Before you ask, yes I know the average eclipse doesn't last that long. This eclipse was what the ancients called 'aeternus anima obscuro' which means eternal soul veil/eclipse.

      Back when they believed it would never end and it was the first sign of the destruction of the universe. I couldn't blame them though, imagine utter darkness for an entire day, what that must be like... Well... We'll find out.

      Upon hearing bells I steadied myself and wandered towards them. If a guard was to catch me I would simply have to tell them I was lost and show them my claw.

      Of course I found myself wandering towards the great kitchens. This was after all the source of all sound in the entire place. Filled with sweet and sour smells. Cries ringing away in the background silent mutterings of disapproval to late kitchen maids.

      What drew me in most of all was the smell of fresh bread. Wafting like perfume out through the gap in the door.

      I wondered what it was like in there, whether it was warm and cozy like the smell, clatter and cries suggested. My curiosity got the better of me and I peaked in through the gap inside the door.

      The kitchen was a massive thing. Each wall seemed to stretch an eternity on wards, covered by some sort of machine or drying rack. It almost seemed like every nook and cranny of the room was filled with help. Servers wondering from the kitchen to another room, one I guessed was there to store food till the moment requires

      I watched in glorious satisfaction as cooks filled a great steel oven with layers and layers of buns laid neatly on square metal plates and shoved the coal beneath angrily.

      Suddenly a kitchen lady popped her head out the door, staring at me something evil. I stumbled back in shock.

      "What're you doing down here? If your up to something shady I'm on to you!" She scowled.

      Shaking my head I replied. "No mam I was only wondering if you wanted some help mam."

      "You where looking quite a bit longer then the normal?" She said with a raised brow.

      "Just a little nervous to ask mam."

      She nodded and pulled my arm pushing me inside the room.

      "You know how to cook?"

      "As well as the most." I replied.

      She shoved me towards a large pot standing on an unheated stove.

     "You know how to cook soup? Our supuer has vanished at such an untimely moment." She growled rubbing her forehead furiously with a dirty rag. A supuer is a soup boy, a boy that specializes in the cooking of soup.

     "Yes mam I do!" I said gladly getting to it. It was a nice thing to feel like you where doing something useful on an otherwise almost useless trip.

      I wandered around there for a while, searching for the appropriate ingredients and squeezing on through angry kitchen staff. After heating some boiling water in the pot I began to slowly add my selected ingredients. Cutting up the vegetables needed as finely as any royal chef in my vicinity.

      A man nearby who was a great deal taller than me with a large beard tied with a small leather band watched me carefully. He was one of the main chefs I presumed by his white clothes and distinctive hat.

      "You don't look like you need help with that." He stated, as though it where something of odd occurrence.

      "No sir." I replied awkwardly.

      He pushed in front of me somewhat vehemently and grabbed the ladle I had been using to stir the soup holding the unfinished soup to his mouth with an expression ready to drown in disgust. When he tasted it however it was wiped off his face in an instant. A bright smile slid onto in its place.

      "Well I'll be damned!" He chortled, grabbing a slab of well cooked meat and pushing it in front of me. "You'll be needing a bit of this then."

     I nodded thanking him and brought it back to the chopping table to size it down to eatable chunks before seasoning it a little and throwing it lightly into the pot. It hovered slightly, looking absolutely tantalizing amungst the thick orange soup. So rich in color in taste, all I needed was some more seasoning to add a little more energy to the smell. I reached out from all sides pulling in all sorts of curries, herbs and spices. Sniffing and smelling away I found those most suited to the soup and added them in a small hurry.

      It just looked great. Here was the best part. I tasted it, looking from side to side in case anyone came to punish me for it. They did not. And oh how wonderful it tasted, I had tasted so little of my own food fresh.

      The lady came running over to me looking angry. At first I thought she was about to slap me. "That girl will pay in blood if she takes more time off! Wretched little thing takes the world for granted! You boy! What have you made!" She pushed me to the side, grabbing a wooded spoon and sipping loudly. "Oh what a pleasant surprise! We haven't made such a good soup in eons! You'll be well received at the ball boy!"

      "Oh please mam, do not make any mention it was done by me!" I begged, my voice silent.

      "But why my dear?" She asked, shaking her head.

      "I'...m not really... Well..." There was loud yelling in the background that I hoped would cover up my next couple of words. "Allowed to be here... I suppose."

      He eyes widened then narrowed. "Your a slave?" She asked.

      I hoped this would not make her hate me, servants generally get along with slaves because we're treated almost the same. "Yes'm" I replied.

      "And you master made you stay at home?" I nodded. "Well I'll be darned, he was going to kill you then was he? What a cruel man would do to get his way!" She said, with a sympathetic look. There was a clatter in the background and she turned so fast I thought she might disappear. "Lanken what are you doing with those dishes you foul rat!"

      I watched her storm off towards a frightened wash boy and turned back towards my soup. My proud creation. Never had I the chance to create something so tasty before. Taking one more careful sip I began making my way for the door.

      The bearded man grabbed me by the arm. "Wait." He said. I stood still. "The supuer is always presented at dinner. Come now there will be a dinner for royals and those of high class during the evening before the grand ball starts. You would be welcome to attend."

      I hesitantly nodded and promised to be there. He left me with a small piece of paper, which I was to give to one of the guards who would show me where to go and let me in. I wasn't too sure about this, but getting some sort of recognition for my work seemed almost too good to be true.

      Upon leaving the kitchen I noticed in almost horrific revelation that I could not find my mask. I had taken it off in the kitchen as I cooked. There was no way I could go back in there to retrieve it now, I would have to just do with out it.

      Since the majority of my day had been spent working on the soup in the kitchens there was little left to explore the halls. Others had taken to doing so after me and huge groups where being escorted away and towards the hall. I joined them, being completely clueless as to where I was or where the hall was.

      When I reached the call it was a world of festivity, everyone seemed to be somehow joyful. Down by the side sat a ginormous clock reading the time 3:50. It was lunch time and everyone was feasting down the remains of they're food. Something I would have to go with out, either way the sips of my own soup would suffice me for now.

      I found Verity, or should I say she found me. Scaring the wits out of me as she booed me from behind.

      "Why Verity it is a pleasure to meet you again."

      "And you Cinde! Where has your eye mask gone, where you forced to remove it?"

      I shook my head. "No. I lost it. Somewhere. How are you doing?"

      "Good! Though maybe lacking sleep. I been up all night keeping the scoundrels out of the corridors. Speaking of which, what where you doing coming out of the kitchens?"

      "I helped make the soup."

      She looked at me wide eyed. "They needed help with the soup? Whatever for? You can tell me the truth you know, I won't rat you out!"

      "No it's true! Well I suppose not entirely. I made the soup."

      She stared at me disbelievingly. "Your the supuer? Or they just let you make the soup."

      I explained what happened to her, slowly she began to cheer up a little. She probably believed me a thief for a second. I was glad it was not true. She asked for the note and I gave it to her. She took it and my hand and pulled me down the hall towards what I presumed was the royal dining hall, waving it uncaring at the guards as she walked in, pulling me in along side her.

      "Here it is! Proud of you!" She exclaimed and ran off all jolly as per her plat wriggling like an almost separate life.

      The royal dining room was one I would never forget. From all corners hung tapestry in silky drapes. Tall chairs protruding beneath a long dark oak table. From the ceiling there hung six chandeliers and each sparkled glistening like glimmering stars. It was majestic to say the least.

      I wondered where I was to sit. As a mere cook I could not sit to high up the table. I knew what that meant. The higher you get up the table the fresher of royal blood you are, therefor Veldores throne like chair sat at the utmost top.

      As people began to fill into the room I began to get worried. I did not belong here. These people where posh and well mannered, I was but a slave what could I offer them but soup? They sat politely at they're assigned seats and I stood awkwardly with my hands behind my back praying to leave early.

      A guard tugged at my arm from the side.

      "You sit there." He nodded.

      I thanked him and took the second last chair to the bottom. Seating myself uncomfortably and gaping at the sheer variety of every piece of cutlery presented before me. This would be a long evening I decided.

      Slowly but surely the seats where filled and left to last was that of the king.

      Veldore. There where so many myths circulating him, some great, some odd, some obvious rubbish. Some say he was a rebel wolf when he was young, born a rogue and not truly that of the king. Some say he was a black wolf, signalling that he was among the purest breed of royalty. Some say he was the youngest king to grace the throne. And aye that he was. Never had I imagined him to be so young.

      He was a flurry of colors as he stepping into the room, gliding from one end into his chair. His robes entwining him ones of unimaginable detail and beauty. And he... He was what I would call, godly. Every feature on his face was almost perfect, designed to dominate the room with an atmosphere he chose. His eyes where somehow black and dark, long eyelashes sating shadows across his face. His face shape was manly, long black curly hair falling limp at his side tucked under the crown that resided on his head. He was handsome. Very handsome. He left me gaping, something in me curling and jumping for joy. Very beautiful.

      I tore my eyes away and kept my face to my plate.

      As he finished a small speech of. "To aeternus anima obscuro I thank this get together. One like no one has seen in so many years. I declare we drink to that!" Everyone raised they're wine and clinked glasses. I gave mine to the boy beside me as I tend to refrain from drinking alcohol.

      The first course was small sandwiches, then there was salmon and lastly, about to be served was my soup. I had found it surprisingly easy to use the cutlery, it seemed almost natural to me. There was an odd ease to it, maybe it was because I so enjoyed cooking.

      When my soup was finally served I was proud to hear the gasps of pleasure fill the room. The boy next to me nattered on about how good it was and I could say nothing but. "Oh well that's good." Not wanting to sound boastful, of course he did not yet know I made it.

      I hadn't expected the cook to sit up from her seat and call me to stand, declaring I had made the soup and all the praise should be going to me not her. I blushed deep and felt the desire to duck under the table and hide. The feeling of complements coming from all directions was one I would forever treasure. Such a warm feeling was something you only get once in a life time for someone like me.

      I felt Veldores eyes on me, studying me as I hung my head to the ground. A sudden wave of anxiety and nervousness contained me and I was deathly relieved when we where escorted to the ballroom for the evenings dance.

      I was pleasantly surprised at how late it was. The eclipse must have already been over. I couldn't believe how little it had effected me. I mean apart from the snow. It was snowing outside and I believed it was the cause of that. Yet every furnace torch and fireplace was lighted in the castle so warmth would not yet be any problem.

      At 11 o'clock we moved with ease into the great hall, which was already full to the brim of people. All looking admiringly in the direction of Veldore. For I had to agree, he was one to be admired.

      There and then, the ball began.

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