My Rowdy Cowboy. (3B Ranch S...

Autorstwa _Becca_Lynn__

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With the eighth anniversary of his twin brother's death during a military detail drawing near, Randy (Rowdy)... Więcej



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Autorstwa _Becca_Lynn__

Brett, Nico, Bear and Deputy Dan (Small Bear) sat in the ranch office poring over the files Brett Sr. had hidden in East Cabin Number Two.

Brett sat back and rubbed his hands down his face, "I...I had no idea he was doin' any of this that long ago, or even that this was goin' on way back then. He must have felt like a Lone Ranger, fighting and protecting us all by himself. How many people has this Rodriguez shoved under the bus?"

Nico nodded, "Very similar crimes have been reported in a number of states. That lowlife has obviously had his roots deep in this entire area for years. It looks like he an' his gang had been watchin' your ranch an' your père for some time."

"Do you think he planned on marrying mom all along....or was that just a matter of convenience?"

"Maybe we'll find out when we catch 'im. That would certainly lead a person to believe your father's death was premeditated. I'm confused as to when law enforcement officially became involved."

Nico added, his Cajon accent deepening every time he spoke in his native tongue. "Your père was an amazin' man."

"I didn't think the FBI would put all this on one individual. Seems like an awful lot of responsibility and burden for one man to take on." Deputy Dan mentioned. "Why would they do that?"

"That's a good question. The Agency has gone through a lot of changes since then. I hope we find an answer to that." Nico answered.

Brett took a long, slow breath."Yes, I hope we do. He was the finest man I've ever known, although Yancy and my brother are runnin' a close second. I'm sorry I missed out on some of the years seein' him develop and mature. When I joined the Navy, Beau was only 15 and kind of your basic... uhh..."

Nico grinned, "Rodeo bum?"

The men all chuckled. "Funny, but no. Even as a kid he was responsible... dependable and motivated. He loved the ranch. He was so much like dad. Dad instilled a love of God, family, country and ranch in all of us. Although, I think we would have grown up feeling that way just because of the example he set. He was an incredible role model. Taught us what we owe our country and countrymen, how to treat a woman...Beau wanted to do his stint in the service then come back to the ranch." He was quiet a moment.

"Anyway, mom told me that after Beau was discharged, she thinks he slipped into a depression and sort of lost his way for a while. Had a hard time settling down to ranching. Bobbi said you could tell he was glad to be home, but he wasn't able to sit and concentrate."

"Must have been especially difficult for him, to not be able to just jump right back into ranchin'. I can see how he might have felt that he was lettin' your dad down." The young deputy mentioned.

"Yeah," Bear commented, "I remember that. He spent a lot of time talking to my grandmother and Yancy. I'm no therapist, but I think he suffered from PTSD."

Brett nodded and looked out the window to watch Beau helping his daughters practice their roping. "That makes perfect sense. I think he probably did believe he let dad down when he couldn't step right into his boots and ranch full time. That's no doubt why he jumped back into the rodeo circuit along with Rowdy, and became one of the best."

He smiled at his friends. "I guess you could say it kept him sane. I think doin' that during the season and comin' back to the ranch in between, he was able to find himself again. I'm sure dad's real proud of 'im. I know I am."

Bear nodded. "Your father would be proud of both of you, Lillie and Yancy certainly are. I remember my grandmother sayin' something," Bear looked at nothing in particular as he thought back.

"She said your dad talked to her about some, "feelins" he was havin' 'bout bein' followed, watched, targeted. Some people thought he was gettin' paranoid, or somethin' the way he was always watchin until cattle and girls started disappearing". He looked at Dan, let's check with her, she always knew when someone, 'had the sight'. Perhaps she might even remember some of their conversations and be able to shed some light on some of this." The younger man nodded, honored that his mentor was including him.

"Ya know, come to think of it... I remember him makin' an odd statement here and there about having the feelin' that we needed to always be vigalent. No reason... just that he had the feelin' we'd regret it if we didn't pay attention to those feelin's. He said all three of us had them,but we didn't slow down enough to feel 'em." He shook his head as if breaking a spell, "We need all the information from police and FBI files that we can get our hands on."

Nico nodded, "We've already called the appropriate people requestin' them. Bobbi said she'd see about the necessary court orders."

Brett grimaced, "Someone in the high echelon is not happy."

Bear looked up, "One would think they would be happy to know there was more information."

The FBI Agents looked at each other a moment. Bear sat back as he watched the two. "Someone doesn't want the information coming to light do they?"

Nico sighed, "It's beginnin' to look that way. We're comin' up against some obstacles from a couple different directions in the bureau." He said. "I'd like to pay a visit to my uncle if I can break away for a day or two. He was in the bureau around that time, retired suddenly a couple years after your péré died from what I understand. I remember him making odd, off the wall mentions about monster wolves and missin' cattle, but when he realized he'd spoken out loud he clammed up. If that was a case he worked on, it was unsolved. I can't help but wonder if there's another line o' information... an' if there is..."

Bear began to nod, "He may need protection."

"I think you're right, Nico. Why don't you bring him here? This place is becoming a fortress, it would make protecting him easier and talkin' to him much more convenient."

"If he was one of the agents involved in the investigation, he might like getting his teeth back in it again, even unofficially and bringin' this gang down." Brett suggested.

Nico nodded, "The web becomes more tangled the further we go. I'll call him in the mornin'. We always wondered why he retired early... an' so suddenly. Mebee I'll find out now. Talkin' him into comin' here an' acceptin' protection won't be easy, but approachin' 'im from that direction might help."

The men gathered the files together, locked them in the ranch safe as Beau and Rowdy entered and held the door open for Genny and Kassy. One carried a tray filled with glasses and a large pitcher of ice cold tea, behind her, Kassi brought in a huge platter of sandwiches and fresh baked cookies. Genny grinned shyly at Nico and began to fill the glasses.

Genny looked at Beau and reported, "Yancy and Bobbi called and said they'd be here shortly." She handed each man a glass, with the exception of the Louisiana native.

"Hey! No fair chère, where's my glass?" Nico crossed his arms and glared and her.

She blushed and gave the FBI Agent a slight smile and bit her lip, "You have to pay for yours." she added a little breathlessly.

His brows raised, he stared at her a moment and was enchanted at how the blush increased. "Oh really, bébé?" (Baby) He nodded toward the other men, "they get refreshments free an' clear but de swamp man has to pay? Where be de fairness in dat, bébé?"

He asked softly as he slowly stood and stepped in front of her. He allowed his glance to take in the beautiful eyes and soft lips then with one finger lifted her chin.

"An does it matta chère jus' what kind o' payment I give ya for my drink?" He asked and kissed her softly on the mouth regardless of the other three men smirking. "Now, bébé... I want my drink an' then we have business to discuss, an' I don' think you want to hear much of it."

Gen nodded, "You're probably right," she murmured a little breathlessly. Then gathering herself she added, "Don't forget you're cooking dinner tonight to pay off your bet, 'cause you lost." She flounced out of the room leaving him to explain or not about the bet.

He smiled warmly after the young woman he was falling hard for. "Oh, chère. I'm Cajon, bébé." (Dear) "We neva break our word, we always pay our debts, an' I don' worry 'bout what the utha men think."

She stuck her head back in the room, "I told you I don't make a bet I don't expect to win and left the room. As Yancy and Bobbi came in. Rowdy closed the door while Brett pulled the shades down and looked questioningly at his friend, "Lost a bet, huh?"

Beau chuckled, "Are you sure it was a fair bet, Nico? Our little Genny has a talent of..." he pursed his lips as he thought, "let's just say she doesn't loose many bets."

"So I am findin' out. I'll have ta be mora careful in the futcha."

Rowdy murmured, "Somethin' tells me you'll be cookin' a lot of dinners before you got that lesson down."

Nico cleared his throat and abruptly changed the subject, "First point o' order, I spoke with my uncle."

The other men and Bobbi smirked and chuckled at the sudden change of subject.

"This promises to be entertaining." Bobbi grinned.

Nico cleared his throat, "If we can get back to business now, my uncle refuses to leave home, but he is willin' to pack up all his personal files an' send 'em to us an' promised to do phone conferences any time."

Brett shook his head, "That won't work, lover boy. Mail and phones can be tampered with."

Nico eyed his friend a silent moment before a small grin appeared before continuing, "Yes, that's why I bought two plane tickets to Louisiana. I'll collect the package from his house. I doubt I'll have any trouble, but ya never know. Bear's goin' with me. I'm goin' to show him the swamp while we're there an' hopin' he can help me convince my uncle into bein' sensible. I... get the feelin' he's afraid ta come back... an' that Ole man ain't scared o' nuthin. Now..." he lifted an old worn case onto Beau's desk.

"I finally got a copy..." He pulled the coroner's report of Brett Sr's autopsy out of his briefcase and handed it to his host with a look of concern. "No doubt. When we catch 'em we got 'em for murder."

Beau's hands shook as he handed it to his brother, walked to the window and slid his hands in his jean pockets.


Nico grinned to himself as he made preparations for the Cajun Cookout for Genny's birthday in the backyard of the main house. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to go back over the meal he had cooked in payment of his lost wager. He was still amazed that she had accepted his proposal after such a short acquaintance. But, he had no doubt that they were meant to be together, he believed that God had brought him here, at this time. He believed God meant for them to be together.

They had taken a walk after dinner and watched the new fillies and colts as they pranced and played. He had nothing as fine as this ranch to offer her. They had known each other for only a few months and his job often required him to be away and for long periods occasionally.

'What kind of life was that for a woman who had been raised to all this?'

He took her hand and held it over his heart after gently kissing her knuckles.

"Something's on your mind, swamp man," she said slightly frowning. He had been quiet and thoughtful since she had "let it slip" that cooking the meal was a result of losing a wager with her. She secretly worried that she had pushed him too far and had embarrassed him in front of his friend and her family.

She was afraid he was going to give her the, "Let's be friends." speech and knew she would just die. She had always heard and dreamed about love at first sight but never believed it could actually happen, until she saw him the night Brett had returned home.

He looked out across the pastures and the sunset. "Chère, I wish you could jus' see what is inside o' my heart. You an' your sweetness, your kindness an' dedication, your beautiful, shinin' spirit fills every corner of it."

'My sweetness and spirit?' She thought. 'Yup, here it comes, you're so much younger, we come from such different lifestyles and experiences, it's too soon, blah, blah, blah.'

"You're scaring me, Nico. This sounds like the beginning of the it's too soon and it will never work so, let's be friends speech."

"If I were any kind of man dat's what I would say, dat's what would be more fair to you. But... I guess, deep down I'm too selfish... I can't... I can't see my life without you in it, with me, beside me."

He looked out at the ranch again, then back into her beautiful green eyes. "I can't give you all this, be'be'. My line o' work doesn't pay a lot, it can be a dangerous life an' we're gone a lot. But... no one would eva love you more... no one would eva appreciate you or need you more. I swear my sweet, I would do everathin' in my power to make it up to you when I'm home. You would neva have to worry about my feelins' for you or that I would be unfaithful. You are all I want, all I need, all I have eva wished for." While holding her hand he went to one knee. "You fill every inch of my heart with happiness, with a ... completeness and contentedness that I only eva dreamed of. I love you with every bit of me. Genny, would you please just consider  sharin' your life with me, and be my wife?"

She was stunned. She expected heartbreak and instead, had been given what she wanted most. But, it was usually fairly quiet on the ranch, the lifestyle a little slower than he was accustomed to.

"You think you could be happy, be satisfied here? Always comin' back to the ranch? My job, my work in the rehab center is here, I love what I do and I'm good at it. I help a lot of people here. There aren't many places that offer all the rehabilitation services I can provide for them here."

"I know that, chère. I'm proud o' the work you do. Proud o' how you improve people's lives, give them back their lives an' I know that a big part o' you is invested here, in this place, with your family. I know that you are also a big part o' what makes this place so successful. I can live with that, I don't mind sharin' you with your family, your clients as long as you keep your heart for me. Chère, please marry me? I swear I will spend my life makin' ya happy."

Genny was quiet a moment, which terrified him. "Nico, this know that I....that I was..." she couldn't finish, afraid that it might make a difference.

He gently cupped her face, "I do Cheŕe, and while I am truly outraged and sorry for what you went through. It only makes me more amazed and proud of the wonderful, gentle, givin' lady that you grew into. You took what happened and turned it into a passion and insight to help others, to bring joy and strength to others. I know there may be times that it can come back to haunt you, and when it does, I will understand and be here for ya in what eva way you need."

"Nico..." She cupped his face with a trembling hand. " I can't give you my heart, because you already have it. I can't imagine my life without you in it either. Your work... I know how important  it is to you and that you're very good at it. You bring terrible people to justice and you find answers and protection to those who need it. But, you have to promise me to be careful. Stop taking chances with your life that you don't have to take. I know the law is a part of you and I can live with that. I just want to make sure you  live ... so you can live and be with me."

"Consider it done, be'be'. I will do my best to take it down a notch when I can if I always have you to come home to. Marry me, Genny, please?"

The night had never been sweeter and the two walked hand in hand along the fences. An embrace here, a lingering kiss there and occasionally they watched the mares and their long limbed babies scampering about. Neither had ever been happier.


Nico watched as the ring he had so lovingly slid on Genny's finger sparkled in the moonlight. It wasn't big or fancy, but it had been designed with care and love. The oval cut emerald was surrounded by tiny diamonds. He would like to have gotten something bigger, more diamonds... a bigger emerald. But, when he looked at rings, the diamonds just didn't seem right for his Genny. He loved the color of her eyes, so clear and forest green. He had thought an emerald would be more fitting, but those he saw weren't right. They were too large, too gaudy, wrong shade or setting. He had a picture in his head of what he wanted for her but hadn't found it. So, he took a breath and spoke to the owner. They worked together to bring his idea into reality... it was perfect. He had to look no further, it had been created just for her.


Rowdy and Bobbi had decided to get married at the end of the month, 3 1/2 weeks. They had cleared the air and vowed to never again keep secrets or hidden feelings away from each other. They felt they were on the same page and thought they had waited long enough, they wanted to get on with their lives... together.

It was decided that they would celebrate both engagements and Genny's birthday with a big ranch cookout. Nico requested to turn it into a Cajun Crawfish boil. It was his engagement gift to her, an introduction into life with a Cajun and a gift to the family that was welcoming him. The ranch eagerly jumped in and wanted to know what they could do to help. So they agreed on one large, real Cajun get together, ranch style.


Everyone was in agreement that a day of play and celebration was badly needed. There had been so much pain and heartache of late. A day of joy would be a treat and a reward for sticking together. It was also a celebration of Brett's return and Rowdy's survival. The only disappointment for Nico was that his sister was unable to attend. She was enrolled in an excellent, highly sought after Physical Rehabilitation class. It was the first time that one of the most respected instructors was holding the class in Louisiana. Nico had sent a "just in case" plane ticket and extra cash. While he was happy and proud of his sister's growing ability and reputation in the field. He was saddened that she could not share in his happiness.

Lillie and Kassi had both jumped at the idea to learn cajun cooking. Every kitchen on the ranch was busy preparing dishes and ingredients for the boil. There were 60 lbs of red potatoes quartered, 20 lbs of onions quartered, 10 bushels of corn shucked and halved, garlic, red and yellow peppers quartered, halved mushrooms, mounds of artichokes, halved. Lillie had insisted on adding baby carrots, sliced celery, broccoli and cauliflower.

Nico had ordered 200 lbs of Crawfish from a shop he had found quite by accident in Butte. Beau had added 50 lbs of lobster tails and 40 lbs of smoked sausage.

Yancy was dumping the Crawfish into large wash tubs, adding salt and spraying them with water. Nico explained that this was called purging the crawfish. The salt made them let go of the mud they held in their mouths and the water helped wash it away. The tubs were drained of the salt water and the process was repeated until the water was clear.

Hands from all over the ranch had brought their propane cookers and grills. Lillie and Nico had divided the food for the boilers ensuring that dinner would be ready at the same time. As the pots of water began to heat, Nico added the Cajun seasonings to each.

"Nico," Ava said pulling on his arm and looking up at him adoringly, "Nana said the potatoes and carrots are nearly done."

"Aaaiiiii! It be almos' time to get things agoing, ma sweet," he said as he whirled the wheelchair around, bent and kissed her cheek soundly and started over to the boilers.

Several of the cowboys came to help lift the containers of Crawfish and poured them into the boiling pots of vegetables. "We put in the crawfish, poke them down with the paddles, put the covas back on and boil for a-nutha 15 minutes."

Kaylee grinned. "Me and Ava put the newspapers and napkins on the tables." She peaked into the pot as the crawfish were poured in and gasped. "Aaaaaah! Those are crawdads, and... they're moving!"

Brett and Trish joined the group. Gen tried not to laugh at her niece's shock. Her fiancé however wasn't so accommodating.

Nico's Cajun accent deepened after he caught his breath from laughing. "Of course, ma petit a mour" (my little love).

"Dat's the way they're cooked ma petit. I'll teach y'all how to eat de crawfish Ca-jon style. There be a technique, an' trust me ma belle when I tell ya it is so worth it. Now if your péré will help me with the pot, I'll ask that you round up the others. This won't be long now."

Bobbi and Gen watched as their niece rolled into the kitchen like a streak. They could clearly hear her yelling, "They're not cookin' fish out there! They're cookin' CT CT g arawdads and Nico is cookin' those poor things while they're still Alive!"

Genny chuckled, "Did you see how big her eyes were? I swear they took up her entire face."

Bobbi grinned at her sister. "All the kids are excited about this picnic. A real Cajun Crawfish Boil. Even mom's taking notes."

Brett smiled as he wrapped his arms around his sisters. "So is Kassi. She's determined to get into culinary school and learn Cajun cookin', Southern Cuisine, bbq and grilling as well as baking, pasteries and decorating. So she's on cloud nine right now. Calls it on the job training."

The entire group laughed as the sister in question walked out toward Nico with a Cajun cookbook he had given her.

"Hey, Nico! Beau says there's a special delivery for you. I think you have to sign for it personally."

Puzzled, the agent searched his memory, frantically trying to remember what he had ordered. Bear's SUV came around the side of the main house and stopped. The huge Native American Deputy and Reserve Army Ranger walked around and opened the front passenger door. He helped a beautiful young woman out of the vehicle.

Nico noticed that the deputy had eyes only for his passenger and was surprised and thrilled when she walked around the truck. She smiled up at the tall man and thanked him before turning toward her brother. Gwyn's face lit up when she spotted Nico walking, then running toward her.

"Gwynnie!" He yelled and laughed as he grabbed his younger sister up in a bear hug and twirled her around till they were both dizzy.

"I thought you couldn't make it ma belle!" (My beautiful.)

"The class I was signed up for was rescheduled to next month. So I thought a lil' vacation before I got down to serious studyin' was called for. It come at just' the right time. " He sat her on the ground and hugged her again.

"It's still ok isn't, Nico? For me to come? "

"Ah, ma petite bébé, it could not be more ok and God bless the cancellation. I'm so glad you're here." And gave her another hug. Then turning to the crowd he called Genny to his side and took her hand.

"Genny, this here lovely lady is my lil' sister Gwyn. Gwyn darlin' this is my Genny." He introduced her to the crowd then and holding the hands of the ladies he loved most he walked back to the tables.

"You come jus' in time, chère. We were jus' about to take the crawfish to de tables an' eat." He gave her another hug. "I am sooo glad you came, chère. I have missed you an almighty lot!"

Gwyn flung both arms around him and hugged hard, "I've  missed you too. I was glad when de classe was rescheduled so I could come." And then whispered, "Thank you for sendin' de plane ticket and expense money, Nico. I would have sent it back if I couldn't have come. "

"Any time you need help ma sweet all you have to do is call and sendin' it back would not have been necessary. " he answered.

"We have a room ready for you in the main house here," Genny told her future sister-in-law. "Would you like to freshen up a bit before we sit down?"

"Thank you, but Deputy Bear stopped by his Gran'ma's house afta pickin' me up at the airport. She was amazin' an' very sweet an' insisted I freshen up there an' gave me a cup of herb tea. She flushed and giggled and snuck a peek at Bear. "She said Deputy Bear could wait whether he wanted to or not. But I don't think she thought he'd really mind."

Bear nodded, "She is a very wise lady and respected by everyone. No one goes against her, but... I was more than happy to give you whatever time you needed."

"I think there has been some subtafuge a goin' on behind my back." The Agent said lookin' at the two young women who merely grinned and Genny added.

"Surprise! Gwyn just happened to call the day your cell phone fell out of your jacket. Her class had just been cancelled and we decided to surprise you."

"Thank you mi amour. It's de best surprise I've had in a long, long time." He searched for Bear. "An' thank you for bringin' my sister to me safe an' sound."

Bear merely nodded before adding, "It was my pleasure. She's the prettiest prisoner I've ever had in my vehicle." His admiring gaze took in Gwyn's smile and beautiful hazel eyes.

Rowdy and Brett, Beau and Tad were just dumping the crawfish, corn, and other vegetables on the tables when Nico and his lovely ladies, the hired hands, their families and the rest of the Blanton family joined them. As always,, Yancy was asked to give thanks and led the group in a prayer.

"We thank You dear Lord for the beautiful day You have given us. We thank You for all those assembled here today. We thank You Lord for the safe return of our Brett and our new friend that came along with him. We also thank You Father for being with my boy and for Bringing him back to health and strength. We ask that You give us all strength, guidance and clarity as the evil in our land is purged and freedom and safety is returned. We thank You for good company and this wonderful meal and ask that You bless our Genny with health and happiness as she celebrates another year of life and please guide Rowdy and Bobbi, Genny and Nico as they begin their lives together as one. We thank You above all for the gift of Your son, our country and all our blessings. In Jesus precious name Amen.

They topped the evening with toasts for the engaged couples and the good wishes for many years of health and happiness. Brett was officially welcomed back home and Genny blew out the candles of a huge sheetcake decorated in her favorite colors of forest green and pink.

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