Neighbors ☹☻ narry ✔️

By Poisonnialler

433K 19.6K 14.9K

"Hi Harry Styles. Is that your real name, or is it actually Harold?" "It's just Harry." "Ok. Is that your fa... More

ⅰ. 3am friends
ii. opening the door for strangers
iii. metophorical chocolate
iv. twinky winky
v. zen, the wizardly manwhore
vi. faking it
vii. how to make friends
viii. breaking bad
ix. cancer stick
x. tell me about it, stud
xi. undeck the halls
xii. tfios
xiii. sleeping with a friend
xiv. dirty little secrets
xvi. backfire
xvii. cockblock
xviii. a ziam story of irony
xix. when niall met sally
xx. always
xxi. drunk in love
xxii. a real anaconda
xxiii. goodbye
xxiv. epilouge

xv. mentally unstable

14.7K 697 578
By Poisonnialler

[xv. mentally unstable]

Harry stared at Louis, waiting for him to elaborate.

"What do you mean?" He asked impatiently, tired of waiting.

"I mean, that Niall isn't the innocent little bunny you think he is." Louis said crossly.

"How do you know?" Harry knew that Niall didn't talk to Louis and he wasn't going to fall for this lie.

"I have ways Harry. A very reliable source informed me of all I need to know, but I'll only tell you his secrets if you back off of him." Louis said, stealthily blackmailing Harry.

"Back off of him? Like not hang out with him anymore?" Harry asked. He didn't want to stop hanging out with Niall, even though he could be kind of annoying sometimes.

"Yes. I want you to stay away from him. Then you'll get what you want." Louis taunted. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Louis, I don't care about Niall's secrets. He can tell me them when he's comfortable. I don't stoop that low. I don't need to know that bad." Harry stated.

"Ah, but Harry. Did you know that Niall's been to jail?" Louis asked, propping his chin in his hands.

"So what?" Harry asked. Jail wasn't as bad as it seemed, well of course it was unpleasent but it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be.

But Harry still couldn't picture Niall surviving in jail. Wearing a big orange jumpsuit. Eating that horrid prison slop.

He couldn't see it.

"I don't believe you." Harry spat, getting up from his chair to go leave in disgust.

"Fine Harry, but remember. I warned you."


Harry came out of the office pale and sweaty. Niall immeadiatly ran towards him.

"Haz, are you ok? You don't look so good. Here, come sit down." Niall said, taking Harry to the vacent bar and sitting him in one of the stools.

"What did Louis do to you?" Liam asked shocked. Harry shook his head.

"N-nothing." He lied, biting his lip.

"That's bullshit Harry and you know it. Now tell me what's going on." Niall hissed, causing Harry to flinch.

"Sorry, I just can't stand that bastard." Niall said, softer this time. He wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

"What's up love?"

"Louis, told me, things." Harry stuttered. He was feeling rather messed up about this.

"Remember, I warned you." The words sent shivers up and down Harry's spine.

"Very deep Harry." Liam said, making the Irish lad giggle.

"What type of things?" Niall asked softly so that only Harry and Liam could hear. Josh was still sweeping awkwardly in the same spot in the corner.

"He said things, about- you." Harry forced out. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to shut his brain off. He wanted to know what was going on, but he couldn't just leave Niall. Even if the curiosity was already slowly eating him alive.

"About me?" Niall whispered, sucking in a nervous breath.

"He said, you've been to jail." Harry mumbled, causing Niall to tense up.

"That's absurd! Never!" Niall said strongly, although his voice shook slightly.

"Louis fucking Tomlinson! Get your ass out here now!" Niall shouted, making Louis jump in his office.

"AYE! Who gave you the right to talk to me that way?" Louis shouted back, but still got up from his chair. He had a plan. He was going to uncover part of Niall's past, or possibly all of it. He was going to force it out of him if he had to.

"I can talk to you however I want." Niall said quietly, unable to yell back.

"Why don't you tell them Niall?'

"Tell them what?" Niall asked, faking cluelessness.

"Tell them the truth about your past. Don't you think they deserve to know?"

"Louis, don't." Niall begged. He had no idea how Louis found out his secret, but he couldn't tell them. Each part of his past was insanely demonic and vividly horrid, making Niall shudder any time he thought about it. If he told them this, they would never be able to look him in the eye again.

"Ni, don't do anything you don't want to." Liam assured. Everyone in the room agreed besides the two that were currently in an intense stare-down.

"Are you going to tell them, or shall I." Louis smirked devilishly.

Niall knew it was over. He had to tell them. He couldn't run away now, there was nowhere for him to go. And besides, if he ran, then Louis would end up telling them anyways. Niall was going to loose either way, so he might as well go down with dignity. He took in a shaky breath and sat down on a bar stool, letting his hands run up and down his thighs nervously.

"You guys are going to hate me once this story is over." Niall assured, looking at the ground.

"Come on now mate, we could never hate you. Right guys?" Liam promised, looking at Harry and Josh. Josh nodded earnestly, but Harry just sat and stared at his hands.

"Well um. It all began when I was 7 years old..." Niall began nervously. He had never told anyone his full story, and here he was about to tell people that he's known for a rather short amount of time. It made his stomach hurt. His hands balled into fist as he continued.

"Back then, I was about 130 pounds. I liked to eat, a lot. And my father, he was a very cruel man. He used to make fun of me. He would call me names in the beginning like Porker, Fatso, Meatball. Nothing too malicious at the time, basically just mild jabs here and there. I never really understood why he would say those things to me, but he did. My mum never told him to stop, but she didn't exactly encourage it either, neither did my brother Greg. But anyways, as I got older, around 13, he started getting rougher on me. He would call me fatass and lardass and he would push me around, hit me, kick me, punch me." Niall whispered the last two words, still keeping his eyes glued to his lap. "It was awful. At that age, I was already self-conscious and was being bullied in school for my weight and my sexuality which my parents did not know about yet. One day when I got home from school on a particuallary good day, I decided that it was time for me to come out to my parents. I sat them and my brother down in the living room and told them that I was gay. My mum didn't say much, she never said much actually, and my brother said he was proud of me. My father on the other hand was not. He took me upstairs to his room and-" Niall stopped talking, feeling the familar feeling in his stomach as the tears welled up in his eyes. "Raped me." He finished. Everyone gasped including Louis, who didn't see that on google. "He told me not to tell anyone, or he would kill me. So I never told. He started doing it every day, sometimes twice, along with verbally and physically abusing me around my family. Around that time, my brother started smoking and doing drugs. Miraculously, he was diagnosed with Lung cancer a year later. So along with being raped, beaten, and bullied by my father, bullied and beaten at school, and treated like shit by most of the world, my only friend and ally was diagnosed with cancer. When he died a few months later, so did my mum. Not literally, just mentally. She stopped going to work, or anywhere for that matter. She didn't fix dinner, she didn't eat, she just didn't do anything. My father began abusing her as well as me, but I got the brunt of it. At this point, I was 15. I started cutting around that time, and I was also diagnosed with Bulemia as well. My dad started making fun of my disorder. He would encourage me too eat, and I would. I would eat until I felt like puking, and then I would. I lost all my body weight and soon started having frequent panic attacks and anxiety issues. I felt like my father or some bully was following me around everywhere 24/7. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't go anywhere other than school in fear. My father kept my mum and I trapped in our house. At this point, he would relentlessly rape me right in front of her, and she would just sigh and walk away. The one thing that broke her was when he tried to force her to suck me off." Niall gulped and took a breath."She said that she would absolutley never do that to her son. She called him a sick bastard and tried to run out of the house to get the police because my dad had cut off the phone bill. But he lunged for her. He choked her until she turned purple, and as a 15 year old, I didn't know what to do. So I, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife I could find in short notice. I ran back to the living room to see my mom almost uncounsious and my dad laughing manically. I took the knife and raised it, before thinking about it I just-" Niall didn't like saying this part either.

"I stabbed him in the windpipe, causing his death." Niall whispered. Everyone gasped once more but didn't speak. Louis felt his heart in his stomach, he was a serious asshole. This was obviously tearing Niall apart to tell them. "My mom freaked out and got the neighbors to call the police. She said she would never forgive me, as the cops handcuffed me and dragged my dead father's body out on a gurny, the knife still lodged in his throat, she just screamed at me and cried. I went to juvenille court, where my own mother testified against me. But I had evidence. My father took pictures, of us. Sick, twisted pictures that he forced me to look at with him once he was done with me. I showed them to the police, and they lowered my sentance to spending a month in jail, and then to live in a mental institution until I was cleared. They deemed me as mentally unstable, and I was shipped off to jail. I spent that time not eating, crying and wanting to die. I cut myself so many times, I thought I was going to bleed to death, which hadn't seemed so bad at the time. Then, I heard someone, in the cell next to mine. We started talking all the time, but I never saw his face. He used to sing to me sometimes. I knew he was my age because we were in age cell blocks, so I knew that he wasn't some creepy weirdo. He never did tell me his name, and I never told him mine, but he got out before me on bail. He bid me goodbye and promised we would meet again. But we never did." Niall trailed off, falling into his only fond memory of jail. Harry on the other hand, couldn't breathe. "Anyways," Niall said, coming back to reality."I got out of there and was taken to a mental institute, where I knew I didn't belong. I wasn't insane. My bitch of a mother is. I saved her sorry ass and she fucking turned me in. I remember being so bitter and pissed off. I spent months plotting and planning undercover until the night came and I escaped. I was going to change my name once I got here, but I really didn't want to. My brother chose my name, and now it's all I have left of him. But I got here, and had my brothers plot shipped to a funeral home here, because I didn't want him living in that hell anymore" Niall finished his story, but didn't expect anyone to say anything.

"Niall. I- I can't believe- but your so happy- and-" Louis stuttered.

"I'm happy because this is my second chance at life, so why should I be an asshole. Yeah. My life does suck, but hey! I can start over." Niall explained. He wanted to run now. Now seemed like a good time to leave. His legs burned with the anticipation. He was good at running away. He could get pretty far. He just needed to get to his apartment, then he could lock himself away.

"You're a murder?" Harry whispered, shaking his head.

"K-kinda." Niall muttered, his eyes welling with tears. He knew they wouldn't understand, no one did.

"Niall, you saved your mum. Your a hero, not a cold hearted killer." Liam said, pulling Niall into his chest. Niall started sobbing. He had never cried over his past, but now that he heard it all out loud and in the open, he realized how much his life really was in the gutter.

"Niall, I don't have the slightest idea how you lived through that, but you did. And I applaud you for that. Your amazing." Josh said, hugging Niall as well.

"Happy now Louis?" Liam asked. Harry stared at Niall for a second before getting up and leaving.

"Wait! Harry, please don't go!" Niall shouted, pleading for his love to come back.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered. He couldn't deal with this. It was like the ultimate baggage.

"I am actually." Louis whispered, smiling wickedly. "That was much easier than I thought."

"Niall, come here, don't worry about Harry. You have me." Louis said, holding his arms open for Niall.

"Guess who get's the last laugh?" Louis thought to himself.

Niall walked towards him slowly, his mouth slightly open.

"Louis I-"



[what do u guys think about niall's big secret?]

[what do you think niall's going to say to Lou?]

[what do u think harry's upset about?]

[guess what!]

[harry has a secret too mwhahaha]

[be prepared loves]

[100 views, 20 votes, 3 comments for an early update]

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[comment duck if you want narry]

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[comment truck if you want ziam]

[s/o to lovechildnarry for guessing his secret spot on whoa]

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[all the love, kaleyxxx]

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