Another Kind of Demon (Sebast...

By FuyukaHanashiro

19.4K 727 134

You happen to come across a mansion that just so happens to be the mansion of the "Queen's Watchdog", the Ear... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

3.4K 82 14
By FuyukaHanashiro

Why must I have to walk in the rain? What day is it even? See, this is what you get when you are too carefree, you scold yourself mentally, you forget what day it is, what you are doing, and where you are... Where am I anyways? You look around. Where you were. That was a good question. Your vision wasn't blurry, despite the rain and the darkness and you see a house. A BIG house. Wait a tic, THAT'S A MANSION! How far away is it, though? One, maybe two miles? Pfft, you think to yourself, I can run that no problem! So you started your run at about 20 miles an hour, but increase to 30 a quarter of the way there. It's best to get out of this rain as soon as possible, you remind yourself.

When you finally arrive at the mansion, which only took about 4 minutes, you stroll through the huge yard, right up to the door. A place this nice should at least have a few guards posted outside to keep everyone inside safe. Not that it mattered to you though. You would just ask to rest here for the night and be on your way in the morning in search of work. Work sounded nice since you always like having things to do rather than to sit down being bored all the time.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. What's that smell? It smells like a-

"Hello, miss how may I help you?"

Total Hottie! Is this what sexiness smells like? All my life I never knew! Standing before you is a tall man with very light skin, brown eyes, short black hair with long bangs, wearing a tailcoat. "Umm. This storm kinda just snuck up on me and I was wondering, if it wasn't too much trouble, if I could shelter here?" You give him a hopeful smile. God, he's gorgeous, you thought to yourself. You look down, sure that you are blushing really hard.

Sniff Sniff. "What are you?" Wait. What? Did he just sniff you and ask what YOU were?

"I uh.. don't know how to respond to that. Please, explain the question." You look up then gasp as you see his eyes narrowed and he is giving you a rather unpleasant look.

"You don't smell human, yet you are not a demon. I will ask again, what are you?" He is dead serios, despite his ridiculous words.

You open your mouth to tell this guy that he is crazy and needs to be checked out, but you are interrupted by a voice coming from behind the weird hunk who answered the door.

"Sebastian! Who are you talking to?"

The man at the door smiles and turns around, "No one, my lord." and just like that, he shuts the door, IN. YOUR. FACE.

You are stunned at the rudeness and that beautiful smile that had been on his face. Shaking your head to get your thoughts in order, you turn around, "What a strange man." You are about to leave when the door opens.

"Hey, you!"

Startled, you jump, but turn around to face the voice. It is a boy with an eyepatch, black hair, beautiful blue eyes like saphires, dressed in a blue coat, white shirt, black ribbon tied in a bow around the collar, blue trousers that go to his knees, and high black socks with fancy dress shoes over them. If you didn't know any better, you would think he's the head of the house. Looking at him, his demeaner and the way he carries himself... No way. "Are you the head of this house?" It sounded like a stupid question to ask a kid, so the moment it left your lips, you wanted to take it back, until.

"Yes. Now, I would like to ask why you are at my house at this hour."

It didn't sound like a question, but he looks like he is used to commanding people. Then you remember 'at this hour', right. It's like what? 7 o'clock? 8? "Well, you see, I got caught in this storm, but I saw your house, so I thought I might ask if I could take refuge here."

He thought about it. The weird guy, who you brilliantly figured out was Sebastian, bent down and whispered into his master's ear. The child's eyes widened for a second then he narrowed them and looked at you. He ponders a bit more while keeping his icy gaze on you. You shift uncomfortably under his eyes.

He finally speaks after what feels like forever. "What is your name?"

"(fn) (ln)." You answer back, unsure if all of this is actually worth it because you are still standing out in the rain.

"I am the Earl Phantomhive, Ciel." He introduces himself, "I permit you to stay here for the night. Sebastian, make sure that our guest is comfortable." and with that, he goes inside of the house.

Sebastian Michaelis, as the weird guy introduced himself as, is Ciel's butler. He leads me to a room and tells me to take a warm bath and he will bring me some new clothes to wear.

"What about my old ones?" you ask suspiciously.

"I will wash and dry them for you." Then he adds, "I will return them to you, what need has my master of them?"

You felt the heat rising in your cheeks. Of course he would return them to you. You should not have been the slightest bit suspicious. He was right. Why would he take them? "Thank you." You say and he just nods and leaves.

You hear a knock at the door and you answer to find Sebastian with your change of clothes. Murmuring a quick 'thanks' you close the door and start to get changed. From the other side of the door, you can hear Sebastian's voice. Hold up. Did he just mention dinner!?

"Um... Sebastian? Did you just mention dinner?"

"Yes. The master knows it is late, but figures you haven't eaten yet, so I was told to prepare something for you after you got dressed."

You smile at the thought of Sebastian cooking. "Okay. I will be down in a second." Apparently satisfied with that answer, he leaves.

The door to your room opens slowly as you cautiously take a step out. Sebastian was a weird guy, so you don't know if he would try to sneak up on you and scare you to heaven. He obviously didn't like you and that's totally fine with you since you will be leaving first thing in the morning. If it's fine then why does my heart feel this way? You shake your head along with all of those thoughts of that dreamy weirdo. It's for the best.

When you sit at the table, Ciel is already there. Was he waiting for me? Thoughts swarm in your mind searching for the reason why. The thoughts are soon dissolved when you smell a heavenly aroma. Sebastian has just entered the dining hall with the most gorgeous and delicious smelling food you have ever witnessed in your life. He sets the food out in front of you and you are about to greedily dig in, when you notice something.

"Ciel, are you not eating with me?" You ask.

"No." He replies, "I have already eaten, but do not let that stop you."

"Thank you" you beam and quickly start to devour your food.

While in the middle of your meal, Ciel clears his throat, "What were you doing out there in that rain this late at night?" he asks.

You look up at the boy and swallow your mouthful. "I was actually on my way to the next town over in search of work. I do not like being idle for too long." You take a gulp of your refreshment. Man, that's good.

"Is that so? Would you like to work here?"

At his proposal, you nearly spit out your drink. "Are- Are you serious?!"

"Do I look like I joke around to you?" He did have a point.

"I would love to work here." You smiled a big toothy grin.

"Ok, but first we need to ask you some basic questions."

You coud see no harm in some questions so you agreed.

"How old are you?"


"Do you have any experience in managing a house?"

"Yes. I worked as a maid and cook for 3 years."

"Do you mind a live-in job."


"Ok. You get the job. Finish up here and get some rest Sebastian will show you the work that you must do tomorrow." and with that, Ciel left.

Sebastian took your plate and glass to the kitchen to wash and you met the other members of the staff. A goofy maid with thick glasses and pink hair named Mei-rin, a funny, blonde chef with a cigarette in his mouth named Baldroy, a cute, blonde, child-like landscaper named Finny, and some weird short, old guy named Tanaka. They warmly welcomed you with open arms.

As you made your way to your room, you saw Sebastian so you hurried over to him. "It's a pleasure being able to work with you. Everyone says only amazing things about you."

He looks at me and says, "I don't know what you are, but I won't allow you to lay one hand on the young master." Those words pierced your heart.

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