Lightning or Electricity and...

Von IcyCoco

33.9K 788 116

Cousin to Kaminari Denki... Her name is Kaminari Sora... They look like twin but Sora's quirk is different al... Mehr

Kaminari Sora
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

1.2K 30 3
Von IcyCoco



"...what Midoriya said to me, too. That guy acted recklessly and came to destroy all the problems I'd been carrying. You guys are childhood friends, right? Was Midoriya like that when you were young, too?"

That statement irritated Bakugo more as he looked like he remembers something, Sora was standing at the door playing her games.

Bakugo clench his hand in anger and said, " That damn nerd..." Then kick the table away while shouting, " Who cares about him?! Seriously, who the hell cares...? Your family circumstances, and your feelings... I don't care about that stuff! Just use the flames on your left on me, too!"

Bakugo turns and walk toward the door and said, " I will hold them down from above." Slamming the door in the process. Sora looks at Bakugo who was angrily walking away with a scary face.

'I'll crush that half-and-half bastard indisputably, and then I'll be at the top!' Sora sweatdrop as she heard what he mumbles.

Sora was then seen seating beside Denki as she played her games, not even glancing at the ongoing match.

Sora looks up after the explosion at Bakugo and Todoroki. Both on the ground. Bakugo will be angry once he wakes up as she takes pictures of the two.

"And now, all of the events have been completed! The winner of this year's first-year U.A. sports festival is...from Class A, Bakugo Katsuki!" The crowd's cheers and claps. Only the award ceremony is left.

"All of the first-year events for this year's U.A. sports festival have been completed. And now, we will begin the award ceremony!"

The first, second and third place contestants take the podium, but Bakugo is restrained because he's been going wild ever since waking up, still furious that Todoroki threw the match. Sora shares third place with lida but he excuses himself for a family problem.

Sora sweatdrop as she looked away while playing her games, standing in third place after sneakily taking pictures of Bakugo.

"He is like a Man-eating fiend." Sora heard Tokoyami said.

"In addition to Kaminari-kun, there is also lida-kun in third place, but he left early for family reasons. Thank you for your understanding!"

Tokoyami who standing near the third-place podium asked, "Was that for the media?"

"Now, we will award the medals! The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man--"

Laughter could be heard, as the crowds' cheers. Both Midnight and All Might talk over one another.

"Now then, All Might, please present the medals, starting with third place."

"Young Kaminari, congratulations. You sure are strong." Sora nodded her head in thanks as All Might hugged her. Which she had her arms by her side as the older male hugged her.

"However you should focus on your surrounding more as you fight, that when you realize the important people around you who you must protect."

"...Hai..." Sora said as she looked at the bronze medal with a blank face.

Sora didn't listen to what All Might said to Todoroki as she remembers why she didn't show her strength fully, only Denki and herself knew the reason.

She was snapped out of her trance as Bakugo keep yelling to get the medal away from him. Sora giggle behind her hand and took pictures of him along with the media.

"Well, they were the winners this time! But listen here! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw-- Competing! Improving each other! And climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is definitely sprouting! So, I have one more thing to say! Everyone, please say it with me! Ready go--"

"--Thanks for your hard work!"

"--Plus Ultra!"

Sora ignored the booing as everyone change back to their uniform as Aizawa-sensei inform them that they having two days off.

"Good work. So there will be no school tomorrow or the day after. I'm sure the pro heroes who watched the sports festival will want to recruit you, but we'll consolidate everything and announce it when you get back. So rest well, and look forward to that."


Everyone started heading home, some want to have a party. Sora ignored them while Denki states he and Sora need to go. After today, it's the anniversary of her parent's death.

Sora and Denki were seen headed to the graveyard, holding flowers and gifts with Denki's parents. They sat and chatted happily. Sora smiles a bit and talked about it.

'Everyone will become stronger... Mom, Dad... I will try too, like both of you who support me...and him..' Sora thought as she looked up at the sky while clenching her hand.

'Don't worry, Uncle, Auntie... I will protect, Sora...' Denki thought looking at Sora.

The next day both were seen gaming, Sora also studies but Denki refuse, only to get hit by a textbook and study. Two days after the sports festival, we would start regular classes again today. It was raining day, Sora hates it. Her hair always spikes up during rainy days as shown in the picture.

Sora had a dark aura which make everyone wary of her so Denki was the sandbag of the day like usual.

She only nodded in greeting when they greeted her and Denki. Reaching school, Denki's stomach was swollen from being punch and only recover as Sora healed him.

In class 1-A, everyone talks about their experiences of getting well-known. No one dares to comment about Sora's hair as she had a dark aura around her.

Denki was talking with others while Sora was been helped by Yaoyorozu with her hair.

"Sora-san, your hair is like silk. What type of hair product, did you use?"

"Really?" Jiro asked as she touches.

"Wow..." The two of them said as they tried to smooth her hair as she played her games.

The bell rang, signalled the start of homeroom.

In a flash, everyone was in their seat as Aizawa-sensei enter the class.


"Good morning!"

Sora only nodded.

"Ribbit? Aizawa-sensei, your bandages are gone. I'm glad."

"The old lady went overboard with her treatment. More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today."

'Here it is!'

Sora felt like Denki wishing it not to be a quiz, twitch a smirk at it.

"Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names."

The class all cheers except a few and shouted in unison, " We're gonna do something exciting!"

Only to be glare by Aizawa-sensei as the class quiet. Sora wonders did Aizawa-sensei power up as he glares got more powerful. Maybe too many games for her that she hallucinates.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."

"Adults are so selfish!" Mineta said as he hit the table.

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?"

"That's right. And here are the totals for those with offers." Aizawa-sensei said as he presses a button, words appearing on the board.

'Class A No. Of offers'
Todoroki: 4123
Bakugo: 3556
Kaminari.S: 550
Tokoyami: 360
lida: 301
Kaminari.D: 257
Yaoyorozu: 108
Kirishima: 68
Uraraka: 20
Sero: 14

"In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these two this year."

Sora only looked up from her games and take a picture of it.

"Gah, there's such a big difference! Sora also beat me in it."-Denki

"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!"- Aoyama

"Todoroki's first, and Bakugo's second...?"- Jiro

"It's the opposite of their placement in the sports festival."- Kirishima

"Some people are too scared to ask for a guy who had to be restrained on the podium."-Sero

"What're the pros scared of?!"- Bakugo

"~Sigh~ You're amazing, Todoroki-san., Sora-san," Yaoyorozu said to both who look very calm.

Todoroki answers, " They're probably all because of my dad."

"...healing..." Sora mumbled out as she played her games.

"--Wow, we got offers!" Uraraka said as she shakes lida back and forth.

"--Yes, yes."

"Midoriya, you didn't get any! They're scared of you 'cause of the crazy way you were fighting."


Sora looks blankly at her games with a 'Game Over' on her device. Sora listens to what Aizawa-sensei talk about as she restarts.

"Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will be participating in internships with pros."


"Yeah. At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand."

"So that explains the hero names!"- Sato

" Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!"

"Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it..."

"'ll have hell to pay later!" Midnight said as she enters the class.

Denki got hit by a flying book along with Mineta. Sora was seen playing her games like usual, only Todoroki and Yaoyorozu saw her throw the book.

"Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!"

"Midnight!"  Sora sigh as the pervert duo recover.

"Well, that's how it is. So Midnight will be making sure your names are okay. I can't do stuff like that." As he remembered how his hero name come out.

"When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future, and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say, ' Names and natures do often agree.' Like 'All Might' for example."

They were the pass board to write down hero names for the future. After a while of thinking, the class are done. Aizawa-sensei can be seen sleeping in his sleeping bag at the front.

"Okay, let's start presenting names starting with those who are ready."

Aoyama went first, " Shining hero: I can not stop twinkling!"

Sora didn't bother to listen to the rest of what he speaks. So his hero name is 'can't stop twinkling' as she will call him that. Her eyes twitch at the ridiculous name.

"Then, I'll go next! Hero name,' Alien Queen'!"

"--Two! Are you trying for the thing with acidic blood? I wouldn't if I were you!"

"Dang it."

Most in the class scold the first two who had gone up in their mind, ' Idiot! Since the first ones were weird, it feels like we're supposed to make them funny now!'

"Ribbit! Then may I go next?"

"Go ahead, Tsuyu-chan."

"I've had this in mind ever since I was in elementary school. 'Rainy season hero: Froppy.'"

"That's so cute! It seems friendly. I like it! It's a great example of a name that everyone will love!"

The class then start chanting, " Froppy! Froppy!" Sora thinks it's cute.

'You're brought things back to normal!'

"Then, I'll go too! 'Sturdy hero: Red Riot'!"

"Red Riot? You're paying homage to Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, right?"

"Yes. It's pretty old-fashioned, but the hero image I'm going for is Crimson himself."

"If you're bearing a name you admire, it'll come with that much more pressure."

"I'm prepared for that!"

Jiro was teasing Denki, as she ran forward to present her name.

"Hearing hero: Earphone Jack."

"That's good! Next!"

"Tentacle hero: Tentacole."

"It's like tentacle with some octopus thrown in!"

"Taping hero: Cellophane."

"Nice and simple! That's important!"

"Martial Arts Hero: Tailman."

"Your name reflects your body!"

"Sweets Hero: Sugarman!"

"So sweet!"

"Pinky!" Ashido tries again.

"Peachy pink complexion!"

"Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt, combining charge with a lightning bolt!"

"Oh, I feel tingly!"

"Stealth hero: Invisible Girl!"

"That's great! Come on, let's keep right on going!"

"I hope I will not bring shame to this name.' Everything hero: Creati.'"


Sora walked forward her hair still spike up.


"Oh, a English name for you!"

Sora nodded as she walked back to her seat, playing her games. Todoroki went next.


"Your name? Is that okay?"


"Jet-black Hero: Tsukuyomi."

"God of the night!"

"Fresh-picked Hero: Grape juice!"

"Pop and kitschy!"

Petting hero: Anima - Koda

"Okay, got it!"

"King Explosion Murder." Sora was giggling as she takes a picture of it, returns back to normal.

"You probably shouldn't use something like that."

"Why not?!"

"You should be 'Explosion Boy'!"

"Shut up, weird hair!"

"This is what I thought of: Uravity."

"Sounds stylish! Choosing hero names are going more smoothly than I thought it would! All that's left is Bakugo-kun, who needs to rethink his, and lida-kun. And Midoriya-kun, right?"

Sora looks at lida and sigh, hoping he will not do something stupid.

"You're using your first name, too? Midoriya-kun, are you ready?"


Sora rests her head down as she listens while playing on her games.


"Are you really okay with that?"

"You might be called that forever, you know."

"Yeah. I didn't like this name until now. But someone changed the meaning of it, and that had a huge impact on me. It made me really happy. This is my very name!"-Midoriya (Deku)

Sora chuckled as she heard Bakugo try.


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