Will you still be mine?

By madlyLovU

17.9K 936 87

Can two lovers from different background be together again after everything happens at the past which hunts o... More

Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Chapter 1 - The New Joiner
Chapter 2 - The Douche Bag
Chapter 3 - Emerald blue eyes Angel
Chapter 4 - The Cheese and the Mouse
Chapter 5 - The Plan
First Encounter - Key
Chapter 6 - The Catch
Chapter 7 - The Full Moon
Chapter 8 - Depression
Second Encounter - Benji
Chapter 9 - Confession
Chapter 10 - The Day After
Chapter 11 - Friend or Girlfriend?
Chapter 12 - The Date
Chapter 13 - Going Home
Chapter 14 - Bonding Time
Chapter 15 - Insecurity
Chapter 16 - Surprised
Chapter 17 - The 8 letters
Back where things started
Chapter 18 - Meet the Knight Family
Chapter 19 - Mate?
Chapter 19 - continue...Mate?
Back Home - Netherlands
Chapter 20 - Jealous Much?
Chapter 21 - Regret
Chapter 23 - Fairy Tale or ?
Chapter 24 - The Art of Flirting
Chapter 25 - What a Pleasant Surprise
Wrong Hands
Chapter 26 - The Field Agent
Chapter 27 - Something Interesting
Chapter 28 - Home?
Chapter 29 - MIA
Chapter 30 - Social Media
Chapter 31 - Who am I?
Chapter 32 - I am Back
Chapter 33 - Jealousy
Chapter 34 - There goes the plan
Chapter 35 - Action Plan
Chapter 36 - Intensity
Chapter 37 - Love and Trust
Chapter 38 - Crippled
Chapter 39 - Mix Feelings
Chapter 40 - Ash's Mate
Chapter 41 - Meet the Family
Chapter 42 - Where it begins..
Chapter 43 - Sacrifice
Chapter 44 - The Truth
Chapter 45 - Who Am I?
Chapter 46 - Will you still be mine?
Chapter 47 - Regret and Heart Broken
Chapter 48 - The Ceremony

Chapter 22 - My Baby

248 12 0
By madlyLovU

*non proofread*

Christina POV

I woke up at 8am by the alarm from my phone I pre-set yesterday night. I slowly stretched my arm and legs then sat up from the bed and slowly walked into the bathroom to refresh myself and take shower. After 10 minutes, I walked out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body and walked towards my closet. After putting in my lace black bra and panty, I slipped in a pink blouse and a pair of black skinny jeans. I then put some light make up and my favorite perfume before taking my phone and put into my hand bag then walked down towards the kitchen. I smelled food coming out from the kitchen and saw Sophia and Abby were busy preparing breakfast.

Christina:"Good Morning ladies. Why are both of you awake so early? I thought of making breakfast for us but to my surprise, you guys already done it" I slowly pour some orange juice out for 3 of us.

Abby:"As usual I am hungry so when I woke up to search for food, Sophia is already here preparing breakfast. So I just help her prepare the plates and cutlery for 3 of us" she said while passing me my set of plates and cutlery.

Sophia:"I bet you guys must be tired so I got up a bit earlier to cook something for us to eat so you both can sleep longer but it seems everyone is up early unexpected" she said while segregating the scramble eggs, bacon, sausages into 3 plates while I took out some bread toast and put onto those plates.

Christina:"I want to wake up earlier to prepare food so I can go to the hospital earlier to see Ash. I can't really sleep much yesterday thinking about her. I wish everything can reverse back and I wouldn't do what I did and she will be here with me" I said while wiping some tears rolling down my cheek.

Sophia:"Don't blame everything onto yourself. No one will know what will happen the next second, okay. Ash will be sad IF she knows you blaming yourself for her injury and for something we all have no control on it. You don't want her to get worry by looking at your puffy and red eyes right?" she said while rubbing my back to calm me down.

Abby:"Christina sweetie, trust me and everything will be okay and Ash will get better in a blink of an eye. Let's start eating so we can go to the hospital early" she said while passing me the butter for my toast which she knew I can't eat toast without butter. I smiled back to her and mouth "Thank you".

After 30 minutes of chatting and eating, we finished up our breakfast and clean up the kitchen utensils, plates and cutlery. Sophia an Abby went to freshen up and shower. Mark called saying he will be reaching in 10 minutes. Once Sophia and Abby were done, we walked out from my condo with me closing and locking the door after armed the alarm. We went to the elevator hall and took the next elevator down to the lobby. We walked towards the entrance and into Mark's car.

Mark:"Morning ladies and ready to go?" he asked after buckled his seat belt.

We reached the hospital entrance after 1 hour drive. Mark dropped us then went to park his car at the nearby parking garage. 3 of us walked into the lobby and towards the reception counter.

Christina:"Hi! Can I know which room number is Ash Bishop in?" I asked looking at the nurse.

Nurse:"Hi! Wait a moment please... Ash Bishop is at the observation room at Neurology Department. It will be on the 5th floor" she said and smiled.

Christina:"Thank you" I said and smiled back at her. "She is at the 5th floor. Let's go" I gestured the others to follow me to the elevator up to the 5th floor.

Once we reached the 5th floor, we walked out from the elevator and towards the nurse station.

Christina:"Hi! Can I ask which room is Ash Bishop in?" I asked looking at the nurse.

Nurse:"Hi and let me check.... She is in observation room 8. Go straight here then her room will be on your right" she said and smiled at me.

Christina:"Thank you" I said and smiled back at her.

We follow the nurse instruction and walked towards Ash's room. Once reached, I open the door and saw my baby lying on the bed with some wiring attached to her hand and something looks like a breathing machine at her mouth while her head was wrapped up I assume after the head operation. The scene is absolutely gruesome and I wished I will not be seeing it again because it broke my heart looking at my baby, so fragile and in so much pain. Tears started to drop down from my cheek and soon without me realized, I was crying uncontrollably holding on Ash's hand. Sophia and Abby walked over to me and hugged me trying to calm me down and it is obviously failed because you can hear the sound of me crying and also begging for Ash to come back and wake up. After 5 minutes, a doctor walked in and I slowly stop crying and Sophia passed me a tissue to wipe my tears away.

Doctor:"Morning. You guys must be Ms. Bishop's friends" he asked looking at me then smiled.

Sophia:"Yes we are but this lady here is her girlfriend" she said then pointing at me.

Christina:"C-Can I-I ask h-how is my girlfriend?" I asked looking at him.

Doctor:"Oh. Okay. Erm, I am Doctor Jasper and I am the one whom operate on her. Her condition seems stable and luckily no complication during the whole operation. She will be waking up once the swollen had gone; maybe another 1-2 days. Since she had a head operation, we need to hook her up to a breathing machine in order to help her breath properly" he said still smiling at me.

Christina:"Will there be any side effects when she wakes up later?" I asked still holding on my baby's hand.

Dr. Jasper:"Well, is hard for us to determine anything now. We will need to wait until she wakes up and run some checking. Now, what we can do is to wait and observe. Once the swollen is gone and she can breathe on her own, we will transfer her back to the normal ward at level 3" he said checking on Ash's medical board. "By the way, are you 1 of the actress from Project Juliet?" he asked.

Christina:"Y-Yes" I answered.

Dr. Jasper:"I knew it. The 1st time I look at you, you look familiar and by the way, you look prettier than on screen. I love that movie. So, how are you doing now and any new show on the way?" he asked smiling at me.

Christina:"T-Thank you and it was my 1st movie and I didn't know that people still remember" I said looking at my baby.

Sophia:"Ahem... Dr. Jasper. Sorry to interrupt as is there any more things you need to inform us because I think Christina here needs sometime to be with her girlfriend so is best we give them some time" she said showing sign to Abby.

Abby:"Yes. Christina sweetie, why not we go grab some coffee so you can talk to your girlfriend?" she said gesturing people to go out.

Mark:"Yes. I think I saw some coffee vending machine down the hall. We should go grab some and give these lovely couples some time alone" he said with a smiled.

Dr. Jasper:"O-Okay. I am sorry and I guess that's all and if you guys need anything, you can get a nurse to page me" he said and walked faster towards the door.

Abby:"Jerk!" she scowled and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Mark I can't believe you get Sophia's signal and join in the fun. You nailed it just now, you know?" she exclaimed hugging Mark.

Mark:"Well, I can sense something between you two and also kind of weird for that guy to flirt around with his patient's girlfriend. I don't like him so I just join in the fun" he said while rubbing his neck.

Christina:"Thank you, you guys. I just don't feel like talking too much with other people now especially that doctor because I can sense where he is going. By the way, can I have some time alone with Ash?" I asked looking at them.

Sophia:"Sure darling. We will be getting some coffee and will be back a short while. You take your time, okay" she said them motioning the rest to go out from the room.

Once they are gone, the room became quiet back where you can only hear the sound of the breathing machine and her heart beat monitor. I held onto Ash's hand tighter and bring it up to my lips and kissed it.

Christina:"Baby, please don't sleep anymore. Come back to me; come back home please" I said kissing her hand and tears started to fall down on my cheek.

Suddenly, I felt Ash's hand gripped on my hard. I shoot my head up and look at her and I see her tired eyes looking deep into mine.

Christina:"Baby, you are awake... Let me go get the doctor" I stood up trying to walk away but Ash grabbed my hand harder and pull me down onto her. She then uses her right hand and gestured me to take the breathing mask away. I followed her request and slowly took out the breathing mask from her face and put it aside. "I m-miss y-you" is the 1st sentence she said once the breathing mask is off. I hugged her tightly and cried.

Ash:"P-pull m-me up, p-please" she said and I slowly pulled her up to sit up and aligned the pillow at her back so she had some support.

Christina:"B-baby... you okay? Do you feel any pain anywhere? I think I better get a doctor in and check on you" I said then she pulled me onto her and kissed me on the lips.

Once our lips touched, all my worried and heart pain is gone. I pulled her neck nearer so we can deepen the kiss. Our mouth sync nicely together and her hand hugged me on my waist. When the air become problem, we pulled away and just stared at her hazel eyes whiles while she stared at my emerald bluish eye. She put her forehead onto mine and uses her right hand to care my cheek.

Ash:"I love you and I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. Please forgive me" she said while giving me a kissed on my lips.

Christina:"Baby, I am sorry and you are the best girlfriend in this world ever a woman needs because what you do is love me with all your heart and soul while I should be the one who should apologize for being mad at you. Please forgive me" I asked while hugging her.

Ash:"Shhh... is okay. I am not angry at you nor will be going anywhere. You are my home, you remember?" she said kissing me on my temper then I looked up and slowly lean on and kissed her on the lips.

Gods knew how long both of us have been kissing and hugging each other. Suddenly the door opened and there they were; Sophia, Abby and Mark walking into the room. I moved away from Ash but still intertwined our fingers.

Abby:"OMG! Ash, you are awake!" she exclaimed and ran over to her and hugged her.

Ash:"C-can't b-breathee" she said softly and I faster pulled Abby away from Ash and told Abby she is choking her.

Abby:"S-Sorry Ash. Didn't know I miss you so much" she chuckled.

Sophia:"Good to see that you are okay, Ash. Our baby girl here has been crying a lot since the day you left the airport. Hope you guys can talk things out and don't let some misunderstanding to break the bond between you 2" she said while patting on Ash's shoulder.

Mark:"Hey bro. Good to see you awake. Don't make people you love worry about you again, okay. You are welcome to talk to me if you need someone" he said then walked over to the couch and sat down.

Ash:"Thank you guys and I am happy to see you guys again and especially you, my love" she said while gave me kissed on my lips.

Christina:"Oh, before I forgot. Sophia, can you get Dr. Jasper in so that he can check on Ash since she is awake now?" I asked and she nodded then walked out of the room.

After 10 minutes, Sophia came back with Dr. Jasper.

Dr. Jasper:"Hi! My name is Dr. Jasper. I am the doctor whom operates on your brain injury yesterday. Seems your brain swollen has subsided. So, how are you feeling now? Do you feel any pain or any nausea?" he asked Ash while holding on her medical board.

Ash:"I-I am f-feeling great. Not much pain on the head nor nausea but feel a bit of numb on my left hand" she told the doctor.

Dr. Jasper:"Well, that will be normal. Now, can you try to move you other hand and both your legs?" he asked while his eyes checking on me.

Ash:"Everything seems okay and just my left hand a bit numb" she said looking at the doctor and noticed he was scanning me.

Dr. Jasper:"O-Okay. Well, since you are awake and this means that your brain injury is recovering. You can be transferred down to the normal ward tomorrow and within a week can be discharged. So, do you have anything to ask" he asked looking at me.

Ash:"No for now and thank you, Dr. Jasper" she said then squeezed on my right hand then kissed me on the cheek.

Dr. Jasper:"O-okay. I think that's all and if you need anything, just press the emergency button there" he said while pointing at the red button next to my bed. He then walked out of the room.

Ash:"Jerk" she whispered to herself but since I am sitting closed to her, I heard what she said and knew she is jealous then giggled.

Abby:"You guys want to grab anything to eat because I am starving" she whined.

Sophia:"Okay, let's check out the cafeteria. Christina, you just stay here and I will grab some sandwich for you later, okay?" she said while pulling Abby and gestured Mark to follow her.

Ash:"What are you giggling just now, love?" she asked kissing my hand.

Christina:"I giggle as how cute you are when you are jealous" I said and kissed her on her cheek.

Ash:"You heard?" she asked while blushing and looked down.

Christina:"Yes, baby and I love it when you are jealous which means you love me a lot" I said then leaned in to kiss her on her lips.

Ash:"I can't wait to go back home and do you" she said while carry me up and put me beside her on the bed then looked at me with her eyes fulled of lust and started to kiss me on my cheek slowly to the neck then the soft spot under the left ear which earn a soft moan from me with my eyes closed.

Christina:"B-baby, I miss you too and w-we are in t-the h-hospital" I said while I slowly opened my eyes. Ash stopped then cupped my face and kissed me on my lips. I then snuggled closed to her neck, hugging her waist and inhaling her scent while slowly dozed off.

I heard someone giggled nearby and also someone whispering. I slowly open my eyes and noticed Sophia and Abby were whispering something while Mark is nowhere to be seen. I tried to move my body but was pulled back by my sleeping girlfriend next to me. I slowly moved her arm and moved myself out from her cuddled without waking her up. I walked over to the couch and looked at both Sophia and Abby.

Christina:"What you guys are whispering about and where is Mark?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

Sophia:"Mark went home. He will be buying dinner later. You sandwich is on the over bed table. By the way, we are thinking about something. Since we are flying over to Prague the day after tomorrow, you think Ash will be okay? Should we get someone to look after her?" she asked suddenly -. 

*buzz buzz*

I walked over to the desk next to the bed and took Ash's phone out. I looked at the caller and it was Tiffany. "Hello. No this is Christina, Ash's girlfriend. She will not be able to meet you these 2 weeks because she had an accident and she is now admitted into the hospital. No, is nothing serious. If everything is good, she will be able to go home after 2-3 day later. Ya. Sure I will inform her to call you once she is fully recovered. No problem and bye bye. Take care" I said before ended the call.

Abby:"Who is it?" she asked eating her packet of chips.

Christina:"Abby, wonder where is all your excessive fats go because I see your mouth nonstop almost every 2 hours" I joked looking at her. "And that is Tiffany by the way. Ash supposed to meet her today for her final therapy" I said sitting next to her after grabbing my sandwich from the over bed table.

*buzz buzz*

I looked at Ash's phone again and this time is Jonathan. "Hello. Is Christina. Sorry as Ash are in the hospital for some head injury. We are in St. Victoria Hospital, Level 5 room 8. Okay, see you then. Bye" I said then ended the call.

Sophia:"Who is that?" she asked while taking 1 piece of chips from Abby.

Christina:"Is Jonathan. Ash supposed to meet up with him for lunch and he just want to confirm the venue. He is on the way here" I said slowly finishing my sandwich.

Jonathan reached after 30 minutes. He brought a fruit basket along then put it on the over bed table.

Jonathan:"How is she? What happened?" he asked while sitting on the chair next to the couch.

Christina:"Well, she had fell at her home and hit her head hard. She had a brain operation due to some part of it was swollen. She is awake this morning and her doctor says she recovering quite fast and can be transfer back to normal ward tomorrow and can go home in 2-3 days' time" I said. "Oh, Jonathan... Can I ask a favor from you? " I asked looking at him.

Jonathan:"Anything" he said checking his phone.

Christina:"I will be flying to Prague a day after tomorrow and won't be able to fetch Ash home. Can you help me pick her and send her home?" I asked looking at him.

Jonathan:"Sure no problem. We are buddies plus I need have some discussion with her about a case we are in. I guess due to her injury, she won't be going back to the station in the coming 1-2 weeks' time" he said while looking at his watch. "I need to back to the station. Text me the time to pick her up" he said while waving goodbye to all of us.

Sophia:"At least now we know someone will be fetching your girlfriend home. I bet we need to stock up grocery at her apartment so she can cook for herself when she is at home recovering" she said and I nodded.

Abby:"Yay! Let's go grocery shopping. Christina, you stay here and accompany her while we go get some grocery for Ash and get you some clean clothes so you can refresh yourself later. I bet you will be staying here tonight?" she said and I nodded.

Sophia:"Let's go. We will be calling Uber to the supermarket. I texted Mark and he will meet us at the supermarket nearby Ash's apartment. We will grab something back for dinner. You okay?" she asked and I nodded then she and Abby walked out from the room.

Once both of them walked out from the room, I went into the bathroom to wash my hand and face. Once done, I walked back to the room and took the chair and sit next to the bed and browse through some magazine the hospital provided. After 20 minutes, my eyes started to get tired so I put my arm on the bed and my head lay on it and closed my eyes to rest. Not sure how long I have been sleeping, I felt someone shaking me and calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes and look up. It was Ash calling me.

Ash:"Love, if you are tired, please go home and rest. I am okay and there are nurses here to take care of me, not to worry" she said.

Christina:"Is okay, baby. I am going to Prague soon for 1 month to continue on the movie filming. So, I am gonna miss you a lot. So, please let me stay here tonight so I can take care of you plus cuddled with you" I said rubbing her arm. "Jonathan came this afternoon and he bought you this" I said pointing at the fruit basket. "He will be picking you up when you discharge and send you back home. Sophia and Abby went for grocery shopping for you so you can have something to eat and cook whiles you are at home recovering" I said sitting next to her on the bed.

Ash:"Oh. So you will be flying the day after tomorrow?" she asked rubbing her thumb on my hand.

Christina:"Yes, baby. I will text you once we landed, Face Time and call you whenever I am free, okay?" I said rubbing her cheek with my thumb then lean in and kissed her on her lips. While we were kissing passionately, someone barged into the room. Both of us moved away and looked towards the door. To our surprised, it was Dr. Jasper.

Dr. Jasper:"Ops! Sorry did I interrupt something?" he smirked.

Christina:"Not really. By the way, why are you here? Is there anything wrong with my girlfriend?" I asked with a concerned tone.

Dr. Jasper:"Well, not really. Is actually time for Ash to take some medication and also do some testing which supposed to be done this morning but I guess the nurses are not free so I have to do it myself now" he said while wearing the rubber gloves and preparing the needle and tube to take some blood. He then wrapped Ash's arm with a thick rubber band and tied it. Then started to insert in a needle and draw out some blood from Ash's hand and put it into a few plastic tubes. "Done. The nurse will bring some dinner to you later. Remember to drink more water and take this medication after meal" he said then walked out with the few tube of Ash's blood.

Christina:"Baby, how's your hand? Does it hurt?" I asked rubbing her arm.

Ash:"I am okay. Is just feels like mosquito bite though. I am not as fragile as you think, love" she said then lean in and kissed me on the lips. "Cuddled and watch some movie?" she asked and moved aside so I can sat on the bed.

Christina:"Sure" I said and sat on the bed and cuddled to her left arm then put my head on her shoulder.

She pressed the remote to browse for some movie. Finally we ended watching Mr. Bean. Sophia, Abby and Mark came back around 6pm with some pizza for dinner and also some clothes and toiletries for me to refresh myself and change. I took the paper bag into the bathroom attached to Ash's room and take a shower then changed into a new set of underwear, Ash's hoodie and a pair of sweat pants. I then walked out from the bathroom and put the paper bag onto the desk next to the bed and sat on the spot next to Ash on the bed taking a piece of pizza to eat. Her hospital meal came after 5 minutes. It looks delicious; chicken porridge and few pieces of apples and oranges then a cup of honey lemon drink. When she wanted to pulled the over bed table nearer to her trying to eat her food, I stopped her. She looked at me curiously.

Christina:"Baby, I am going to feed you. Just give me a minute" I said then rush to the bathroom to wash my hands then wipe dried it using a tissue. I then walked over to the bed, sat next to my girlfriend and took the bowl of chicken porridge up, scoop a spoonful of it moving near her mouth. "Open up your mouth, baby" I said and she obeyed then I slowly started to feed her spoonful of the chicken porridge.

Abby:"Wow! Someone has wifey character.... Ash, when are you proposing?" she asked while Ash nearly choked hearing that then she started to rub her neck. This is something I noticed about her; whenever she is nervous, she will rubbed her neck.

Christina:"Abby!" I scowled lightly looking at her. She just chuckled.

I then continue to feed my baby the porridge. Once she finished the bowl of porridge, I passed her a piece of tissue to wipe her mouth then I put the bowl back onto the tray. I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands then back to the room. I walked over to Ash. "Baby, are you full? Do you need anything else?" I asked and she shook her head. I passed her the medicine and she took everything in a go. I gave her a kissed on her cheek then walked towards the couch and continue eating the pizza. Once we all finished eating up the pizza and some chips, the girls went back my condo to collect their luggage and went home so they can pack for the next trip. Mark will be fetching them home. 

Once I waved them bye, I walked towards Ash and help her to stand up and assisted her into the bathroom for her to brush her teeth. We both stand in front of the mirror brushing our teeth and laughing there because she had some foam on her nose. I helped her to wipe it off then passed her a small towel to wipe the face. I held her closely on the left arm and slowly walked her towards the bed. She slide into the bed then patted the empty space next to her. I turned off the TV and some lights then walked over to the bed and sat beside her. She opened her arm wide for me to hug and I slowly snuggled next to her and wrapped my hand around her waist.

Ash:"I Love You. Get some rest love" she said while kissing my on my temper.

Christina:"I Love You Too baby. Goodnight" I whispered and cuddled her closer then closed my eyes.

p/s: Please comment and vote if you like my story and sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistake .. :) xxx

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