Then We Met Again || 2xuan ||...

By mini_cocoa

59.8K 3K 791

[Completed] This is a story based on the novel Tiang Guang Ci Fu also known as Heaven's officials blessings b... More

Character Guide
Reciting the Past, Missing the Past
Reciting the Past, Missing the Past 2
Concern of a Friend for a Friend
Concern of a Friend, for a Friend 2
Concern of a Friend, for a Friend 3
Our Meeting Again After years
Our Meeting Again After Years 2
Winning the Hearts, Black Demon Receives Warmth
Winning the Hearts, Black Demon Receives Warmth 2
Black Demon's concern, Black Demon's gift
Black Demon's concern, Black Demon's gift 2
Stealing a bottle of wine, tonight is the Autumn lantern festival 2
The Question of Destiny, why do you live?
The Question of Destiny, why do you live? 2
Another Goodbye
Earth Master's shovel
Ol'Feng has a wife and a child
The World With You
It was her, she was his past
It was her, she was his past 2
Black Demon on his way to meet old 'friend'
Shixiong and Shidi
I'm stuck with you, and I like it.
A charm of heart
Bound to your soul

Stealing a bottle of wine, tonight is the Autumn lantern festival

1.5K 106 32
By mini_cocoa

As he had walked with limp leg and broken leg for almost a year, Shi QingXuan was quite comfortable being limp. But now suddenly having crutch not to mention a bandage in his hand. Shi QingXuan was quite struggling.

Some meats were still there from yesterday, so they decided to not go in search of food today. They were all curiously watching Shi QingXuan trying to walk with the crutch.

"Hahahahaha, I don't think I can do it. Why don't we sell it rather? We will get....," Shi QingXuan stopped his sentence midway as he saw the darkness in He Xuan's face.

"Hahahahaha, Keai gege, it's just you made a really fancy crutch, so I don't think it's matching my status, hahaha." Shi QingXuan laughed quite a few times.

"You were a God once so why don't you feel comfortable in fancy things now?"

Shi QingXuan's laughter stopped and his smile disappeared. As he was going to say something he heard, "The people said, you are here to save them. It's not very suitable to save them with broken limps."

Shi QingXuan sighed a breath of relief. So the people told him. Shi QingXuan went back to his mood and laughed. He tried to walk but as he tripped in a stone, he was just about to fall when he felt a strong grip on his waist.

He looked at He Xuan, and they locked eyes. Shi Qingxuan had a pair of clear bluish eyes. There was nothing hidden within them. Except loss. Yet again the pair of eyes were enough to give someone a hope that life will be cheery again. On other hand, He xuan's pair of black eyes were dark, gloomy, and full of lonesome.

"Feng gege, why don't you go near the river? You can practise there well. The ground here is rough." As both of them heard the kid's voice they came to sense.

Shi QingXuan didn't put much thought on it and said, "Yes yes I should go there."

As he was going to walk, He Xuan said stiffly, "I'll come too."

"Oh yes yes sure. Hahahaha."

As both of them reached near the road He Xuan again handed him the crutch and Shi QingXuan took it.

He started to practise slowly. But his fear of water was quite grasping him inside but he didn't show anything.

"QingXuan?" Suddenly a familiar voice rang.

Shi QingXuan looked at the direction of the voice and saw Xie Lian standing there!

"Your highness!" Shi QingXuan was overly joyed that he was about to trip again but Xie Lian caught him before He Xuan.

"Be careful wi..QingXuan."

"Hahaha, yeah I should be. It's just new for me. What are you doing here your highness?"

"Well, I was, it was....wait who is that?"

He Xuan had originally planned to hide in somewhere as he always did whenever Xie Lian had come to his sight. But as it would arouse suspicion he stood there firmly.

Seeing that black clothed, one masked man, Xie Lian felt this person very familiar but he didn't say anything recklessly.

Shi QingXuan looked at He Xuan and said, "Oh he! Let me introduce my new friend to your highness. He is "Xiao Keai", we call him "Keai gege". And Keai gege, it's his highness, he is scrap go.. I mean scrap collecting cultivator. Wait, I call him his highness because ... hahaha he is the king of scrap. Hahahaha. Both of you have weird names now. Hahaha. I shouldn't lie to you Keai gege, he is actually very good martial art God. Number one god now. He is married to..."

"Wi..QingXuan! Please don't say anymore." Xie Lian felt his ears turning red. Although the man had a weird name, what Shi Qingxuan was saying about him how was way too embarrassing and he felt his whole body turning red.

Shi QingXuan laughed for a while. Xie Lian spoke up, "Wi...QingXuan I'm happy you're making new friends. But be careful. Recently something is causing a havoc. I'm afraid it's not that simple." Xie lain actually couldn't adapt the new habit yet. The old habit of calling Shi QingXuan "wind master" or "lord wind master" still didn't died.

"Ah really!? Then your highness should be careful as well. Coming here without crimson rain sought flower, he will not be happy. And don't worry about Keai gege. He is just lost for a while and can't remember much. But we're you going somewhere?"

Shi QingXuan didn't look much interested in the havoc. Probably because he thought it's related to heaven and as he is nothing but a mere mortal he couldn't be much help anyway.

"It's autumn lantern festival today, so I'm afraid I have to gift somethings to the officials."

Shi QingXuan was a bit taken back. He actually forgot about the autumn lantern festival.

"Ahh! Then I won't waste anymore time of your. Please go ahead."

Xie Lian looked a bit embarrassed also as if he wanted to say something. But at last he didn't say anything. He gave a look to He Xuan and bowed to him and Shi QingXuan and left the place.

Shi QingXuan was in daze. He Xuan gave him a look and call out,

"Qing... Your name is QingXuan?"

"Hu?" Shi QingXuan came back to reality as he heard the voice of the youth.

"Oh. No. It's just my friend call me that. Nothing special. Let's practise. Hold me. Otherwise I might fall."

Although he said let's practise he was still in daze. It was almost the time of sunset now. The small stall was filling up from different kind of people.

Shi QingXuan and He Xuan finally stopped the practise of walking with crutch. Shi QingXuan was now much better than before. Both of them sat down at the bank of the river. The water was a bit cold. Shi QingXuan felt a chill in his bone.

"Are you cold?" Shi QingXuan asked He xuan.

He Xuan gave him a look but shook his head.

"Good. I'm not cold as well. It's not good to feel cold easily. Right?"

He Xuan understood Shi QingXuan was actually feeling a bit cold. He took out his outer robe and threw it at Shi QingXuan. "I feel hot."

Shi QingXuan looked at the black outer robe and smiled, "As far as I know ghosts shouldn't feel hot, at least not at this temperature."

But he still took that outer robe. He got extremely closer to He Xuan. He Xuan gave him a cold look and was about to move away when he heard Shi QingXuan saying, "Don't go away."

He Xuan stopped and looked at Shi QingXuan's soft pale face.

He was so dirty yet how could he look so pretty?

Shi QingXuan put that outer robe on both himself and he Xuan. The outer robe wasn't big enough to cover both of them thoroughly but Shi QingXuan still didn't mind. He Xuan felt the cold body of Shi QingXuan. Both of them were cold but as the skin touched, it felt like it was on fire and it was almost burning. 

The wind blew softly on them. Shi QingXuan suddenly looked at him and smiled mischievously.

"Let's steal a bottle of wine from that rich selfish merchant. It won't hurt much right?"

He Xuan looked at the pair of clear eyes. They were somehow a bit sad. Somehow a bit warm but mostly they were hard to refuse something. The same look Shi QingXuan used to give him years ago.

Although ghosts don't need to breath, he sighed.

Author's note: Sorry for irregular updates. I wasn't motivated at all. But thanks to Heaven Official's Blessing anime adaption, I miss thos novel once again.

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