
By wallflowermadness

21.8K 666 86

For as long as Emery could recall werewolves had controlled the world. They were wicked beasts, repressing hu... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

2.9K 72 17
By wallflowermadness

The history of the werewolf is greatly unknown within the human race,nor did the wolves ever want it to be known. Yet, there were some humans who rebelled against this ignorance forced upon them; for if they were to be controlled they wanted to know exactly what they were being controlled by.

For the last two decades humans had been aware of the wolves' existence. Their appearance in the life of the humans was shocking, for one day human's lived in blissful harmony, another their lives changed forever. The wolves refused to live separately any longer; they wished to roam the world without restriction, to be free. Little did the humans know that the wolves' revelation was less about the wish to be free, and was in fact a smoke screen for the real reason, the reason that no wolf could ever ignore.

In the beginning the wolves were complacent to the actions of the humans, but as time went on, they craved control, their primal instincts disallowing for the freedom of humans. For humans were the prey, and they were most certainly the predators.

'Come on Emery, you need to keep up!"

Emery has always struggled in these sessions. Her natural petite frame did little to aid her in training. Sweat glistened across her body, her muscles ached. Yet Ash was not easing up on her. He stood across from her, his makeshift boxing gloves held up in front of him.
"Ash we've been at this for hours, can't we have a break?" Emery moaned. He raised his eyebrows at her, looking annoyed.
"And what happens if you're being chased by a wolf, think they're just going to give you a break when you get a bit tired?" Ash retorted.
Emery raised her own glove up, aiming for his chest.
"Seems to me you're almost wanting to be caught?" She swung once again, and he blocked it once more. His words were aggravating her.
"Seems you would be perfect as one of their mates, a weak, little, unresistant human. Just imagine it, you would live the rest of your life in a collar, chained to a beast who wanted you to produce his chil-"
SMACK. Her right fist collided with Ash's cheek, his head recoiling from the force. Emery didn't let up, swinging leg into his chest sending him to the floor. The anger had began to much to bare and she clambered over him, sending throws at his body. Ash's hands raised to protect his face.
"Okay Em, calm down okay?" He spoke from underneath his muscular forearms.
Slowly, Emery took in his words, her breathing slowed and she felt the anger lessen. She was sat on top of him and watched as he moved his arms from protecting his face. As his face came into view their eyes met, and he grinned.
"Knew you had it in you." He laughed. Emery huffed at him, still annoyed at his words. She gave him one last light punch to the chest and climbed off him, offering him a hand to stand. As he stood, Ash nudged his elbow into her shoulder, the height difference only allowing for this.
"You know sometimes you take it too far Ash?" Emery stated, and she meant it. The idea of being captured by the wolves made her blood feel icy, and the thought of being one of those beasts' mates was even more sickening. Ash's face slackened, slight remorse appearing on his face. He turned to face her as he spoke.
"I'm sorry for what I said, but sometimes you need that push, that anger. Remember what we are training for, preparing to fight against. We only know of their strength from humans, humans who... who experienced their strength and actually survived." He grimaced. "I have to make sure you're ready Em, and if that means using your hate against you I will."
Emery sighed, she knew Ash was right. The strength of the werewolves was unprecedented. She had encountered many animals in her life, yet none could even be compared to that of the beast. They had the ability to rip a human's throat from their neck without effort, they were able to rip beings limb from limb. Emery reached up and wrapped her arms around Ash's shoulders, his hands doing the same.
"I'm sorry too, I should try harder. It can just be draining at times. But you're right, we all need to do whatever we can for when the time comes where we are confronted by them."
Ash grinned at her, ruffling her slightly matted hair as he did so.
"Come on kiddo, let's get out of here."

Emery reached her bedroom after what felt like the longest walk in existence from the training area. The four metres from the door to her bed were even tiring, but she knew it was worth it. The wolves could not be underestimated. When they revealed themselves to the world humans had done just that. No preparations were made, nothing was done to stop them taking over when they decided the time was right. They were smart, they had boded their time, allowing for the human race to begin to trust them, and then they struck. They had lived amongst the humans for three years before they decided the time was right. Practically over night they had taken over. In many areas humans were gathered, organised in a way that allowed for total control by the werewolves. In others, humans had put up greater resistance, a violent one, and they had paid a price. Slaughter, this is what the towns and areas who had tried to prevent being overtook experienced. And then there was Emery's group- the resistance.

This third group of humans had resisted the takeover, but in a different way. They were not going to allow themselves to become slaves to those animals, nor were they going to die fighting unprepared and allow for the human race to die out. They had hidden, not fighting and dying, not complying with the new werelaw. There had been a small few who had been wary of the werewolf and their intentions. They studied them, followed their actions as they integrated themselves amongst the humans. Gathering of information began, and a network had began across the country between those who were suspicious of the sudden appearance of the wolves. Certain humans were recruited by the leaders , as they knew those with certain skills and credentials would be essential to their survival. It appears that where some humans had underestimated the wolves, the wolves had also underestimated some of the humans. Emery's group is one of three that make up the resistance, with hers being located in the north of the country. The group were prepared for the take over so it is told, as their surveillance on the wolves allowed for them to recognises the changes in them. Their plans for control. They went underground, the building of these underground networks had been done slowly as to not attract attention from the wolves, but they were ready for when the takeover did begin.

Then there was Emery. She was born a few months before the wolves took over the lives of humans.
Yet, she was not born to a family within the group, she was left at the entrance to the bunker when she was a few weeks old. At first, many were wary of this child's sudden presence, worried that the wolves had discovered their existence and had planted her to intercept their plans. There was worry amongst them- how did someone know where to leave her? After much consideration they decided to take her in, as some were against leaving a child out on the street, yet she was kept an eye on. But as Emery grew older it became clear she was no werewolf, she cried when she was hurt, she bled from small cuts and most obviously- she had no wolf, thank god as Emery herself would say. She wasn't sure what she was more thankful for, being saved by this group or not being one of those beasts.

Emery never felt alone growing up, the way in which the group lived meant she grew up surrounded by people. Living in a large bunker, the design was inspired by the ones used in World War Two, but our bunker was intense, approximately 25,000 square feet. The space was divided, allowing for couples to have their own rooms in which they can do their own thing, and Emery had her own. When she was younger she was not given a set carer, but she never felt abandoned or without a family, as Emery put it she just had the worlds biggest family instead. Emery wished she had been around when the bunker was being built because it's design was simply indescribable. The space was mainly open planned, the communal area included a large TV which had been brought down months before the wolves took over. The kitchen cupboards were filled with long-lasting foods. How they managed to get everything together without arising suspicion from the wolves she will never know, just shows the dogs have less intelligence then they think.


Emery stifled a yawn, her eyes moistening as she tried to blink away the tiredness. Her training session had left her exhausted, barely able to listen to her teacher as they spoke. She shook her head in an attempt to shake away the feeling, but it was no use. She could barely stay awake in her math lessons as it was, never mind after such an intense workout. The sleep she had last night was littered with nightmares; her subconscience had clearly taken to Ash's words. She dreamt of being taken by one of those beasts, being declared its mate. She shuddered at the thought. Claire's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Emmie, are you listening?" Claire and the rest of her class mates were all staring at her, her teachers' eyebrow raising slightly. Emery cringed, not liking having all these eyes on her. She looked down, and muttered an apology, leading the class to return their attention back to Claire. Claire had been a teacher before the takeover and had been recruited by Dean to join the resistance after she voiced her own reservations about the wolves in her classes. So now, she taught the under 18s their lessons.

Emmie currently studied math, English, all three sciences and history- both human and werewolf. For Emery, her 18th birthday could not come quick enough, she would have to attend lessons until the July following her 18th in February, as to follow the school year system humans had before the takeover. The adults within the group had decided what they thought we all needed to know, the 'essentials'. Emmie personally did not see how math was essential. She looked down at the worksheet in front of her and internally scoffed. Equation after equation appeared in front of her, all of which had to be done before she could leave. Once Claire was done with her explanation Emmie set to work. Her tiredness was overwhelming and she struggled to concentrate on what was in front of her. She had barely made out the steps coming towards her, and soon she was faced with a frustrated teacher in front of her. Claire kneeled before her desk. "Emmie what is wrong with you today? You don't usually struggle this much. I know math isn't your favourite but you have to try." She spoke softly as to not distract the other students.

"I know I'm sorry, I had a hard training session yesterday and I didn't sleep well." Claire sighed slightly. "I know you really value your training sessions Em, but we all agreed that school must come first. If you can't manage both then maybe we need to rethink your training schedule." Emmie's eyes widened at that- less training? Her training was the only thing that kept her anxiety about the wolves at bay. "No honestly I can do both, I just had a bad nights sleep, bad dream..." She muttered that last part. Claire's eyebrow raised slightly. "Stay behind after, okay?" Emmie nodded, but not really liking the idea, yet returned to her worksheet. Thirty minutes later, she had just about answered all the questions but remained sat in her seat as the others around her left. Claire made her way over to Emmie, pulling up a chair in front of her. "Want to talk about it?" She smiled. Emmie sighed, she had always hated showing weakness. "I just had a bad dream last night about... them." Claire sighed slightly.
"Right. Is there anything in particular that scares you?" Emmie felt like scoffing- what didn't scare her? Claire took the time in silence to study Emmie, she saw the fear in her eyes, she recognised it from herself. She sighed slightly before speaking.
"As we always say, knowledge is power. Why don't I ask Maynard to have a chat with you? Be aware he may not agree, but if it could ease your fears slightly, and meant you could focus more in class." They both smiled at that. "Then I think it would be beneficial." She concluded. Emmie frowned, there is nothing she wanted more than to talk to the so-called wolf expert, but Maynard rarely spoke to anyone. Ash  had once explained to her that he experienced a trauma at the hands of the wolves, before the takeover, and following it had decided to find out as much as possible about the beasts who had harmed him. He helped Dean, the leader of the group and Ash's dad, make the evacuation plans and any preparations for attacks, as well as ways to remain undetected by the wolves. When the groups supplies begin to diminish and they have to leave the bunker to stock up on necessities, Maynard was the person to provide attack methods to use on the wolves if they came across them, as well as providing most of the information taught in the lessons. Yet he limited his contact mainly to Dean only, remaining in his room except for meals, training and bathing.
"Do you think he would talk to me?" Emmie asked.
Claire smiled at this and laughed slightly.
"I have my ways." She grinned.


I feel so nervous about this honestly please read

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