Lost sister

By magicmarge

37.7K 797 31

At the age of 16 Ryan ran away from home in America and never looked back 10 years later and she married to d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 9

2.3K 55 2
By magicmarge

Ryan daan and her mum and Kyle just landed back in London Ryan and Kyle grabbed there bags and they all headed out to Ryan's rover in the parking lot once there she loaded all there bags up and got into the drivers seat once everyone was in she set off to her and Adams house it didn't take long before she pulled up her mum and Kyle shocked at the luxury house there are seeing they all got out the car and Ryan told daan to take them in and she would sort out there bags she grabbed there cases and bags and took them up to there rooms once sorted she made her way back down to find daan and her mum and Kyle in the kitchen talking

Debbie you have a beautiful home both of you

Ryan thanks mum so I put your bags into your rooms and will show you where they are soon but first we need to talk to you about something

Debbie ok what's up

Ryan well you know how daan pregnant now well we always talked about it and we decide we are going to go to our house in Orlando I have a gym opening there next to Orlando pride team there coaches know I own it but Ali and ash don't there are going to start training in there once it open our house is a few down from ash and Ali so we want to have the baby in America

Debbie that's great we can be close to you both and if you need anything I will be there

Ryan thanks mum don't tell ash or Ali yet we are going to surprise  them when they get here also we will fly out in our jet when we head to Orlando

Kyle you have a jet

Ryan yea I kind of made a lot of cash from working with all the teams men and woman here in England and a few boxers in America I have the top gyms in the world all the top athletes go to them

Kyle wow so how many gyms do you own now

Ryan I have about 40 or so with 10 new one opening up over America

Debbie well am proud of you for making a great life here with daan

Ryan thanks mum

Ryan turns to daan and speaks Dutch to her asking if she called her mum and told her about the baby daan shakes her head no and grabs her phone

Daan if you could excuse me please I have to make a call

Debbie that's ok sweetie go ahead

Daan goes off to Ryan's office to call her mum as Debbie turns back to Ryan

Debbie you speak Dutch

Ryan yea and Germans and Spanish I learned them in uni as well as daan and her mum teaching me as well

Debbie that's great baby so I know we haven't spoke about it yet and with you coming to America I think we should sit and have a talk about dad are you on with that

Ryan's breathing picks up and she starts to struggle to breath Debbie notice and move near Ryan who backs up from her mum Kyle so notice and shouts for daan knowing that his mum can't get close to her daan comes running into the room with her phone on FaceTime she notices Ryan's breathing and runs over to her she drops her phone on the counter and grabs ryans hands looking it to her eyes she places one of Ryan's hand onto her chest near her heart and gets her to copy her breathing once she matching it doesnt take long for Ryan to calm down

Daan you ok baby

Ryan yea sorry

Daan what happened baby

Debbie it was my fault I asked if we could speak about her dad and she started to panic i tryed to go to her but she wouldn't let me near her

Debbie looked hurt by saying that but daan turns back to Ryan to make sure she's ok once's she dose she here's her mum shouting in Dutch over the phone asking what's wrong with Ryan Who brings and looks round till she spots Daans who she walks over and picks it up she speaks Dutch and explains to daan mum what happened and that she ok daan mum let her know she happy about the baby and once there in America and settled that she would come for a visit Ryan nods and they say goodbye once off the phone Ryan turns and daan is there with a bottle of water and her med she takes them and gives daan a kiss

Ryan come on mum let have this talk

They all walk into the living room and sit down

Debbie ok well I wanted to ask you what you want to do about your dad I know he's no where near Orlando and he's Ill so he won't be travelling anytime soon

Ryan I don't want to see him or him to know that you know about me I can't have him hurting you mum

Debbie he can't hurt me baby I don't live with him anymore we have be divorced for a few years now I love in Orlando not far from ash and Ali Kyle lives near your dad but only to take care of him

Ryan ok well as long as he don't know about me then am ok I can't have him in my life or near my wife and unborn child I can't risk him hurting them I will make you a deal because I know your angry and mad at him about what happened so you can talk to him and make sure he knows to stay away and never to come anywhere near me or my family and I won't take the photos and evidences I have of what he did to me to the police I don't want him near me or my wife and kids ever

Debbie I will sort it all out and he will know not to come near any one of us again he should never of done what he did and think he got away with it I bet he though you was dead but he going to be in for a big shock when I speak with him I promise you that she hurt my baby and won't get away with it I promise you that

They talked for a bit more until Ryan showed them to there rooms once she did she went off out to grab them some dinner as daan took a shower Kyle went with Ryan and they talked a bit and bonded some they was never as close as Ryan and Ali but they love each other and look out for each other  

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