•You're my soulmate?• Draco M...

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[ON PAUSE] A soulmate it's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that kens you bette... Mere

A/n+ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Bonus Chapter 11, Draco's POV
Chapter 12
Important pls READ ME

Chapter 9

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*Chapter is not edited yet*

A month have passed since Draco and Fortuna made their relationship official. In a month various things have changed.Fortuna's friendship with Harry and Ron was non-existent anymore. Every so often she engaged in brief conversations with Hermione in the library, but nothing was like before.Her friendship with Hera and Aragon was going stronger than ever. They were inseparable, they had each other's back for everything. Since Fortuna wasn't 'friends' with the Griffyndor trio, fellow Slytherins became more accepting towards her. During their social time in the common room several people, in her year group or younger, wanted to chat with her or offered a chess tournament, which she gladly accepted.

It was the 19th of November which meant that Christmas was closer than ever. Fortuna wasn't a fan of Christmas. From a young age she was stuck at home, with people she didn't like or people who she didn't even know. Christmas day was always chaotic as ever in her house, people running left and right. She never comprehended why they were celebrating it, if half of the family didn't even respect each other. It was such an oxymoron.

After dinner Fortuna began her usual prefect patrol in the hallways, to ensure that other students are not breaking curfew. It took her less than 30 minutes to go around her assigned spots, and when she finished, Fortuna went back to the Slytherin common room.
Usually, she would have been accompanied by Draco, but since his mission has taken a lot of time from him, he wasn't doing as much patrols anymore.
Fortuna knew he wasn't allowed to say anything about the mission, but she was equally concerned for her boyfriend. He wasn't sleeping at all, and if he did, it was just for a few hours. He became really thin. He wasn't eating well, and everytime Fortuna tried to bring that up to him, he always cut her off by saying "honestly love, it's fine. Do not worry about me. It's all good."
Obviously,Fortuna did not believe a single word of what he said. This mission was taking over him in the worst way possible. Not just physically but also mentally. She is scared for his well being.

Besides the Draco situation, Fortuna had to deal with her family as well. Her father and his family side, all joined with the Dark Lord. Everyone except Fortuna's mother. If her mother would have declined to join the death eaters, Fortuna's father could have asked for an eventual divorce. That was the 'not so bad' option. The other option was that, eventually, they would use the Avada Kedavra spell on her.
If that wasn't enough, her father was tring to persuade her into switching sides by sending her expensive gifts and her favourite foods. It would have been just matter of weeks, if not days, before her father would have explicitly demanded her to join the death eaters.

The real question is, did Fortuna want to join them? Not joining them meant being disowned by his family or worse, killed. However, joining would have meant hurting innocent people and reinforce the horrible Slytherins stereotype that everyone is mean and dangerous. Was she prepared to go against her family beliefs at the age of seventeen?

Fortuna was in her bed, constantly moving, in hope to find a comfortable position for her to sleep. As she was about to drift to sleep she hears the bed curtain open up and Hera speaking,

"Forty are you awake?" Hera asked in a gentle tone.

"Yeah." Fortuna replied with a yawn.

"An owl just left this letter for you.It comes from your family, there is your family's stamp on it." Hera said worried.

Fortuna's eyes immediately flush open and examine the letter from Hera's hands."Thanks Hera. Go back to sleep late."

"Sure. Make sure to sleep though. Goodnight Forty."

"Goodnight Hera."

Fortuna held the letter in her hands, she wasn't sure what to do. She decided the best solution was to just read it all.

November 19, 1996

Dear Fortuna,

How is your sixth year progressing? I'm certain you will be the leading student in every class. You see my sweet Fortuna; I'm immensely proud of you. I'm certain you're enjoying the Apparition lessons. I have heard you have a particular talent for this sort of thing.
In this letter I wanted to express two things. First of all, to congratulate you for your top score in the Alchemy. Your professor sent an owl just about a week ago. He is expecting exceptional things from you, as do I.

Lastly, we should discuss family business. As you are well aware now, we all joined a specific side. Everyone except your mother. She is going through some major struggles right now and she wishes for your presence at home. I'm not going discussing certain aspects now, but you must know we need to have a serious conversation. You're old enough to comprehend and to consider choices for yourself and I, expect you to make the ideal choice when you're going to be offered it. You will be in contact with your aunt, she is going to collect you from Hogwarts for the weekend. On Friday, as soon as you conclude your last period, go wear something suitable and wait for your aunt at the entrance of the school gates. Your professors and Head Masters have already been informed. It's crucial for you not to mention anything about this to anyone, not even Hera or Aragon. Do not send an owl back.
I will see you soon.


Adrian Icarus Roach.

Since it was Tuesday, that meant she still had only three days before the weekend. Fortuna felt the urge to wake up Hera and talk to her, but she wasn't allowed. If someone found out that she was leaving for the weekend people were going to start infinite amounts of rumors. Not that she cared, but she prefers watching the drama from afar, rather than being in it.

                                                                       ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hera was worried, and that's to say the least. After she handed that letter to Fortuna, even if they did not speak about it she knew what that letter must have contained. The problem of being part of pureblood families is that eventually, most of their sons or daughters will have to commit and adhere to their families' sides. It had happened a week before Fortuna received her letter, Hera received the same exact letter from her family. In summary it stated that next weekend she was going back home to "discuss family issues''. Hera was certain they were going to ask to join them on the Dark Lord side. She was more convinced when Fortuna and Aragon received the same looking letter from their families, but they did not want to talk about it.
Between the three of them Hera for certain was the most traditional person, but at this moment she did not care. It was for the wellbeing of her friends and her family. Somehow she had to find a balance between the both of them. Hera decided the best thing to do was talking to Fortuna and Aragon with no filter on. They needed a solution for what was going to happen.

                                                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Wednesday, 20th November

After receiving the letter yesterday, Fortuna acted like nothing had happened, but that act didn't last for long. Fortuna was wondering with her eyes on the Slytherin table, and she couldn't help but notice that so many students from sixth year, seventh or even some of the younger years, had a scared expression impressed onto their faces. That meant she wasn't the only one that received the same letter from her family. She was relieved in a way, but also sorry. She believed family should stick together no matter what, but she began reconsidering this option. Even if she declined joining the death eaters, who would she go to? She couldn't have gone to Draco or her friends, which would have been in the same situation as her right now.
She wasn't friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione as she used to. In that moment, Fortuna realised that as much as she had Draco, Hera and Aragon and her fellow Slytherins, she was alone. She had no one who was neutral, who did not pick a side in the upcoming war. Not known relatives, not friends...

Fortuna was walking her way to Transfiguration class when Hera approached her.

"Good morning Forty, I haven't seen you at breakfast earlier. Where were you?" Hera asks.

"Hera I have this unpleasant habit of waking up too early, so I was one of the first early birds to get breakfasts. Next I went to the library, just to kill some time off." Fortuna reply.

"You definitely have a fun way to kill time, I see." Hera says in a sarcastic tone. "Anyway, your boyfriend was looking for you. He is worried for you Forty."

"Why is he worried? I mean I'm fine, honestly." Fortuna tried laughing it off.

"Fortuna you are so smart, but sometimes you act so dumb for Merlin's sake. He is your boyfriend, obviously he is going to be worried about you. And second of all, you have been acting strange since you received that letter yesterday."

"Here we go again, Hera I'm not going to talk about it."

"What are you not going talking on about? Perhaps the fact that your father wants you to join his side? I'm correct?"

Fortuna stared in shock as those words left Hera's mouth,"You read my letter. Didn't you?"

"No Fortuna, I haven't. But most of us are going through the same thing." Hera whisper"Please, after Transfiguration join me and Aragon. We need to talk."

"I'm sure this talk is going to be about all of this, correct?" Fortuna said.


"And I'm also unallowed to say anything to Draco, correct?"

"I see you are so perceptive Forty." Hera laughs it off.

Hera and Fortuna were walking towards their Transfiguration class. In the mid time they were thinking about a good, isolated area to speak in peace about their private issues.
The only thing that the two of them did not know was that, Draco, was just behind them and he heard everything. Now more than ever, he was interested in what he wasn't supposed to know.

                                                                       ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As the boring Transfiguration lesson ended Fortuna left the class, sided by Aragon and Hera. They looked extremely suspicious. Looking at their backs, hoping that no one would follow them or avoid talking to anyone.
Draco was a few meters away from them, not too far away to lose them, but not too close to get caught. As he continues with following the three of them, he realises they were heading towards the prefect bathroom. Smart move, Draco, though. No students aside from prefects and Head boy and Head girl were allowed in that bathroom, and since everyone would have been in lesson, no one would have been around for awhile.

As Fortuna, Aragon and Hera make sure no one is nearby, they enter the bathroom. They gived their backs to the door, which allowed Draco to enter with no suspicions and to hide in one of the bathroom stalls.

"Who is doing the talking then?" Aragon said first.

"I'm going first." Hera said "So I'm certain we all received the similar letter. Now, I'm also sure you are not allowed to talk about what's written in the letter, but be aware that if you decide not to talk about it now, this might be your only chance to do so."

The three of them exchange quick glazes before Fortuna begins speaking, "I need to leave for the weekend. My father requires me at home until Sunday afternoon. He said we had 'family business' issues, but I'm sure you know what that refers to guys."

"Same goes for me. My family asks me home for the weekend. They were extremely vague in the letter, but I'm not that ignorant." Aragon replied.

"Fortuna, Aragon we have known each other for 17 years, since we were in diapers, and I'm confident you have the same views as me about this situation." Hera was cut off by Fortuna.

"Definitely, but the point to all of this is, what do we do? If we say no, you know what is going to happen. If we say yes, we are forced to join something that is way bigger than us." Fortuna explains.

The three of them get into a discussion on what is the best option. They stopped when Fortuna began speaking once more in a calm tone of voice.

"Guys, what if I join?"

Now, as Draco hears what Fortuna said, he leaves his hiding spot. Slamming the door so hard that the three of them almost jumped out of fear.

"Draco what are you even doing here?" Fortuna said with dilated eyes.

Draco ignored her question, "Fortuna tell me please that I did not just hear that. You cannot possibly think about associating with them."

"Do I look like I have a choice, Draco?" Fortuna said.

"Yes you do. And not only you, but also you Aragon and Hera. Do not even think for a moment to join them because all of this is not a game-"Draco gets interrupted by Fortuna screaming

"Draco we know, for Salazar's name. We are not ignorant. But if we don't join, our families are going to pay the price for it -" Now Fortuna gets interrupted by Hera

"Forty, I think Draco is correct. I mean, all of this is not as simple as it looks."

"We know that Hera. But as Fortuna said, if we don't do it and if we are lucky enough, our family are going to bloody disown all of us. We have no one." Aragon said.

"Would you prefer living in constant fear and being forced to exterminate innocent people rather than be free?" Draco said on the verge of tears "Forty, love, please do not do anything stupid. You are your own person. You make decisions for yourself and I'm sure you will make the right one. But please, do not do something absurd just to prove something to your father." Draco said going closer to Fortuna's side and cupping her face, "Don't commit the same mistake I did." Draco whispered, audible enough only for the two of them.

Tears were running down on Fortuna's face, "Dragon" Fortuna whispered. She knew not many people were allowed to call Draco by that name, since it possesses a profound sentimental value to him. It reminds him of his childhood and all the happy memories within it.
Draco began to tear up as well.

"Dragon, I'm not going to make you a promise that I'm unallowed to keep. But I will promise you to think about it as much as I can. To consider the consequences within it if I accept such a lifestyle. But please, do not blame yourself for the decision I will make. Please." Fortuna said in a gentle tone.

"I promise you I will not. But please, be rational while making your choice." Draco said to her.

Draco and Fortuna shared a longlasting hug. Draco did not want to leave her. He was gently rubbing her arm. Despite the heaviness in Fortuna's stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. She sank into the warmth of his side. His touch made the room warmer somehow. It seemed that somehow the world around them stopped. It looked like it was them against everyone and everything else. Neither Fortuna nor Draco wanted the moment to end this peaceful moment. After what it looked like an eternity a sound coming from behind them, transports them back to reality.

"Hem, Hem..." Aragon began speaking, "All of this is extremely emotional, but we still have a potential death situation to escape from."

Aragon receives a light slap behind his neck by Hera, who began speaking.

"Aragon I see you haven't lost your touch" Hera laughs it off, "But seriously speaking, we still need to consider a plan on how to avoid actually being part of it."

"What are you thinking Hera?" Fortuna asked with a smirk, still holding Draco in her arms.

"You will see Forty. You will see." Hera gives a smile to Fortuna. 

                                                                 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As the day progressed Draco, Fortuna, Hera and Aragon avoided addressing the subject. Hera didn't explain what her plan was, but before leaving the bathroom she whispered to Fortuna ear that she will share all the details tonight in the Room of Requirement.

It was after dinner, and Fortuna was getting ready for her prefect duties. Draco went back to his room as soon as dinner finished, since he was extremely tired to conclude anything at all.
When Fortuna made sure no one was nearby, and most of all Draco wasn't following them, she signed for Aragon and Hera to follow her.
They arrived at the Room of Requirements and right in front of their eyes a pleasant common room, not Hogwarts house colours related, appeared. Hera seated on an armchair near the fireplace, while Aragon and Fortuna sat on the couch.

"Guys, I'm going to make this clear as possible. We are going joining, but under 'informative'. What that means is that we will provide any information we know about Harry and his friends to the Dark Lord, but we will not get marked with the dark mark." Hera spoke, "And before any of you ask, it's possible to do so. We will give any information about Harry and his group. Although that doesn't mean we have to confess the exact truth." Hera smirked.

"What do we get out of this?" Aragon spoke.

"Well think about it Arg. You will still be on your family side, while you're being completely neutral. No picking sides, just good face, but bad game." Hera said, "Fortuna, now I require you not to mention anything to Draco, please. I know he is your boyfriend and all--" she gets interrupted by Fortun.

"I wasn't going saying anything anyway. If we decide to carry on with this choice, that means we will get a call up for a meeting with the rest of the death eaters. But until then, no words will escape my mouth. And plus, even if he finds out, I do not think it is a clever idea to reveal the proper plan. His family is extremely close to the dark lord, I'm not saying I do not trust him, but if something doesn't go as planned I don't want to be put in the middle of it."

"I agree with you Fortuna. Just be as careful as you can, okay?" Aragon spoke.

The three of them spended the rest of their night in the Room of Requirement. Discussing about the plan, their life after Hogwarts and just about life in general.

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