𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐞 ✔️

By nimaes_

826K 18.8K 2.3K

Mia is a sassy girl and a werewolf with an honest heart and, she lives with her father and her older brother... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Epilogue part 2
Note + special surprise
My french tutor
Alpha Max

Chapter 7

24.6K 573 86
By nimaes_


Mia felt herself sweating through her mate baggy clothes, she wore a shirt that was a long-sleeved shirt.

"Mia, roll up your sleeves, you're getting hot." Blaze suggested, he noticed her forehead who is wet because of the sweat.

Mia shook her head, "Not it's okay, I need to splash some cold water on my face."

"Alright, but don't be late, my father hates lateness." Mia nodded and ran to the bathroom, she splashed her face with some cold water and looked at the girl in the mirror, she breathed heavily and closed her eyes, she rolled up her sleeves and looked at her cutting marks.

When high school started, the bullying got worse, it was not only a group of girls, it was a whole team mixed with girls and boys, people called her nasty names and also created fake rumours that made her a reputation as a whore.

"I heard that Mia Thompson sucked the principal dick for more points."

"Mia Thompson is a fucking whore, who would want her?"

"She is a disgusting slut and an annoying bitch."

Senior year came in and the bullying stopped when Lydia, the new girl asked for Mia to be friends, Lydia knew that she was bullied but didn't care about it and stuck with her. The team who bullied her painfully got expelled thanks to Noah who is the delta son and knew the principal personally, Noah didn't know about the bullying since he was in another private school and Mia hid her secret. He did give her a silent treatment for the whole two days which was unusual for him. But all in the end, he forgave her and moved on, now they are in colleges, starting their first year in September.

Mia shook her bad memories out of her brain and checked her appearance.
After one last time check, she got out of the bathroom and joined the room, just in time Blaze family just got in settled at their table.

"There she is." Blaze turned around to see his mate as soon he smelt her close, she sat down in her place and he held her hand.

"Mia, I would like you to meet my parents, my sister and my sister mate."  She looked and his parents who were young and looked like in their thirties, his mother had black hair, Blaze eyes and soft features while his father looked exactly like Blaze except his face is aged and don't have the same eyes. His sister looked like in her twenties, the same eyes as her father and inherited her mother hair and features and his mate is a handsome guy and had blond hair.

"Hello everyone." She spoke softly.

"Great, she was late and now she's shy." His father scoffed coldly, Blaze threw an angry glare at his father.

"Honey, don't act like that, my name is Soren and this is my mate Kyle." His mother said gently.

"And my name is Georgia and this is my mate Peter." His sister introduced to Mia and Peter smiled uncomfortably because of Blaze.

"My name is Mia."

"We already knew about that." Kyle said irritated, Mia looked upset and angry because of his father.

"Kyle, stop being disrespectful, this is your son mate." Soren scolded him.

"Well I wish she isn't, I like Victoria and not her." Mia gasped and Blaze growled.

"Father stop!" Georgia yelled.

"I'm not hungry any more." Mia said quietly and get up to leave.

"Young lady, you don't have the permission to leave first before the oldest." Mia left before she can hear his father scowling.

"Padre, non essere così per il mio amante." Blaze hissed. (Father don't be like this to my lover)

"Stai zitto, non ti ho cresciuto per essere così con tuo padre." His father scolded him in Italian. (Shut up! I didn't raise you to be like this with your father.)

"I'm leaving." Blaze got up to follow his mate.

"You can go, and please train your mate to be strong and confident like Victoria, wait what I'm saying? I mean she can't become her anyway." Kyle taunted him.

"Victoria is a fucking bitch, una troia, while my true mate didn't have her first kiss, she waited for her mate instead of being a greedy slut, so don't say that she can't be confident because she can and I believe in her." Blaze said through his gritted teeth and left the restaurant, leaving his family in stupefaction. (A whore.)

He sniffed to find his mate and smiled when he felt her close to the restaurant, he knew that she wouldn't leave him alone.

He followed her scent and ran to find her, then he looked at the little playground who is in front of the restaurant, he saw a little body swinging on the swing, he knew that it was his mate. He ran toward her and hugged her from behind, Mia shivered and closed her eyes, enjoying her mate scent.

"Don't run away like that." He whispered and she nodded.

"Babygirl, I'm sorry, my father is a dick." He explained calmly, he hated that his father didn't give her any chance.

"It's okay he thinks that I'm not strong like Victoria." Mia said sadly when his father said that he likes Victoria more than her, it made her angry and jealous to hear her mate father saying this, she was also angry at her mate, betraying her with another woman before her, he was sleeping around and having a relationship with another girl without waiting for his mate while she had to reject every single guy because she wanted to be faithful for her mate.

"Who is Victoria?" She asked without emotions.

"Victoria is fucking no one!" He growled loudly.

"Well why did he say he wishes that your mate should be her?"

"B-because..." He stuttered and left his word in suspension.

"That's what I thought." She said taking off her mate arms but she couldn't since he gripped it tightly.

"No! Don't leave me!" He growled and put his head on the crook of her neck, calming down his impatience.

"No Blaze, that's so not fair, while you had sex with an unmarked woman and had a relationship with a girl without giving it to your first true mate, I had to keep myself away from romance, I had to reject every guy just to give it to you because that's what mates are. You are being so selfish and greedy makes me fucking crazy." She spats.

Right now Blaze was happy and angry but mostly happy because his mate didn't have any relationship, he was so happy that he could yell in front of everyone that he loves her.

"Good girl, that's really perfect." He beamed.

"Did you heard what I said?" She asked coldly, she could believe that he was happy, he should be sad.

"I heard, you said that you didn't have any relationship and kept it for you mate, that's what makes me happy." He smiled, Mia wanted to smile back but she had to be strong and tell him her thoughts.

"W-well maybe I should get into a relationship." She said making him furious, he clenched his fist and his eyes narrowed.

"Shut up!" He sneered and his jaw tightened.

"What?!" She said with fear.

"Don't make me lose control, you're fucking mine." He turned her head to face him, lifting her chin lightly, his beautiful eyes burned with anger and his brows drew together. He smashed his lips on hers harshly, wiping away his jealousy and kissed her with aggressiveness, he didn't ask her for permission to open her mouth as he pushed it down his tongue in her mouth and lapped her saliva inside her mouth, she moaned quietly and he let go, trailing his lips softly on her cheek, she breathed loudly, catching her breath.

His lips trailed down her jaw, kissing it softly then he went down and kissed her neck with ferocity.

"W-what are you going?" She stuttered.

"I'm marking you as mine, nobody shall fucking hit you on for now." He whispered through her skin and kissed the spot where she was going to be marked, she let him do anything with her since it's her mate, he didn't want to mess up everything now with his wolf yelling to mark her, he built up an invisible wall for him to cut off the connection and he sucked the spot which he will mark her.

She breathed loudly and opened her mouth in half, he sucked harshly the spot leaving a purple mixed with a red bruise on her neck, he smoothed it down with his tongue and come back to her mouth half-open to thrust his tongue on hers again. He held her in both cheeks and pecked on her lips for the last time.

"È stata divertente bambina, la tua bocca è mia." He breathed loudly after 10 minutes of a make-out session, he smiled and helped her to stand up. (It was fun little girl, your mouth is mine.)

"Let's go to sleep and eat something else now that you've met my parents, it's time for me to introduce you to the pack." He said smiling sheepishly and she faked a smile.

She didn't want to meet everyone, she was afraid of everyone reaction.

It's time for her to be a strong ranked and to act like a Luna for the pack sake.

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