By arios2004

119K 3.1K 870

In Nora of Lancaster is dead, but her legacy lives on through Marie of Burgundy, the Tudor's ward, and Prince... More



1.9K 59 8
By arios2004

—11. Moral of the Story

Days had passed and it was morning time. Henry stood in the hallway when Harry walked up to him, deliberately picking a fight with his father after what happened with Marie. "How dare you challenge me?" Henry asked his son in disbelief, "It was your mother's dying wish. Does that mean nothing to you?"

"She was dying!" Harry shouted at his father, trying to convince him not to marry Marie, "She was in agony!"

"And you would put yourself ahead of the queen's command?" Henry questioned Harry with an attitude.

"No. I think you asked this from her," Harry accused his father, pointing a finger at him as Henry groaned and rolled his eyes, "Why would her final wish be to take away my happiness?"

"You always think everything is happening to you," Henry complained in an aggravated tone.

"No, I think, Father, that you are jealous—" Harry began to tell Henry, who scoffed and rolled his eyes at his son's dramatics, "jealous of my confidence and my courage. And I think you seek to take away the one thing I truly desire."

Harry shot his father a glare, just before storming off without another word said.

When he was out of sight, Margaret finally walked up to her son. "What did we do to make him as he did?" He complained, sighing in defeat, "As if this wasn't already hard enough."

"For once in my life, I find myself agreeing with your late wife, God rest her soul," Margaret told Henry, who hummed in response, "I now see the wisdom in this union with this girl. She's been our ward for nine years. It was well past the time to make use of this wardship," She paused, gesturing in the direction that Harry had fled in, "I'll soothe our hothead. You go and see your new wife-to-be."

Henry frowned, watching as Margaret began to walk away with a folded letter in her grasp. "Uh, is this for me?"

"Sir Richard Pole left it for me because I refused to see him. He pleads for his wife's return, no doubt," She informed Henry, who went to take it from her grasp, only to be cut off as she crumbled it up.

He frowned at her, which Margaret was quick to notice. "She disobeyed our rule, Henry. I will not have that," She complained and Henry was quick to speak up.

"There is something you should know, though."

"What may that be?" Margaret scoffed, turning to glance over at her son.

"The betrothal between Princess Catherine and Harry will stand," Henry informed, much to Margaret's frustration. Margaret opened her mouth to argue, only to have Henry argue, "There's no need to argue, Mother. It has already been decided and it's final. Not even you can change that."


That same morning, Kathy and Charlie sat together in her room, sharing a plate of breakfast while playing a game of cards.

"There's something you should know," Charlie spoke up, causing Kathy to turn to him with a smile on her face, "I have selected Lena, Catherine's lady, to marry."

"Good," Kathy replied, a forced smile on her face, "I'm happy for you."

"Well, you were the one to suggest it," Charlie pointed out, noticing that despite having a smile on her face, Kathy was trying to hide that she was upset, "After all, it's not like we can marry. Your father will never allow it, neither would Harry."

"I'm not upset. I'm happy for you," Kathy confessed, a playful smile on her face, "Perhaps you will grow to love this foreign beauty."

"I doubt it," Charlie replied, letting out a large scoff as he placed one of his cards down, "It doesn't matter who I marry, you shall be the only one to ever to truly have my heart."

Charlie placed his cards down and moved closer to Kathy, causing the princess to smile as she did the same.

He began to lean forward, only to suddenly freeze when Kathy gagged. She quickly placed a hand over her mouth and ran to another part of the room.

She bent forward, throwing up into her chamber pot.

Charlie stood up from his seat and slowly walked over to Marie, looking concerned. "I don't recall ever having that type of effect on women before," He jokingly commented, causing Kathy to turn to him with an annoyed look.

"Shut up, Charlie. This isn't funny," She glared at him and Charlie lifted his hands in surrender.

"Are you unwell? Should I—" He began to ask and her eyes wide, Kathy quickly shook her head.

"No, no, no. It's most likely something I ate, but you should go," She encouraged him and Charlie gave her a concerned look, "Can you go? Please?"

Charlie sighed in defeat and nodded his head. With a hesitant look on his face, he left the room and Kathy watched him go, feeling uneasy.


For her evening meal, Marie sat at the long, empty table in the dining room, across from Henry.

While he ate his food without a care in the world, Marie remained in place, feeling uneasy about the whole ordeal.

With an annoyed look on her face, she picked up her glass of wine and took a sip. However, the moment she heard Henry quietly laugh, she turned to him with a questioning look on her face.

"Why is it that you smile, Your Grace?" She asked the man, a puzzled look on her face, "Have I done something worth laughing at?"

"I smile, because we're both clearly having such a splendid time of it," Henry replied in a sarcastic manner and Marie smiled slightly.

"Tell me about it," She muttered under her breath as she took a large sip of her wine.

"When one is king, one dines for many reasons with many guests–for politics, to gain intelligence, to push a truce..." he trailed off, gesturing toward her, "To pursue a bride."

Marie gulped, remaining silent as she continued to stare at him calmly.

Henry sighed, staring down at his plate of food with a disappointed look on his face. "I'm not unfamiliar with the sensation of this table growing longer nor the food growing more tasteless upon the plate."

"Forgive me for my impoliteness," Marie forced a smile on her face as she apologized to the man.

"No, no, you are anything but impolite. You may be close friends with my daughter, but that is one thing that makes you both completely different," He assured her and Marie gave him a weird look, not feeling comfortable with him mentioning her being friends with his daughter when they were to be married.

"Did you and the queen take all your meals here?" Marie asked out of curiosity, "I don't recall ever seeing you eat here and I've lived here for more than nine years."

"Goodness, no," Henry replied without hesitation, gesturing around, "Look at it."

Marie chuckled and nodded her head in understanding. However, her smile faded when she knew that was not the time to be playing the innocent ward. She was more than that and she needed to prove that to Henry most of all if she wanted to avoid being used as some Tudor broodmare. She was worth more than that.

That was something she had to give Harry credit for. He always treated her in the way she deserved.

"Nora liked to eat under the trees in Burgundy. I used to join her," Marie suddenly spoke up, lifting her head up to see Henry tensing up at the mention of Nora, "She would have taken all her meals outside in the Burgundian gardens if she could. Unlike here, there wasn't much to worry about like strong winds or rain ruining our evening meals," She paused, taking a sip of her wine, "I remember the last meal I had with her, George, and Lizzie like it was yesterday. It was quite peaceful. I had no idea what was in store for me in the near future. How would I have? I thought Nora would win. But it seems she did not."

Henry stared at her closely, knowing she had purposely mentioned Nora to piss him off.

Despite that, he smiled, refusing to give her the satisfaction. He knew the tactic all too well. Lizbeth used to use it on him and it was something she learned her mother no doubt, just like Marie did.

"It seems Lizbeth was like her mother in the aspect of enjoying to eat outside," he replied simply and Marie began to glare at him because he had disregarded what she had said, "When we were first wed, I arranged picnics for her throughout the grounds. I tried everything to warm her heart after what I did to betray her and her family."

"She was cold to you?" Marie asked Henry, acting as though she didn't know the story. "But why? You were both so deeply in love. Even a blind man could see it. Lizbeth betrayed her mother for you."

"The battle for her heart was hard-won. Winning the throne of England was less arduous," Henry informed Marie, smiling softly at the thought of him and Lizbeth.

"When did you know that she loved you?" Marie questioned, a genuinely curious look on her face.

"I cannot tell you the hour. Only that one day I was aware of a peace in my heart...a sense that when I was with her, I was home," Henry explained, a soft smile on his face.

Marie began to tear up as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She felt a familiarity in his words. She always claimed she didn't have a home. That was because her home wasn't a place, it was a person. Harry.

"You know, you have the look of her in your eyes," Harry confessed, referring to Lizbeth, "You both had a mother that not much raised you, but smelted you. But that's Nora for you."

Marie chuckled, nodding her in agreement. "You are right. Steel runs through my veins, just like hers," She agreed with him, causing Henry to laugh loudly.

"There," he spoke up as he finally stopped laughing, "Who said I could not woo a woman?"


As the days passed, Marie found herself in the castle's chapel constantly. It was the only place where she could truly be by herself without having to worry about people talking to her.

Hearing someone enter, Marie rose from her kneeling position. She turned her head, sighing when she saw Harry standing before her.

"We will fight him, Marie," Harry insisted in a determined tone as he walked closer to her. It had been days and he found himself searching for her constantly. He was beginning to believe either Marie was avoiding him or his father was keeping him from her.

He stopped when he was standing in front of her and cupped Marie's face in his hands. "Write to your father, or brother, or something! Find some way to refuse this match. Your children won't succeed you if they're sired with him. And no matter what you say about your father abandoning you, I don't believe he'd want a barren throne for you when your brother is the Duke of Burgundy and the future king of Spain."

"They don't care about me, Harry. I am on my own with this," Marie argued as she pulled away from Harry and walked away from him.

"Well, then you must him no, that you won't have him," Henry demanded as he walked toward her once more.

"I am his ward. He is in charge of my marriage prospects. He has been since I first came here. Not to mention, he is the king," Marie explained to Harry in a frustrated tone, "Do you truly think he will smile kindly on my secret marriage to his son if I insult him and drive a dagger in his pride?" She asked, letting out a large scoff, "I cannot disobey the king."

"Why not?" Harry asked, chuckling at Marie.

"Because I will be gotten rid of and I have nowhere to go," Marie replied, a saddened look on her face, "I don't have another place to go to."

"But you are the legendary Nora of Lancaster's protégé. You are her daughter," Harry reminded her, smiling happily as he cupped her face in his hands once more, "She raised you to be just like her. And just like her, you don't hear no. You fight. You fight and fight until you win."

Harry's smile faded, a concerned look on his face as Marie grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands away from her face. "What, did you trifle with me all these years out of boredom?"

"No, of course not!" Marie exclaimed, a look of disbelief on her face, "I would never do that to you. I loved you. I..." She trailed off, letting out a shaky breath as she looked down at the ground, "I still do."

"Then what's the problem?" Harry asked and Marie remained silent, much to his frustration, "If you want him, say so...and I'll know that my grandmother was right and you are devil in a dress as she says you are."

Marie's lips parted, but she didn't answer, much to Harry's concern. "You don't know, do you?" He asked her, his eyes widening.

"Don't look at me like this is my fault," Marie snapped at Harry as she turned her back to him.

"You don't know what you want," Harry complained in an aggravated tone.

"I don't know what my choices are, Harry!" Marie shouted at Harry, clearly growing frustrated with her brother, "I don't even know if I have a choice. Why can't you see that? Why can't you understand?"

"Well, damn you, then," Harry snapped at her coldly, beginning to glare at her, "If your love is so fickle, that it can blow away like dust, then I will forget you."

"You and I both know that's a lie, Harry," Marie argued, shaking her head in disagreement as she turned to face him once more.

"Really? Because I don't," Harry argued, trying not to seem uneasy as Marie walked closer to him.

"I can tell when you're lying and at this moment, you are. I know you, Harry. It doesn't matter who you marry or how many women you bed, you will never forget me," Marie explained in a low, taunting tone, "I will remain with you until the end of your days. That is the type of hold I have on you and you know it. I am imprinted on you."

"How would you know?" Harry scoffed loudly as he stared down at her.

"Because I feel the same way toward you," Marie confessed, a saddened look on her face.

Harry slowly walked over to Marie, wasting no time with cupping her face in his hands. "Please, don't marry him. I beg of you. I can't stand here and watch you marry him, Marie. I love you," He pleaded, a saddened look on his face, "And you're right. You're imprinted on me. I can't simply forget you, no matter how hard I try to."

Harry leaned forward to kiss her and Marie remained still, doing nothing to stop him. However, just as Harry's lips were about to touch hers, Marie pulled away, much to Harry's confusion.

He frowned, watching in disbelief as Marie turned on her heel and walked out of the chapel without even looking in his direction.


      The following morning, Kathy was laying in bed beside Charlie, vomiting into a pot. Charlie sighed, moving closer to Kathy. He pulled the hair out of her face, allowing her to continue throwing up without it getting into her hair. "Was that caused by bad food as well?" He asked her with an attitude and after wiping her mouth, Kathy turned to shoot him a glare.

"Shut up," She snapped at him coldly, "I'm fine."

"You're not fine," Charlie argued back with an attitude, "I should get a physician."

"No, you shouldn't," Kathy retorted as she shook her head, "What you should do is leave."

"You don't want me to leave," Charlie complained, his face falling.

"I do," Kathy lied and she did it so well that Charlie ended up believing her.

"What happened to trying to be nicer?" Charlie questioned, referring to Kathy wanting to be a better person of late.

"I've decided it isn't worth it," Kathy answered plainly and Charlie rolled his eyes as he stood up

He quickly got dressed before walking toward the door. Before opening it, he turned to Kathy once more. "In all honesty, I liked that nicer version of you far more than this bitchy one. And I know for a fact that that version was the real you, you just don't want to admit it."

Kathy began to glare at Charlie, but the moment he left, her face fell and she began to tear up. She laid back down in bed, placing a hand over her belly as she sighed in defeat.

    Hours passed and Kathy continued to lay in bed. Soon enough, Marie came to visit her, noticing her absence from court. She opened the door without invitation and walked over to Kathy. She sat down at the foot of the girl's bed, letting out a large sigh.

"Charlie told me you were acting oddly," Marie informed Kathy, who groaned in annoyance as she placed a pillow over her face, "He says you've been getting sick a lot likely and you've been quite mean to him and everyone else lately. More than usual," She paused, smiling softly as she placed a comforting hand on Kathy, "The signs were so clear to me as he told me, yet he is such a fool that he didn't seem to see it himself."

"It's nothing," Kathy argued, shaking her head in response.

"It's not nothing," Marie argued back with an attitude, "When did you last bleed?"

"I don't know," Kathy shrugged and Marie sighed in defeat.

"You've known this entire time, haven't you? But you're just too thick-headed to actually admit the truth to yourself that you're pregnant and carrying Charles Brandon's child," Marie explained in a stern tone and Kathy began to tear up.

She sighed in defeat. She slowly removed the pillow from her face before she turned to look at Marie. "I must tell him," She whispered softly and Marie shook her head in disapproval.

"No, Kathy, he is to be married," Marie argued in a stern tone, "It doesn't matter if he loves you, he will deny it was him, for the sake of his life. Kathy, you know what your father will do if he finds out you're pregnant. And when Harry finds out it was Charlie, it will not end well for him. He will abandon you before risking himself like that."

"No!" Kathy argued defensively, "He would never abandon me. He loves me."

"When did you get so naive, Kathy?" Marie suddenly asked, causing tears to form in Kathy's eyes, "You know better than to ever think that he wouldn't abandon you. You are favored by the king. You will get out of this just fine. Charlie has no noble blood. He was raised in station because his father was favored by your father after the Battle at Bosworth. If anyone found out you were pregnant and by Charlie, of all people, he would surely be dead before your baby was even born."

"What am I supposed to do?" Kathy asked her friend, beginning to cry.

"I don't know," Marie whispered softly, grabbing Kathy by the arm before pulling her closer to her, "But I shall help you through this. No matter the costs."

As Kathy continued to cry, Marie held her friend in her arms, giving the Tudor princess the comfort she so desperately needed at that moment.


Oof. Kathy's pregnant 😬😬

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