Wof lemons! (requests closed)

By -WingsOfFire-

15.1K 43 263

16+ only! Requests temporarily closed! come back in a week or a few! XD More

Requests! (closed)
Guests who's dead!


2.4K 12 18
By -WingsOfFire-

I actually have no idea what the actual ship name is, not sure if this is it. :p

As usual, 100% spelling and gramatical error garantee!

Sorry 4 all the exessive build-up. 

This is based in Book 6, the underground lake scene. 

!!!Don't read if you haven't read book 8!!!

     Turtle walked with Moon to the underground lake. Maybe she would like it. And maybe it would help with her wound. Turtle had always thought of Moon as something special. There was something about the way her tear scales shimmered. As if they were real tears... Like she'd been emotionally wounded, but they also gave a feel of hope, and wonder. In a way, when turtle was around Moon, he felt like there was still hope for him- like somehow, he could still be a hero. 

     Suddenly, the tunnel got tighter, causing their wings to brush and overlap. Turtle blushed wildly and his scales began to give off a glow, without him even realizing it. The torches seemed to become more and more spaced out, and his scales now lit the way. 

     Turtle was a little surprised by Moon's powers, although she did always seem special. And more than anything, he empathized with her. They both had been hiding a secret- Moon was a mind-reader, and could even see the future! He was an animus. Only, Turtle had never told anyone that he was an animus. He had even lied about it to his own family.

     They finally arrived at the underground lake. Grass and small trees grew in the cracks of the stone surrounding the lake. Fireflies flew around, giving an errie glow. A small rock island rose from the middle of the lake, moss growing on the top. The roof was open, vines hanging from the overhangs, and small streams of water falling from it. The stars and moons reflected in the water beautifully, reminding him of Moon's eyes. Troubled, but beautiful. moon gasped, amazed by it's beauty. "I knew you'd like it." He said, smiling, and gazing at her dreamily. Thankfully, Moon didn't notice. 

     Turtle took her talons in his and led her in to the water. "You should wash your shoulder. I would take you to the infirmary, but it's kind of busy right now." Turtle said, remembering all the people who were hurt. Moon edged in to the water with him, eyes focused on him. "Ahhh!" She yelped. "Are you okay? What happened?!" Turtle blurted, worriedly. "I'm fine... It's just my shoulder. Turtles eyes drifted to her shoulder as she hesitantly dipped it in the water. It had started bleeding again. Turtle dove under and swam to her shoulder. Was  that...? It couldn't be... there was a familiar object lodged in it. 

     "This might hurt." He said before grabbing a hold of it and yanking, pulling it out. It was! "Ow!!!" Moon yelled. Turtle immediately pressed his talons on the wound to stop any excessive bleeding. Moon already looked faint, as if she'd already lost too much blood. He pressed harder. *Maybe I should've just taken her to the infirmary...* He thought. He took his talons away to wash them, double checking that Moon had stopped bleeding. He then examined the object, now knowing exactly what it is. "What is that?" Moon asked. "I think I know, but I should look at it in better light, and maybe check the library." He wanted to be absolutely sure before jumping to conclusions. "How's your shoulder? Can you fly?" Turtle asked. 

     "I think so." Moonreplied before leaping in to the air and circling. She gave Turtle the sweetest smile. And he smiled back. The way the moonlight shimmered on her scales- It made her look so beautiful...  she landed on the tiny rocky island, and Turtle flew up to her, putting a wing around her. Did he imagine her blush? "I think you deserve to know..." Began Turtle. "I've been hiding something big also." Moon stared in to his eyes with wonder. "I'm an animus." 

     Without warning, Moon pecked him on the cheek. Was his dream coming true? Turtle leaned in and grabbed her waist, kissing her straight on the lips. She kissed back, grabbing his head and pulling it in. To Turtle's surprise, Moon's tongue entered his mouth, curling around his before exploring. Turtle felt his dick pop right out... Oh no... Maybe he could just ignore it...? To avoid further arousement, he started a water fight. They splashed water at each other like newborn dragonets, giggling and laughing. 

     At one point Moon seemed to disappear. "Where'd you go?"Turtle asked, becoming a little fearful. Did Moon run away? All of a sudden he was tacked to the ground. But his member... It slipped in to a slit... Turtle's eyes widened. He looked up at Moon. She looked horrified, too. After a few seconds of realizing what just happened, they both scrambled off each other and started stammering nonsense. A lot of apologies. Turtle was having a worry overload. Did he just ruin their chance of being mates.... And their friendship? 

     They both flew back up to the rock, and sat there in silence for what felt like hours. "You know.... I-I kind of liked that..." Moon said, breaking the silence. Turtle blushed.  He did, too. "Do you want t-to, um, do it... again?" Turtle asked. "Yes." Moon replied. Turtle flew down to the shallows, Moon following him. Moon  lied down on her back, and turtle decided to lie on her, dick hard. They kissed, and Turtle rubbed his dick against Moon's slit, earning an exited moan.

     Turtle slipped the tip of his member inside of her wet slit, causing them both to let out a small moan. He then thrust in to her, becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. Moon yelped as his dick stretched her tight walls. He left it in there, waiting for the ok from Moon "YES!" She practically yelled, understanding him. "PUMP ME!" He did as she said, at a medium speed at first, trying to get used to all this glorious pleasure. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before, and there weren't any words to describe how good it felt. It was the best feeling in the world. The water lapped against their scales, and he matched its rhythm. He found himself forgetting about all his troubles as he began to pump harder and faster. Moon moaned loudly as she cummed, allowing him to reach deeper.Her moans, her body, her claws holding his back, it was all so sexy. It turned him on even more. He began to pump faster. "Ohhh... yes, Turtle, harder..." Moon moaned. 

     He started to go insanely fast, faster than he even imagined going, as overwhelming amounts of pleasure flowed through him. Moon started clawing his back in pleasure, causing Turtle to go even faster, slamming in to her G-spot every single time. Moon grabbed his ass and pulled it towards her with every thrust. Moon cummed, and Turtle was now pounding super deep, his balls pressing hard against her folds each time, as he went all the way in, halfway out, all the way in again... he soon felt an odd, unfamiliar feeling in his balls. After a few more pumps, it seemed to quickly spread to his dick. Finally realizing what was happening, he quickly pulled out, and as soon as the feeling spread to his tip, cum shot out of it, getting all over Moon and in the water. 

     "That was amazing!" Turtle said, taking large gasps of air. Moon chuckled. "I know, right? Let's take a break before round two."She said, winking.

"Wait... round two?"

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