Lotus Flower: Book One|ZukoxO...

By roymir24

2.1K 117 480

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, 100 years to be exact, the Fire Nation attacked the Air Temples-leaving d... More

Days of the Past: Prologue-ish(Li's Early Years)
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The King of Omashu
Moving Forward.
Winter Solstice: Part 1
Winter Solstice: Part 2
Tough crowd
Do Princes Really Keep Their Promises?
The Waterbending Scroll Part I
The Waterbending Scroll Part II
Obtained the Loot
A Stray Tear
I'm back! (Author's Note and Update)
The Storm
Looking Good!
The Blue Spirit - Part I
The Blue Spirit - Part II
It Hasn't Been Your Day, Your Week, Your Month or Even Your Year
Collateral Damage
Atrocious Sideburns Man

Word Travels Fast

171 9 21
By roymir24

9 Years Later•••

"Ha! Beat you again Liena!" Suki teased.

I rub my head before sitting up, "fine, you got me. But that was a lucky shot!"

"Uh-huh, totally. Not like I've beat you during every match today, oh and yesterday. Usually you at least beat me eight times out of the twenty times we practice," Suki jokes.

"Yeah, well, I've been distracted lately. Also you've been practicing way more than I have, I only get to train five times a week while you train everyday," I complain.

She helps up me up. "I know, I know. You have other responsibilities as 'the Last Airbender,' I get it. But you usually do better, are you okay?" She asks, concern showing on her painted face.

Suki had become the Kyoshi Warriors' leader a year or two back, and she was amazing at it. Even though Suki is the best warrior in town, she didn't treat me like one of her students, and I, as the second greatest warrior on Kyoshi(claimed to be the second greatest by Suki and the other warriors), was grateful to my best friend for it.

"I'm ok. It's just... I've been wanting more than ever to get off of this island and see the world. My uncle keeps saying soon, but he won't take me anywhere. Anytime I ask it's, 'you'll be able to soon enough,' or 'I've taught you everything I can but it's still not time, you'll know when it's time.' What does that even mean? I can clearly defend myself, I've had the warrior training, and the airbending training, I'm as strong as ever. If there's nothing left to be taught then what am I waiting on?"
I rant and finished by jumping up and kicking a foot out, letting a gust of air knock down a training dummy, my frustration at its peak.

"Hey, you know your uncle. He's smart, he knows you're strong, but there's clearly something he's waiting on. You just have to have faith that whatever that something is, will come soon. He's not doing this to punish you," she places a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"Thanks Suki, as usual you're right."

"I learned from the best," Suki smiles and I smile back.

Just then the town's prankster, Po, peaked his head inside. "You'll never guess what I heard!" Po begins excitedly, making me get kind of excited as well, "I heard from market lady Sakura, who heard from little Akari, who heard from old man Daizen, who heard from-" Suki cuts him off sternly, "get on with it Po!"

"Oh right, sorry. Apparently the Avatar's back. There's been rumors swirling all around town that he's back! Liena, if he is, you know what this means right? You'll have a real airbender to teach you everything about airbending! Oh and someone to save the world, that's cool too." He finishes sheepishly.

A big smile breaks on my face, I couldn't believe it. He was back? After all this time? And I might just have a master?

"Liena, don't get too excited. This might be another one of his pranks. Po, I thought you gave up on pranking us warriors, you know it never ends well for you." Suki says narrowing her eyes.

"Suki, I don't think he'd prank us about something like this," I say, knowing that even Po knew how much this would mean to me. This was huge, and I was hoping with all my heart that this is real.

"Even if it's not a prank, you know rumors swirl around this town like crazy. I'm not trying to be a downer, Li, I just don't want you to get your hopes up—just in case it's not him. I don't want you getting hurt,"

"I get that. Thanks for looking out for me Suki," I say genuinely, she's a wonderful friend. I turn my attention to Po, "and thanks Po for passing on the message, even if it may not be true,"

"I'm happy to be of service," Po jokingly bows before leaving them to spar some more, with my sudden change in attitude, I finally won the last four rounds.

"Dang Li, you kicked my butt. Nice. Hey do you want to go swimming with me and the girls?" Suki asks.

"Of course I want to but you know how it is, dinner's always with-"

"Gui. I know, I know. No sweat, we can go early tomorrow too," she shrugs.

"Thanks for being so understanding." I say chugging my water.

"No problem,"

"See you tomorrow, Suks!"

"See you tomorrow, Li!"


On my way home, I was humming a tune while trying to put what Po said out of my mind in case he was wrong. I stopped at the market and couldn't help but be a little disappointed when it was Enji on shift instead of Sakura, I could've found out a little more from her about the Avatar- I shook my head. You're supposed to be putting it out of your mind.

"Hi Liena! How are you doing my itty bitty precious Mango? You're looking just darling today, is that a new necklace?" He asks, flirting up a storm as usual.

"Thanks Enji, but you know it makes me a tad uncomfortable when you flirt with me. I don't like you like that, there's a space between boy and friend—as most people would call it the friend zone, I'm sorry Enji.

"And no, this is the same necklace I've always had, my father got it for me when he went with my uncle to visit the Southern Air Temple all those years ago." I stay kind and collected, like I was taught.

"Oh right, it's beautiful. So what can I get you today, sweets?" He asks, pointing to the fruits, veggies, meats, and other snacks and ingredients in front of him.

I roll my eyes with a bright smile, knowing he wasn't going to stop the flirting anytime soon, it wasn't a big problem, he and I are friends but he's just relentless, "I'll take one mango, one papaya, five plums, some flour, sugar, rice, and three crabs please!"

"My oh my, you really are our best customer. What are you making today for you and your uncle?"

"I've decided to make crab puffs with rice for dinner, and then fruit pies for dessert," I smile, excited to make more pies, they were my favorite. As well as everyone else's, they're a crowd pleaser. Every year for my birthday party, I make a ton of the pies and everyone loves them. And every year someone eats them until they're sick, Enji's usually that someone.

"You have to show me how you make those delicious pies!" Enji pleads.

"Unfortunately in order to make them it requires an airbender. But hey, I'll make you some sometime soon," I promise, "keep the change," I say leaving my earth kingdom money on the stand. I thank him and continue my walk home, my groceries in hand.

"Hey Liena! Watch this! I'm just like you!" Little Akari yells from on top of a small house, she gets ready to jump and I drop my groceries and braced myself to save Akari.

"Akari no!" But it was too late—she comes tumbling from the roof and in a quick response, I get in one of my air bending stances and cushion Akari's landing, I gently let her down. "You have to be more careful! You'll hurt yourself!" I say, flustered by the brave—and naïve—little girl.

"Akari! What is the meaning of this?" Akari's mother comes storming from their house and scolds her daughter before turning to me, "thank you so much for saving her, you're a hero," she hugs me.

"All in a day's work," I joke, and shuffle my feet a bit, slightly embarrassed by the praising.

A small crowd had formed and everyone was clapping, which was nice but I knew I had to get home. I bid everyone a farewell, before picking up my groceries and walking home.

Not many people were outside, just the kids were, I'm going to assume the adults are playing card games, preparing dinner or cleaning. A small group of girls were wanting me to play with them but I told them I had to get home.

"Lame!" One of them yells back and Koko smacks her upside her head, "Liena's quite understanding, but you don't want to get on her bad side."

"Yeah," I laugh, "no one wants to do that, I'm pretty dangerous when I want to be. You're very wise Koko, someday I'm sure you'll lead the Kyoshi Warriors with as much grace as Suki," I say making Koko blush.

"Thank you Liena," she bows before running off with her friends.


"Uncle! I'm home! I'm about to cook dinner!" I call.

"What's with all the yelling? I'm right here," Uncle Gui laughs, walking into the kitchen.

"Sorry uncle," I apologize before giving him a small hug.

"Grab the pipa, uncle, it's about to get real! We're about to have a meal fit for royalty," I say jokingly.

"Royalty, huh? Well that'll be nice. As long as it's not Fire Nation royalty," he laughs.

"Oh master Gui, you can't really think that!" I gasp sarcastically, "what, with all the nomadic training you've put me through on believing all life is precious and that we must have all of the faith in the world that they'll realize that we're all the same. Nobody is above anyone. Except maybe the Avatar's above all, since you know, he's supposed to keep the balance and whatnot,"

"You've learned much, pupil Liena. Now you get to cooking, and I'll set the table and play some music!" He smiles before setting the table and grabbing his pipa. He played the first few cords of the song and I knew what it was instantly.

On and on, going on and on,
Away from you to live apart.
I began to sing with my uncle.

Ten thousand miles and more between us,
Each at opposite ends of the sky.

The road I travel is steep and long;
who knows when we meet again?

The Hu horse leans into the north wind,
The bird nests in southern branches.

Day by day our parting grows more distant,
Day by day robe and belt dangle looser.

Shifting clouds block the white sun,
The traveler does not look to return.

Thinking of you makes one old,
Years and months suddenly go by.

Abandoned, I will say no more,
but pluck up strength and eat my fill.

Neither of us talked for awhile after that, he just continued to play on the pipa. I knew this must've meant he heard about the Avatar returning. He knew that someday soon I may have to leave him. Even though neither of us said anything, our hearts were breaking all over again. We knew I would have to leave if the opportunity came, but just the thought alone was a hard one.

My uncle and I have been through a lot together, he's my only family left. It would be tough leaving him.

When we finished dinner; he washed the dishes, and I finished up making pies for us to share.

"Uncle, I'll always be with you." I promised.

"I know my Lotus Flower, I know. And I will always be with you."

Our night continued on, we ate our pies, made jokes, played Pai Sho, and enjoyed the life we had.


A/N: The Chinese Poem I used in this chapter felt right for the connection between Gui and Liena. They've been through everything together and I really just wanted to show what they're feeling when they realize she may need to leave her uncle.

On And On, Going On And On《行行重行行》 (Eastern Han Dynasty)










Thanks for reading, friends! Seeya in the next chapter. I'll be posting next week:D

Xoxo, Mir


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