The Fox and The Wolf - Book T...

By EmeraldLuna14

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This story takes place after book one. The threat of a dead pool looms over the heads of all of the supernatu... More

Chapter 1: The orphans
Chapter 2: The Winchesters
Chapter 3: Proper introductions
Chapter 4: Coffee and cinnamon buns
Chapter 5: Game plan
Chapter 6: Research and testing
Chapter 7: Satomi's Tea
Chapter 8: The colour of his eyes
Chapter 9: Changing
Chapter 10: Can't be stopped
Chapter 11: My 'alpha'
Chapter 12: Roadtrip
Chapter 13: Human
Chapter 14: Disappointment
Chapter 16: Evolving
Chapter 17: Alpha Fox
Chapter 18: The fox and the wolf
Chapter 19: Perks
Chapter 20: Lull
Chapter 21: Domestic intermission
Chapter 22: Where's Stiles?
Chapter 23: Rouge Hunter
Chapter 24: Back to the assassins
Chapter 25: The other banshee
Chapter 26: Kidnappers
Chapter 27: The benefactor
Chapter 28: Interrogation
Chapter 29: The deadpool
Chapter 30: So long, suckers
Chapter 31: Family and Farewells

Chapter 15: Fatality

884 55 1
By EmeraldLuna14

"Derek!" I yelled as I watched him take off down the crumbling hallway. He was scared and panicked, I could feel it. I released my grasp on Kate's throat and she tumbled to the floor in a heap. Good.

"Derek!" I tried yelling again. I could feel him getting farther away through the mate bond.

Wait, mate bond? Isn't that a werewolf thing? But he's human. How can I still feel his emotions? Can he still feel mine? What does this mean? Maybe it doesn't matter- maybe a werewolf's mate could feel the bond no matter what species they are. All I knew was... I'm panicking too. Kate has been our only lead in reversing the spell and saving Derek... but whatever she had done, she didn't know what she was doing at the time. I would have thought an ex-hunter would be a little more cautious. Apparently not. I could feel where Derek was, just outside the church, he's okay for now. So I turned back to Kate to try one last time.

"What spell did you use on him? Do you at least know that? If you don't- you're not nearly as intelligent as I thought you were," I sneered.

I stared at Kate, my eyes still flashing. She was clutching her bloody throat and glaring at me- putting on a tough act. But she wasn't fooling anyone, I could smell her fear, and I knew the rest of the room could too.

"Answer me!" I roared, canines extending and the alpha command in my tone. She flinched at my words, a small whimper escaping her mouth. I may not be her alpha, but she can still hear it.

"It's- it's in the spell book I found. I'll take you to it!" She stammered in fear, her voice hoarse from my claws nearly ripping her throat out. She stumbled to her feet and her berserker caught her, steading the werejaguar.

Suddenly the angel stiffened where he was standing behind the berserker, and Dean looked at him quickly. "Cas? Cas what is it?" He asked in concern, his eyes searching Castiel's face.

"Sam," Castiel answered in a worried voice, and that's all it took for Dean's face to change from worry to fear and anger.

"Take us," Dean demanded, grabbing the angels arm as his face hardened. He glanced back to me. "I need to make sure he's safe," Dean said, an underlying plea in his words.

I nodded. "Go!" I said, making a shooting motion with my hands. Cas and Dean disappeared immediately and Kate's eyes widened.

"What the hell is he?" She said in awe.

"Move it, Hannibal Lecture," I said angrily, giving her a shove from behind.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I don't eat people Stiles."

"No- you just mutilate their bodies beyond recognition," I snorted, like that was any better. Okay, maybe slightly. I shivered at the idea of someone eating someone else's flesh.

"Because I don't have control!" She roared, her irises flashing green. Apparently.

"Well, miss I'm-better-than-everyone Argent, maybe you should learn. Seeing as you were too much of a coward to take the hunters way out," I said harshly. Truthfully, I thought the tradition was absolutely horrible. I winced as Allison's mom came to mind. But for Kate- no one deserved to die more.

She glared at me, but stayed silent as she wound her way through the halls. I still felt Derek outside of the church, the panic and fear nearly overwhelming me from here. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into my arms and comfort him- but we needed to get this spell. It could be our only chance. And I would not give up- ever. Comfort would come later. Isaac and Malia were right behind me, their bodies still tense as they watched Kate and the berserker's every move. I realized with a jolt that if Kate decided to attack now... were sorely outnumbered without the angel. Shit. Isaac and Malia both glanced at me sharply, and I knew they could sense my unease. I just hoped Kate couldn't smell it.

I couldn't say anything that Kate wouldn't hear so I just have them both a look. It's okay, just be prepared. They nodded silently, seeming to understand what I was saying. I didn't want to say it out loud and risk Kate getting any ideas. But- knowing the hunter turned werejaguar... it was already on her mind. I paid close attention to her movements and posture as we finally stopped in front of a doorway. She entered with her berserker not far behind and my pups moved to follow, but I stopped them.

"Isaac- you come with me. Malia- you watch the door," I ordered, and they both nodded without a word. Isaac and I stalked into the room side by side, where Kate was waiting a little impatiently.

"Well? Where is it?" I seethed, losing my own patience.

She reached beneath the large stone table that stood in front of her, pulling out an ancient looking book. It was a large leather bound book with a strange symbol on the front and the pages beneath the cover looked aged and dusty. She slammed it down onto the stone with a puff of dust and a growl.

"Which spell? Show me," I said in an arid voice.

She glared but opened the book as her eyes scanned the pages, flipping through until she found what she was looking for.

"Here," she said carelessly, gesturing to the page.

I moved forward swiftly and looked down at the yellowed page. It was written in Latin, which I knew how to read. I thanked my lucky stars it wasn't Archaic Latin... which only Lydia could read. I don't think I have the patience to wait for someone else to read it. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture, just in case. I sent it to Lydia and Sam immediately, so that we would have more than one copy. Again- just in case. People complain, but I'm glad I'm paranoid and distrusting.

"You're sure?" I asked her, glancing up. But I had read the title, 'Age Transformation Spell', and knew she was probably not lying.

"Yes," she answered simply. My fox knew it wasn't a lie.

"You didn't use anything else on Derek?" I asked the direct question to be sure we weren't missing anything, and that she wasn't finding a way to get around my lie detecting. As a human running with werewolves, I had learned how to tell half truths in order to get around their heartbeat reading nonsense, and it worked every time.

"No, that was it," she said in irritation, but it was the truth. Thank god. "Now will you leave me alone please?"

"Leave you alone? You thought we would- what? Just come in here, get the spell and then leave you in peace? After everything you've done? You have got to be kidding me! You're an out of control werejaguar who also happens to be a psychotic murderer!" I said exasperated, arms flailing around me. Is this bitch for real?

"A girl can dream," she responded, and then nodded to her berserker with a smirk. Shit.

"Run!" I bellowed, pushing Isaac and Malia ahead of me as we took off down the hall. "Follow our scents out!"

We sped through the corridors as rapidly as possible, kicking up dust as we went. I could hear the berserker not far behind, and he was definitely gaining on us. I remembered Cas saying to pray and he would know we needed him. I tried my luck. Uhh, Cas? Buddy? We could really use your help right now! I hoped to god that would get through. We had never defeated a berserker without him.

"Faster pups!" I thundered, and their bodies immediately responded to the command, legs pumping faster.

Our eyes were flashing with the power of the pack as we pushed our bodies to the max, trying to out run the beast behind us. Minutes later we ran through the cavernous congregation area and burst out through the front door and into the dry heat of the desert.

"Derek!" I yelled, feeling him but not seeing him. "Derek, time to go!" Isaac and Malia were running to the Jeep as the berserker burst out of the ruined church with a growl. I pivoted in place and snarled back, needing my pups and Derek to at least escape.

The hulking form covered in pelts and bones stalked forward and I crouched, ready to pounce. My only advantage was my speed, I needed to use it now.

"Get to the Jeep and go!" I yelled behind me without looking, unwilling to take my eyes off of the direct threat in front of me.

The berserker surged forward and I jumped to the left, narrowly missing his outstretched claws. I quickly jabbed my own claws into his abdomen, flipping away as he swung again. He didn't even wince. God dammit. I needed to get to his head, I needed to get onto his back to beat him. The berserker and I continued our dance, him swinging and me narrowly missing the blows.

"Stiles!" I heard Derek scream, distracting me and allowing the berserker to land a heavy punch to my chest. I flew away from the beast, unable to pull air back into my lungs after the impact. I laid there desperate for air for a few moments until I could finally breathe again.

"Derek- get to the Jeep with Malia and Isaac," I said in a strained voice.

"They're not at the Jeep," he responded, his gun raised as the pups attacked the berserker. "We're not leaving you." They're all so stubborn.

I scrambled to my feet and allowed myself only a second to regain my bearings before launching myself at the berserker. Derek stayed where he was, his gun trained on the beast and waiting for a clear shot.

"Distract it while I get on its back!" I directed, avoiding a blow from the bone knife in its hand.

Isaac and Malia growled their understanding, luring the berserker's attention as I slipped behind him, feeling triumphant already. Suddenly a shot rang out across the sand and I glanced at Derek quickly. His face was etched with shock and pain. I watched as he fell to his knees, his hand clutching his chest as blood seeped out through his fingers.

"DEREK!" I shrieked in pain, feeling his wound in my own chest. I was frozen in place. I wanted to rush to my mate, but my alpha fox wouldn't let me leave the pups either. I suddenly wondered where the shot came from- and turned to see Kate smiling sadistically at Derek where he now lay in the sand. "You bitch!" I growled hotly.

"Go to him," Isaac yelled, him and Malia continuing to distract the beast.

He didn't have to tell me twice. My body surged towards my mate desperately, quickly pulling him into my arms as he began to choke on his own blood. I placed a hand on the wound in his chest, trying to hold the blood inside with sheer force of will. With my other hand, I caressed his face, he had to stay awake.

"Derek?" I whispered. I could feel him fading, and it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest, agonizingly slow. "Derek, baby, you're okay, it's okay, you're going to be okay," I mumbled around the tears spilling from my eyes.

He looked up at me with love in his beautiful green eyes as I pulled as much of his pain as I could. A small smile played on his bloody lips as the harsh breaths left his body. He's so beautiful, even with the ugly red running out of his mouth. He can't die. I'll die. The rest of the world faded away, leaving only me and my dying mate in my arms.

"Stiles, it's okay," he breathed. "I love you," he said, as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I l-love you," I stammered between the tears. "Please don't leave me."

He smiled again, and heaved his last breath as his heart stuttered to a halt. I blinked down at him, waiting for another heart beat... but nothing came. I let out a howl full of gut wrenching pain.

I can't breathe.

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