Homestuck Oneshots

By hckin_nerd

34.2K 480 302

Oneshots! I know it says it's completed, but if you request something I'll try to write something for it. More



7.5K 55 83
By hckin_nerd

This is based off of an rp that I did with someone. Enjoy~


carcinoGenetisicist [CG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 19:35 


EB: what?


EB: what happened Karkat?


EB: where are you?



EB: do you.. do you want me to come get you?


ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 20:03

John stared at his computer for a second before grabbing his keys and leaving to get Karkat from wherever he was. When he finally found him, he was sitting on a curb, soaking wet. John rolled down the window and yelled, "Hey... get in. I have a towel for you."

Karkat stood and walked to the other side of the car. When he got in John handed him the towel, which he draped over his head and shoulders, and turned the heat up. He sighed and said, "Hey uh... thanks Egbert."

John just smiled that goofy smile of his. "Yeah, no problem. So, uh, what do you wanna do?" Karkat shrugged.

"If I had anything in mind, I wouldn't have been wandering around town like a fucking idiot."

"I guess that's true..." John said thoughtfully. "Do you wanna watch a movie when we get back, then?"

Karkat looked hesitantly at him and gave a quick little nod. 

John smiled again and asked, "Do you have any in mind?"

Karkat just shrugged again and looked out the window. "Just whatever weird Nic Cage movie you wanna watch is fine."

John glanced over at the albino. "Are you sure? I have 50 First Dates. I know you like that movie."

Karkat whipped his head back to face John and said, "Y-you'd sit though that for me?"

He giggled a bit. He loved how awed Karkat was. Honestly, he'd sit through anything for him, but no one needs to know that. "Well yeah. You're one of my best bros." 'And that's all we'll ever be.' John thought. "And if you can sit through Nic Cage and Ghostbusters for me, then I can do this for you." He pulled into the driveway.

Karkat was almost ecstatic, but it saddened him when John said 'best bros'. That's all he thought of him as. Nothing more. He smiled slightly and got out of the car, saying "Thanks." to John.

"No problem!" he said, overly enthusiastic as always. He hopped up the steps and unlocked the door. When they were inside, John went to his room, leaving Karkat still dripping by the door. When he came back, he was holding blankets, pillows, some pajamas and the movie. 

"I'm sort of getting your floor wet..." Karkat told John.

John handed Karkat the pajamas and said, "That's what these are for! You can change in the bathroom."

Karkat shuffled over to the bathroom while John dumped the other stuff on the couch and put in the movie. When Karkat came out, he was holding up the pants to keep them from falling down around his ankles. John suppressed a giggle and said, "I uh, I guess I overestimated your size... I have some smaller pants, if you want?" 

Karkat shook his head. "It's fine," he told him.

"Alright, well" John plopped his happy ass down on the couch and patted the seat next to him "sit down." Karkat shuffled over and sat, pulling his knees up to his chest. John then proceed to throw a pillow and blanket at him. He wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and placed the pillow next to him. John then jumped up, exclaiming, "Shit! I forgot to make the popcorn!" and hurried into the kitchen. 

Karkat smiled slightly to himself and said, "Hurry your ass up or you're gonna miss the movie!"

"I'm moving, I'm moving!" John yelled back as he started the microwave. Karkat laughed. The microwave beeped a few minutes later and John took out the popcorn. "Ow! Hothothot!" he yelled and dropped the bag onto the counter. 

"Egbert, what did you do?" Karkat asked.

"I just took it out of the microwave. It's hot!" John told him.

Karkat stood up, asking, "Did you burn yourself?" He walked to the kitchen to see John closely examining his hand. 

John glanced up at Karkat and said, "I don't think so... maybe a little?" Karkat took John's hand in his own. Both boys were slightly fustered with being so close. 

"Put it under some cold water for a bit, that should help." Karkat told him. John went over to the sink and ran the cold water, sticking his hand under the faucet like Karkat had said.

"Did you pause the movie?" he asked. 

"Shit!" Karkat ran back to the living room to pause it, but the pants fell down and he tripped over the legs, falling with a loud thud.

"Karkat? You ok?" John asked, having heard it.

Karkat kicked off the pants and continued his journey to the living room. "Fine." he walked back into the kitchen in his underwear and rubbing his chin. John looked back and blushed.

"Uh... wh- what happened to your pants?" John asked, obviously flustered.

"I tripped on them, so I kicked them off." Karkat stated mater-of-factly. "I was getting sick of them anyways." 

John turned off the faucet and dried his hands, saying,"Oh... ok. Let's go." He grabbed the popcorn and they made their way back into the living room. When they sat down, Karkat took the bag and John wrapped his blanket around him, going around his shoulders and over his head and pressed play. "Oh yeah, Adam Sandler's in this!" John exclaimed.

Karkat looked up at him and laughed, putting more popcorn in his mouth. "Yeah, did you forget?"

"Yes, I did," John answered, slightly flustered. "I've never seen this movie, and I forgot what the cover looks like." Karkat just laughed and tossed a piece of popcorn at John's face, which he caught in his mouth. "Shoosh, I'm watching the movie." Karkat rolled his eyes and looked back towards the screen.

Just then, John started messing around with Karkat's hair. He stiffened before relaxing into John's touch and John  began doing small braids and running his fingers through the crazy, curly mess to undo them. Karkat sighed contentedly, both boys' attention still focused on the movie.

"This is a really good movie." John stated.

Karkat glanced back for a second before saying, "Yeah, shh, it's getting to the cute part."

"Ok, ok." John said, getting more popcorn from the bag. He smiled and continued playing with Karkat's white-blond hair.

"Aaaaand, there's the kiss."

"Eeeeeeee!" John squealed, bouncing up and down. He then abruptly stopped and blushed a bright red. 

Karkat laughed and said, "Heeey, I totally got you hooked on romcoms."

"Whaaaaaat? Psh, no way." John replied, rolling his eyes and looking away for dramatic affect.

"Right." Karkat said, nodding and not believing a word out of John's cute little mouth.

".....wanna watch another one?" John asked.

"Marathon it? Yes. Hell yes. Hell fucking yes."

John looked down at the popcorn bag. "We're gonna need more popcorn..."

"Yep. I'll make it this time, so you don't burn yourself." Karkat grabbed the empty bag and put it in the trash, grabbing two more from the pantry.

"That was one time, Karkat! One time!" John yelled back at him. "Ok, maybe three."

Karkat rolled his eyes and smiled slightly, putting the first bag in the microwave. "Fine, I'll get the movies." John said, walking to his room and looking through his movie collection.

Karkat put in the second bag before hearing a ding from the bathroom. He hurried to it and got his phone out of his wet pants, looking at it and returning to the kitchen. Meanwhile John was coming out of his room with four or five movies in his arms. He dumped them on the coffee table as Karkat came in, popcorn and phone in hand, with a somewhat grim look on his face.

John straightened up [the straightest he'll ever  be] and asked, "Why the long face?" 

Karkat shook his head and sat down with John, putting the popcorn in his lap. He forced a smile and said, "I'm fine."

"O...k?" John said, disbelievingly.

"We gonna watch another movie?" Karkat asked, with the same strained, fake smile on his face.

".....suuure." John picked up one of the movies. Me, Myself, and Irene. "How about this one?" He was still worried about Karkat, but didn't want to dwell on the awkward silence. Karkat nodded and John put in the movie and pressed play before sitting back down and wrapping his arms around Karkat, who looked at his phone one last time, before dropping it on the floor and snuggling back.

John began gently petting Karkat's hair. He relaxed into the boy's touch, and John leaned his head on his. Karkat hummed softly and nuzzled John"s cheek.

John could still sense some sort of tension and awkwardness though, and he asked, "So... what happened? It's ok if you don't want to tell me, but... I'm worried."

Karkat looked at the floor. "I... wasn't just wandering around town out of boredom."

"What was it?" John tilted his head slightly as he asked this.

Karkat took a deep breath and told him, "Some friends were offering to meet up and hang out. They ditched me so I was wandering around town for a bit, and now they've publicly humiliated me via the internet."

"Oh..." John hugged him and said "I'm sorry about that. If you don't mind me asking.... what'd they do?"

"They took a goddamn video of me standing there waiting for hours, complete with commentary." Karkat said angrily.

John pulled out of the hug, making an incredulous face. "Seriously? What kind of fucktard does that?" he paused the movie before continuing. "I mean, really? How fucked up do you have to be to do that to one of your friends?"

Karkat simply shrugged and looked back down at the floor. "I probably had it coming anyway."

"Don't say that! No one deserves to be humiliated like that! Especially not you. You're a great friend, even if you are a bit rough around the edges. And...." John said hesitantly

"And what?"

John took a couple of deep breaths, finally saying, "And... n-nothing. Nevermind. It's... not important." He flushed from his neck to the roots of his dark hair.

Karkat furrowed his brow and said, "No, tell me. You looked like you wanted to say it."

"I-it's. Kinda hard... for a-a-anyone to say. But... I like you... a lot. And... I don't know." he buried his red face in his hands. When he began speaking again, his voice came out slightly muffled. "I'm sorry. I'll understand if you don"t want to be friends anymore."

Karkat smiled gently and lifted up John's face. "Hey, I like you too. That's why I called you to come get me." He then leaned forward and kissed John, who's eyes widened before closing as he kissed back. It was a passionate kiss. Karkat placed his hands at the base of John's skull and tangled his fingers into the curly hair there, while John had wrapped his arms around Karkat's waist  and pulled him as close as he could. 

Karkat smiled and pressed against John. He opened his mouth slightly and licked his bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. John complied and they wrestled like that for a bit before breaking away and leaning their foreheads against each other, both boys panting a bit. Karkat opened his eyes and looked at John to see him staring back.

John pecked his lips and asked, "Do you wanna continue the movie marathon?"

"Yeah. Sure." Karkat said. "So long as there's gonna be cuddles involved."

"Hell yes there's gonna be cuddles." John replied.

Karkat grinned widely as John pulled him onto his lap and kissed the back of his head. He blushed and leaned back into him. John hit play before once again wrapping his arms around Karkat's waist. Karkat smiled softly and placed his hands on John's, thinking 'I could get used to this.'

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