Something Other Than Secrets...

By kittyloveme12

4.1K 280 54

What happened to Julia Roberto and Hunter James? After breaking up with her crazy ex, Julia was met with all... More

New Character Features
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Six

126 10 0
By kittyloveme12

Julia POV: 

Grandpa drove me to the airport and now we are sitting in one of the many chairs while we're waiting for my flight. He prefers to be very early. Too early. When we arrived, we were already an hour too early. I lean my head against his shoulder and he kisses my forehead, his beard tickling me.

"Say hi to your mother while you're there, okay?" His voice had become more raspy after three years and he looks older too. It is strange to think that my grandpa looks more fragile now when he has always been such a strong man in my eyes. "I will." Even tough I am not sure myself if I want to see her, or my dad, for a while. I'll be visiting Stephanie for the break and I try not to think about everything that could go wrong. I let out a sigh and Grandpa sighs too, lifting his watch to look at the time. 

"Few more minutes." He murmurs at me and I nod my head. I know. I've been counting the seconds. I won't admit it, but I am really excited to see them again. Grandpa wasn't all too sure about me going back just for a wedding, but he wasn't there when they rescued me and accepted me with my flaws and all. Stephanie and Tyler were the only ones to stayed in touch till now. 

After Hunter and I had that fight that caused our breakup, he never spoke to me again. Not even to say good bye. Bianca stayed in touch for awhile, but after a few months she started avoiding my calls and she doesn't face time anymore with Stephanie and Tyler. It's like she doesn't want to talk to me. As if I did something wrong. I frown at my thoughts and sit up straight. I am going back  now, I'll talk to her and find out what I did wrong if it is so.

"It's time."  Grandpa gives me a slight smile when they announced my flight and we both got up. "I'll be back soon, Grandpa. I still have to study, and it isn't like I am moving back there." His smile remains and he pulls me into a hug. "I am just afraid how you're going to take it with your parents divorced. You weren't there when it happened, and they don't live in that small wooden house anymore." In my mind I want to believe that they do.

"I know." I whisper instead and we pull away. "Go now, don't want you to be late." I grin and walk away from my grandpa. It felt like I was leaving for another year, even if it is just a few weeks. I want to turn around and run back to give him another bone crushing, but forbid myself. It's already hard enough, don't make it worst. 

A few hours later...(Spongebob version)

I step out of the building and take in the fresh smell of spring. The air is still a bit cold, but I didn't mind it. In Australia it feels like I'll melt if I dare to go outside. My eyes roam the space in front of me, searching for any familiar faces. They said they'll pick me up. Right?

I take out my phone and scroll through my contacts until I reach Stephanie's number. I put the phone up to my ear and listen to the tone, counting it in soft whispers. "HI! We see you!" Her clear voice answers and I pull the phone slightly away. "Sorry, saw that. Look to your left." I do as she says and spot a family of three waving their arms frantically at me. I laugh out loud and end the call, grabbing my suitcase before walking to them.

I am not surprised that Gabby wanted to come with, even if it is six in the freaking morning. She has been more excited to see me than Steph was. I reach them and immediately I am pulled into a tight embrace. "I missed you so damn much, Julie." Steph sniffs and I hug her back. "I missed you too, Stephy." I whisper back and we pull away. I could barely catch my breath before a little busy body jumped on me.

"Julie!" The tiny voice sounds so much more cute here with me then on the call. "Hi, Gabby!" I hug her little body softly against me while her arms are wrapped tightly around my neck. "I want to hug my long time bestie too." I hear Tyler whine in the background before both, me and Gabby, is engulfed in another bear hug. I let out a laugh and Gabby is laughing so hard that her entire body is shaking. "Daddy! You're squishing me!" I laugh again as Tyler pulls away. 

"You look good with the blonde hair." He smiles and Steph nods, agreeing with her soon-to-be husband. "It suits you, but I prefer your dark hair." Gabby grabs a strand in her tiny hand and looks at it closely. "Looks like mommy's. I like it." She grins and points to her own blonde hair. "You are very cute, missy." I poke her nose and hand her back to her dad. 

"Are we going to get home or not? I am starving!" I grin and they laugh again before heading to the BMW parked just a few feet away. It feels good to see my friends again. I missed them more than I'll admit and honestly I feel better about coming back now. I haven't seen Hunter with them, and to be honest I am glad I didn't. I don't know how I would have felt if I did. He started avoiding me too, specially the day I left.

I push him out of my mind and load my suitcase in the trunk. "Let's get home." Tyler says to Gabby as he straps her into her car seat. "Can Julie sit next to me?" She asks and looks at me pleadingly. "Where else will she sit? The only space left is next to you, pumpkin." He chuckles and Gabby claps her hands in excitement. "I want to show you my unicorn and my bunny and my kitty." She rambles as I start to get in the car.

This is going to take a while to get use to. Gabby was just a few months old when I left and barely even talked. I just smile and nod while Steph and Tyler talks at front.

It's good to be back.  

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