Beautiful Storms to Come (Com...

By Demonic0Angel_

211K 8K 1K

"Harry Potter," Dumbledore whispered. With that, five students collapsed, banging their head against the tabl... More

The Past, Future and Present
Eveline's Arrival
Ron's Memories
Something Missing...
More Memories
The First Task
Another Dream
Foggily, Distantly, Slowly, I Forget
Confronting the Omega
A Stolen Family
A Rat in a Nest
With You, The World Fades
"So Have I."
Bleak Rain During The Night
Raging Cyclones Against a Mountain
Sharp Winds Fight With Sharp Minds
In the Stillness, We Stand
Lulling Those to Sleep
The Past (Extra)

The Calm Before the Beautiful Storm

6.4K 231 64
By Demonic0Angel_

Tom helplessly bounced on Harry's cock, moaning and squeaking as his body worked it's way into an orgasm.

Harry hummed, his wings flapping somewhat lazily as he kept his eyes trained on Tom's face, who was contorted into an expression of euphoria.

"Alpha~, please help me. It feels so good, you're so good..." Tom was good at sweet talking, but nothing made Harry even move an inch of his hips upwards and into Tom's wet heat.

Tom whimpered, his skin flushed pink and shiny with sweat.

He stopped moving and grinded in slow circles against Harry's hips.

Harry pursed his lips.

He knew more than anyone that Tom could probably slide off of him right now and be completely fine with leaving Harry a horny mess.

However, he needed to practice restraint and with Tom being so compliant with his demands, he was currently practicing his magic.

Angels had certain ways to gain power, usually through something called 'Virtue Training' that forced Harry to resist against carnal desires.

He had to repeat this for a couple of hours, and so far, Tom had been bouncing on his cock for some time.

Harry was so fucking hard, he wanted to cry but he knew he had to resist the temptation that was named Tom Marvolo Riddle and get enough power. He could feel it in his bones as his angelic grace was strengthened and gathering.

After this, he had to eat only a piece of bread and fish with some sips of wine for the rest of the week.

Thankfully, this seemed to be working, so he was okay with most of it.

He was not okay with the lust training part, but Tom seemed happy enough using him as a human dildo. Currently, he was making obscene noises to tempt Harry and with the way he was twisting his body to seduce him, Harry just might be seduced.

'Dammit! If it wasn't for power!' He inwardly sobbed as he kept a blank face.

"C'mon angel, why don't you just let go and take me? I can bring you to better heavens than Shamayim. I promise that when Jehovah arrives, I'll bribe your way back to heaven for you~."

His words tainted in honey like sweetness made something twist in Harry's heart. His slick was starting to get thick enough to slide down Harry's body.

His eyes were blood red, their ruby gaze trained on him as if his eyes wanted to dissect him.

"How about it, darling?" His speech was getting more crazed. "How about it? Wanna go to our own personal Araboth?"

(A/n: I've been researching about some angel stuff, and I've been using Hebrew terms for most of these things, so excuse me if some doesn't make sense. Shamayim is the Hebrew name for heaven and Araboth is one of the seven levels of that heaven (though Araboth is where the angels live and is the highest). Jehovah is the equivalent of God.)

Harry was breathing hard, his vision swimming as Tom's pheromones became a practical weapon. It's sharpened edges were digging into his senses, tempting him to take Tom and leave himself to his instincts.

Harry blinked it away.

"Merlin, you can really turn me into an fallen angel."

Tom smirked, the color of his irises receding slightly. A finger trailed down Harry's chest teasingly. "That's what I do, angel. How do you think so many people began to follow me?"

Harry smiled. "You're a prince of hell, hm? No wonder you can last against this heavenly power."

"I'm only a prince, sweetie. You're a whole bloody archangel." Tom gave him a few kisses. Harry cooed, an Alpha noise.

"Your power is enough to rival mine," he pointed out.

Tom laughed. "Rival? I'm better."

Harry raised an eyebrow but let him have his fun.

Tom looked tired, and Harry quietly let him lazily ride him until he reached out and stroked Tom's back.

Tom squeaked, and his cock jumped against his stomach. Harry watched that reaction, stroking his shoulder blade.

"H-Harry, you don't want to do this..." Tom moaned.

Harry tilted his head curiously. "Why?"

His walls squeezed around Harry hard, and then he gasped wetly before there was a loud ripping noise and the smell of blood and sex filled the air.

Tom's sclera turned black and his eyes were bloodier than ever. Dark horns curved around his head, similar to that of a ram's, and a pair of wings similar to that of Harry's own sat on his back.

His feathers were steely and gray, a mottled dark color. His feet and hand became claws, and they scratched at Harry's sides.

"Harry...." Tom shuddered, before he began bouncing again, harder than ever. His walls squeezed Harry dry and Harry fought to keep conscious as stars danced across his vision at the sudden increase in pleasure.

Harry moaned loudly, his throat suddenly tightening under Tom's hand as Harry convulsed.

"You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have done that... fuck, fuck, fuck, why'd you do that?" Tom cried out, his face morphing into one of complete, delusional lust. "I'll completely devour you, my archangel."

Harry was beginning to wonder if he had made a terrible decision when Tom grabbed his wings and pinched a certain spot.

Harry yelped and then collapsed on the ground before Tom moved downwards, grinding their pelvises together. His gaze was maniacal, crazed and Harry could feel his own angelic power quiver at the demonic magic pulsing outside of Tom's body.

"You're so cute, my archangel. Alpha, you want me? I want you~. I'll suck you dry, okay? This is usually for succumbi but I'll happily use the same techniques," Tom's hands groped Harry all over as Harry shuddered and shivered.

It was honestly terrifying.

Harry had the sudden thought that maybe this was what Tom had felt like when Harry went into rut.

He stayed still, keeping his gaze down as Tom used him thoroughly.

For the next two hours, his training got even worse as Tom brought him to even greater pleasures but he was unable to do anything about it as he struggled to control himself.

Although Tom didn't seem to want to stop anytime soon, Harry was dying for a drink and the only thing Tom was letting him drink was his bodily fluids.

He quickly knocked out Tom and took a drink of water before bringing both of them to bed.

Harry was traumatized as he went to sleep.


Harry woke up and was startled to see Tom, normal again, feeding him water.


Harry stared at him with wide, horrified eyes and Tom rolled his own, smacking him on the head.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You brought it upon yourself, prat."

Harry winced and then nodded. Tom allowed him to cuddle against his side in apology.

"Did I squeeze you dry? Why aren't you talking?" Tom asked, his gaze questioning.

Harry moved closer to him so his face would be pressed against Tom's stomach. "... I've gained a new level of respect and fear for you."

"Damn right," Tom muttered, and then said, "Well, it's morning how, and we went at it for several hours.  Your friends are most likely worried."

"I wanna sleep longer...." Harry said in a voice similar to a whine.

Tom began to pet his ruffled hair. "Alright, sweetie. I'll get food for you."

His eyes were loving as he smoothed down Harry's messy locks. He placed a kiss on his brow and began to move off the bed.

He then stood up and collapsed on the floor.

Harry stared and then burst out laughing.

"Damn you!" Tom grumbled, though it was good natured. "You bloody angel, I might just castrate you one of these days."


Harry was visiting a town and besides him was Tom. They weren't even disguised, with Tom's beautiful appearance and Harry's own original one, it was a sight to see such a gorgeous couple.

Except there was everyone else behind them.

Eveline and the twins were chattering happily as Draco, Hermione and Blaise kept arguing over the sales production of brooms.

Luna dragged Ron all over the place, pointing at things that fascinated her.

Neville was far in front, buying some food.

All in all, it was a very strange scene, with the unearthly beauties and the enormous group.

Harry happily held Tom's hand, his pheromones so sweet, it was as if he was drenched in sugar as he happily let everyone know how ecstatic he was.

Eventually, they all moved to a small bakery and sat down.

Tom and Harry say in their own table as the rest split up.

"You know..." Tom started, his gaze on the others, "don't you find it weird that we're the only one with two people while your friends are all in three-way bonds?"

"Well, I suppose it means I'm special," Harry grinned before he ordered the food. It came out only moments later. "But don't worry, I only need one omega, and that's you."

He was too happy to even notice Tom rolling his eyes fondly.

Tom swirled his drink with his straw, his face suddenly pink from a flush.

"You know, Harry, we've been together for quite some time." He started.

Harry nodded, drinking his milkshake. There was something on the edge of his vision, and he turned, not listening anymore.

There was an omega, a smaller female one with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was staring at Harry eerily.

Harry turned away and then blinked back to Tom's conversation.

"—— and I was thinking that maybe we should find a house together.... Harry, you listening?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Harry nodded.

His angelic presence was being tickled, and not in the fun way. He suppressed his shudder as Tom stared at him with a frown.

"Ah, what were you saying?"

"Nothing," Tom responded as he put down his hand that was holding his straw. "Nothing at all."

Harry nodded absentmindedly. "Uh, by the way, what did you do with the Death Eaters?"

"... I told them to start looking for you so we could harass you," Tom sighed and then put his hand on his cheek.

Was he a little upset because he thought it was a date?

Yeah, he kind of was.

He didn't want to seem mad, so he straightened and tried to seem relaxed.

The others were giving him sympathetic looks.

Tom was honestly grateful for them, because at least they had the heart to realize that Harry was ignoring him on something they had agreed to do.

Harry, however, was looking at an omega.

Something prickled him inside.

Just as an alpha was possessive, so were omegas, and their jealousy could easily get ugly very quickly.

Tom took a deep breath and said gently, "Harry?"

His Avada Kedavra eyes snapped back to Tom's.


"Like I was saying, what do you think of getting our own house?" He said carefully, before he noticed that Harry hadn't even let him finish his sentence before he turned away to stare at the omega.

The omega seemed to notice and then waved back.

Tom's biting mark tingled.

Tom grit his teeth and then stood up. Harry glanced at him with a confused noise. Tom's expression was chilly as he moved away from him and then sat down next to Hermione.

"You're Granger, right? What do you think about the increasing rumors about elves and their ears?" He said, his gaze cold as ice.

Harry stared at him in confusion, wondering why he had moved away. "Tom...?"

Draco smiled tensely and said, "Well, I think the rumors about how wizarding folk are hunting them down is true. It hasn't been common, but lately, with the way it's been spreading, there just might be a semblance of truth."

Hermione nodded as Blaise threw in his own two cents.

Tom completely snubbed Harry, who looked shocked.

"Tom. Is there something wrong?" Harry asked, approaching him.

Tom bristled and then stood up again.

"Don't come near me."


Tom glared at him with scornful eyes. "Don't even come near me for the next month, you dickhead. Don't think you can even get some of this. Go die with blue-balls."

He then turned away and began to walk out of the shop.

"Ah! Wait, Tom, can we talk about this?" He grabbed Tom's hand and then Tom whirled around and slapped him.

Tom snarled. "Sure, we can talk. But let's do it when you can pay attention to your own omega and not at another, hm?"

He then threw off Harry's hand and moved away.

Eveline pursed her lip to suppress her laughter.

"He deserved that."

The twins nodded. "Definitely deserved that."

Draco shook his head, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "He so deserved that."

Harry was spluttering before he chased after Tom. "W-Wait! Honey, please..."

The other omega quietly watched them and then smiled. She moved away soon after, her brown hair morphing back to red as her face began to stain with freckles.

The first trap was set.


I have another story idea, so I'm ready to finish this story quick and then move on.

It's gonna get crazy soon.

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