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By vvantaebear

467 65 12

in which book characters she wrote came to life. -inspired by extraordinary you. More



69 15 5
By vvantaebear

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

“And…we’re done” I stretched my arms wide above my head, eyes lingering for a moment to examine the last chapter of my book. Without thinking twice, I slammed my laptop shut, not even bothering to turn it off before I walked away from my sacred seat.

I looked back towards the window which made me realize that I must’ve sat down to write for more than three hours.

No wonder my butt feels sore and my back is killing me right now.

With slow and quiet steps (or that’s what I thought), I tiptoed across the room to avoid making loud noises that could wake up my grumpy roommate that was currently sleeping in a peaceful state.

Reaching the other end of the room, I grabbed my long black coat and slipped my feet inside my newly bought shoes with the help of a few stomps. I coated myself with the fluffy coat as I enclosed the door from the outside.

The freezing wind brushed past me, making me shiver from the sudden contact. I ignored it nonetheless and continued my walk to the small café near my dorm.

Upon arriving at my beloved café, I noticed that the queue was rather short, literally the opposite of how this café queue is supposed to be (I mean, considering the time, it was obvious why there weren’t lots of people in there). Most of the people in this café were doing their work, with laptops and some cups of coffee on the table, and of course, an obviously tired expression plastered on their faces. It’s college after all, who isn’t sick of it?

As I was examining my surroundings, I didn’t realize I was already in the front of the line until the barista called me to order quickly.

 “I’ll just have a hot cappuccino, to go please” I smiled awkwardly as I handed him a few bucks to pay for my small treat for myself, and walked to a small table in the corner after he handed me the change.

After a few hours of leaving my phone turned off, I finally turned it back on just to receive tons of messages from a group of crack heads on Kakaotalk, talking about random and unimportant things.

I shook my head lightly, and decided to not reply and closed the app, replacing my screen with a view of a seemingly much better and more interesting one.


After scrolling through a few books, I clicked on my previously read book and continued where I left off.

Within a minute, I was already immersed in reading, the voices from people chattering and the barista making coffee slowly faded to the point where I didn’t hear any voices, a common thing that happens to readers I must say.

“Brooke!” a loud echo of a voice snapped me back to reality. With quick hands I turned my phone off and sprinted towards the pick-up table, grabbing my coffee while smiling awkwardly at  the barista and then I quickly marched out of the café. I walked back to my dorm, sipping on my scorching hot coffee made me jump from the heat of the liquid touching my bare lips. My walk back was definitely longer since I decided to walk slowly, enjoying the best time at night to take a walk alone in this relaxing vibe.


“Now let’s dive into editing this bane of my existence” half-slamming my warm coffee down to the table while encouraging myself. Once again, I flipped my laptop open as the screen lit up in an instant.

“Why didn’t I turn this thing off before I go? Should’ve at least put it in sleep mode” I semi-scolded myself, as I was aware about the low battery of my laptop. Sliding my small drawer right beside my desk open, I took my lengthy charger, spreading it wide and plugged both sides in. I clicked on my last saved document, ready to edit my own writings.

And that was the time where my urge to break my laptop into pieces occurred. My eyes screamed of horror the moment I saw that all of my writings were gone. Not even one word, no scratch that, one letter was left in the document. Isn’t this just a little bit too cruel? I swear to god the world is literally a me anti.

From trying to close the document and re-opening it to restarting my laptop, everything I did made zero impact to my missing writings. No matter how many times I checked, it never even reappeared even once. Just when my patience was nearing the end, I gulped down my coffee that suddenly tasted so bitter and slammed it down onto the table, making such a loud noise. A few drops of coffee splattered across my desk but therefore I was way too furious to even mind about it.

 “WHERE THE FUCK DID ALL MY DRAFTS GO?” I screamed on top of my lungs, even when I was completely aware that my roommate was sleeping.

“SHUT UP WILL YOU? I’M TRYING TO GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP RIGHT HERE” Ellie’s raspy voice pierced my ears as she sent a flying pillow right towards my face. The hit wasn’t that hard, plus I didn’t have any energy to fight her back so I simply sighed and slightly tossed her pillow back. Not bothering to clean up the mess I made with my cup of cappuccino, I went back outside to find some extremely needed fresh air. 


All it took was a solid five minutes for me to regret my instantaneous action of not bringing my coat with me, and the thought of going back to my dorm to take it sounded really dreadful. So instead, I ended up  strolling through my school’s dim halls. 

Fifteen minutes in, a bored feeling crept over me so it was about time to head back to my dorm. Just a few steps away from a glass door, I overheard someone’s conversation. I peeked through the glass, and a guy with a broad back was visible, talking to my current homeroom teacher.

New student?

Just a few seconds later, my homeroom teacher turned on her heels and walked away. His figure also did, and so he was facing right towards my direction. 

I examined him carefully. Sure I’ve never seen him before, so I was positive he’s a new student that decided to settle his college life here. He was tall, at least a few inches taller than me, his face features were sharp and defined and I could swear that his jawline could cut a piece of paper. 

Okay, in other words, he was attractive and ridiculously familiar. I didn’t remember ever seeing him anywhere, so that made it a bit odd. But then again, it could be my slow functioning brain that was just presuming.

Both ends of my lips curved up and formed a little smile, and all I got from him was a straight face, expressionless. A few seconds of eye contact passed and he turned his back on me and walked away..

Damn, at least give me a response?

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