Young Minds Think Alike (Spen...

By lilturtleflower

160K 2.5K 1K

Olivia Moore is a genius, so much so that she started working for the BAU at the age of 17. She never thought... More

Author note before we start!!
Chapter One: The First Day
Chapter Two: The First Case
Chapter Three: Investigation
Chapter Four: The Hotel Situation
Chapter Five: The Closer Look
Chapter Six: Caught
Chapter Seven: An Odd Case
Chapter Eight: A Heartbreaking Realization
Chapter Nine: A Sorrowful Reunion
Chapter Ten: Mornings with Spencer and Olivia
Chapter Eleven: 18th Birthday Party
Chapter Twelve: The Start
Chapter Thirteen: Too Close For Comfort
Chapter Fifteen: The Messages
Chapter Sixteen: Catch and Claim
Chapter Seventeen: The Words
Chapter Eighteen: Moving In And Team Bonding
Chapter Nineteen: Sinful
Chapter Twenty: Party Time Part 2
Chapter Twenty-One: Sin City
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Family Dilemma (last chapter not finished)
Sin city case so you can see the stuff there
Olivia and spencers mom plot
Final plotline and wedding stuff

Chapter Fourteen: Close Call

4.4K 83 26
By lilturtleflower

~Spencer's POV~

My whole body froze and I felt Via squeeze my hand.

"So, if you don't want Via to die, you are going to call off everyone outside and walk with me." I cringed at her saying Via. No one should say that except for me.

"We got the unsub, move out, well bring her to the office ourselves," Via whispers into my mic. I see whats shes trying to do, make it seem like I was the only one with the mic. Make it seem like this wasn't our idea. 

We walk out of the bar with her, gun still trained in the middle of Olivia's back. We turn into an alleyway right next to the bar and she brings us down far enough away so no one could see us. She throws us against the wall and aims the gun at both of us.

"Aw, look at the special case. I'm devolving for you, how do you feel?" I looked over at Via and she was filled with pure fear. 

"Take off the wire, doctor." she shakes the gun at me. I slowly reach down my shirt and pull out my wire. She then starts the wave the gun at Via motioning for her to take it off as well. 

"I don't have a wire, that's why I leaned over to him to say the orders. We only have 3 wires and 2 of them were being used at the other bar. We gave him the wire because the unsub would most likely be chest level to Reid so the team could hear them better" She keeps her hands up while explaining. God, I forget how smart she is sometimes. 

"Okay, well. Tell me what you two have that I don't!" She waves the gun. Is this what she really wants?

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked with confusion apparent on my face.

"TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE!" She's much more frantic.

"What I have with Spence is the ability to compromise," That's my smart girl. "We are able to take any annoying or unpleasant things that we find in each other and work with them. Like, Spencer sucks in bed, but we made an agreement that I can take care of myself after we have sex." I nod my head, understanding where shes going. She wants us to make it seem like our relationship is obtainable and not something you have to naturally have.

"Yeah, and she's an annoying rambler, like so fucking annoying, so we agreed that I can tell her to shut up anytime I need to. You can have something like us, you just need to try and work it out. Nothing is naturally perfect."  she slightly lowers her gun and nods.

"So? I can have something like you two have?" While she's looking down, Via looks over at me and taps her finger on her head twice, asking if she can call for help. I nod and we look back at her. 

"So, please, let us go." she then let out two exaggerated coughs. 

"No, I can't do that! I can't" She's crying hysterically but her gun is still pointed at us so we couldn't move. Over her sobs we heard the light steps coming down the alleyway. I quickly glanced over to see the team and some police officers walking over to us quietly. 

"Please, I'll do anything! Just don't hurt my Via!" She gets more frantic and agitated at my plea.

"WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT?" She throws her gun on the ground and it shoots on impact. 

The position that the gun falls makes it so when it goes off it hits the unsub straight in the forehead. Blood splatters all over me and Olivia, but Via doesn't move. She stands there frozen while the team runs up to us to assess the situation.

"Via, sweetheart. Come over here." I open my arms to her and she instantly falls into them. I walk with her in my arms out of the alleyway and to the curbside. I sit down and she rests between my legs. We wrap up in each other while commotion happens all around us. 

I feel a blanket being draped us and I look up to see JJ. 

"How's she holding up?" I rub her arms and she snuggles up closer to me.

"I don't know but she's responsive. This is her first live death so it might take her a while to be okay. She's also really tired so I think she needs some rest." JJ nods and walks away to give her some space. I feel her turn in my arms and hug my waist.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you holding up?" she just hums and shakes her head while clinging onto my chest. I felt water seep through my shirt. 

"Aw, sweetie. Shh... It's okay." I attempted to calm her down while petting her hair as she sobbed.

"I could have helped," I heard her whisper.

"No, no, honey. We did the best we could. We broke her down! Also, what you did with that compromise stuff was brilliant," she looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. 

"Thank you, I'm happy you got it. Do you think I'm an annoying rambler?" I let out a light laugh. 

"No, I love your rambling. Now the real question is do you think I'm bad in bed?" she gives me a weak laugh.

"Oh, yeah. Totally," She says sarcastically.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask innocently. She nods her head lightly.

"That would make me feel better," 

I chuckle and kiss her softly, I then leave tiny kisses all over her face. She then smiles at me and we nuzzle into each other. I notice Hotch walk towards us after talking to an officer.

"The unsub was identified as Cheryl Fuller's sister, Danielle. Officer Fuller has been arrested due to multiple witness identifications. You two did amazing work, does Olivia think she can move to a car? It will be more comfortable." 

"Thank you for telling us, Hotch. Sweetheart, do you want to move to the car?" I feel her nod against me. 

"Okay, stand up for a second." She stands up but I can tell shes weak. I get right in front of her and place my hands on the back of her thighs.

"Can you jump?" She jumps and wraps her legs around my body while hugging my neck. I walk over to one of the BAU cars and nod at Mogan to open backside the door. He does while giving me a sad smile. I lay Via in the backseat and drape a blanket over her before running to the other side. I slide into to car and slightly move Via so shes resting in my lap. 

"Sleep well, my genius Via," I lightly rack my fingers through her hair.

"Thank you, my genius Spence," she cuddles into my lap and in minutes her breathing evens out. I kiss her forehead and rest my head back, joining her in sleep within minutes.

~Olivia's POV~

I woke up when I felt myself being lifted from the car. My eyes flutter open and I see Spence carrying my bridal style to the hotel. 

"Spence, I can walk myself." He laughs and kisses me on the forehead.

"Let me spoil you, sweetheart," He continues to carry me to the hotel room and lays me down on the bed.

"When are we going to the jet?" I slowly sit up and rest against the headboard as Spencer repacks our bags. 

"In an hour. You should go take a shower, it will make you feel much better." I nod and walk into the bathroom. 

I look in the mirror and see the blood splatter still apparent on my dress and body. Everything comes flooding back. 

The gunshot was so loud. Not as loud as the thud when she fell to the ground, the bullet killing her instantly. I felt the blood hit my body, but I didn't move. The utter shock stilled me, the next thing I knew I was resting on Spencer lap in a squad car, not registering what happened.

Not until now.

I was taken out of the trance by Spence barging into the bathroom. I look back into the mirror and see myself sobbing, I didn't feel the tears hitting my cheek as I was lost in thought. Spencer runs up and hugs me. His slowly shushing me while petting my hair.

"Hey, honey. Let's take a shower." He slowly backs away from me, focusing on my face to see any more signs of distress or shock. She slowly nods. 

We take a shower and get dressed, he was right I feel better. I think it was a mix of the hot water and Spencer's presence. We finish packing up and head to the terminal to get on the jet. 

When I get on the jet I instantly settle on the two-seater and grab a blanket. I need some real sleep, the panic and late-night have made me exhausted, but as soon as people get on the plane they start asking me questions. 

"Hey, girl genius, how are you doing?" Morgan asks, sitting across from me and Spence. We are sitting lengthwise on the chair, I'm sitting on his lap and he's holding me tightly. He hasn't let go of me for more than a minute since the incident, I think he's holding on to my to tell himself that I'm here and safe. I don't mind though, even the smallest of touch from him calms me down and tells me that he's still here with me as well. 

"I don't know, it was scary. I feel bad, if I could do my job just a little better, she would still be alive." He reaches over and places a light touch on my shoulder. 

"Don't say that, you did great. You were able to stall her and your answer to her question was fucking brilliant. Make it seem like she could have a relationship like the one you two have." I nod slightly, still not convinced. I hope this feeling leaves soon, it's clouding my conscious.

Emily then takes a seat next to Derek and leans forward. "So here's the real question, Is Reid really bad in bed?" I hear chuckles fill the plane, this is the first thing in a while that makes me laugh. I shake my head and shrug. 

"I don't know, we haven't done that yet. I said that so he would catch on to my idea." Spencer laughs while pulling me closer to his chest and kisses my forehead. I nuzzle into him and set my wrap my arms around his. I look up at him while whispering.

"I want some sleep, baby," he slightly nods. He lets go of me so he can pull the blanket up around me, he then holds me and pushes me into his chest once again. I hear shushed 'aw's' around me as I close my eyes. 

I sleep for the whole flight, I'm in peace. I know as long as I'm in Spencer's arms, I'm safe. I'm lightly shaken away when the plane lands, I look up at Spence and he kisses my forehead before standing up with me.

I head to my desk to drop my go bag and start paperwork, I'm well-rested from the flight so I'm ready to get to work. As I sit down and open a file Hotch comes up to me and nods toward his office. I gingerly walk in and sit down in a chair.

"You have been through a lot recently agent Moore, I want you to take a week off of work. With your mental health patterns and the high-stress situation you just went through I feel think it would be necessary," He places his hands on his desk, looking at me seriously. 

"With all due respect sir, I would like to stay at work. What will you do about my paperwork?" I genuinely don't want to leave for a few days.

"This is not an option. We will pass the paperwork out between the teams. I would also like you to set up an emergency meeting with your therapist to talk about what happened before we do the psych evaluation." I lightly shake my head.

"Sir, I will take the leave but please let me do my paperwork, I will do it from home. I will also contact my therapist, but please, let me do my paperwork. I don't want the team to have more work when I can do it," I hold my ground, I notice that my southern accent is slipping even though I'm trying insanely hard to hide it.

"Okay, I will allow that, but please try to relax," I see his deminer relax.

"Yes, thank you, sir," I swiftly leave his office and pick up my files. I walk over to Spencer and sit on his desk. He looks up from his and smiles as he scoots over and places his hands on my thighs.

"Hey, beautiful. What's up?" 

"Hotch told me to take a week off but I'm still going to do my paperwork." I shook the files in my hand. 

"Honey, I'll do your work-" 

"Nope, I'm doing my paperwork," I don't try to hold back my southern accent because i want him to know that I'm serious. I notice Derek and JJ look up at us, noticing the accent change.

"Ohh, pretty boy, what did you do to get southern livin' out?" He strolls over to us with JJ following him.

"I was trying to get her to give me her paperwork. Hotch told her to take the week off, but she still wants to do her paperwork." JJ shakes her head at me, but not in a bitchy way, in a caring, motherly way.

"Olivia, let us take care of the paperwork. You have just been through a lot." I firmly shake my head again. 

"No, the only reason that I agreed to leave for a week is that I could do my paperwork, I don't want you guys to get more work when I can do it. Don't try to change my mind, I already made it up." They just shrug at me and walk away. I look at spencer and see that he's putting on a pout and puppy eyes. I laugh at him and hit his shoulder.

"That's not going to work on me, baby," His face falters into a smile. 

"Well, at least stay at my apartment so I can see you when I get home," He reaches into his bag and pulls out his key chain. He slowly pulls his house key off and hands it to me. 

"Thanks, I'll see you when you get off work." I give him a light kiss and head out of the office.

I drive to my house first to pick up some clothes and essentials before I head to Spencer's apartment. I get in my car to drive to his home when it hits me.

He gave me a key.

He probably wants it back. It's really early for him to hand me a key to his apartment, he probably didn't even think of it like that. When thinking about it, I also realize that I'm bringing clothes to his home, too. I'll have to talk about what this means when he gets home, this is a lot.

I get into his house and throw my bag in the bedroom before going into his living room, sitting on the floor, and starting my paperwork on his coffee table. I throw on a random show from Netflix and start getting to work.

A few hours pass and I hear my phone go off.

My Genius <3

My Genius <3: I'm going to be home in 5 minutes, unlock the door for me, please.

Me: Okay XO

My Genius <3: :) xo

I smile and unlock the door, quickly returning to the coffee table and resuming paperwork. A few minutes later I heard Spencer walk through the door. I turned around and smiled as he walked towards me. 

He sat down on the couch directly behind me and wrapped his hand around my shoulders. 

"Hey, sweets, how was work?" He rests his head on top of mine and shrugs.

"I'm not going to lie, it would be better if you were there. BUT! You need your rest." He kisses the top of my head and his gaze shifts to stacks of paperwork.

"Sweetheart, how long have you been working?" I shake my head lightly and shrug.

"Since I got here, why?" I look up, twisting my body to face him. He rolls his eyes and sighs while picking me up into his lap. 

"You" he pokes my shoulder. "Need a break." He falls back on the sofa with me still on top of him. He pets my hair and slowly creates circles on my back.

"Hey, Spence," 

"Yeah?" he sits up, still with a tight grip of my waist.

"Do you want me to stay here all week or was this just a today thing?" He looks down at me and I can tell by his expression that he didn't quite think about that either.

"Well, that up to you. I would enjoy it if you stayed the week, but of course, if you wanted to spend some time at home I won't deny you of that." We smile at each other and come together for a sweet kiss. 

"What about the key?" 

"Do you want to keep it? I'll just need to take it for a second to make a copy," My mind starts to race at the thought of having a key to his apartment. He's welcoming me access to his home at any time.

"Are you sure? Isn't it a bit early for that?" I see him ponder a little before finally speaking.

"I mean, for other relationships. Possibly, but I trust you so if you want a key I'll give it to you." I sat up on my knees, still straddling him. My face was serious, but inside I was over the moon.

"Are you completely sure? Spencer, this is a big step." I place my hands on his chest, he leans into my touch and smile.

"Of course. I know I've never really been in a relationship before but... this just feels... right" He grins at me and I return the gesture. I let go of my poker face and show him my full joy.  Spence quickly grabs me and smashes our lips together. 

When we pull away he pulls me as close as humanly possible to his chest. I try to wiggle out but to no avail. I giggle into his chest while hugging him back.

"You're so clingy," He laughs while placing a kiss on my head.


A week goes by painfully slow, I beg Spencer to give me some of his paperwork but he kindly denies and asks me what I did that day. 

As soon as I walked into the office I felt instantly rejuvenated. I felt like I was home.

"I have never been this happy to be in this office at 8 am." I plop into my chair and do a spin. I notice Spencer looking at me with a big grin on his face, but to my amusement and his dismay, Derek notices too.

"Pretty boy, what's got you so bubbly today?" Morgan's eyes follow Spence's to me and a grin just as wide appears on his face. 

"Mrs. Genius, I forgot you were coming back today!" I stop spinning in her chair to look at him. I put on puppy dog eyes and a pout.

'You mean you weren't counting down?" I place my hand over my chest dramatically. "I'm truly hurt," A smile spreads across both of our faces before we start to laugh. 

I heard the elevator ring and see Garcia rush out of it. She busts through the bullpen's door looking around.

"Is she here yet?!" Garica's eyes land on me and she rushes over. I stand up and turn to Derek before Garica grasps me in a hug.

"At least someone remembers," she pulls away from me with a dead-serious look.

"Who forgot?!" My gaze falls on the guilty-looking Derek Morgan. She runs over and starts playful smacking his chest.

"How dare you forget the our gorgeous Oliva is coming back?!" We all start to laugh. Derek puts his hand up surrendering. 

"I'm sorry, mama! I'm sorry!" Spencer comes behind me, rests his chin on my shoulder, and whispers into my ear. 

"Welcome back sweetheart." He kisses the side of my head just as JJ comes in with a stack of files in her hand.

"Welcome back, Liv. We got a case." She heads up the conference room and we follow. 

"Nothing like a welcoming party with murder," Spencer holds the small of my back as we walk. Even though it been a week since the incident he still tries to have some sort of physical contact with me. I believe a bit of it is also because he's clingy.


It's been 4 months since I got back to work. We've had a few cases, they were tame for serial killer cases. Most of them were shut and dry cases except for one when we cornered the unsub he had pulled out a gun and held it to his head. It had taken 5 minutes to calm him down and take his gun, we all had a round of persuading him but finally, JJ was able to talk hin down since she looked most like his MO. 

I had already finished all my paperwork and I was sitting on Spencer's desk when Garcia came and alerted everyone that there was a case. She always seemed unhappy when she got a case, but for some reason, she seemed a little more unsettled by this one.

We all settled down in the conference room and Spence rested his hand on my leg as he usually does when he sits next to me. 

"Settle down because this case is quite a doozie, someone has been kidnapping and torturing women. As they do it they film the girls and send it to the last person they were seen with. Now here's where it gets scary." I was looking down scribbling some notes when I notice it got insanely quite. I knew something was off when Spencer squeezed my thigh. I looked up and my heart dropped.

All the girls held a very high resemblance to me. Worse of all, they were put into business clothes, stuff you would see at an office.

Stuff you would see at Quantico.

"Well, shit." I mummer under my breath.   

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