A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

152K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

Sharingan Revelations

3.4K 105 2
By melvintrey95

AN: Previous to this chapter, I went back and edited all of my previous chapters. To match what they are now. And I also changed the amount of tomoe that Sasuke has in sharingan to three. As I had changed my mind about what I wanted to do with this arc.


   It had been two days since Team 7's epic first encounter with the legendary swordsman Zabuza. Since then Kakashi had mostly recovered, meaning that he was no longer bed bound, and could fully move around as he wished. This was good news to him, as now he could fully execute his plan. That plan of course being how to stop Zabuza and his new accomplice. After coming to and remembering the last few minutes of his battle, Kakashi knew that Zabuza was in fact not dead, but was saved by the disguised mist Anbu. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the two were working together. And Kakashi was most certainly a genius. And being so he decided that his team needed some serious training if they were going to hold there own in a fight against those two. But that could start tomorrow, if they got through tonight that is.

   Everything was going fine for Kakashi and his team once he had awoken from his unplanned slumber. He had been filled in by his team that they and Tazuna had wasted little time in getting him to safety, and had raced as fast as they could to Tazuna's house. Which was where they were currently occupying. Upon waking up he had also been introduced to Tazuna's daughter Tsunami. Quite the caring and beautiful woman in Kakashi's opinion. He of course also had the displeasure of meeting Inari, who was Tazuna's grandson. Who threw a huge fit about how there is no place in the world for heroes, cause all they do is die. Kakashi thought the kid was nothing more than a brat, but he thought all kids were brats, so he held his tongue and didn't say anything. Lucky for him he didn't need to say anything, as Naruto decided to take care of that for him. After calling Inari a crybaby, and promising to prove him wrong, Naruto left in an attempt to calm down. While Inari took off upstairs, presumably to his room. Leaving only the level headed people in the house still sitting on the kitchen.

   "You'll have to excuse Inari. He's been like that for.... for awhile now." Tazuna explained in a somber tone. "What was he like before?" Sakura curiously asked. "Similar to most other eight year olds I guess. Always happy and smiling. So full of positive energy, to the point he could make anyone smile with just one look." Tazuna answered with a look of nostalgia on his face. "What happened that could have caused such a drastic change?" Sakura asked again. "The boys father died." Tazuna said in a bitter tone. "What happened?" This time it was Sasuke who asked. As he had gotten interested in the conversation. So Tazuna told the three remaining members of Team 7 the story of how Gato had come and taken complete control of their country. And how the first and only man, who they learned was Inari's father like figure, to stand up to Gato. And how it ended horribly, with his public execution, as everyone in the town was to made to watch. In an attempt to dissuade anyone from trying again. Once he was done Team 7 had a collective look of shock, hatred, and disgust for Gato.

   "That kind of emotional and psychological torture will make even the most mentally sound Shinobi break. It's amazing he's even able to function at all." Sasuke said, breaking the silence after what felt like hours, but was actually just a few seconds. "You sound like you're talking from experience kid." Tazuna said in a matter of factly kind of way. "That's because I am." Sasuke responded back in an emotionless tone. "Would this have anything to do with what you said back there against the demon brothers?" Kakashi asked in a way that demanded answers. "Care to explain?" Kakashi genuinely asked. As he didn't want to push his Genin to do something that he wasn't comfortable with. "Yeah sure, why not. It's about time I told you guys anyway." He said after a brief hesitation. Then he began to explain to everyone there the history and the impact of the Uchiha Massacre.

   "When I had finally arrived back at the compound. I smelt it before I saw it. The overwhelming scent of blood. And as I turned the corner to enter the compound, that's all that I saw. Blood and lifeless bodies, laying everywhere. Men, women, elderly, and even children all killed without so much as an afterthought. The first ones I saw were my aunt and uncle. They lived on the edge of the compound, right near the gates. They would always give me treats and helpful words of advice, as I would pass their house on the way to school. Seeing them laying on the ground in a pool of their own blood, allowed me to awaken the first level of my Sharingan. As I progressed further and further into the compound, I noticed that each and every member of my clan had each been killed in a similarly brutal way. Each and every single scene burned into my memory thanks to my Sharingan. And finally after what felt like hours of running, I finally made it to the center of the compound. Which is where my house is located. I quickly ran through the front door, desperately looking for my parents, and praying that they, or my brother, were somehow still alive. I got to their bedroom door, and burst through it without a second thought. And then my blood ran cold, as I saw my parents collapsed in the floor also in a pool of their own blood. Seeing my own parents dead and lifeless on the floor of their bedroom, allowed me to unlock the second stage of my Sharingan. Of course as I said earlier, seeing your loved ones die in front of you will make anyone lose themself to despair and sadness. And I was right on the verge of that. If it wasn't for my brother, I would have surely had a breakdown right then and there. He showed up, or maybe he was there all along, I don't know I can't really remember. But he was there, and he called out to me. Or rather he grazed my cheek with a kunai.

   It was then that he explained to me that he, my own brother, had not only killed my parents, but our entire clan. I was furious, outraged, and beyond any kind of reason. All I saw was red. And I didn't realize it until the next day, but that was when I unlocked the third stage of my Sharingan. I acted out of sheer anger and instinct. I charged headlong at my brother, fully intent on ending him then and there. He was way too powerful for me. He easily overpowered me, and proceeded to lock me in a powerful genjutsu. Where he proceeded to show me the entire Uchiha Massacre, over and over and over. I don't know how long I was in the Genjutsu, but the next thing I knew I was waking up in the hospital five days later. You guys know the rest from there."

   "That's just horrible, how could someone do something like that." Tsunami asked horrified. "Is that what it's like for all ninja?" Tazuna asked in disbelief. I didn't realize it was that bad Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screeched loudly. This went on for several minutes. As the three of them tried to come to terms with what they had just learned. 

   Meanwhile Kakashi's mind was going in a different direction. "These kids have been through a lot. Way more than must adults, and especially anyone else there age. I knew Naruto had been through a lot, but this might even top that. One thing is for sure though, those two aren't normal Genin. They have experienced things that have made them stronger and wiser. I'll have to change up the way I've been training them. I'll have to train then harder from now on. Starting tomorrow." Kakashi mused to himself, as he watched Sasuke with a calculating stare.

   "Good job Sasuke." Naruto commented to himself, as he disappeared from his hiding position.

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