Traitor ~ KiriDeku

By ilove_klance

65.5K 2.5K 1.1K

Midoriya and Todoroki had grown up together. They ran away together. They joined a gang together. By the time... More

Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
I'm Moving To Ao3

Chapter: 1

7K 167 116
By ilove_klance

Here we go again people, no quirks, subtle hints towards violence, blood, death, things like that.

There is one trigger warning throughout this entire book that I already have planned lol, and I will mark it.

(PS: April 28, 2021, I've started rewriting this book)

Have fun reading!

3rd POV

Midoriya stomped out. Todoroki was insane. Officially insane. He has been thinking too much about the gang lately. What about his own safety?

A few minutes ago Todoroki had called Midoriya in for a talk.

"I think you should be a double agent. I need a spy since Twice was taken down. You are recruited for the job." Todoroki wasn't asking.

Midoriya's jaw hung slack. "You've got to be kidding- I'll be found out- I'll be killed- I'm not cut out to be a spy-"

"You're new position starts Monday, tomorrow. Their gang leader needed an assistant and a scheduler to help balance their mafia life and normal life. They already excepted you."

"Todoroki, stop this! You have got to be joking-" Once again, Todoroki lazily cut Midoriya off.

Todoroki looked up, his eyes indifferent about the whole situation. "Report back on Friday about your findings. They said they would be giving you a place to stay at the gang's mansion that they share. Be careful. Don't let a word slip that you are a spy. If you are found out, don't say anything about our gang, we will come to get you as soon as possible."

"Todoroki!" Midoriya screeched. "We run this gang together! You can't seriously boss me around to do this and that! This gang is as much mine as it is yours!" Though no one knew that. Everyone thought it was Todoroki's gang. Midoriya had never actually made an appearance before.

"As much as I would love to care, I don't. You were accepted for the job already. You are still Midoriya Izuku. Remember. Friday," Todoroki said in a stern voice.

"You can't-"

Midoriya was waved off, "You can go now."

"This is our office!" Midoriya screamed.

Todoroki didn't even looked up.

Now, Midoriya was simply walking. And walking. He didn't know where he was going, but he wasn't going back to the mansion until he felt better.

"Stupid stupid. He's going to get me killed one of these days," Midoriya kept mumbling as he turned the corner, noticing a coffee shop.

He had a few bucks on him, so he stumbled his way, seeing the lights were still on. Midoriya walked in, seeing two baristas half asleep at the counter. He chuckled slightly as both were shaken awake by the bell.

"Hello, what can I get- dude, are you ok? You look like you've been crying," the first abruptly cut himself off to ask the, seemingly, more important question. Midoriya was surprised by how much he liked the barista's bright red, slightly black at the roots, hair. It was down, reaching to his shoulders. It was a hair style Midoriya knew he would never be able to pull off and didn't even particularly like, but this boy was the exception to everything he just said.

"I'm alright, just a long, long night. Could I just get a water or something. I really don't have the money for anything else," Midoriya chuckled awkwardly after reviewing the menu and looking at the rough 2 dollars and 48 cents he had in his pocket, smiling at the barista in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Of course. Kami! Water!"Upon yelling, he looked to Izuku and gave him an apologetic smile before leavin the counter and walking to the back. Izuku didn't mind, seeing as it took him less than 30 seconds before he was back to helping Izuku. "What's your name, cutie?"

Midoriya, having been deprived of love and basic human comfort for almost 12 years of his life now, was - mortifyingly enough - flustered and blushing at his cheeks. "Oh, u-um Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku."

"Well, mine's Kirishima Eijirou, and he's Kaminari Denki! We basically own the coffee shop, seeing as the real owner is never really here. You wanna talk, you look a little worn out," he asked kindly, and for once Midoriya didn't hear any patronizing in that sentence. 

It made him feel oddly nice, that someone actually cared. Not only cared, but was giving him a choice on whether or not he wanted to talk. Looks like Izuku came to the right coffee shop.

Izuku looked to the redhead, back at his hands, and then to the redhead again and shrugged. He would never see this stranger again, thanks to Shoto. Might as well let a few things off his chest.

"It's complicated, I suppose" Midoriya started. "There's this.. person that I like and they used to like me too.. I think. Recently it's gotten so bad though, you know? We've been falling in and out and he just doesn't listen to a thing I say. Like just today, he.. paid me into a job I didn't want," Midoriya added on to his excuse to make it semi-believable, "just because he wants to money."

Midoriya was plenty aware of how shallow he made Todoroki sound in that, and you better believe that was not anywhere near accidental. He would bash Todoroki into the ground any chance he got.

The barista nodded his head, making a noise of disbelief. "They sound terrible," he shook his head. "Why don't you do something about it? I'm sure your family could help you out, get some distance between you and them."

Midoriya felt exposed at the comment about family, so instead of acknowledging that, he moved to an excuse of why he doesn't leave Todoroki. "I don't know, I guess I don't leave because I know he's lonely. He craves power, that's how he copes with his loneliness, and when he has that power he abuses is subtly. But he wasn't always like that, you know?" Midoriya asked, resting his head in his hands, looking over to the redhead.

"I suppose I get where you're coming from," they nodded. "Well hey, if it's any help at all, I would reach out to someone who knows about the situation a little more than I do. Maybe they could help distance you and the other person," they offered as a solution.

Midoriya nodded. It would have been a good idea, for anyone who wasn't in a situation like his. He had no family or friends to reach out to because he resided in the gang's bar full time (which was especially annoying because all he wanted was someone to talk to but no, no one in the gang respected him like they respected Todoroki). Not to mention, he didn't have anywhere else to go. Plus Todoroki wasn't necessarily someone who listened when people told him to back off.

A man Midoriya was assuming was Kaminari handed Kirishima a few things and Kirishima took them with a grateful smile. "Well, Midoriya, feel free to come back and talk anytime you like," Kirishima said, leaning over the counter to give him a drink and a few things in the bag.

Midoriya shook his head out of principle. "This wasn't my order." When he looked up, he just saw the kind smile the barista was giving him, as if he was saying 'no, that's exactly what we meant to give you'. Izuku shook his head in protest, "I don't have enough to pay for all this, I don't-"

The redhead smiled and put a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "Don't worry, on the house. Hopefully it helps with your crappy night." The redhead pushed the items forward again, urging Midoriya to take them. "Its a simple oreo frappuccino and a warmed up croissant, not too much. Just enough to get your spirits up again."

Midoriya smiled, grabbing the stuff from Kirishima's hand, giving him the (roughly) 3 dollars he had. 

"Thank you," Izuku looked at the name tag on the barista's chest, "Kirishima. Next time I'll come back with money. Sorry again, for the bother and all." Midoriya smiled as Kirishima took the money.

"No bother, have a good rest of your night." Midoriya waved and walked out.

Midoriya smiled dreamily, that might have been the best experience buying coffee he'd ever had. It certainly beat the time when he went out to get coffee and someone called the cops on him for supposedly cutting them off in the drive through and hitting their car. Midoriya never had the best luck with people like that. It took him a few more steps down the side walk before the reality of his situation hit him. He was going to be a spy, possibly the most dangerous job ever imagined, and would likely never see another person again, let alone the cute barista who gave him a coffee for free.

Quickly setting his mind straight, he shook his head. All of those previous thoughts were off record, because no way did he just think a random barista was cute. No way, he just wasn't that kind of person. No, way.


"Where the hell were you? It's 3 in the morning. You can't just waltz in and out whenever you please!"

If it hadn't already been proven that Midoriya had the worst luck in the history of luck, now was the tie breaker. Todoroki, literally the last person he wanted to talk to in general on most days. Now, he never wanted to talk to Todoroki again. But no, it's been seen yet again that the universe hated him as much as he hated Todoroki.

"Oh?" Midoriya finished eating the whipped cream from the bottom of his cup, subconsciously trying to decide whether he thought the whipped cream left a good or bad after taste, before throwing his cup across the hall and into the trash can. Then, and only then, did he turn to acknowledge Todoroki fully. "Are we playing like we suddenly care about each other again?"

"Izuku," Todoroki groaned, putting his head in his hands. "You know I care-"

"No, no. We aren't playing this game today, Todoroki. It was your choice to send me over there, you had the power to do it and you did. That shows that not only do you not care about me, but you are clearly misusing your power because I don't know shit about being a spy!" Izuku said with an exaggerated laugh. Suddenly becoming serious, he added on, "stop messing with my feelings Todoroki. Stop fucking me one minute and ignoring my opinion the next. We both know that it is so clearly bullshit and I have much better things to do with my time rather than mess with someone who clearly doesn't reciprocate my feelings."

Midoriya honestly did not know this kind of confidence was inside of him. Typically he just let Todoroki play with him, bat him around for a bit until he got bored. This was nice, fighting for his rights as a human being for gods sake. Who would have thought a redheaded barista had done that much for his thought process. 


Midoriya cut him off. "And who said you had the right to call me that? Hm? You may have power in the work force, but you don't get to control anything about me. You don't have the right. I'm going to take the job, but not for you. God knows if I'll report on Friday either. Maybe it'll Saturday. Or Sunday. Who knows, maybe I'll out myself just to spite you. Get myself killed, you'd really hate that, wouldn't you? You would know that it would have been your fault, right? Or, better yet, maybe I'll just take them down from the inside, on my own. Who said I even needed your help?"

Midoriya was at his door now, after having to walk down the ridiculously long hallway, only to find that Todoroki's hand was on his shoulder, as if to stop him from walking through the door. Jokes on him, thought Midoriya, he was the one who taught me how to kill someone three different ways using their wrist and hand.

"Look I'm sorry, I acted like an ass-"

Midoriya turned, harshly, facing Todoroki, who's hand was flung off Midoriya's shoulder. Because it was those words, always those specific words that pissed him off the most. "Yeah, that's exactly what I want Todoroki, good for you for catching on to that fact. I was your apology, I want to be able to forgive you for all the shit you've done to me. But you're such an egotistical fuck that you think just apologizing every time will do it." Izuku glared harshly at Todoroki, "no, it won't! I want you to change after apologizing, and learn from your mistakes! And you never fucking do! So, unless a miracle is about to occur, good night." Midoriya harshly turned to door knob and slammed the door shut behind him.

It was silent, silent like Todoroki usually liked it as he stared at the door that had been slammed in his face. That had never happened before, so he stood in mild shock as he rethought the conversation. It was silent, until it wasn't and Toga and Shigaraki turned to corner. It was never silent when they were around. 

"Oooo~ Izu got you~" Toga spoke up which a maniacal giggle, pointing to Todoroki with an accusation finger.

Shigaraki chimed in with clear agreement. "Gotta agree with crazy. I don't like the brat, but he totally got you."

"Shut up," Todoroki hissed, and he hated how the two stood tall up to him instead of cowering like others might. "Go to bed damnit. We have work to do tomorrow."


'Tomorrow' turned out to be today before Midoriya knew it. He stayed up basically all night, pacing around his room and practicing different versions of his 'innocent greeting' and smiles. Between that and the coffee, he didn't sleep one bit. (Not that it mattered, all nighters became a thing he pulled 4 days out of the week, most of the time.)

That's not to say the normal side affects didn't effect him at all, so one could look at him and say he had huge eye bags. But that was ok. Izuku could cover them up and hope for more sleep the following night (spoiler: he never got more sleep the following night).

He dragged himself out of bed and got ready for a first day at work outfit, but made it a more comfortable outfit so he could move around flexibly. And once Midoriya was done getting ready for his first day, he looked over a few files that Todoroki had of the job and information he needed to get over a few cups of coffee. It was simple, really, he was basically their personal scheduler. He scheduled things between the mafia and their jobs at various places, and he notified them about changes. Otherwise he didn't really come in contact with any of them.

Which meant that he would already know about the mafia and didn't need to hide any information he already knew thanks to Todoroki because he was required to know that stuff for scheduling anyway. It wouldn't be too hard.

Midoriya made his fourth cup of coffee (he wasn't addicted, he could stop any time he wanted to) and put it in a to-go mug cup. He grabbed his phone and a small pocket sized notebook. Something told him this job was going to be a hectic one.

Midoriya, finally ready to head out and just leave already, opened his door. Take a wild guess at who was waiting for him?


Midoriya didn't even jump as if he were startled because he was already guessing Todoroki would be waiting for him like a creep. He kept walking with a "Nuh." 

When it became very apparent that Todoroki wouldn't stop following him until he was acknowledged, he practically hissed to the man behind him. "I do believe I remember telling you to shut the hell up and never talk to me again. Wait, that was my dream last night." Izuku joked with a roll of his eyes. "Huh, my bad. Well, here goes nothing, shut the hell up and don't ever talk to me again. I'll be back on Friday to report. Otherwise, stay the hell out of my life."

Midoriya reached the elevator before Todoroki, and thank god Todoroki had enough common sense to let Midoriya get on on his own, or Todokri would have been sporting a black eye by midday.

Midoriya's phone started ringing in the middle of his ride and he rolled his eyes, answering without bothering to look at the caller ID. "I swear to god Todoroki-"" Oh no, that was most certainly not Todoroki's caller ID... "Hello?"

"You're late," a gruff voice said on the other end. Shit, his boss? Bakugou, was his name? Or maybe this was an employee or Bakugou's assistant? God, did it really matter? The caller was right, he was late.

"I know sir, I was stuck in traffic and on top of that I had a bad fight with my mom last night so I didn't get much sleep and I did not have time to get a coffee so-" Midoriya continued listing uncomfortable reasons why he was late and waited for Bakugou to give in.

Midoriya smirked, taking a sip of his coffee when the audible groan was heard from the other side. Even if the excuses didn't make strangers uncomfortable, they made him seem more docile and innocent, which worked for him in many ways. Number one being, people tended to underestimate him. And that was good, because he loved the look on their faces when he showed people what he could actually do.

"I'm going to fire you on your first day if you don't shut the hell up. Get here." The line went dead.

Sheesh, no need to be so negative about everything, grumpy pants.

Midoriya decided to play a game. How fast could he get fired. It sounded like lots of fun. The elevator finally opened, they really needed to get that fixed, and Midoriya stepped out, giving a brief hello to Toga who was heading on the elevator.

"Heard about the job, good luck Izu-kun. Try to make it back in one piece!" She shouted as the doors closed.

"Himi~! Don't say that!" Midoriya whined. Yes, he was a gang leader but he couldn't beat the goodness out of his heart if it meant life or death and everyone knew that. Toga, thank the lords, never really paid too much attention to it. Dabi, Shigaraki, and Todoroki on the other hand often teased, berated, and put him down for who he naturally was at heart. Kurogiri stayed passive on the matter and never really brought it up unless prompted.

Midoriya turned towards their bar where Kurogiri was. He was like a mom figure, if Izuku had to guess. He honestly wouldn't know, considering it had been so long since he had seen his mom. Kurogiri was who was supposed to lead the gang after AFO stepped down, but Kurogiri had no interest in that kind of thing. He handed it down to Todoroki and Midoriya, who were still new to the gang at the time.

Midoriya scoffed at the thought of the gang being split in half, because that's certainly not how it went most of the time. 

"Good luck Izuku, call us if anything goes wrong," Kurogiri gave him several more sentences full of reassurance that he and Toga would be there if he needed them or if he messed up, and they wouldn't leave him behind in the dirt. Midoriya loved the kind words, but deep down he knew it just wasn't all true.

Shigaraki wasn't about the whole inspirational speech, or even giving a proper goodbye, so instead he just gave a gruff nod. Dabi wasn't even there, how thoughtful.

Midoriya opened the door.

Here he goes.

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