Kirby x Meta Knight - human...

By wiccawiccawoo69

15.9K 248 574

Have you been looking for a story that follows the love story of human Meta Knight and girl Kirby? Well your... More

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End of the Line Bitch
Its About Time
Virtually Nonexistent
Protect Her
"iT's buRnIN' eVerYthInG!"
Around the 15th
'Heaven help the fool who falls in love'
Saturdays are for the boys
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Kracko part 1
Kracko part 2
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Authors note

Monster at the Castle

1.4K 25 58
By wiccawiccawoo69

The knights, Tiff, Tuff and Kirby then began their way to the castle. *it's night btw* Meta couldn't help but notice Kirby was walking slower. He debated on asking is she was alright or if she was nervous about the monster to which he would respond with words of encouragement. He turned to look at her, Kirby noticed and looked up at him. She looked anxious so Meta took some steps towards her until they were walking side by side.

Kirbys thoughts: Um is hot Spanish accent knight walking towards me right now!!!?

Meta: "I feel like a lot has happened to you in a day with no one asking of your well, are you alright?" Meta is referring to the fact that she crashed her ship and is in a whole new world

Kirby was caught off guard by this question, normally she would lie in this situation but there was something about this knight that made her want to tell him the truth.

Kirby looked at him while she thought of a response: "um, honestly I just want to sleep...for the rest of eternity" she half smiled then waited a bit to be honest, "...but, I just got here and everyone's counting on me to kill this monster and I don't want to let them down. ALSO when my ship crashed I thought I would be dead so I'm still trying to deal with my near death experience" she said and faked smiled. Hot spanish accent knight is nice. And his eyes are cool.

Meta: "Try not to worry about the monster, if you need it we can help you" He said gesturing to Sword and Blade who were walking a ways ahead of them. "Aslo, how did you manage to crash your ship?" He was genuinely curious because those ships very rarely crash.

Kirby: "It was on autopilot!! I have no idea what happened!" She said half laughing. It was funny after all, crashing a ship on auto pilot,(psshh how do ya even manage that? *laugh*)

Meta laughed, even though the topic of crashed ships isn't necessarily something to joke about.

Kirby smiled at him: "Thanks for caring about my menta well being" she said walking faster to catch up with Tiff, leaving Meta no time to respond. I like it here. Now... what does he look like under his mask? And why do all the knights have mask, its hot as heck.

Meta's thoughts: i did it, i used words to make conversation! *sarcastic thought* such an accomplishment

While Meta was thinking Sword and Blade crept up behind him.

Sword: "You did it, you talked to her! I am so shocked"

Blade: "Now give me the five dollars" he said sticking his hand out to Sword, who reluctantly hands him the money

Meta: "You placed a bet on me?"

Blade: "I told Sword you could talk to her but he refused to believe me"

Meta is annoyed at them now.

Sword: "well you did it, and that's all that matters"

Blade: "Now you just have to take off you're mask and shell be all over you"

Sword: "Imagine being hot AND having a sexy accent"

Meta: "Australians a cool accent"

Sword: "No it's not no one understands what your saying"

Blade: "At least Australians better than British"

Sword: "take that back!"

Meta: "shhh, I think we all agree Spanish is the best accent"

Blade and Sword: "agreed"

After some time, the group arrives at King D's castle. They go into the front entrance to see King D feeding a small octopus a fish. Escargoon is also there.

Tuff: "See that fish Kirby, that's the monster except it gets 100 times bigger!" Tuff said overexagerateing his arms when saying '100'

Kirby looks at the octopus confused.

King D: "I already told ya that ain't no monster!"

Tiff: "Stop lying DDD, that's the monster that's been eating all our sheep!"

King D: "this little fishy's too small to eat any sheep, all it eats is sardines " The king then tosses in another sardine and the octopus sucks it up. After eating it the octopus doubled in size.


King D: "see what?" The king is trying to act like that's not a monster

Meta: "I saw it"

Kirby and Tuff: "me too"

Escargoon: "the king already said it's not the monster, now get movin' the kings about to eat his dessert"

King D: "Except for Kirby, we need to have a word" He said teeth grit and angered

Kirby looked at Tiff, Tuff and the knights and rolled her eyes. Meta gestured for everyone but Kirby to follow him and they went behind a wall to eavesdrop.

Kirby: "are you going to try and hit me with your hammer again?" As she said this she remembered her plan the next time he'd try and touch her. muRder.

King D: "now listen here, I don't want you in my kingdom and I don't like you so I fixed your ship, which was a very kind thing to do, so you could leave"

Escargoon: "I say take up the kings kind offer and get out of here before you regret it"

Kirby: "I'm not leaving until I kill that monster" she was actually quite shocked about the ship thing.

The king is now very mad.

King D: "I said get out of my kingdom!!" The crazy king then pulls out his mallet and starts chasing Kirby around.

Kirby: "ah this isn't how you get people to do what you want!" She says while dodging the mallet swings, then stops to get ready to punch this mothafucker in the face.

Unfortunately she wasn't able to swing, for the glass tank containing the lil octopus shattered. How? Well it's a massive size of course. The octopus had grown to be too big for the tank, and it kept growing. Due to the sound of shattered glass Tiff, Tuff and the knights came out into the throne room to see.

Tiff: "It was a monster!"

Everyone watched in shock as the once small octopus grew to the point where it touched, then broke through the tall castle ceilings!

King D and Escargoon: "AHHHH" they said then took cover in the nearby hallway

Kirby's thoughts: I guess this is where I come in. ok ok I can do this. *looks at her shoes* nope *kicks off shoes* *notices hair* nope *pulls hair into a pony tail* now i can do this. I'm a wee bit scared. Woefhlsuefnlskj.

Kirby looked up at the monster, judging by it's speed she knew she didnt have much time before it would make it's way and destroy the Cappies farms. She looked down at the star necklace on her chest. She yanked the star off it's chain and threw it on the ground. The once small star grew to the size of a uhh I don't really's the warp star! Everyone watched in shock because they didn't understand how it works and neither do I :|

Once the warp star grew she hopped on and quickly steered to the octopus monsters direction.

Tuff: "YAY go Kirby!"

Tiff: "Meta knight what was that?" is referring to the star thing

Meta: "that was a warp star...." so she really is a star warrior

Tiff, Tuff, and the knights walk out to the terrace to see the fight.

The giant octopus monster then started to squirt little tinier versions of the big octopus out of its tentacles.
Kirbys thoughts: what the FUCK! That was horrifying
The tiny octopuses then started to charge at Kirby who swiftly dodged them in the air. Then if things couldn't get weirder the monster started shooting fireballs.  (I think we can all agree that monster had some weird abilities)
Kirbys thoughts: this is my chance
Kirby flew towards the fire.

Tiff: "Kirby what are you doing!!"

Kirby kept going then held her arms out as the fire ball went through her but it didn't burn her. She had absorbed it!! (what did you want me to say she swallowed it? Haha no)

Everyone watching: :0

Kirby then shot fire out of her hands like it was nothing. Kirby smiled. She was smiling because she noticed everyone's facial expressions change form being completely horrified to confused to amazed and back to horrified.

Tuff: "woah Meta Knight what was that?!"

Meta: "I'm guessing the ability to copy and absorb different attacks?" Although, I've never seen a star warrior do that...

Tiff: *speechless*

Kirby continued to burn the monster with her fire powers. The monster was becoming more and more burnt, it starting to shrink to its small size. Kirby kept burning until it was a black crisps. And just like that she defeated the monster. A wee bit anticlimactic.

Kirbys thoughts: i'm zuko (jk there ain't no avatar in this universe tehe)

All the cappies watching from outside the castle: Hooray for Kirby!!!

Tiff and Tuff jumped up in celebration. Meta stood there impressed and the other two knights, um where there too. Kirby guided the warp star down to the terrace where everyone watched.

Kirby: "Yay I did it!"

Tuff: "That was awesome Kirby! You saved us!!"

Kirby smiled. Kirbys thoughts: i'm very tired

The castle is severely damaged but just like in the show it gets fixed in the next scene so that's what happened....anyways all the cappies are thankful and happy that Kirby was able to get rid of the monster. D and Escargoon are MAD that they bought the monster for nothing, Meta Knight developed a crush, Tiff and Tuff are amazed at Kirby's abilities, and Kirby is tired.

*some time has passed, like 10 minutes or so*
In that time (it is night time) everyone was leaving to go to bed.

Kirby: "um.....where should I go-" She said to Tiff

Tiff: "oh right, you can stay at my house!" Tiff didn't mind, she liked Kirby. Kirby sensed that Tiff was stuck up but she cant complain.

~~~easy dialogue from here on out ;)~~~~~~

It's late at night. Tiff is laying in her bed and Kirby on the floor. It's silent until...

Tiff: "so where'd you come from?"

Kirby: "haha good question....."

Tiff: "........."

Kirby: "I- uhm, don't really want to talk about it...." that got kinda awkward

Tiff: "oh...well, do you think you're going to stay?"

Kirby took a moment to think: "Well, I don't really have anywhere to go, or a way to leave. But it's ok, I like it here"

Tiff: "why? The king of the place tried to hit you with a hammer twice"

Kirby: "The people here are very nice"

Tiff: "I suppose so"

*moment of silence*

Kirby: "how old are you?" She asked randomly

Tiff: "...15, and you?"

Kirby: "18"


Kirby: "So, do you have a boyfriend?" She asked randomly once more

Tiff: "One time a fish asked me out" (Kine)

Kirby: "what"

Tiff: "yeah"

Kirby: "Fish cant talk"

Tiff: "I know"

Kirby: "so, how?"

TIff: "I- I don't know"

Kirby: "heh"

Tiff: "how about you?"

Kirby: "girl, I wish"

Tiff: "don't we all"

Kirby: "At least you can get a fish"

Tiff: "You're literally Heather (tik tok reference) you could get anyone you want" (there is no tik tok is this universe i just wanted to say that) (if you don't get it Heather means like a very pretty person who gets all the attention, it's a compliment)

Kirby: "Welllll, are there any good options here?"

Tiff: "Hmmm, for you? Uh..holy shit! You would look good with Meta!"

Kirby: *gasp* "Hes so nice, but what does he look like without the mask?"

Tiff: "Hes hot, and hes you're age. Kirby, this could work"

Kirby: "Seriously!"

Tiff: "However, he's very quite. At first though, hes normal once you get to know him"

Kirby: "Do you know him good?"

Tiff: "yeah he's like if I had an older brother. Oh he's also very smart and a really good swordsman, it can be intimidating"

Kirby: "anything else?"

Tiff: "He came here like two and a half years ago, and in that amount of time he's never had a girlfriend. Or hooked up with anyone, I think. Oh and he's like low key depressed"

Kirby: "hmmm, so how do I become friends with him?" Low key depressed?!

Tiff: "You just gotta talk to him"

Kirby: "ha, how"

Tiff: "Just roam the castle hallways until you find him"

Kirby: *sighs* "thanks for the information" *sarcastic

Tiff: "no problem"

Ok the end


S̝t̝a̝y̝ t̝u̝n̝e̝d̝ t̝h̝i̝n̝g̝s̝ r̝ g̝o̝n̝n̝a̝ g̝e̝t̝ 𝒮𝒫𝐼𝒞𝒴🌶✨

Thanks for reading, and comment please bc it's proof to me that you read the whole thing!!

Comment 🪓

I'm so sorry this is long I swear the next one will
not be bad! Like my first chapter Jesus duck it's long 🦆

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