kitty ~ taegi

By 37Chonces

235K 12.3K 5.5K

taehyung hates cats and yoongi happens to be one lowercase intended started: march 16, 2020 finished: may 25... More

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t h i r t y s i x
t h i r t y s e v e n
t h i r t y e i g h t
k i t t e n

b o n u s

4.4K 153 121
By 37Chonces

this is the alternative ending that i had planned out for this book at first

prepare your tissues and here's a cookie as well 🍪

speaking of tissues, i also can't listen to tear the same anymore after finding out that the members wrote the song while they were thinking about disbanding. hoseok's verse hits very different now that we know why he rapped it with such deep emotions. the song is about a breakup between the members. i'm not crying, you are 😭


after jimin had told taehyung the truth and he'd ran out after getting upset, he went straight home and cried.

his heart ached that not only, yoongi was gone and he couldn't be with him, but that his best friend, jimin, killed his own brother. taehyung felt hurt, betrayed, and lied to.

he no longer felt like he had no one to talk to. once again he felt lonely in a world full of people.

his phone vibrated in his pocket. taehyung didn't have the energy to answer the call, but nonetheless, he still took out his phone to see who it was.

namjoon's name with a heart beside it, flashed across the screen. he remembered that he had set that as namjoon's contact name.

reluctantly, he picked up the phone before the last ring. "namjoon?"

"taehyung, hi! how are you? i wanted to call to see if you- hold on are you crying?" namjoon asked as he heard taehyung sniffling through the phone.

"i'm okay, namjoon. i'm not in the mood for anything right now, i just want to be alone," taehyung replied as more tears streamed down his face.

"what? no, no one deserves to be alone while they're crying. text me your address and i'll be right over your house."

taehyung heard namjoon hang up. he stared at his contact name and pressed on the message option. his fingers hovered over the keyboard, debating whether or not he should send namjoon his address. but then, a part of him also didn't want to be alone. he needed someone to talk to, so typed in his address and sent it to namjoon.

after fifteen minutes of taehyung crying to himself on his couch, there was a knock on the door. he slowly got up and opened it, revealing a worried namjoon standing on his front step.

"taehyung, why are you crying?" namjoon immediately asked. "are you okay?"

taehyung said nothing as he opened the door wider for namjoon to come in. namjoon let himself in before taehyung closed the door behind them and walked back to the couch and fell back down on it.

"taehyung, tell me what's going on," namjoon pleaded as he sat down beside taehyung. he wanted to reach out and hug taehyung, but he wasn't sure how the other would react.

"i have no friends, namjoon."

"not even your cat yoongi?" namjoon asked confused.

"yoongi wasn't even my cat and he's gone," taehyung cried. "i love him and miss him so much already."

"i thought yoongi was your cat?"

taehyung shook his head. "yoongi was just helping me with something, but we fell in love. jimin said we couldn't."

namjoon raised an eyebrow, even more confused. "who's jimin?"

taehyung bitterly chuckled. "you're right, who is jimin? he's for sure not my best friend anymore. he's a liar and he lied to me this whole time. did you know that he killed my brother?"


"well, he did. that's why he wouldn't let me and yoongi be together. he thought we would make the same mistake as him. and then, he had the audacity to even apologize, can you believe that?"

namjoon said nothing. he just let taehyung freely speak.

"apologizing won't undo what he did to my brother."

namjoon nodded as if understanding, but he hardly knew what was going on.

"i used to hate animals, especially cats, but then as jimin was talking, i realized that i never hated cats, i hated jimin all along. he was the one responsible for seokjin's death."

"why did you hate cats?" namjoon asked as what taehyung was saying wasn't making sense.

"because jimin is the calico cat that killed my brother."

namjoon slowly nodded. "what exactly happened, taehyung? i'm not sure of what happened."

taehyung sighed as he wiped away some of his tears. then, he proceeded to tell the story from the beginning. "jimin is a cat, a calico cat. he can also turn into a human because he's the protector of the animals. he fell in love with my brother and killed him while in his cat form. it was his fault that my brother died, so out of pity, he befriended me and kept the secret of my brother's death being his fault, that he was the calico cat that killed my brother."

"then, where does yoongi come into this?" namjoon asked, still very much confused.

taehyung wiped away some more tears that he didn't realize had fallen from his eyes as he told namjoon the story. "yoongi is like jimin, sorta. he's a cat, but he was originally a human, unlike jimin. jimin is the other way around. i hated animals, especially cats because of jimin. jimin told me that if i didn't learn to love animals, i would turn into the animal i despised the most, cats."

"wait, isn't that more of a fairytale story that you tell kids to make them listen?"

taehyung shook his head while still wiping away a few tears. "no, i thought it was too, but it's real. i met yoongi in his cat form first, he came to help me because he also suffered the same fate. he hated cats so much that he ended turning into one because he didn't learn to love them. to avoid the same fate, i was supposed to learn from him."

"did you?" namjoon curiously asked while leaning forward in his seat.

taehyung nodded. "that's why i'm still here. i would have been turned into a cat the moment yoongi was gone."

"i don't know how to feel about that, especially this guy named jimin."

"jimin lied about something else too."


"he said yoongi and i couldn't fall in love. i thought the idea was absurd and i never thought i actually would fall in love, but..."

namjoon let out a soft breath as he remembered what taehyung had told him and realized what happened. "you fell in love, that's why you miss him so much."

taehyung nodded. "i don't understand how i can't love yoongi if jimin loved seokjin."

namjoon's heart ached for taehyung. "it's okay, taehyung. jimin is a hypocrite from what you've told me. you don't deserve him, you have me. i can be your best friend," he said as he opened his arms for taehyung and engulfed him in a tight hug.

taehyung felt like crying all over again. "you're so nice, namjoon. please, don't ever leave me. i don't have anyone else to talk to."

namjoon rubbed taehyung's back to calm him down as he felt taehyung's body slightly shaking due to him crying again. "i won't ever leave you, taehyung."

namjoon kept his promise. he never left. he was there when jimin came to taehyung, asking to listen and understand him. he was there when taehyung cried, longing for yoongi. and he was there, to help taehyung move on. he stayed and became taehyung's best friend.

their friendship soon blossomed into something beautiful, love.

one day, when namjoon got home, he found taehyung playing with rapmon. he smiled fondly before coming over and placing a kiss on taehyung's lips.

"taehyung," he called out, making the other turn his attention away from the dog and towards him. "you know i love you, right? i want to be with you, but i also know how much you still love and miss yoongi."

"yoongi?" taehyung furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. "who's yoongi?"

namjoon was about to open his mouth to ask taehyung if he had actually forgotten about yoongi or if he was just pretending, when he suddenly didn't even know who or what he was even qtalking about. "i don't...know."

jimin had been in his cat form. he silently followed namjoon home and with a wave of his paw, he watched as taehyung and namjoon looked at each other, confused and unsure of what they were talking about.

jimin had done the same with yoongi, erased his memory and any other pain yoongi felt as he longed to be with taehyung.

jungkook and hoseok were the only two who hadn't had their memories erased. they asked jimin not to. they wanted to remember the love that yoongi and taehyung had forgotten about.

one day, as taehyung and namjoon strolled through the streets, their hands clasped together and their fingers intertwined, they suddenly stopped outside an animal shelter.

taehyung stared at in confusion. "i feel like i know this place."

"should we go in?" namjoon asked as he also stared at it, but not finding it familiar.

taehyung nodded. "let's go in."

upon opening the door, they were greeted with two smiles behind the counter.

"hello, welcome, are you guys here to adopt a pet?" one of them asked.

"we're just here to look around," answered namjoon as he watched taehyung look around the animal shelter. "is everything okay, taehyung?" he asked.

"i feel like i know this place," taehyung repeated. his eyes scanned the animals in their cages, looking at them with sad eyes, longing to be adopted, but his eyes stopped in front of a cat, or more, in particular, a cat with white fur and blue eyes.

"that cat isn't up for adoption, sorry," one of them men behind the counter scurried to take the cat out of the cage. "he was just put in a cage for misbehaving. his name is yoongi."

taehyung also felt like he knew that name and that cat. he watched as the two people behind the counter played with the cat and smiled.

"are you two dating?" he randomly asked.

they stopped and turned to taehyung. "yeah, we're dating. i'm jinyoung and this is my boyfriend, jaebeom."

taehyung felt like he heard those names before somewhere, but he didn't know where. everything about this place seemed too familiar to him.

"jaebeom and jinyoung, stop bothering the customers," a voice from the back called before appearing behind the counter.

taehyung stared at him wide-eyed. he knew for a fact that he knew this person.

"jimin, we're not bothering them. they just asked us a question and we answered," said jaebeom.

jimin sighed. "i apologize if they were bothering you."

ignoring jimin's comment, taehyung quickly blurted out. "i know you."

jimin seemed to be taken back. he stared at taehyung in confusion as if trying to figure out if he knew taehyung and where he knew him from. "i don't seem to remember you from anywhere."

taehyung shook his head. "perhaps, i mistook you for someone else, i apologize for that. my boyfriend and i will be going now."

after taehyung and namjoon had exited the animal shelter, jinyoung turned to jimin. "do you really not remember him?"

"he seemed to know you and this place," jaebeom spoke up.

jimin shook his head. "i don't know him," he lied. he then turned to the cat in jinyoung's arms. "yoongi, i got you some cheeseballs."

the cat leaped out of jinyoung's arms into jimin's. jimin carried the cat to the back of the animal shelter where he had the cheeseballs waiting for him.

yoongi happily munched on some cheeseballs while trying to figure out where he came to love cheeseballs. he also thought about the guy, taehyung that came into the shelter. he felt like he knew him, but at the same time he couldn't remember seeing him anywhere, so yoongi just munched on his cheeseballs.

jimin watched yoongi through sad eyes and thought about taehyung as well. he caused taehyung so much pain, from killing his brother to lying to him, jimin felt like he was really hurting taehyung the most, by erasing his memory of yoongi.

he tried to reassure himself that what he did was for taehyung and yoongi's own good benefit. he didn't want to see them suffering in pain. he thought erasing their memories was best for them.

but maybe what he thought was wrong. maybe they wouldn't have to suffer in pain since they couldn't remember each other, except for jimin. he'd have to live on while carrying the pain of what he'd done to his best friend and yoongi.

meanwhile, jungkook would cry sometimes, missing his first ever human friend, taehyung.

hoseok always did his best to comfort him, but it was never enough. he wished that yoongi and taehyung were there with them, without their memories erased.

and maybe, taehyung and yoongi's past selves wished for that as well, along with the possibility of being able to love each other and being together.


as i said, this was an alternative ending for the book. i wasn't sure to end the book with this ending or the one that the book ended with. in the end, i just went with the flow and typed out the chapters, leading them to have a happy ending, so in a way i also didn't know what ending this book was going to have.

i bet you guys are glad that this ending didn't happen, but who doesn't love a little bit of angst 🤠

also, all of you have agreed for me to write the minjoon spinoff idea so i'll be working on that next along with my two other ongoing books.

i love you all and once again thank you so much for reading. i'll see you guys in the minjoon spinoff coming soon 🥺❤️

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