Ayla and Lys' love

By JRRhera

18 4 0

One day Ayla an Officelady was on her motorcycle on her way to work and almost crashed with a Teen named Lys... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

5 1 0
By JRRhera

It was Christmas afternoon, the day was very cold, the snow was beginning to fall. But as Ange said, he had to work at Christmas. The whole office was happy, why today if you finish all the late work, and realize the winter break you so much deserve.

Ayla was with her coworkers at a makeshift table to make a Christmas lunch while they are in the office. The bosses managed to obtain different types of junk food for lunch. We have Pizza, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chimichangas, Shawarmas, Ayla as a junk food lover we serve all the variety that you can put on your plate.

- Ayla, are you going to eat all that? - What I carry on me. But I don't think about why I came without breakfast. Ange, thanks for the food. - You're welcome, but it's the only thing we could find, the other restaurants that could make traditional Christmas food tell us that they are full of orders - I don't see anyone bothering you. True People. - Everyone in the office supports Ayla's words. - Ange liked the gesture of his office mates. Ange's husband Will arrives with a load of soda bottles. Ask for help serving them. - I couldn't get anything healthy to drink either. - One of the classmates says- Will the food and drink are perfect. Worse is not eating or drinking. Everyone joyfully starting the meal as if it were a banquet. When everything is finished they return to their jobs.

It was almost 10 at night, the cold could be felt in the office. Everyone present is happy to be able to finish, and to start with the winter holidays. When everything is finally over, they say goodbye and hug Merry Christmas. Ange and Will tell Ayla that she is invited to spend the holidays at home with them. But Ayla says that she is going to use them to organize some things in her house. She gives her bosses a Christmas hug saying. - Merry Christmas.

Ayla walks in the parking lot. The cold in the place feels like it's inside a fridge. Her coat doesn't seem enough for the cold of that night. When he gets to where his motorcycle is, he mounts to turn it on and has to wait for it to warm up in the cold. she uses the smoke from the exhaust outlet to warm her legs. The heat of the smoke on her legs feels very nice as if her lover is breathing on her legs.

With the motorcycle ready Ayla gets on and turns on the lights and begins to leave the parking lot. She reaches the guardhouse, raises her hand, and greets the guard. He responds to the greeting, and opens the exit for Ayla, she leaves without much haste.

Ayla drives slowly through the city and contemplating the emptiness of the city, she was alone in the streets, the flashing Christmas lights seemed to greet her, as if she were from a princess loved by her people. Ayla manages to see in the distance a female figure who is walking alone on the sidewalk. Ayla slows down, adjusts her glasses and can see clearly who she is -Lys? - Ayla says out loud. Because of the light on the bike Lys does not recognize who is on the bike, Ayla turns off the bike light. Lys still does not recognize her, Ayla stops next to her, and she could notice that Lys does not wear clothes for the cold, she uses only the clothes to be inside the house, trying to warm herself with her hands as best she can.

- Lys, what are you doing here? - Ayla gets off her bike and approaches the girl, when she recognizes her she screams -Ayla! - and he hugs her looking to take the heat he can from Ayla's body. -! My God, you are freezing! Get on the bike fast and I'll take you home. - Hearing that, Lys clings to Ayla screaming in despair. -NOOOOOO! The girl's low body presses on the woman's breasts, and she begins to cry in pain, like a beaten girl. Ayla does not continue insisting and says to him - Lys calm. I will take you to my house. You will be fine there. -. Hearing that, she calms down a little.

Ayla asks Lys to release her, she gives her the coat she was wearing. They both get on their motorcycles, Lys burns Ayla as she always does, and starts the motorbike at Ayla's house.

Lys is affected by the cold, she holds onto Ayla's body with all her strength trying to take heat from her, Ayla feels how the girl trembles, and maintains a low speed, because she thinks that Lys's condition does not allow her to use all your forces.

The cold begins to affect Ayla, and she begins to feel discomfort in her chest, but she must not stop, she has to get home. Ayla starts coughing, Lys notices it and asks. - You're good? -Don't worry - Ayla says. We are almost there.

Ayla enters a small urbanization of the city, the houses were all identical following the same model. The girls pass through the main street, when they reach the end, they cross to the right, and continue until 5 houses pass. Ayla stops the bike to open with a control that she has on her bike keys, the door to her garage. When it is already open, they enter the house with the motorcycle, and close the garage.

Ayla coughs again, and tells Lys to get off the bike, she does. Lys looks around the place, in the dim light she notices that there is a small car. Ayla gets off and turns on the light, she looks in her purse for her medications, then takes a dose, she waits for it to work. Lys looks at her, not looking to ask questions so as not to disturb. Lys looks at the car again, notices that the tires are airless, it is covered with dust, as if it had been long without using it. Ayla feeling better, takes her keys out of her bag and opens a door that leads to the living room of the house, both enter. Ayla turns on the lights. Lys looks around the room and there is a sofa, two armchairs, a small table, and a television. The house did not seem like it was for a woman to live alone, it was for a couple. Lys sits on the couch, and tries to warm up in Ayla's coat.

Ayla enters a room in her house, opens a closet. She takes an electric blanket, leaves the room and goes to another room to find an extension, returns to the sofa where Lys is, and connects the extension to the wall. And then to the electric blanket. She covers her guest with the blanket.

-Excuse me if you see any mess. Are you hungry? I have some junk food left over from work lunch, I hope it doesn't bother you. - Okay, - Then I'm going to heat it in the micro slings. - Ayla goes to the kitchen, when she enters she takes the food from work out of her bag, serves it on a plate and puts it in the microwave, while it warms up, she prepares a hot chocolate for her guest.

When the microwave stops, she takes out the plate and serves the contents on two plates, takes a small tray and sets the food plates, and the two cups of hot chocolate. she takes the tray and leaves with her guest. She sets the tray on the living room table and sits down on one of the armchairs. - Help yourself whatever you want, I am a junk food lover. I all like it. - Lys takes what she likes, but unlike Ayla she eats food without enjoying it. Lys watches as her hostess enjoys the food. When Ayla finishes, she takes the chocolate, then takes the tray, her plate and her cup and goes to the kitchen. And she says I'm going to get you something to sleep. - Lys finishes eating, he has the chocolate, it was what I enjoy most about his food. It starts to make her sleepy, she lies down and stays tired to sleep with Ayla's coat and the electric blanket. The smell of your hostess seems pleasant to you.

When Ayla arrives in her living room, she says: - I prepared a room for you- but seeing the girl asleep on her sofa. She turns off the light, and goes to sleep.

Ayla in her room, her internal clock wakes her up early. It was vacation, there is no reason to get up early. She looks at her cell phone, the screen shows the time, 6:00 AM, -What am I going to do so early? .- A message arrives from Ange. Ayla takes her glasses, and answers him.

<Ange: Ayla Good morning. : -)>

<Ange: How did you start the vacation?>

<Ange: Will and I are going to do a movie marathon in the cinema.>

<Ange: Do you want to go?

<You: No, Ange. But thanks. You won't believe me.>


<Ange: O_o are you lying to me?.>

<You: No Ange. She is asleep in my living room.>

<Ange: IN YOUR ROOM !, with that you tell me they did nothing>

<You: Obviously not.>

<Ange: ACCOUNT ACCOUNT! How did I get to your house?

<You: I found her alone on the street yesterday after leaving work.>

<You: Now that I think about it, it seems like he ran away from home.>

<You: I didn't have clothes for the cold, and when I told him I would take her home>

<You: He didn't want to, he said crying that he didn't. I just calmed down until I said I would take her home>

<Ange: If it looks like it ran away from home. I'm sure of it.>

<You: What do you think I have to do? Take her to social services?>

<Ange: YOU DON'T OCCUR. If you do that they will return her to her house, or they will put her in an orphanage.>

<Ange: And believe me, I was in an orphanage because I got lost as a child.>

<Ange: I spent two days there, and they were some of the worst days I can remember.>

<Ange: The best thing you can do is wait for him to calm down.>

<Ange: and see if she has another relative who can take her in.>

<You: I'm already worrying Ange.>

<You: This is a problem.>

<Ange: Easy. If she is not comfortable with you, she is able to go home.>

<Ange: I also know of a place where they can receive it. I lived there a season is very healthy.>

<Ange: It is a colony for girls, they receive all the girls who become homeless>

<Ange: They give them education for the job, you can even work there for pay.>

<Ange: But that will be when something bad happens>

<Ange: Now Myu what you have to do is meet her.>

<Ange: Prepare her a good meal, and give her your sympathy friend.>

<Ange: Be a good host.>

<Ange: If you're lucky friend. It will give you the love you need.>

<You: you're right, I'd better attend my unexpected visit.>

<Ange: send me a photo, :-) I want to see how pretty it is.>

Ayla leaves her cell phone on the nightstand, and goes to the bathroom to do her morning routine, brushes her teeth. When finished he goes to his closer and looks for a casual but attractive clothes to walk around the house, and try to woo the girl. She puts on some Jean Tight Pants that highlighted her figure, and a White Top, she does not wear a bra to show her breasts anymore. She straightens her hair and puts on simple makeup to highlight her face. Once ready Ayla goes to the living room to see Lys. The girl was still asleep, Ayla takes her phone and takes a Selfie so that she and Lys both go out, and sends it to Ange. She immediately responds to him.

<Ange: Ayla is beautiful <3_ <3 'or' *.>

<Ange: I'll raise your salary if you leave it to me. Just kidding XD>

<Ange: Conquer Ayla (* ^ 0 ^ *). I leave you, I go to the cinema.>

<You: Then you give me recommendations to take my possible girlfriend.>

Ayla goes to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. She checks her fridge, and her cupboards, and has food to make a good breakfast for both of us. He takes out everything he needs, turns on a radio on the table, and starts cooking. On the radio a song by the group Queen begins to play, as soon as she hears it she begins to hum and move to the rhythm of the music. - There is no better music to start the day. We Will Rock You.-. That morning only Queen Music was playing.

Lys starts waking up to smell the food. She pulls back the sheets, and sits down, rubs her eyes. She looks around her and sees no one nearby, when she starts listening to rock music, she says in her mind. - Could she be Satanic ?. - She gets up from the sofa and stretches. She walks following the music, and comes to the kitchen and watches her hostess who is cooking, moving to the rhythm of the music, and singing the lyrics. Lys stares at the beautiful figure of her hostess. he leans against the threshold of the door. . - What a beautiful girl- says it in her head. Ayla turns around, and sees her guest on the threshold. - Hello, I see that you woke up, breakfast is almost ready. Sit down I'm going to serve it. - Lys approaches the table, sits in one of the chairs.

Ayla approaches the table with two plates with their respective cutlery. He puts one on Lys's side and she leaves hers on the table, goes back to the cupboard and takes a couple of glasses, and serves an orange juice that she had in the fridge. Ayla sits down and waits for Lys to start eating. She notes it very fearful.

- You don't like it? If I want, can I prepare something else for you? - No. This is fine. - Lys takes one of the cutlery and brings some food to her mouth, Ayla looks closely, waiting for her guest to tell her. But what happened was something completely unexpected for her.

Lys, while eating, begins to cry, and does not stop eating. The girl says in a tearful voice. -Delicious, it's very delicious. - The strange scene makes Ayla feel bad. "Because she cries" is what goes through Ayla's mind. The worried face of her hostess makes Lys speak again. - It is the first time that someone cooks for me. Even my mother hasn't cooked anything for me. Just like what he brings me from the street or what a friend's mother does, but never freshly made. - upon hearing that Ayla gets up and stands behind the girl and hugs her tenderly. Lys is surprised to receive this gesture from her hostess. - My God my girl, how is it possible that your mother does not make you food? I don't know what your life would be like, but I can't let you go through that again.- Ayla lets go of Lys and looks to get in front of her, takes her hand and looks her in the eye. the blue color of Ayla's eyes makes Lys stare at them.

Ayla says. -From now on you will live here with me. - Hearing that, Lys spout a waterfall of tears of joy. Myu hugs her and strokes her head, Lys leans her cheek on Ayla's breasts seeking her warmth. - Let off steam my girl, Fill my chest with tears if you want.- Lys cries until Ayla's white top is transparent, when she lets off steam, she separates from Ayla. Lys looks at the wet mark her tears left on Ayla's top, making her nipples show.

- Sorry for getting wet. Ayla closes her eyes, gives him a nice smile and says in her sweet voice.

"Don't worry, I see that you feel better." Ayla sits down again to finish her meal. - Are you satisfied Lys? Don't you want more? - Lys with a fearful voice says- I'm not well.

Lys finishes eating and takes the dishes from the table, and goes to wash them, with all the utensils that she uses. Another rock song starts playing on the radio. Ayla recognizes her at once, and says with joy - GUNS N 'ROSES - she moves again to the rhythm of the music, and sings it.

Lys, did not understand how she liked that type of music, always heard that people who listen to that music were bad. and Ayla didn't seem like she was a rocker.

Ayla finishes scrubbing, and turns to look at Lys. And asks. - Do you want to bathe? - Ayla sees that Lys is still fearful. - Don't worry, I'll lend you clothes. - Lys gets up, and says yes, Ayla approaches her and lifts her in her arms as if she were a girlfriend. the act makes Lys blush, and she doesn't understand why she does it. He looks Ayla in the eye, and she looks back at him.

- I'm going to bathe you.- Ayla says and takes her out of the kitchen and takes her to a bathroom that is on the second floor. Which has a bathtub, Ayla sits Lys on the toilet and opens the keys to fill the bathtub. Ayla comes out of the bathroom saying that she is going to look for some things for the bathroom. It doesn't take long and she arrives with a dressing gown on, some towels in her hands, a shampoo, and a bar of soap. Lys's hands are shaking, she has no idea what can happen now.

Ayla notices the fear of her guest and tells her. - Is it the first time that another woman bathes you? - She puts things in the sink. He swears to her from the Girl Scouts and says, "I promise I won't do anything weird." - Lys on hearing it gets calmer, gets up and with shame begins to take off her clothes slowly, preventing Ayla from looking at her back. Ayla stares as Lys takes off her clothes, and tries to hide that she is enjoying seeing another girl undress in front of her. When she takes off her shirt, Ayla notices that her guest has a bit bigger breasts than her, when she takes off her jumpsuit, she looks at her legs, and she likes them, when she takes off her bra, Ayla enjoys the girl's breasts, in her mind says: "Her tits are beautiful" when she takes off Ayla's pantyhose, she approaches and raises her again, immerses her in the bathtub. Lys covers her breasts with her hands, and Ayla says: - don't be ashamed, you have very nice breasts. Would you like to see me without clothes? So you're not so ashamed. - Lys blushes again and says yes with her head.

Myu goes to the other side of the tub as if looking to give Lys a better view of her body. Slowly and provocatively she takes off her robe, Lys cannot take her eyes off Ayla and she begins to feel strange things on her body, the same sensations that she had on the roof when Laira and Karin were having sex.

Lys Watch as Ayla opens her robe revealing her milk-white skin. - What beautiful skin - Lys says in low voice. When Ayla shows her breasts, Lys sees that they are small and with light colored nipples that contrasted with her white skin, they seemed more beautiful than hers. Ayla drops her robe and Lys sees that she has a beautiful figure. He focuses his gaze on Ayla's mount of venus and sees that it is the same color as her hair. It seemed beautiful to him.

- Do you seem to like me? Tell me Lys, do you like girls? - Lys doesn't answer. Ayla approaches and takes the soap and begins to pass it to Lys's body, rubbing it on the girl's breasts, delicately brushing the skin of Ayla's hands with Lyz's breasts. Ayla sees Lys's face enjoying the soft touch he makes. With his fingers he pinches her nipples gently, the girl moans slightly, and says "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She puts her hands on her breasts. Ayla remains calm and says. - He was taking the soap from you. Now give me one of your arms. - Lyz gives him the right arm while with the left he covers the breasts. When he finishes he asks for the other one and gives him the left arm.

Ayla then asks him to lift her leg and Lys meets all blushing. He runs the soap down her leg until she reaches her most intimate area. Ayla touches her, Lys let out a low moan and puts her hands on her intimate part. - Quiet.- Lys says in a sweet voice. And he asks me to raise the other leg and repeat the same operation but this time avoiding touching the holiest of a woman. When she's done, Ayla takes Water with her hands and pours it into Lys's hair. He gets up and takes the shampoo from the sink, and pours Lys a little on the head. With arched hands, he massages the girl's head. Ayla notices that Lys is relaxing with the washing of her head and closes her eyes.

- Do you like Lys? - This was done to me by my Mom, when I was a child. My mother was very good with me, and with my brothers. - You were lucky Ayla, my mother doesn't love me. He always treats me badly, tells me to ruin his life, and hits me for no reason. - Ayla when hearing those unpleasant words, feels sorry for the girl. - My God Lys, what about your father? - I have no father. My mother just tells me that she doesn't know who she is. When she got pregnant with me, and her family forced her to have me. But when I was born, no one wanted to relate to her again. I did not get to know more of my mother's family, it was just her and me. My mom never gave me a birthday or Christmas gift. He doesn't buy me clothes, the only clothes I have, he gets from the garbage. According to her, I would not spend money on my clothes, if there are free clothes on the streets. But she always buys new clothes, and she always has a new phone. But he never gave me one. - Does it hit you? But it doesn't seem like it, you don't have any marks. - If he always does it, if not with blows, he spanks me with the strap. I still have marks on my back. - Let me see.

Lys adjusts to reveal his back. Ayla sees bruises from a strap bump on Lys's back, but nothing that time won't erase. - But what a bitch your mother is. You don't have to go back there, I'm going to take care of you. Stay still, you need to put soap on your back. Tell me if it hurts. - Ayla passes the jabom delicately, Lys moves because she felt pain. - Did it hurt? - Yes- I will be more delicate.- Ayla keeps passing the soap, but still Lys shows gestures of pain. - I have creams. When we finish I will apply them to you, and I suppose you ran away from your house? .- If I run away. My mother came home, all drunk, she was screaming for me when I went, she asked me to take off my clothes and turn my back on her, and she started hitting me on the back with her leash. When he gets bored of mistreating me, he told me to go back to my room, but I stay on the stairs because I hear his phone ring. I could hear friends of hers coming to the house, I don't know why they were coming, but my mother said this, "You can come find Lys, and have fun as you like with her." I was afraid of that, I went into my room, I was not thinking clearly, and I escaped through the window of my room using my sheets as rope. I ran down the street with only what I had on, the only thing that occurred to me was to get into my school to spend the winter there. As I walked through the streets the cold was hurting me. Until you arrived.

- Lys I think I'm your Christmas miracle. - My Christmas miracle? I'm going to cry. - If you cry I get into the water. - Lys begins to shed tears, and Ayla follows through on her threat, and goes into the water, Lys continues crying, Ayla approaches her and with her hands pours water on her head, the girl closes her eyes, Ayla steals a I kiss his guest. She opens her eyes, for some reason that Lys doesn't understand, she opens her mouth and they both put their tongues together. The kiss reassures Lys and she stops crying. Ayla separates from Lys, and gives him a flirtatious smile.

-I know I said I wouldn't do weird things, but I couldn't contain myself anymore. If that's what you think Lys, I like girls. - Lys when hearing that she begins to feel fear and covers her body with her hands as best she can, Ayla tells him. - Don't be afraid of me Lys, I will never hurt you.- Ayla raises her hand again, to make the oath sign of the Scout girls, - I promise I will never do something to you that you don't want them to do to you. -Lys says: - I have no other options, you are better than freezing to death or returning to my mother's house. I trusted you Ayla. - Ayla closes her eyes and smiles saying: - Glad to hear that. I'm going to finish bathing you. Then I'll see your back, and we'll spend all day watching movies.

Ayla rinses the girl, tells her to get up, takes the cloths and gently dries her so that her back doesn't hurt, gives her a dressing gown and a towel for her head. She also puts her robe and a towel over her head, they both go to Ayla's room, and she tells Lys to lie on the bed face down, she does but she puts a towel around her waist, so as not to leave see his butt. Ayla looked for the creams on her nightstand. Ayla pours the creams on Lyz's back and massages her gently, the girl complains about the pain but soon begins to feel her back better.

Ayla, when he finishes with the girl's back, looks for clothes for her in her closet, and says: -I'll lend you my clothes so you can walk around the house, if you want, go to the bathroom in this room to get dressed. - the girl without thinking puts on her robe, and goes to the bathroom to put on her clothes. Ayla also takes advantage of putting on clothes. When Lys comes out of the bathroom already dressed and sees her hostess who is also dressed. They both leave the room and go to the living room, they sit on the sofa and Ayla turns on the television and they start watching movies, so as not to cook they ask for pizza. Already after midnight Lys is asleep on Ayla's breasts, when she realizes she picks her up and takes her to the room she had prepared for her guest.

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