Cinematic Adventures: Scooby...

Von extremeenigma02

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About a month after the events of the Wizard of Oz, life seems to have went back to normal for everypony. Twi... Mehr

Babysitting Disaster
Shaggy and Scooby
Meeting the Gang
Spooky Island
Hassle in the Castle
Something Strange
Truth Revealed
Final Battle
Bonus Chapter

Monster Attack

1.6K 23 55
Von extremeenigma02

The Equestria Girls and Mystery Inc. had finally made it back to the hotel, following a terrifying ordeal at the castle. The lobby was filled with college students, all of them talking over drinks and having a good time. The group didn't think much on it, as they were still trying to process what happened at the castle. The entirety of their time spent in that horrible place left them with more questions than answers, but thankfully they had a very important clue and a few suspect.s

Speaking of which, Mr. Mondevarious walked towards the group looking very please.

I mean he is the most obvious suspect when we think about it...

Don't you DARE spoil it for our readers.

"Ah Mystery Inc.," The owner greeted. "You all seem rather cheery; good news I hope?"

"Mr. Mononucleosis..." Fred began.

Mondevarious rolled his eyes at the fact that his name was mispronounced... Again.

"Yes?" He asks.

"We have hit a clue smorgasbord," Fred informed.

Velma presents the device to the park owner, who appears confused seeing such a thing.

"After the night we've had investigating the island, we have narrowed it down to three suspects," Twilight points out.

Both Pinkie and Shaggy hold up three fingers for emphasis, as Velma continues.

"N'Goo Tuana, he believes your theme park's been built on enchanted land," Velma said.

"The voodoo man, who shrewdly tricked me and Rarity into going to the castle," Daphne added, as Rarity nods.

"And you," Fred points toward Mondevarious.

"Me?" Mondevarious asked, shocked.

"Alright gang let's split up," Fred told them. "We'll meet back here in a half hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything odd."

"I'm going to get to work on translating these inscriptions Daphne found," Velma added, observing the device.

"I have to go check on Flurry Heart and make sure she's okay," Twilight told Velma. "I'll join up with you later."

"Rarity and I will go research cults on the net," Daphne said.

"Ooh, this is quite exciting indeed!" Rarity grinned.

Velma and Daphne high-fived as they head off in their separate directions. Rarity followed behind Daphne, while Twilight heads upstairs to her room to fetch her niece. Meanwhile, Mondevarious turned to the rest of the group wide-eyed.

"I'm a suspect?" He asked.

"Don't take it personally," Fred assured. "It's mostly because you creep me out."

"Oh, I see," Mondervarious answered, relieved. "Fine."

Unfortunately, his relief is short-lived when Rainbow walks right up to him and got in his face.

"You're not out of the loop just yet," Rainbow said, threateningly. "I'm keeping a close eye on you and if I find out you're involved in all this, the only thing that'll be spooky on this island is your face when I'm done!"

Mondevarious looked as if he was about to faint, as he quickly nods his head and Rainbow finally backs off. Rainbow then walked off looking for Fred when she spots a waiter carrying a tray. Like most of the employees, he was dressed from head-to-toe completely concealing himself.

"Hey buddy, you got any cider around this place?"

"Uh... We have 'hard' cider," The man spoke, in a deep voice.

"Sounds 20% cooler to me; I'll take it."

Rainbow drops a couple bits on the guy's tray, if we could see his face, he'd be surprised. He leaves while Rainbow hangs by the stairs, leaving the others to mind themselves.

"Come on guys," Pinkie cried. "Let's get something to eat; I'm starving!"

"Like you took the words right out of my mouth," Shaggy smiled.

They walk over to the bar/restaurant area of the lobby, sitting on the vacant barstools.

"Hmm... I wonder what kind of food they have in this place?" Pinkie asked.

"Like, I don't care as long as it's smothered in either barbecue or chocolate sauce," Shaggy said, his mouth watering.

Applejack and Fluttershy both shared some disgusted looks, while Scooby and Pinkie liked the idea.

"Ah ain't never seen or heard a pair like Shaggy and Scooby," Applejack whispered to Fluttershy. "The way they eat and 'what' they eat just seems odd."

Fluttershy just nods as they looked over the menus searching for something to eat.

After a while, Twilight had just came downstairs holding Flurry Heart, keeping her bundled in her blanket. She turns toward Velma, who sat at a counter off to the side studying the device. Neither of them knew they were being watched by N'Goo Tuana, spying on them while playing a piano. At one point, Velma twists the circle in the center of the device revealing more inscriptions much to her astonishment.


"Hey Velma!" Twilight called.

Velma looks up and smiles seeing Twilight and Flurry approaching.

"Well, look who's finally awake," Velma said. "Did Flurry sleep well?"

"Yeah, she slept the whole time," Twilight answered, sitting beside Velma. "Kind of surprises me actually."

"Well, she looks nice and rested now. Don't you Flurry? Don't you?"

Flurry giggled in Twilight's arms as Velma spoke to her in a baby voice, even tickling her tummy. Twilight laughed at the cute sight.

"I think she likes you, Velma," Twilight said, happily.

Velma looked up from Flurry to Twilight, smiling.

"Glad to hear it. I really like her as well."

Velma gave Flurry one last tickle before resuming her studies on the inscriptions. Just then, the young man who sat with them in the cart happened to pass by.

"Hey," The kid replied.

"Oh, why hello," Twilight replied, surprised. "Nice to see you again."

"Your friends ditch you?" He asked.

"No, I always did the brainwork," Velma replied.

"And my friends are not too far," Twilight added. "They're just hanging around while we're examining this thing."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, we believe that this thing is the Daemon Ritus," Velma answered.

"Daemon Ritus? What's it for?"

"This describes an old race of creatures," Velma explained. "It's reminiscent of Pandaemonous texts, so I can make some of it out. It looks like instructions to some sort of secret ritual."

While Velma explains to the guy, Twilight looked over the device herself observing the weird markings. To think these described some form of ancient ritual for Celestia only knows what. Being an admirer of knowledge herself, Twilight found this to be very interesting.

"It is fascinating," Twilight said.

Just then, a bartender walked up and placed two drinks before them.

"On the house," The bartender said. "Nice sweater."

Velma took a tiny sip of her drink but stops Twilight just as she's about to take a drink.

"You might not want to drink that," Velma warned.

"Why?" Twilight asked.


Velma turns and points toward the bar, as Twilight turns to her direction. To her dismay, she saw Rainbow Dash chugging what her fourth cup of that 'cider'. This drew the attention of a nearby group of college kids, who cheer her on as she empties her glass and slaps it on the counter with a sigh.

"So, this one time, we made Bulk Biceps eat an entire cumulonimbus," Rainbow said, a bit tipsy. "And I don't want to have to tell you what that bad boy does to your digestive system!"

Either the kids were too drunk to think, or they were easily impressed, they all laughed along. Twilight turned back toward Velma, understanding what she meant, and slide her glass aside.

"BARKEEPER, MORE CIDER!" Rainbow shouts.

"So, you girls really dig doing this, huh?" The young man asked. "Like, clues and stuff."

"Certainly," Velma replied. "Really focusing on a mystery reminds me of the old days. We were quite a crew back then, and those were some of the best times of my life."

Velma smiles as she found herself reminiscing about the old times of Mystery Inc. Using her magic, Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated an image from Velma's mind to see the memories for herself.


The Mystery Machine, driving down a long patch of road, in the open desert. Inside the van, there was Velma smiling between Shaggy and Scooby. Scooby noticed Shaggy's drink and snuck behind him for taking a sip himself.

"Shaggy and Scooby; what goofballs! Kind of like they are today."

Daphne sat next to Shaggy, smiling brightly. She wore her classic purple outfit with a green headband placed perfectly in her hair.

"And Daphne; she was so beautiful. She was the coolest girl at Coolsville High."

Fred sat with his arm firmly around Daphne, as she looks to him with a big smile. He just smiles back as he continues driving the van. He wore his blue denim jacket and white t-shirt underneath.

"Fred; he was so handsome. And he really knew how to accessorize."

Twilight found herself smiling, as she looked at the fond memories Mystery Inc. shared before their disbandment. They really were a great time; Twilight just couldn't figure out how it all went wrong.

"You guys really were great friends," Twilight said. "Just like me and my friends are."

"Sounds perfect," The young man agreed.

Velma's smile slowly vanished, as she remembered something else. Only this wasn't a very pleasant memory.

"Yeah... But there was one moment that really stuck with all of us. The day we lost a member of our group."

A small little Great Dane pup pushed his way to the front of the van from between Shaggy and Daphne.

"Scrappy-Dappy-Doo!" He said loudly.

Scrappy Doo was Scooby's nephew, sharing the same dog leash as his uncle. Ever since his uncle took him in, Scrappy often accompanied the gang on their mysteries. The little pup was always a little ball of energy and confidence. The only problem was his tendency to bite off a little more than he could chew... Always.

"Ghosts don't stand a chance with me," Scrappy continued. "Let me at 'em! I'll rock 'em! I'll sock 'em!"

The rest of the gang roll their eyes listening to Scrappy's little tangent.

"Scrappy, for the thousandth time, there's no such thing as ghosts," Fred groaned.

"Sure there are," Scrappy replied, confidently. "And when I find 'em, I'll give 'em a good dose of puppy power!"

Everyone just groaned again, hearing Scrappy say the same thing over and over. He'd always say he'd fight off ghosts, but mostly he provides the intel for them. Scrappy did help solve riddles, but that was mostly what he was good at.

"Look Scrap, we know you're trying to help, and we really appreciate it," Fred explained. "But let's be real: You don't really have the fighting chops to stop... Anybody."

"Honestly, he's right, Scrappy," Velma agreed. "Maybe it would be best if you just stick to what you know best."

This seemed to stop Scrappy in his tracks. He always knew he could do so much more than providing intelligence to the group if given the chance. But hearing those words, his confidence vanished and replaced with disappointment.

"You guys never think I can do anything, do you?" Scrappy asked, seriously.

"Look, it's not like that, Scrappy," Daphne insists. "We'd just think it's better if you stick to just using that intelligence of yours to solve the mysteries. That's all it is."

Scrappy looked back to his uncle, hoping for some support. But Scooby just shrugged his shoulders silently leaving the puppy feeling dejected. Scrappy felt being part of this team meant there was something he could offer; except they only appreciate him for one thing... Just one thing. And then it happened...

"Pull over," Scrappy said.

"What?" Fred asked.

"PULL OVER!!!" Scrappy yelled.

Fred quickly slammed his foot on the breaks, the van coming to a sudden halt. But the pup was so small he smacked right into the windshield and slid off the glass before landing on the floor much to Scooby's concern.

"Rappy! Rou okay?"

Scooby reached down to help Scrappy, who just smacked his paw aside with a huff and picked himself up. He pushes his way to the back of the van where a huge commotion nearly shook the van. The gang couldn't quite understand what was going on until Scrappy pushed his way back to the front of the van... Only this time, he had a suitcase, all packed up.

"If you guys don't think I have what it takes," Scrappy began. "Maybe it's time I left."

"Come on, Scrappy," Shaggy spoke. "You know we believe in you..."

"Oh yeah? Well if you really believed me, you'd let me do more than just solving riddles and spotting clues!"

"Scrap, come on," Fred said. "I know you're upset, but that doesn't mean you have to go."

"Yes, I do. I've got it all figured out: I'm going out into the world; I'll solve my own mysteries and be the greatest detective there ever was. Who knows? I'll be so great they'll want me to star in my own animated series! And no one, and I mean 'nobody', is going to hold me back anymore."

Scrappy walks over to the passenger side door, sliding it open before jumping out. There was a sign that read 'Yucca Flats: 6 Miles', where he knew an uncle who worked with a deputy fighting crime in the west. He figured he could stick around for a few weeks, see about getting a job. Scrappy started walking there when Scooby hopped out of the van.

"Rappy, don't go! Rease..."

Scrappy stopped in his tracks, slowly turning back to his uncle. A part of him wanted to stay, but there was a part of him where knew that if he did, nothing would change.

"Sorry Uncle Scooby, but I've got to go and do this. Maybe one day, I will come back... And hopefully things will change."

With that said, Scrappy Doo took off his collar and hurled it onto the ground. The little pup, his suitcase in hand, started heading off in the opposite direction. All Scooby could do was watch sadly as his nephew took off into the horizon, as far away from Mystery Inc. as possible.


When the memory ended, Twilight's eyes started tearing up. She turned over to Velma, who had removed her glasses, wiping the tears away from her own eyes, as she lied on the young man's shoulder as he comforted her. Twilight felt sorry for Velma, but more importantly she felt bad for the poor pup. All he ever wanted was to be taken seriously, treated like an equal in his own team. In a way, he reminded her of a certain little dragon she left behind in Equestria... Which made her feel worse.

"I'm so sorry that happened, Velma," Twilight said, sorrowfully. "I can't imagine what it's like to have a friend leave like that."

"Yeah, but I really felt we deserved it. He was right; we never did give him the respect he deserved. He was loyal and courageous, yet all we did was take advantage of him."

As she said this, Twilight could hear the regret and guilt in her voice. She could tell Scrappy really left an effect on her, probably the rest of the gang. Twilight reached out and placed a comforting hand on Velma's shoulder. The brunette in question turned to see Twilight smile warmly at her.

"Don't worry, Velma. I'm sure Scrappy will come back someday and when he does, you guys can tell him just how much he means to you."

"What if that's not enough? What if he doesn't want any part of us anymore?

"At least you'll know that way you won't worry so much. It's a risk you'll just have to take. If you really feel sorry for what you said, all you can do is just say your sorry. Personally, I believe the power of friendship can withstand anything."

Velma turned to Twilight and smiled.

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely," Twilight assured. "If being around my friends has taught me anything, no matter how bad things get friendship always prevails in the end."

Velma pulls Twilight into a hug, which the princess happily returned.

"Thanks Twilight," Velma said, as they broke apart. "I really needed to hear that."

"You're welcome," Twilight smiled.

Once they finished their conversation, Twilight and Flurry walked over to join her friends as the Tuana on the piano began to start a different tune. Fred and Daphne were just coming down to join them, as Rainbow finished another drink wiping her mouth clean. Hiccupping, Rainbow turns over to Applejack who was busy talking with Fluttershy then to the piano. Before anyone knew it, she ended up walking towards the piano, hopped right on top of it, and began to drunkenly sing to a classic tune.

Rainbow Dash (Sings):
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you.
You'd be like heaven to touch
Oh Celestia, I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank Celestia I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you.

As Rainbow Dash was singing the tune, regardless how she knew this song or was very drunk, the old Mystery Inc. gang and the girls were a bit taken aback. But none more so than a certain cowgirl who noticed that Dash had locked her eyes on her during that song and her cheeks slightly glowed, while trying to hide it. But still it seemed Dash was having so much fun, even Velma was giggling possibly an effect from the drink. And Pinkie Pie... Well, she enjoyed it.

"I know that song!" Pinkie cried.

Pinkie zooms over up to the piano and hops beside Rainbow Dash, who drunkenly smiles as Pinkie adds a verse while they hold arms bellowing to the crowd.

Pinkie Pie (Sings):
Pardon the way that I stare:
There's nothing else to compare.

Rainbow Dash (Sings):
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash (Sings):
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you.

Soon enough, the two girls started dancing on top of the piano, swinging their hips side to side. Some of the college kids were getting into the song, even clapping along as Rainbow Dash jumps into the next verse as Pinkie Pie dances along.

Rainbow Dash (Sings):
I love you, baby!
And if it's quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm my lonely night.
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say...

Between verses, Mr. Mondevarious leaned over to Shaggy Rogers, who happened to be sitting next to Mary Jane.

"You never told me your cousin's friends could sing," Mr. Mondevarious said.

"Like, I had no idea!" Shaggy smiled.

As Rainbow Dash continued, Pinkie Pie adds herself into the song as the whole room erupts in claps and the piano picks up the beat.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie (Sings):
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray!
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I found you, stay.

Rainbow Dash (Sings):
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you...
You're just too good to be true...

(Imagine Rainbow and Pinkie instead of Velma)

By the time the piano player finished, everyone clapped and cheered the girls for a wonderful performance. Although Applejack had tipped her hat down during most of the performance, she smiled slightly after a slight look toward Dash, who was helped down by the other girls as Pinkie hollered and bounced off the piano.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" Pinkie called out. "We'll be here all weekend! Tip all your waitresses!"

Sitting in a corner, Scooby Doo gave a shrilling whistle to the girls. However, as he looked out the window, he briefly noticed a snarling monster looking back at him. Seeing this, Scooby instantly freaked out and starts running through the lobby, knocking people over.

"Relp me! Relp me!" Scooby yelled. "Ronster! Ronster!"

Finally, the Great Dane hid himself under a coffee table shaking furiously. Everyone in the lobby looked at him confused, as Fred walked over with a sour expression.

"Scooby!" Fred said, through his teeth. "This is the most embarrassing thing you've done since you decided to clean your beans at Don Knotts' Christmas party!"

Scooby looked confused for a moment, but then chuckled at the memory.

"Cleaned his beans..." Fluttershy spoke, wide eyed. "Oh my!"

"Ew! That was just... Ew!" Rainbow shivered, leaning on Pinkie.

"I don't think anyone needed to hear that," Applejack added.

"What a revolting thought!" Rarity cringed.

"I know!" Pinkie frowned. "There are children reading this story!"

The girls just looked at her confused, though Rainbow's face looked drowsier than confused.

"Pinkie, what are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

"Oh nothing..." Pinkie giggled.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Fred said. "There are no such things as ghouls, ghosts, goblins, or monsters."

As Fred spoke, he walks up before a gathering of students and looks out among them all.

"Now listen up! There is absolutely, ABSOLUTELY no such thing..."

Suddenly, something big burst through the window cutting him off. He turns back to see a creature, snarling and shrieking, while all the lights went out.

"MONSTER!!" He shouted.

Everyone started panicking, running at the sight of the monster. Twilight held Flurry closely to her chest, as the others band together as more creatures appeared crashing from the floor and through the roof. Fred tried to run, but the creature grabbed ahold of his ankle tripping him to the ground.

"Fred!" Daphne yelled.

The creature lifts Fred upside down, right before its massive face.


The monster breathed green gas from its mouth, which made Fred very sleepy.

"... Save Daphne..."

Scooby ran out from under the table towards Twilight, as more creatures burst through the windows and walls. Twilight noticed Velma crawling around on the floor looking for her glasses.

"My glasses! I can't find my glasses!"

"Scooby, watch Flurry!" Twilight shouts.

Twilight placed Flurry on Scooby's back, as she ran toward Velma. Another creature crashed through the ceiling in front of Velma.

"Help me find my glasses," Velma said.

"Velma!" Twilight yelled.

The creature picks up Velma's glasses in its claws, handing them to her. She quickly grabs them, placing the glasses back on her face.

"Thank you..."

The creature growled right in her face, but all she did was smile either due to the drink or because it looked silly.

"Nice mask! Bad breath!"

The creature looked confused for a moment, before snatching Velma in its grasp. Twilight leapt onto the creature's back, pulling at its face trying to blind it.

"Get your claws off my friend!" Twilight snarled.

The creature reached around, trying to pull Twilight off. Velma just laughed as she pulled the creatures tendrils, attempting to pull the 'mask' off. All that did was stretch the monster's face every way Velma pulled.

"Velma, that's not a mask!" Twilight points out.

Velma's smile immediately went away, realizing Twilight was right. The momentary lack of concentration allowed the creature to hurl Twilight aside sending her rolling over a coffee table. The beast snarled to Velma, who was suddenly terrified.


The creature breathes the same green gas and Velma passed out.

"Velma!" Twilight yelled.

Shaggy, Mary Jane, and the other girls rushed towards Twilight, helping her off the ground.

"Come on!" Shaggy said.

They all ran and dove behind the bar area as more monsters arrived.


They slightly poked their heads out and watched that mustached kid rush toward the monster attempting to save Velma. But the monster grabs his arm and carries him away.

"This is, like, the exact opposite of what I wanted to do today," Shaggy spoke, fearfully.

"You and me both partner!" Applejack agreed.

As they watched the monsters walk away with their friends or capturing the panicking college kids, Fluttershy was able to snap Rainbow Dash out of her stupor with a cold glass of water. As Dash came to, Fluttershy looks around.

"Where's Daphne?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Or Rarity for that matter?" Rainbow added.

Unbeknownst to them, Rarity and Daphne ran through the crowd trying to reach them. As they ran past a few students, Rarity caught sight of N'Goo Tuana smirking evilly at all the carnage. She then caught sight of the Daemon Ritus sitting on the counter. Unfortunately, Tuana saw it too and quickly made his way to it.

"Leave it!" He growled.

Rarity used her magic to pull the Daemon Ritus straight to her, catching in her hands and ran away. Tuana chased after her but was quickly overwhelmed by a crowd of students. Rarity ran over to Daphne and hands her the device.

"I was able to keep this away from that horrible ruffian," Rarity said.

Daphne places the Daemon Ritus in her purse and they both stood in front of a terrified Mondevarious.

"Stand back sir!" Daphne said, assuming a fighting stance. "We'll protect you.

"Indeed darling!" Rarity said, readying her magic. "We won't let any horrid monster near you."

Suddenly, another creature shot it's arm straight through the floor and grabs Mondevarious. It pulls the screaming man straight down through the broken floor.

"Mr. Mondevarious!" Daphne and Rarity yelled, in unison.

Another creature shot it's arm out towards them, as Daphne tried to swat it away with her purse. Rarity shot a ball of magic toward its arm causing it to retract. The others all ran up behind them.

"Girls, go!" Shaggy yelled.

They all obliged that request, running away for safety. The only one lingering for a moment was Shaggy shouting:


Thankfully, amidst all the chaos, Scooby was able to sneak himself and Flurry Heart away from the creatures. Flurry hung onto Scooby's back tightly, as they hid themselves inside a large suitcase. Scooby tiptoed quietly, sneaking them past a few monsters.

"Rime a suitcase; rime a suitcase..."

Suddenly, they found the suitcase lift off them and they jump around to see a creature standing over them. It swung its massive claw at them, but Scooby ducked underneath. Thankfully, it missed Flurry who squeaked with fright. Just as it swiped again, Scooby held up his paw and the creature halts.

The creature looks confused, as the Great Dane grabbed its claw. Scooby starts rubbing his elbow over the creature's nails, as if polishing them. Even Flurry climbed up Scooby's shoulders and used her baby magic to conjure a nail buffer and work on the other claw.

The creature enjoyed the treatment it received and seems to relax. Then, Flurry shoved the bugger away and instead conjured a giant nail clipper. Scooby grabs the creature's claws and quickly chews them off while Flurry clipped the rest.

The creature was horrified of its now missing claws. Scooby smiles, while Flurry giggled and babbly. They ran so fast, well mostly Scooby as Flurry hung on, they left a cloud of smoke in the shape of themselves. The creature regained its focus and chased them. Scooby jumped onto a bar, sliding across while keeping ahold of Flurry.

Scooby paused when he noticed they slid passed a sandwich and went back to get it. Just as he picks it up in his teeth, the creature caught up with them and reached out to grab them. But they ran off and the creature grabs the sandwich, squirting mustard in its eye. Scooby quickly went back and retrieved the sandwich from the monster.

"Rank you!"

Scooby and Flurry run off again, as the creature looks on.

Meanwhile, the two groups, along with Mary Jane, managed to make it to the fourth floor and found themselves running through the halls.

"Where's Scooby?" Daphne asked.

"And Flurry Heart? Twilight asked, frantically.

"I don't know, but I hope their okay," Shaggy said.

"Well, at least we shouldn't expect any more surprises," Rainbow sighed, in relief.

Suddenly, a luggage cart crashed into them from behind and they all fell onto it. It turns out Scooby was pushing said cart while Flurry flew right behind him.

"Scooby Dooby Doo!" Scooby cheered.

"Hey Scoob!" Shaggy greeted.

"Oh Flurry!" Twilight said, catching Flurry Heart. "Thank Celestia you're alright!"

Twilight hugged Flurry Heart tight, as the cart rolls forward. Unfortunately for them, they noticed they were heading straight toward a window.

"SCOOBY!!!" They all screamed.

Scooby looked straight ahead, eyes widen in shock, as they all smash through the window. They all screamed while falling, but thankfully they landed on the hotel awning which broke their fall. They rolled off the awning and land on their feet. But before they could run, they found themselves surrounded by monsters. They all huddled as close together as possible, while the creatures reached for them.

"Like, what do we do now?" Shaggy asked, fearfully.

"Looks like we're fighting our way out!" Rainbow said, ready to fight.

"We can't possibly fight them off like this!" Rarity points out.

Just then, Twilight felt something move in her arms and looks down. Twilight could see the little foal's eyes widen with tears, squirming while her lips quiver. Twilight knew what was coming and faced her friends.

"Guys, get down and cover your ears!" She instructed.

"Why?" Mary Jane asked.

"Trust me!"

They all duck downed, covering their ears. Flurry began whining and whimpering, tears streamed down her face as the creatures edged closely. Just then, Flurry unleashed a massive wail that sent shockwaves throughout the entire area. The force was so powerful, it sent all the creatures flying backward and some deep into the night sky never to come down.

After they were gone, they all uncovered their ears and helped each other up as Twilight tried to calm her niece.

"Shhh!!!" Twilight shushed, softly. "It's okay, Flurry. The big, bad monsters are all gone. You're safe."

Flurry just buries her face in Twilight's shoulder. The rest turn toward Twilight and Flurry with shocked expressions, especially Shaggy, Daphne and Scooby.

"Now that's what I call a sonic boom!" Rainbow said. "That'll clear the senses."

"Well, that certainly worked in our favor," Daphne smiled.

Scooby walks over to Twilight, tapping Flurry's back. Flurry slowly looks up to see Scooby standing there and immediately perks up, giggling and babbling.

"Rank you, Rurry," Scooby thanked her.

The little foal leapt out of Twilight's arms and into Scooby's. She hugs the Great Dane with all her might, planting a kiss on the cheek as they slowly walk off.


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