Cinematic Adventures: Scooby...

By extremeenigma02

24.4K 264 561

About a month after the events of the Wizard of Oz, life seems to have went back to normal for everypony. Twi... More

Babysitting Disaster
Shaggy and Scooby
Meeting the Gang
Spooky Island
Monster Attack
Something Strange
Truth Revealed
Final Battle
Bonus Chapter

Hassle in the Castle

1.5K 17 63
By extremeenigma02

As the night settled upon Spooky Island, all the students had the time of their lives partying all through the evening. This, however, was not the case for a certain group of investigators, collectively standing high upon the cliffs overlooking the island. For them, fear and uncertainty filled their minds as they gazed upon the Spooky Island Castle. The castle, technically an old ride, was closed due to posing a hazard to its guests. There it stood, old and abandoned giving it a rather 'spooky' atmosphere.

Shaggy, looking over his shoulder at the castle, turned back to Daphne and the others wide eyed.

"No way," Shaggy said, fearfully.

"Shaggy," Daphne sighed.

"We simply must do this, darling," Rarity insists. "True it looks dark and creepy, but there could be clues in there."

"Uh-Uh! Scoob and me don't do castles!"

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"Why's that?" Applejack asked.

"Because castles have paintings with eyes that watch you," Shaggy explained, while Scooby acts it out. "And suits of armor you thinks statue, but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around!"

"Well, I can understand that," Twilight admits. "We've had our share of spooky encounters in old castles."

The Equestria Girls look at each other and nod, reminiscing their times at the Castle of the Two Sisters. They remembered all the trap doors, the mysterious shadows, the eerie sounds, and everything else that terrified them while they were there.

"How many times has that actually happened?" Daphne asked Shaggy.

"Twelve, we're not gonna do it," Shaggy responds, folding his arms.

"Rats right!" Scooby agreed.

Having an idea, Daphne reaches into her purse and pulls out a familiar dog treat.

"Scooby!" She called.

The Great Dane in question turned around, but then started whimpering and holding up a dangling paw, acting like he was hurt.

"Aww, did you hurt your paw?" Daphne asked, faking sympathy.

"Oh, you poor thing," Fluttershy cooed. "Let me help you with that."

Fluttershy was about to approach Scooby, when Daphne held her back.

"Trust me, he's faking it," Daphne informs Fluttershy. "I'll prove it."

Scooby swatted his paw, which swung side to side, as he kept whimpering.

"Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Daphne asked, holding the treat up.

Instantly, Scooby went from feigning injury to hyper and excited, jumping around shouting:

"Roh boy! Reah, reah, reah!!!"

Daphne smirked and looked toward Fluttershy.

"Told you he was faking," She said, before turning to Scooby. "And you'll be fearless?"


Scooby then jumped on his hind legs, holding up his front paws assuming a fighting position. He yells while throwing punches in the air, mimicking a karate master. He jumps and threw a kick, which unfortunately hit Shaggy in the face.

"Ow! Hey Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury will you buddy?" Shaggy laughed.

"Here you go."

Daphne threw the Scooby Snack, which Shaggy tried to catch with his mouth. But Scooby proves too quick and snaps the treat in his mouth. The Equestria Girls giggled seeing this scene unfold.

"Rank you!" Scooby thanked Daphne.

"Those two must really love those snacks," Rarity points out.

"But aren't they 'dog treats'?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, but for some reason they both enjoy them," Daphne explains. "We don't ask questions. Now let's go before someone sees us."


"Let's do this!" Twilight said, determined.

They all proceed to make their way up the stairs into the castle. Before they went in, the group turned back and Shaggy still standing there, scared to death.

"You're not going to stay out here alone, are you?" Daphne asked.

"No, thank you," Shaggy answered.

Shaggy quickly follows them up the stairs, as they pushed the heavy wooden doors, which made a loud creaking noise as they opened. Eventually, they all stepped into the creepy castle itself where several suits of armor surrounded a few creepy clown coaster carts. A creaking sound made them all turn to see the doors shut themselves, which scared them somewhat. Fluttershy, along with Shaggy and Scooby, were the most scared.

"This place is, like, uber creepy," Shaggy pointed out.

"You could say that again," Twilight added.

"Reah, ruber creepy!" Scooby agreed.

"And I thought the Castle of the Two Sisters was creepy," Applejack said, looking around. "The only thing missin' are mindless zombies."

Suddenly, they all heard a loud bang making Shaggy, Scooby and Fluttershy scream. Shaggy leaps into Scooby's arms, while Fluttershy jumps behind Pinkie and Twilight. Emerging from another room, Fred came walking in with Rainbow Dash following close behind. Seeing it was just their friends, Scooby dropped Shaggy.

"'Sup guys!" Rainbow said.

"Fred? Rainbow? Where'd ya'll come from?" Applejack asked.

"We followed this trail leading up to this creepy place," Rainbow explained, walking up to them. "We didn't expect to see you guys."

"Fred, get back!" Daphne demands. "I found this place and I call dibs on its clues."

"Me and Dash already found some clues," Fred replied.

"What?" Daphne asked, surprised.

"Yeah, there's a whole lot of weird footprints that led us here," Rainbow explained. "I don't know what made them, but I'm guessing it's pretty big."

"She's right," Fred nodded. "It might be dangerous for you."

"If anyone mess with me," Daphne replied, cockily. "I'll be sure to bring the pain on them, Chinese style!"

Daphne was completely unaware that the creepy statue behind her was moving close behind her. It reached out its hand and toucher her shoulder causing Daphne, Shaggy, and Fluttershy to scream. From behind the statue, Velma poked her head out, giggling to herself.

"Velma!" Shaggy whined.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked. "I thought you were back at the ceremonial stage looking for clues."

"This ride was closed due to dangerous construction," Velma replied. "It's the most likely place to hatch a nefarious plan and I wanted to scare Daphne."

Daphne just whacked her with her purse, making Velma groan in pain.

"Well, since we're all together, let's split up and look for more clues," Fred suggested. "Daphne, you and I will..."

"Typical," Velma grumbled.

"What?!" Fred asked.

"Oh nothing," Velma sighed, leaning against the statue. "I was always picked last for the teams."

"Okay," Fred sighed, rolling his eyes. "Daphne, Rarity, and Applejack exit through the entrance. Velma, Rainbow, Twilight, and I will enter here through the exit. And Shaggy, Scooby, Pinkie, and Fluttershy..."

Fred paused when he noticed Shaggy scratching himself with the sharp claws of the statue, while Fluttershy cowered behind Scooby and Pinkie sat in one of the abandoned carts pretending to drive it. They all stopped when they noticed Fred staring at them, while Pinkie cheerfully waved at Fred.

"... Do whatever you guys do."

"Okee-dokee-lokee!" Pinkie replied, saluting.

With that settled, the individual teams headed off in their own separate directions. Shaggy, Scooby, Fluttershy, and Pinkie push open a door and found themselves in a giant room. In the very center stood a long table set up with all sorts of food on it. Shaggy eyed the table as if he had just found the Fountain of Youth.

"Whoa, check this out guys! It's like a medieval sizzler. Pinch me, I'm in heaven..."

Hearing his words, both Scooby and Pinkie stood on both sides of him and pinch his arms.

"Ow! It's an expression, you guys!" Shaggy said, rubbing his arms.

"Oopsie! Sorry about that," Pinkie apologized, blushing red.

"Rorry!" Scooby added.


Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, Daphne, along with Rarity and Applejack, walked down a dark hall till they reached a door blocked off by large wooden pillars.

"Looks like we're gonna have tah move them pillars if we wanna go any further," Applejack pointed out.

"You're right, A.J.," Daphne agreed.

"So exactly what do we do?" Rarity asked.

Daphne looked over at the pillars, noting they didn't seem difficult to lift.

"I'm thinking if we all work together, we should be able to move them all out of the way."

All three girls nod, as they approach the first pillar and grabbed ahold of it.

"Alright... Now heave!"

They all lift the pillar until it came right off. It was so heavy that it caused them to stumble backward a bit before they threw it to the ground. Daphne looked at all the dust and grime on her hands.

"Ew!" Daphne cringed.

Rarity looked at her hands as well, acting as if she had a heart attack.

"Oh, sweet Celestia!" Rarity grimaced. "This is so unbelievably disgusting; when we get back to the hotel, I'm going to bathe at least a dozen times to get clean!"

Daphne took out some wet napkins from her purse, one for both girls, as they quickly cleaned their hands. But then they heard a moan and turned, watching as Applejack carried a single pillar near effortlessly before hurling it aside. Applejack turns back to them, noting their wide-eyed expressions.



Meanwhile, Fred, Velma, Twilight, and Rainbow strolled down a long corridor lined with suits of armor on both sides. It was awkwardly silent, mostly for Fred and Velma, but eventually he broke the silence.

"Hey Velma, I never meant to... You know... Pick you last all those years," Fred apologized.

"Don't worry about it, Fred," Velma brushed it off. "I know you: All you care about are swimsuit models."

Fred couldn't help but feel offended by Velma's 'matter of fact' statement.

"No! Hey look, I'm a man of substance," Fred stated. "Dorky chicks like you and Twilight turn me on too."

Velma and Twilight gave disgusted looks toward Fred.

"Fred, that is something that never needed to be said at all," Twilight cringed.

Both girls walked away, their disgusted looks still on their faces. Rainbow turned to Fred, glaring at him.

"Real smooth, Mr. Cool!" Rainbow said. "That's my best friend you were just talking about. If I ever hear anything like that out of your mouth again, I'll slap it clear off your face! Got it?!"

Fred was too stunned to respond, as Rainbow stormed off after Twilight and Velma. Fred rolled his eyes as he follows them.

"That's a compliment!" Fred said to himself.

Not one of them noticed the statue off to the side, whose eyes seemed to move as if watching after them. As it turns out, one of the cultists, a midget, is spying on the kids trespassing in the castle. Sealing the peephole, he toddles away to make his move.


Later, Daphne, Rarity and Applejack finally finished removing the last of the pillars. Now they were trying to push the door open; unfortunately, it wouldn't budge an inch.

"Alright, this ain't working," Applejack sighed.

"Oh, you don't say, Applejack," Rarity muttered, annoyed. "Do you by chance have anything else that's painfully obvious to point out?"

Applejack stopped pushing, glaring toward Rarity.

"Why don't you come over here and say that to may face?!" Applejack said, intensely.

Before things could get heated, Daphne stepped between them.

"Girls stop it! We're not getting anywhere by arguing!"

Rarity and Applejack still glared at each other but calmed down after a minute before turning to Daphne.

"What do we do now?" Rarity asked.

"Well, I'm thinking if we all give it a nice hard kick, we'll be able to bust the door down," Daphne responds.

"Now that's more like mah style," Applejack said, stretching her legs.

Looking toward the door, the girls turn to each other and nod slowly. They face the door and get ready to kick it open. Daphne closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, while Applejack and Rarity stand at the ready preparing their legs.


While all this is going on, the midget cultist raced toward what appears to be the control room. He proceeds to flip the switch, which released a spark, and all at once the castle came to life as all the lights turn on.


While the house sprang to life, all the animatronics activating, the three girls kicked the door with all their might, and it flew wide open. They were celebrating their triumph, unaware of the house coming to life, the light strobes followed by thunder, and the cackling clowns. Not even noticing the ride starting up, as a cart headed straight for them.

"YEEHAW!!!" Applejack cheered.

"YES! YES!" Daphne cheered. "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah."

Just then, they turn around and just notice the cart running towards them as their eyes grew wide.

"Oh no!" Daphne shouted.

"Look out!" Applejack yelled.

Rarity and Applejack managed to clear out of the way, but Daphne got caught on the front of the cart. She screamed as it carried her away, while Rarity and Applejack got back up, watching it all unfold.

"Hold on, Daph!" Applejack yelled. "We'll be right there!"

"Just hold on, darling!" Rarity also yelled.

"LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE!" Daphne shouted.

Rarity and Applejack raced after the cart, running as fast as they could trying to catch up to her.


Back in the dining room, all the statues and furniture sprang to life moving around the frightened group.

"And now for our dinner show," An announcer spoke.

Scooby, Shaggy, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were all terrified as the food and chairs began to move around.

"Rikes!" Scooby yelled.

"The dinner is fighting back!!!" Pinkie shouted.


In the entrance hall, Fred, Velma, Rainbow, and Twilight looked around as a red light filled the room and the suits of armor sprang to life. Another cart starts up, heading toward them.

"Watch out!" Velma shouted.

"We've got to get out of here!" Twilight added.

They ran down the hall, barely avoiding the maces and lances slicing toward them by the suits of armor.


In the meantime, Shaggy and Scooby we're trying to avoid being grabbed by the food as it dangled toward them. Suffice to say, the girls weren't going any better.

"I've got a bad feeling about this, you guys," Shaggy said, fearfully.

"Re too!" Scooby agreed.

"Celestia, please help us!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Suddenly, long sausage links wrapped around them and pulled them back against the wall keeping them in place.

"And now for the main course: YOU!!!" The announcer said. "Feast on this!"

Suddenly, the turkeys split open like a zipper as horrifying creatures with giant teeth popped out trying to bite them. They all screamed like they were living some horrible nightmare they wish would end.


Fred, Velma, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash burst through a set of doors into another room. Just as their feet touched the ground, two giant guillotine axes came down from the ceiling barely missing them. An animatronic clown was riding on one, cackling at the group.

"Whoa!" Fred gasped.

"Who the hay had this idea?!" Rainbow yelled.

They all step back from the swinging axes, but quickly noticed they were moving closer. No matter how far away they went and no other way out, those blades would likely slice and dice them.

"Jinkies!" Velma cried, frantically. "They're moving toward us."

"How are we going to get out of this?" Twilight asked.

"Couldn't you just whip up something magical?" Fred asked. "Like maybe stop the axes from killing us!"

"I don't perform my best magic under pressure!"

They all ran toward the other door in the room, but when they tried to open it they discovered it was locked shut.

"We're trapped!" Fred yelled.

"Quick try the bookcase!" Velma said, pointing to it.

"What?!" Fred and Rainbow asked, in unison.

"Velma's right, we have to check quickly," Twilight explained, as she helped Velma pull the books out. "One of these books should open a secret passageway."

"Twilight, this is a ride!" Fred shouted.

"Do you have a better plan?!"

Fred turned back, watching the axes move closer. He turns back to Rainbow Dash and they quickly began pulling books off the shelf as well.


In the dining room, Shaggy and Scooby were frantically pull their restraints, while all Pinkie and Fluttershy could do is kick and scream.

"What do we do?!" Scooby asked.

"What can we possibly do against this?" Pinkie asked.

"We do what we do best, Scoob: Eat!" Shaggy shouts.

One of the creatures shrieked directly in Shaggy's face, causing him to scream. Scooby bit into one of the sausages and pulled a piece off. He immediately spits it out once he realized something.

"Bleh! It's plastic!"

"What do you care?" Shaggy groaned. "You drink out of a toilet."

Scooby's mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide at that statement.

"So do you!" Scooby shot back.

"Guys this is no time to argue!" Fluttershy yelled. "We need to get out of here!"

Scooby kept trying to eat his way out, while Shaggy and the girls tried to pry themselves free of this precarious predicament.


Daphne clutched tightly to the front of the cart, as it raced through the hall. Rarity and Applejack managed to catch up and jumped into the seat.

"We're here to help yah, Daph!" Applejack stated.

"Please do something, quickly!" Daphne said, urgently.

"I'll try to slow us down!" Rarity said.

Rarity helped her hands, as a blue aura slowly encased the cart and the passengers on them. The cart started to slow down, but it kept racing toward the end.

"I'm not helpless," Daphne repeated to herself. "I'm not helpless."

"Uh Daph, you may want to look at this!" Applejack pointed.

Daphne looked toward where Applejack pointed and sure enough the end of the line was blocked by a pile of rocks. Even worse, a few sword blades protruded from them.

"I am helpless. I'M GONNA DIE!"

Rarity kept trying to slow the cart with her magic, but it wasn't going very well. They were driving straight toward the wall and their inevitable demise.


Fred, Velma, and the girls kept pulling books off the shelf as fast as they could. The blades drew closer now and soon they'd be in serious trouble. Fred gave a hard tug at one book, which came out loose and made Fred stumble backward into the path of the blade. Rainbow noticed this and quickly ran toward him.

"Hang on Fred, I've got you!"

Rainbow leapt through the air and tackled Fred through the glass ceiling on the other side of the room, moments before the blade made contact. As they fell through the glass, one or the other hit a switch on a panel.


Rarity struggled to slow the cart, but her magic wasn't doing any good. No matter how hard she concentrated, the cart was rapidly rolling straight toward the wall and the oncoming blades.

"It's no use!" She yelled. "My magic just isn't strong enough to stop this cart!"

The cart continued racing onward, when suddenly... It started to stop. Finally, it came to a full stop just before the girls hit the wall. Daphne just looked shocked after escaping a near death experience, while Applejack and Rarity were practically breathless.

"I thought you said you weren't able to stop the cart," Applejack told Rarity.

"I wasn't."


In the dining room, everything came to a halt. Shaggy, Scooby, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all released a breath of relief they've been holding for nearly an eternity.

"We made it, you guys!" Shaggy cheered. "We're alive!"

"Thank goodness it's over!" Fluttershy sighed.

"Whew! It's amazing no one was hurt," Pinkie said.

"Just then, the wall fell backward as the four screamed and fell back with it. They all crashed to the ground, groaning in pain.

"I stand corrected," Pinkie moaned.

"That was weird," Shaggy said.

Everyone else just nodded, as they laid on the ground trying to catch their bearings.


Velma and Twilight slowly approach the glass wall where Fred and Rainbow crashed through, hoping to see if they were okay.

"Fred? Rainbow?" Velma called out. "Are you guys all right?"

"Please be alright," Twilight plead.

Soon Fred crawled out of what remained of the glass window, as he looked up to Velma, who was happy to see he's alright. Rainbow also crawled up beside him, much to Twilight's relief, and once Fred was on his feet, he helped her up.

"You bet your flank we're alright," Rainbow said.

Velma, Fred and Twilight laughed at Rainbow's remark. Then, Velma looked down at the bookshelf and discovered only one book remained on the shelf

Oh, now they find it.

"The last book," Velma sighed.

The moment she pulled it back, the bookshelf shifts upward revealing a door leading to a secret room. But what was in there would stun our young sleuths and their friends.


Shaggy and Scooby got up and shook themselves off. Then, the boys helped Pinkie and Fluttershy up like gentlemen. Pinkie's eyes spun around and if she wasn't dizzy enough, she saw miniature Pinkie ponies running around giggling.

"When did we get back in the tornado, Dorothy?" She asked, completely dazed.

Shaggy and Scooby turned to Fluttershy for an explanation.

"It was our last adventure; had to be there to know."

Scooby spat out a great amount of plastic, as Shaggy held his stomach.

"Oh, I don't feel so good," Shaggy moaned. "Reminds me of the time we tried to eat that guy in the hot-dog costume."


Fred, Velma, Rainbow, and Twilight entered the room behind the bookcase. There were a whole bunch of monitors, along with different amounts of technology. But they also noticed, in the center of this room, there was a bunch of desks and chairs.

"What is this place?" Rainbow asked.

"Looks like some kind of school," Fred deduced.

"In a spooky castle ride?" Velma points out. "Fishy!"

As they looked around, Twilight thought she could see someone moving behind one of the giant crates in the room. Rainbow turned toward her friend, noticing her motions.

"What is it, Twi?" Rainbow asked.

"I thought I just saw... Never mind."


Daphne, along with Rarity and Applejack, walked along the dark corridor passing by a variety of creepy statues. As they walked, Rarity noticed they nearly passed a door that seemed different from the others. And being a girl with a keen eye for detail, this seemed too unique to pass up.

"Girls, does that door over there seem odd to you?" Rarity spoke up.

Daphne and Applejack backed up, noticing the door.

"Yeah, there's definitely something outta place here," Applejack mentioned.

"Let's check it out," Daphne suggested.

They all slowly approach the door; Daphne is the first to pry it open. Doing so, a bright light illuminates around a strange podium where a mysterious pyramid-shaped device sits on top.


Back in the control room, Fred flips on a monitor and a video of teenagers playing on a beach titled 'Training Video' pops up. Then, a blonde woman in a business suit appears.

"Welcome to America," She speaks. "I am using the language English."

As the video plays, it soon becomes clear to everyone in the room as to what is going on.


At the same time, Shaggy, Scooby, Pinkie and Fluttershy just recovered from that fall, now back on their feet.

"Like, we should probably keep going, you guys," Shaggy said.

"Let's check out what's over here," Pinkie suggests.

Pinkie walks over to a large panel box and flips a big switch. When she did, the room immediately lit up. By the looks of it, the room appears to resemble a kitchen and living room, but with cameras everywhere. Almost like they were standing on the set of a sitcom; it was amazing for them to look at.

"Lights, Camera, Action eh guys?" Shaggy asked.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"I don't know," Fluttershy said, suspiciously. "There's something odd going on in this old castle."


Fred, Velma and the girls were still watching the monitor as the lady continues her 'lessons' to whichever audience she was programmed to speak to.

"Now that you're a young adult," The woman continues. "You'll need to learn societal dos... And don'ts. Interaction between young people is polite and casual."

The presentation shifts to a 'simulation' of sorts. A bunch of kids were gathered around a piano, one of them playing a few kids. Two kids walk by in separate directions, one bumps into the other causing said kid to spill his drink.

"Hey, sorry, bro," The kid asked.

The other young adult looked extremely displeased, so mad he crushed the glass cup with inhuman strength.

"I will crush your bones into dust!" He threatened.

The other kids by the piano turned to the scene feigning shock. The video pauses and returns to the mysterious yet pretty instructor.

You're really milking the description of the woman, you know that?

Ah, leave me alone, why don't you?

"Let's see how the situation should be handled," The woman continued. "Remember, today's young people have a language all their own."

The simulation repeats the same scenario, only this time there was a significant change to the program.

"Sorry, bro," One kid apologized.

"No big whoop, dog," The other kid replied, casually. "Yo, you catch that new vid on the box?"

"True dat. I'm up to sniznuff on all popular trends."

"Word," The other kid concludes, with a wink.

"Any idea what we're watching here?" Twilight asked.

"It seems to be some sort of brain-washing facility of some type," Velma explained. "Wherever there's a brainwashing cult, there's always a power-hungry leader. The 'Papa Smurf' figure."

"Mondevarious," Fred realized.

"I knew from the start there was something off about him," Twilight said. "Even Flurry knew it."

"Then, why would he invite us here?" Velma asked.

"Why do villains do anything?" Rainbow replied. "They've always got some ulterior motive that only they understand."


Back in the relic room, Daphne, Rarity, and Applejack slowly began to approach the strange podium. As they neared it, they could immediately feel a strange power emanating from the pyramid.

"I don't know what it is, darlings," Rarity spoke, nervously. "But I have this feeling something is wrong here."

"That there do-hickey sure seems creepy enough," Applejack points to the pyramid.

Daphne moves closer to the pyramid, within reach to touch it. Before she could, it sprang open causing them all to jump back. Inside the pyramid, strange engravings along the side appeared to depict some ancient ritual.

"This sure makes for one interesting clue," Applejack stared.

"You bet it does," Daphne smiled, triumphantly.

Daphne reached out, closed the device and lifts it off the podium. When she did, the floor itself appeared to lift off the ground forming a pyramid shape.

"It's a trap!" Rarity yelled.

"Come on girls, follow me!" Daphne ushered.

The girls leapt through the opening of the trap. They just managed to make it out before it completely sealed them in.


"Oh jellybeans," Fluttershy sighed, lying on the couch. "I don't know how much more of tonight I can take after this."

Everyone else pretty much settled on the set, taking a slight breather after the close calls they've had tonight.

"Are you kidding?" Pinkie said, surprisingly cheerful. "There wouldn't be so many of these traps if the folks here didn't want to find anything. Like maybe there's a lost treasure, possibly covering one of those trafficking operations. Or, or, OR... Maybe they are hiding a secret weapon that they intend to use for nuclear warfare or something."

"Roh boy," Scooby shivered.

"Like look Pinkie, I'm sure you and your friends think you're ready for all the spooky stuff," Shaggy replied, casually. "But we've got more experience than you girls, it's safe to say we know when we're in over our heads."

"I'm sure we've faced crazier, scary things than you boys," Pinkie replied, under her breath.

Shaggy was just walking around when that last statement made him stop. He slowly turns around toward Pinkie.

"Are you challenging me?"

"Hmm... Maybe..."

"Oh really?" Shaggy said, coming closer. "We've faced werewolves."

"Well, we've faced an army of Changelings... Twice!" Pinkie counters, smirking.

"We defeated the Ghost Clown!"

"We defeated Discord, Spirt of Chaos! Also, he's a good friend of ours... Though I heard rumors he wants to marry..."

"PINKIE!" Fluttershy squeaked. "I've already told you; Discord and I are 'just' friends!"

"'Sure' you are..." Pinkie smiled, moving her eyebrows.

"We've faced loads of zombies," Shaggy continued.

"The Storm King's army," Pinkie countered.

"The 10,000 Volt Ghost!"

"A nightmare-inducing Tantabus!"

"The No-Face Zombie!"

"The Pony of Shadows!

"Miner Forty Niner!"

"Nightmare Moon!

"The Tar Monster!

"The Bugbear!"

"The Space Kook!"

"Lord Tirek!"

"Mr. Hyde!"

"King Sombra!"

As Pinkie and Shaggy jump back and forth between the dangers they've faced, Scooby Doo and Fluttershy just sat on the side swiveling their heads back-and-forth. This could go on-and-on for hours.

"Should we step in and do something?" Fluttershy asked Scooby.

"Roh ray," Scooby shook his head. "Ris is just gettin' good!"

At one point, Shaggy paused and tried to think of something that could trump the energetic pink pony-turned-human. Then, Shaggy smiles when he finally thinks of something.

"You're in trouble," Shaggy smirked.

"Bring it!" Pinkie said, posing like a gunslinger.

"We've been exploring more cemeteries than you can count!"

"We've literally went to Tartarus... And back!"

"We've lived for years with a talking dog! Especially me, his best friend!"

"We still live with a fire-breathing dragon!"

On that last comment, Shaggy's mouth clamped shut and his eyes went wide. Now this was something so huge to take in at once.

"... Seriously?" Shaggy asked, breaking the silence.

"Rhut ralking dog?" Scooby asked, looking around.

"Ooh, Scooby," Fluttershy giggled, scratching behind his ears.

Little did they know, Daphne, Rarity and Applejack had found their way into the set, where unknowingly a simulation had taken place. They were wondering how they got there when they silently watched Shaggy and Pinkie have some form of fun argument, while Fluttershy and Scooby Doo were watching from a couch. They slowly approach the group, who had no idea they weren't alone.

"Zoinks, you girls really have faced some freaky stuff!" Shaggy laughed. "Who, did all those monsters turn out to be?"

"Excuse me?" Fluttershy asked.

"You know, whenever we caught the monsters, they turn out to be a man-in-a-mask. I mean sometimes girls too, but that's rare. So... What about you girls? Are they usually those corrupt real-estate developers, greedy neighbors, a hypnotist out for revenge?"

"No... Heh-heh, you're really weird," Pinkie laughed. "No, you see 'we' don't deal with people in costumes, or 'ponies' back home. We deal with 'real' monsters, some of whom turn out to be real softies. Even my friend Flutters there, she tamed a Manticore just because it had a thorn in its paw."

"What?Rhut?" Shaggy and Scooby asked, simultaneously.

The stunned duo turned towards Fluttershy, who's cheeks merely turned pink due to the manticore story. Just then, they heard a 'ahem' off to the side and turned. They immediately stood up when they saw Daphne and their friends having stood on that spot watching them.

"How long have you...?" Fluttershy began.

"The whole time," Applejack replied.

"We're here to solve a mystery," Daphne said, bluntly.

"Yeah, girls!" Shaggy said, turning to Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie cried.

Pinkie began muttering something coherently, trying to find the right comeback for what Shaggy did. When she couldn't find the right words, her cheeks puffed up like she was about to scream... But then she just folds her arms and gave a pouty look with a 'Hmph' towards Shaggy. Fluttershy just lowered with a whimper as Scooby pat her shoulder.

Suddenly, an alarm rang throughout the entire castle, no one aware that the little man reached for the red 'emergency' button from under the monitor. Fred, Velma, Twilight and Rainbow looked around from the control room, which turned out to be right above the simulation room.

"Let's get out of here!" Fred said.

Not arguing, they all rushed out of the control room as fast as they could, Rainbow running rapidly ahead. Those in the simulation room made their own exit.

"Zoinks! Skedaddle!" Shaggy screamed.

Soon enough, Mystery Inc. and the Equestria Girls all ran trying to meet up with each other. Eventually, they happened to run into each other in another corridor.

"We found a neat and scary clue," Daphne boasted.

"Yeah and nearly got caught in a giant trap of some sort," Applejack reminded her.

Shaggy and Scooby couldn't help but chuckle.

"Classic Daphne," Shaggy said, reminiscing.

"We found something too," Velma added. "We think this is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult."

"Well, maybe this is the secret relic thingy they worship," Daphne said, showing the device.

As they continued down the hall, they heard noises and turned toward a group of shadows heading right in their direction.

"We'll all be relics if we don't get out of here, man," Shaggy warned.

They looked around for a possible way out, but the shadows were coming from both ends of the room.

"I've got a plan!" Fred announced.

The figures round the corner, revealing to be those cultists from the gathering, led by the hulking luchador, Zarkos.

"What's this?" Zarkos asked.

The figures all met in the middle of the corridor, completely unaware of the gang right beside them all dressed up. Daphne was a Princess, Velma an old mage, Fred and Shaggy were knights, while all the girls dressed like serving wenches in different poses (Applejack and Rainbow in a rather 'interesting' position). But they weren't interested on whether they were recently new or something else, before they could investigate one cultist approached Zarkos.

"Sir, they've found the Daemon Ritus."

Infuriated, Zarkos grabbed the little man, supposedly in charge of the castle, lifting the frightened little man to his eye level.

"For your sake, they better not have gotten far," Zarkos growled.

The gang watched silently as the hulking man dropped the little man with a hard crash, they dared not give away their position. But what the luchador said next really made them curious.

"It is time to summon the big muchachos."

They waited until Zarkos and the cult members left the corridor before they could relax from that terrifying scenario.

"We've got to get back to the hotel... Now!" Twilight said.

Soon enough, the gang quickly made their way to the exit, discarding their disguises just as quickly as they put them on. Once they were all out of the castle, it was a straight run back to the hotel. After that experience in the castle, though left with more questions than answers, at the very least what they gathered was enough to give them an idea on the students' behavior. But this also left them with questions of their own including...

What is the 'Daemon Ritus'? And why do they want it so bad?

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